Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 106: Shocking debut

(The hall master "Zhe C??" rewarded more than 25,000 after being put on the shelf, and the postponement was postponed to add another chapter. Now I owe 4 chapters.)

Everyone was shocked to speak, Yuan Xian just...dead in full view of everyone.

The back of the bald head is infinitely magnified in everyone's hearts at this moment. It is a power that can easily deprive others of their lives, and it is a sense of destruction like the sudden eruption of a volcano.

Everyone present now dare not move, for fear that the bald man will violently hurt others.

Suddenly a low voice sounded. Although the voice was laughing, everyone could hear the indifference beneath the surface.

"Hehe, I've killed so many people, this is the first time I have fought with the uninfluenced local snakes."

"Boy Mu Fan, you're right, you really hate Shan Lanhui. Alas, it's annoying to hear this name now. Do you guys say it?"

Ruan Xiongfeng turned around and spoke to the people in this thousand-square-meter hall.

No one answered.

The force that this man suddenly showed and the soldiers who threw away their guns all showed that the power of this man might be more terrifying than force.

"That... uncle."

Looking at Ruan Xiongfeng, Mu Fan suddenly raised his eyebrows, his voice was so familiar.

Then all the wealthy and nobles who had been stunned, saw the elf-like girl in aqua blue dress, her eyes shone, and she suddenly stood up and spoke.

Miss, what are you doing! Don’t you be afraid of this devil?

The housekeeper behind Wang Nuonuo's lips trembled and watched her eldest lady suddenly appear, and as soon as she gritted her teeth, she was ready to apologize and beg. There is only such a single seedling in the Wang family now, and there must be no accidents.

Ruan Xiongfeng looked at the brave young girl with interest and smiled and said, "What is the girl calling me?"

"Here are all guests of Rocky Heavy Industries, you don't want to kill people again, okay?"

The expressions on the faces of all the guests who were anxious for fear of embarrassing themselves were frozen at this moment, and the little princess of Rocky Heavy Industry actually mustered up the courage to intercede for them again.

Ruan Xiongfeng laughed dumbly, scratching his bald head, and the next sentence finally filled the hearts of everyone who had fallen into the ice cellar.

"Hahahaha, am I so kind as a casual murderer? The little girl is very nice, Mr. Wang has a good granddaughter."

Where are you like? You obviously kill people without blinking.

At this moment, Ruan Xiongfeng, who was about to continue speaking, frowned and pressed his fingers against his ears.

After three or four seconds, Ruan Xiongfeng sighed, and everyone's hearts were lifted again.

"It's rare to see people in such a hurry to die..."

Mu Fan saw Ruan Xiongfeng take out a thick silver ring and put it on his **** and twisted it lightly.

A blue-violet light flashed across the ring.

Then the bald man put away the smile on his face, looked at Mu Fan and said:

"Boy, my cheap master is about to start collecting debts for you. By the way, you can look at your exclusive mecha in the future..."

A black voice suddenly sounded in Mu Fan's ears: "Mu Fan, the city monitoring indicated that a mecha was approaching here quickly, identification code: Kongshan. The mecha did not hide the code, and according to the data, it was found to be the fourth mountain owner of the Shanlanhui. Represents the body."

Shan Lan Hui's revenge came so quickly, is it ready to carry out a mecha raid in the core area without a hidden identity? This obviously regards the federal government and the military as nothing.

Reminiscing about the action of twisting the ring just now, instructor Ruan was already ready to fight.

Everyone nodded when they saw the boy.

Now everyone understands that the only protagonist in this hall today turned out to be this shameless kid, a kid who just got in and wanted to eat a few snacks.

The undead original Constitution, you are really **** it, it's okay to pick up a guy with such a deep background for what!

Then everyone turned their eyes on Xiao Rongrong, who was pale.

Disaster! Disaster!

Wang Nuonuo's gaze fell on Mu Fan again, groaning in his heart.

Today's own banquet was disturbed by you. Although the original constitution is damned, but you actually let this lady see blood, oooooo.

After speaking with a bald head, Ruan stood on the broken glass curtain wall again, and if he took one step forward, he would fall from the height of 100 meters.

He raised his head and squinted his eyes to look into the distance, where a black spot faintly appeared, and then began to enlarge in his vision.

That is a mecha!

Except for Ruan Xiongfeng and Mu Fan, hundreds of people in the hall had no idea what they were about to face here!


Everyone in the hall, including Mu Fan, saw a picture that almost shocked their jaws.

The bald man opened his hands and stood at the cracked tuyere of the curtain wall, his shirt and trousers hunting in the strong wind, and then he jumped.

What is he going to do!

Wang Nuonuo covered her small mouth in surprise.

Why did he jump off the building!

Nearly a hundred soldiers standing there also opened their mouths in surprise.

There was another riot at the scene.

Mu Fan stepped out in one stride.

But when Mu Fan crossed more than 20 meters, he stomped and stopped suddenly.

Because he saw a...Mecha?

Then everyone in the hall saw a scene they will never forget.

A touch of purple and blue appeared in the field of vision, and then suddenly rose!

Like a flag that was hoisted high, it appeared from below the field of vision in the face of the gale, and then spread and spread.

Until the head of that giant mecha with a human face appeared.

Everyone has goose bumps all over their bodies.

The hairs on the bodies of nearly a hundred soldiers exploded.

Because the head of this mecha has already exceeded the height of this floor.

The most important thing is that they have never seen a mecha with a human-shaped face, nose, lips, and purple eyes, just like a metalized human wearing a handsome helmet.

This mecha is still slowly rising.

Accompanied by it was another fluttering purple-blue color, which then converged on the neck of the mecha's head.

The flag that was more than 20 meters in length just now turned out to be the scarf of this mecha!

This stunning purple-blue scarf is raised up like a violation of the laws of physics.

Then there are the streamlined shoulder armors.

Matched with trident-like thorns on the head.

The purple spikes were surrounded by lightning.

When people didn't have time to exclaim, what they saw was the huge blue energy fusion on the chest of this mecha.

The surging light makes people close their eyes.

It can be said that all those present are experts who have been immersed in the field of heavy industry for many years, but they dare to swear that until today, they have never seen such a mecha with energy fusion in the chest, and it is so obvious, so huge and... ...Shocked!

There is a huge energy fusion full of one-story high!

The turbulent blue is angrily trying to knock out the transparent energy furnace In the eyes of mechanical industry people, the content that this mecha just exposed has already choked them.

This mech is simply an existence far beyond their cognition.

This giant mecha is still floating slowly.

The tips of the two giant purple arc-shaped barbs began to appear from the waist...

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Mo Shang, Xiao Ming" for the reward of 5888 coins!

Thanks to the book friend "Zhe C??" 3 times 1888 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Qiuye White Birch" and "Hall of Crane Sword" for 100 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Pingping (1 for 20 coins, "Hell Wukong", "Special Service 761", "Miss Monster", "Bodhi Tree World" and "Stardust Dust" 10 coins for rewards! (To be continued.)

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