Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 17: Chief Reporter

The students in the first row ran over reluctantly, then picked up...

Neatly placed super large pulse rifle, no, this should be a single-armed pulse gun.

The first person to receive the single-soldier pulse gun was a small man, and when he saw two soldiers carrying it over, the expression on the small man's face was simply wonderful.

It takes two soldiers to carry 50 kilograms! ?

Tease me!



With a "boom", the super-large pulse rifle was thrown into his arms, good guy... the weight is obviously the same as yesterday's.

"Run on the back!"

The major saw that the first student had already set an example, and immediately shouted.

The little man was pulled away before he had time to ask.

"There is a cross-country jet bike ahead, just follow it."

When the super-large pulse rifle was slung to his back, and watching someone carrying a gun that was more than a head higher than him, the big Pajie, who was standing behind Mu Fan, smirked first.

He was afraid that the gun would crush the little man at some point.

The third person, the fourth person...

Finally, when the tenth person came out, a student who dared to ask questions came out.

"Report sir, does this gun weigh 50 kilograms? I think it must exceed the weight."

Major Lin Hao turned his head to look at him and smiled slightly: "Congratulations, you got the correct answer. Of course, the weight is over. Because the stock of rifles in the warehouse is not enough, I replaced you with a batch of large pulse cannons. To reward you, you Add 2 kilometers to your running mileage!!!"

Hearing what the major said, everyone behind him cast admiration at the tenth man with a bewildered look.

A true warrior, dare to sacrifice himself to perfect others.

"Come on lads."

"Young man, I am optimistic about you."

"You're the best."

"Don't make a face and laugh."

"Did you see the arrogant **** in front? Catch up with him, hit him hard, like a man, do you just tolerate him in front of you like that!?"

The person in charge who fired the trainees was a lieutenant. At this moment, he smiled and encouraged a trainee who had received the pulse cannon.

More than a dozen elite students successively took over this huge individual pulse gun.

When Mu Fan carried the handheld cannon on his shoulder.

As he took the first step, the cannon body fixed by the shoulder strap hit his back.

Run step by step.

Only then did Mu Fan understand the sinister intentions of this training.

Because you increase the speed, the frequency and strength of the gun body hitting the back will increase.

"The boys run! For your food, for your future, for the Federation, rush forward!"

I am your uncle!

Zhang Shaotang carried the pulse cannon behind him, and then the shoulder strap was cleverly folded by him, fixed tightly, and did not move.

This time he didn't say anything about it. He didn't run second. It was really shameful to lose his home with a foodie.

Fortunately, there is no one else here.

But Mu Fan suddenly raised his head when he heard it, and his expression was excited.

What the **** is he doing!

I saw Mu Fan took off the oversized individual impulse gun from his back and held it in his arms, turned his head and shouted: "Sir, don't forget my increase! I'll rush!"

I rushed first...

Rushed first...


20 kilometers you fart now!

But soon the students behind saw that the core student really opened his legs and started running wildly.

Start sprinting from the 1st meter with 20000 meters?

Many people have their mouths open like hippos.

The major smiled and said to instructor Wu Yue next to him: "Instructor Wu, I really appreciate this core student of your school now. He is very suitable for our army."

Wu Yue wanted to argue, saying that you look at Zhang Shaotang, but he didn't say anything.

This barbarian-like student has almost infinite physical strength. This kind of training is completely cheating, right is cheating!

Now Wu Yue sighed, waiting for the emergence of other training events.

Just after receiving the heavy single-soldier pulse cannon with a weight of about 80kg, Bai Mao saw Mu Fan running like a mad dog with only his back.

"Hey, there are not many that can admire this handsome, you count as two."

Yin Shuai, who was jogging, saw Zhang Shaotang, who was jogging with his head down.

"Hey, brother, you are here too, you can run at this pace."


"It's not friendly at all."

Yin Shuai, who successfully finished the wave, continued to trot coquettishly.

Gao Baiyun, Shi Sen and others in the back looked at Zhang Shaotang with sympathetic eyes.

At the same time, the gaze looking at Yin Shuai was vigilant.

Never deal with such a bitch.

Why didn't they know that there was such a super **** in other test areas.

When he saw that everyone had finished running, the major smiled and invited Wu Yue to wait at the entrance of the cafeteria.

The off-road route is designed as a circular route in the jungle, and the final result of them following the off-road motorcycle is to run back to the base.

Fifteen minutes later...

The major's intercom sounded.

"Sir, Jian Fenglian applied for an emergency dispatch of off-road motorcycles."

The major's fingers stopped orderly on the table.

"What's the matter? Isn't there a station leading the way, I remember Lieutenant Hamilton drove it?"

"Reporting sir, the off-road motorcycle driven by Lieutenant Hamilton was overtaken by a student holding a pulse cannon..."

Overtaken? ! ?

Hao Lin hadn't reacted yet, and there was a report from the communicator on the intercom: "Second Lieutenant Hamilton is unreliable, speeding up and overtaking, and then one vehicle and one person is out of touch with the main force."

Are they all pigs? !

The angry major almost broke the communicator in his hand, "Send ten more, who can run a cross-country motorcycle, double the appetite!"

Twenty minutes later... an order soldier hurried in from outside to salute.

"Report to the major, people are back."

"Who's back?"

"A student is back! But..."

"Don't hesitate, there are farts."

"Our off-road motorcycle has not returned yet."

"Who is so courageous and ran back privately?" The angrily major walked out of the cafeteria. He was about to punish this kind of opportunistic man, who is the most hated in the army.

But when the major went out, he saw a row of soldiers surrounded by a circle pointing in front.

"Disperse it all to me!"

Upon seeing the colonel, all the soldiers stepped aside.

Then Lin Hao and Mu Fan, who was sitting on the individual pulse gun, panting like a dog, looked at each other.


Mu Fan, who was sticking out his tongue and gasping for breath, saw the major immediately jumped up: "Sir, can I have dinner!?"

Have a meal! I really want to shoot!

"How did you come back? Where's the cross-country bike that led the team?"

"Reporting sir, when he was almost at the end, he wanted to superego and hit the tree! Then he showed me the route and asked me to come back first."

Mu Fan raised his head and said loudly.

Hearing this, the major felt his brain hurt, and waved his hand weakly, motioning him to the cafeteria.

After Mu Fan's back disappeared, Lin Hao commanded with an iron face, "When Lieutenant Hamilton comes back, I will be locked up for a long time!"



"Prepare the pulse Next, I will train these guys for their anti-exposure physique training!"

"Yes, sir!"

The orderly looked at the back of the major leaving, his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help laughing.

The major deflated continuously!


ps: Thanks to the book friend "Zhejiang c??" 10000+1888+588+100 coins for reward!

Thanks to book friends "Autumn Beauty" for 588 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Dong Yiwei", "Yunpo", "Ranjiaba", "Book Friends 160714093331442", "Purple de Sky ~ Yutian", "Little One Nuo Qianjin" 100 coins for rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Youyou VIP" for 20 coins, "This joy is so sad from it", "Summer Sun gg", "Miss Monster", "McCabbg", and "Night of You Ling" 10 coins for rewards! (To be continued.)

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