Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 15: The military that never plays cards

(He Ruozhu "Blood Red"!! After the chapter was released yesterday... The Blood Red Giant actually gave me a reward... The Blood Red Giant!! This is the idol-level author who read when I was in high school! Long Dao, now the great **** actually appears in front of Dangdang, this feeling is like drinking a box of Red Bull! The waist is not sour anymore, hahahaha)

Shi Sen, Gao Baiyun, Qiao Bolun, Calvin...These talented students from various administrative regions, when they all walked into the cafeteria, their performance was not much better than Zhang Shaotang. 【】

For those of them who practice fighting, the physical exertion is large, so they must eat more.


No matter how old you are, have you ever seen someone eating with a giant wooden barrel?

The rice is so high.

The key is that this core student named Mu Fan doesn't look as strong as them.


When the line of sight continues to sweep across.

Zhang Shaotang is also a bucket in front of him!

Shi Sen and Gao Baiyun seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Zhang Shaotang's face turned green for an instant, Nima, don't look at me, I haven't eaten yet, okay!

But the expressions of those two people were just waiting, waiting for Zhang Shaotang to take his first bite.


Zhang Shaotang didn't want to care about these two people who were born in the capital star of the first administrative region.

Going to the table with a green face.

I grabbed the big wooden spoon with my hand, dug it down, and then took a bite.


It seems to be really delicious.

Although I am used to eating the delicacies of mountains and seas, it is the first time for this kind of physical exertion.

The taste is really good, the unique fragrance of rice from Lv Nongxing, and the addition of no less than ten delicious ingredients.


There are crystal sea abalone, golden barracuda...

Tilted his head and looked at Mu Fan over there, the sharp part of the big bucket of rice had disappeared, and now Mu Fan's head was ready to plunge into the bucket.

Done it!

Anyway, I was only the second one this time. With this kind of self-paralysis, Zhang Shaotang smashed the face of a wealthy man for the first time, turning his grief and anger into strength to concentrate on destroying the food in front of him.

The few people who were snickering at first, when they saw a whole tray of fried rice brought in, their expressions were no better than Zhang Shaotang.

Secretly glanced again and saw that Zhang Shaotang had already crooked to wipe out the bucket of rice, and quickly let out a sigh of relief. The four of them honestly walked aside with the oversized tray.

After a while, Yin Shuai appeared coquettishly with his white hair in his hand.

"Huh? Where's Mortal Mu? Dude, have you seen it!"

A slap was shot on the person in front of him who was immersed in the meal with only one back.

Then I saw Zhang Shaotang with a resentful look, his face and eyes were enough to kill him, and through Zhang Shaotang's shoulder he saw the fried rice that had been eaten in a half bucket.


"Hahahaha, I'm sorry to admit the wrong person, you guys have a good temperament!" Yin Shuai smiled without any embarrassment on his face.

Zhang Shaotang looked at this white hair with a sullen face.

Now in his heart...

This white hair has been ranked first in the hatred list.

"Dude, have you seen Mu Fan, that core student."

Baimao said again.

Zhang Shaotang, with a stupid face, pointed his finger to the side, then got up.

He doesn't want to eat here anymore.

"Hey? Do you still eat half a bucket of rice? Give it to me! Thank you haha." Zhang Shaotang, who had already got up, suddenly heard a sentence in his ear, his voice was loud enough to make more than a dozen people who had already come in look at it again Come.

It turned out that Mu Fan had already got up and asked Zhang Shaotang with a face full of rice.

The anticipation gleaming in those eyes almost blinded others.


The cooking squad leader in the kitchen skirt held his face very hard and choked his throat.

Eat, eat, eat! Eat you to death!

I'm gone.

A group of neuroses.

Without paying attention to Mu Fan, Zhang Shaotang's face turned from green to black, and he pushed Yin Shuai away and left here angrily.

He vowed that he would never go to the cafeteria with these bitches.

Zhang Shaotang walked to the door.

A whispered complaint came from behind, "There is only so much left..."

Stepped crooked.

Obviously there is still more than half a bucket!

The fists creaked.

This noble son from the capital star powerhouse is roaring in his heart at the moment, when tomorrow's assessment comes out, I must be the first! ! I am going to pour out the food and leave it to you!

The people who were still in line behind looked at the second place who came out inexplicably.

Finished so soon?

Lin Hao, who was watching here from a distance, did not turn his head and said indifferently: "In our army, appetite is also an expression of strength."

Wu Yue didn't say anything. He was completely incomprehensible about this Major Lin Hao's thinking, and everything he did was strongly individualistic.

It seems that Zhang Shaotang, who he pushed hard, didn't get any extra points from Major Lin on the first day.

Holding his 2.5 kilograms of rice, Yin Shuai ate quite happily, because there was a person next to him who could eat, which really brought up his appetite.

"too delicious!"

With a bang, Zhang Shaotang's small wooden barrel was also put down.

Mu Fan wiped his mouth satisfied.

Yin Shuai also just finished eating, and said with a smile: "Even this handsome has eaten so much this time, this is the amount of food the previous day!"

Hearing these words, Mu Fan patted Baimao's shoulder and said earnestly: "When I was in the martial arts gym, someone told me that if I had a big appetite, it would be awesome!"

"Appetite is the embodiment of strength!"

"I firmly believe in this sentence, eat more in the future, you see your body is thin."

Yin Shuai looked at Mu Fan as the boss in amazement, you are not mistaken, I am really thin, but you are not fat!

And my body is thin...Although the 18th-level physique standard of my brother is not as good as yours, it is the first time I have been despised by others.

Baimao glanced at the ceiling sadly.


Several elite students who secretly looked here saw the humanoid beast cast their eyes on it, and quickly lowered, for fear that they would end up with Zhang Shaotang.

It's not a good thing to be worried about such foodies.

With a regretful look on Mu Fan looked at their small trays and even later dinner plates, to the last big bowl, small bowl, small plate...

Mu Fan suddenly realized that he was very happy, so he didn't plan to disturb these poor people.

Only a little bit of food to eat!

In the future, we must firmly take first place!

Standing in the cafeteria, Mu Fan made the first ambition in his heart.

Looked at the young man standing in front of the only two wooden barrels in the full cafeteria.

All examinees remembered this animal-like character, who was also the leader of their class... Mu Fan!

The man who can really dominate the cafeteria!

The meal time given by the military was abundant this time. After half an hour passed, the sound of gathering in the venue sounded.

"All students please come to the meeting point in the afternoon, 60 seconds, 1 second deduction for evaluation points."

Everyone swarmed to the center of the training ground of the base again.

There, Lin Hao and Wu Yue were already standing and waiting for everyone.

"Very Your performance today, especially the performance of some outstanding students, has exceeded my expectations."

When this sentence was finished, everyone subconsciously glanced at Mu Fan, who was quietly rubbing his stomach.

"Regarding scoring, our rule is ten tests, each of which has a full score of 100. I will give everyone a score for each training, and it will be published on the bulletin board of the base, and everyone can check it by themselves."

"Also, regarding the physical fitness test, this is just the beginning. Seeing your performance, I decided to... From now on, I will carry 50kg off-road 10 kilometers before meals every morning."

Fuck your sister!

All the students looked at the major angrily at the same time, and now the officer looked like a demon in their eyes.

Of course, except for Mu Fan...

But soon, Mu Fan also cast resentful eyes.

"Today's first place, the mileage will be doubled in the future, and the 20-kilometer cross-country training will be carried out every morning.

(To be continued.)

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