Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Air interception

"Implement the legacy of the ancient gods of the universe and cleanse this sinful and dirty life."

The faint purple light swayed with the stick, and the giant forest behind the weird fell down instantly.

A four-headed and twenty-meter-high humanoid monster stepped out.

With both arms dragging long bone blades, these bone blades dragging on the ground touched the giant wood with only a slight stroke, and the torso, which was directly two meters long, was easily cut off.

This weird man hid into the forest, and four humanoid beasts raised their heads and roared!

"There is even a demon servant. It turns out that all of this was done by you **** worshipers of ancient gods."

The Layele, a group of exiled races that claim to be descendants of ancient gods of the universe, have been out of human society for many years, but Ruan Xiongfeng clearly knows that the sole purpose of these ancient **** worshipers is to replace those in the universe. That unknown **** civilization came to wipe out the human beings representing the destroyers of the universe!

Once encountered, it is a battle of life and death!


Ruan Xiongfeng's fists suddenly slammed into one, and the lights were shot in all directions, but he slowly pulled apart as his hands were struggling hard.

An electric snake that was constantly twisting and swimming appeared in Da Lei Xiao's fists, and the thick thunder and lightning made people daunting.

"Plasma whip!"

With Ruan Xiongfeng's forceful flick, the long whip formed by the plasma surge rolled down!

And the four humanoid beasts called Demon Servant roared in unison, and the howling sound spread far, then stepped heavily on the ground and jumped into the air. The bone blades of both arms showed purple-black energy rays. !


Mu Fan here just logged into the private spacecraft.

Wang Ji excitedly shook Mu Fan's hand and couldn't speak, but his gratitude was beyond words.

Mu Fan nodded, then looked at Wang Nuonuo over there.

Only then did Wang Ji notice the loneliness of his granddaughter.

"What's wrong? We are out of danger."

"Wang Sihe..."

When Wang Nuonuo remembered the scene just now, he still couldn't let go.

"Alive!~~~" These two words pinned Wang Si's strong obsession.

At this time, Mu Fan turned to look at Wang Ji and asked, "Does Rocky Heavy Industries have a safe refuge?"

Wang Ji was too late to comfort his granddaughter, watching the boy hurriedly replied: "Yes, the manufacturing base of Rocky Heavy Industries is not in the city, but Area A is the core area of ​​the Amethyst. Rocky Heavy Industries has a small office here. ."

"Each floor is 4,000 square meters, four floors above ground, and three floors underground. The third underground floor is an emergency avoidance zone, which can defend against three-level weapon intensity bombardment, and this floor is an independent area with a metal isolation layer 2.7 meters behind. Equipped with an independent air circulation system and food and water sources for twenty and a half months."

The fat man next to him was speechless. Such a large base said it was a small office...

"Plan the route, you quickly enter the evasion." Hei said in Mu Fan's ear.

"Let the driver plan the route. Let's go there now." Mu Fan said in a positive tone, looking directly at Wang Ji.

Wang Nuonuo, Wang Ji, Wayne, and Harry are now looking at Mu Fan with inexplicable eyes, because from this moment on, the youth's aura is irrefutable.

When this young man got serious, his demeanor and undaunted manner made people involuntarily believe.

Wang Ji has been ups and downs in the interstellar business sea for decades. If he were to describe this kind of momentum, he would say that it only exists in two kinds of people!

Hero...and hero!

You can be called a hero when you are concerned about the overall situation, and you are a hero when the troubled times are disturbing the situation!

But if Mu Fan heard Wang Ji's voice, he would be indifferent.

Mu Fan never had the distinction of being a hero or a hero.

In his mind, doing these things for friends is not worth it or not!

The first friend I met... Harry.

The first one to help himself out of Planet Loga... Mr. Wayne.

There is a friendship of fighting side by side in the PO battle net, and in a dangerous moment, he resolutely called out to board the ship with him...Wang Nuonuo.

Mu Fan raised his head and looked into the distance through the porthole, muttering to himself:

"Even if I die, I won't let you hurt any of my companions!"

Mu Fan's expression was solemn at this moment, and a suit on his body was completely stained with blood. This **** fierce spirit quickly diminished the age of the boy at this moment.

", thank you." Wang Nuonuo raised her head, and the little princess of Rocky Heavy Industries was rapidly becoming strong in her heart at this moment.

Looking at the appearance of pear blossoms with rain, although Wang Nuonuo tried to put on a strong look, the tears in his eyes had not dried up yet.

"You're welcome, if you think the atmosphere is dull, you can do a dance." Mu Fan's mouth turned back, thinking of the little fat girl driving a Begonia mech doing aerobics in the forest.

"Puff." Wang Nuonuo was finally burst into laughter by Mu Fan's words.

"Hate!" After all, the little princess was thin-skinned, and her cheeks flushed.

I'm going to ~~~~ The fat man has a bulging face like a toad, his small eyes are rounded.

Master Mu, the **** of sultry sister! !

Kneeled to Mu Fan.

Such a low-level accost made this young lady blush!

Wang Ji next to him almost stared out!

This is my granddaughter?

My eldest baby and granddaughter, who has always been big and big at home, blushed in front of the strange boy.

After escaping and ascending into heaven, people always want to laugh when they relax.

So Miss Wang Nuonuo became even more embarrassed and angry amid the kind laughter of these people.

But the atmosphere did not last for a few minutes.

With the sudden sound of an alarm in the private spacecraft, the atmosphere became mysterious again.

They have all risen into the air, how can there be an alarm!

At this time, the pilot's panicked voice came from the cockpit.

"Dong, Chairman, behind, there is a flying monster, it is fast approaching! The speed...close to Mach 2 and still improving!" The voice was filled with fear, because as the optical imaging came, it projected The image of has allowed several people to clearly see the monster that is chasing behind.

The speed of this monster has surpassed the speed of their small spacecraft. Due to the limitations of civilian spacecraft, it is not allowed to set a speed above Mach 1.5 for private spacecraft!

Of course, the major forces will have it in secret, but it is impossible to appear in the A zone of the Amethyst.

Otherwise, they will be shot down by the military if they refuse to accept the inspection after being warned twice.

"Why are these monsters chasing us!!"

The pilot shouted in disbelief.

"Mu Fan, there is a military warship 3000 meters above your aircraft. They have sent fighter jets to attack these Migolai wing beasts that just appeared. Now the beast tide has begun to fight for air supremacy. Therefore, you must escape the battle zone as soon as possible, according to the biological According to academic records, Migolai is extremely aggressive and easily enters a state of irrational rage after being injured. It is recorded in the Handbook of Extraterritorial Creatures that this biological hazard is positioned at A+ level." Black words sounded again in good time.

Through the porthole, Mu Fan finally found a corner of the high-altitude battleship.

"Switch the angle of view above the hull."

Mu Fan stepped into the cockpit and said.

The driver stunned and quickly switched the angle of view.

A Nightshade V-shaped fighter jet slammed down and impacted quickly, and two particle streams directly hit the flying monster with a spiked tail, and half of the tail fell from the air. However, this monster with a body size comparable to a fighter plane actually did not retreat but instead moved forward, sprinting quickly.


The fighter plane was directly torn off its wings with its sharp claws by the monster that passed by quickly, turning into a ball of flames and stalling and falling.

"I didn't want to attack us." The pilot breathed a long breath.

However, the hearts of everyone in the cockpit will be raised in the next second!

PS: Thank you book friends for "Waiting for Xing Luo" 300 coins reward! Thanks to book friends for "ideal flying" 120 coins reward!

Thanks to the book friends "Under the Green Tiger Mountain" for 20 coins, "Ears Don't Drink Alcohol" and "Midnight Book Pet" 10 coins for rewards!

(To be continued.)

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