Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Sudden competition

? Xinqiluo, known as the Interstellar Golden Valley, has the most abundant financial resources in the Interstellar Panzhong Bank!

Unimpeded payment voucher in the federation, empire, and extraterritorial galaxy!

The ten chief black gold card with one billion Xinqiluojin yuan overdraft!

And the exchange ratio of Xinqiluo gold dollar to federal star coin is 1:5!

5 billion quota

No wonder this white hair has such confidence.

This time it was Donald Siu's turn to look uncertain.

"Let's end this farce, a floating car with a maximum value of 20 million yuan. 80 million yuan, I am You Shijun, this friend will stop here."

Nearly half of the people at the scene were from Zhongjing City. Hearing the words "You Shijun" made their voices choked.

Landu Seven Clan, Zhongjing Youshi!

The seven major families of Landuxing dominate politics and business, among which the Youshi family is the most!

The high-level political circles of Landuxing have changed, but the Youshi family has been in Zhongjing and has survived 120 years!

It is inextricably linked with the Bundestag and the top military leaders.

"You Shijun here"

People who know are waiting for him to hesitate,

People who don't know are waiting for what he can say.

And Mu Fan was thinking about how to hold this white-haired thigh, is he really going to hold it? So embarrassed.

While the teenager was still thinking about how to break the game, the white hair over there suddenly showed a bright smile on his face: "It's easy to say, I will give you 80 million! As long as it is not the one who dares to claim to be the king of underground cars."

Waved his hand, raised his chin again, and Baimao's electric eyes cast Beishan Xinyue Lei not lightly this time.

With the black gold card of the ten commander of Xinqiluo, he turned out to be such an unscrupulous young man! ?


Seeing Don Naxiu with his face changing over there, Gao Lingze felt dark and refreshed for some unknown reason.

It turned out that I was not the only one who was deflated.

I'll be a mad dog today, but

A smile came up at the corner of his mouth, Gao Lingze called the attendant next to him, and whispered two words, the attendant hurriedly left.

On the boundary of Zhongjing, I, Gao Lingze, will play with you first.

The auction hammer fell, and this outrageous car went under the name of No. 1 buyer, You Shijun.

Mu Fan glanced at the white hair with a friendly smile on his face and turned his head.

It’s hard to see too much, it’s still hot.

Two more auction items were sold at high prices. Every time Beishan Xinyue inadvertently leaned over or turned sideways, it caused saliva on the scene, and the atmosphere was always as warm as ever.

Mu Fan looked down at his watch, and it was one hour now.

Lock heart grass hasn't played yet?

"Mu Fan, pay attention, the next step should be your goal!"


So fast!

Mu Fan quickly listened to the woman on the stage.

"The next auction item is a bit peculiar. It is the relic of an A-class interstellar explorer. This is the entire harvest after exploring on an unmanned primitive asteroid 23 light-years away from Landu Star. This great explorer cannot be infected with the unknown virus on the return spacecraft. Finally, the single-person spacecraft automatically navigated and returned to the spaceport. This became the relic that the Explorers Association commissioned us to auction. As for the income, it will be donated. To his widow."

"So this is also the only charity auction in this auction. The merchandise is a bit special, mostly plants, including two unknown plants and two unidentified minerals. There is also an explorer exploring this planet. Notes. It’s worth mentioning that these plants still retain biological activity."

After Beishan Xinyue finished speaking, she took the white sterile gloves from the assistant and sent a large glass sphere onto the stage.

Some of the soil was scattered, with a dozen plants showing different colors, and two ore scattered on the side. A note was put into an air bubble built into the glass sphere next to it.

"Explorers are specialized in biology and geography. This auction house has preserved these items as much as possible. No biological toxins or abnormal bacteria have been found after identification, but unknown elements are not ruled out, and this auction house is not responsible."

"Currently there are two or five plants, two unknown minerals, two known plants, two known plants, one waterweed, one purple flame, three lunar flowers, and two centennial varieties of wood ginseng."

"These items start at a price of 200,000 yuan, and each increase in price shall not be less than 10,000 yuan."

Turned out to be a charity item? But looking at Beishan Xinyue's cautious look, everyone did not dare to act rashly for a while.

What if I carry an unknown biological toxin?

"Star map relic?"

In the second row, there was a person wearing a pale gray robe covering the whole body and a dark golden mask suddenly looking there with excitement.

His right hand unconsciously used a little force, and suddenly five fingerprints appeared on the metal armrest!

The piece of mineral full of stone chips, the faint yellow sericite pattern and purple-blue shading, crocheted into a natural pattern.

In the two eyes exposed on the mask, the image of the mineral has been printed on the pupils.

Today's things, he is bound to get!

Follow the Peer Chamber of Commerce to Landuxing, and you have such a reward!

Believe that if you submit it to Lord Knight, you will be highly praised.

This is a relic of the star map with infinite possibilities!

The foreign races don't know how much it will cost to change things.

This group of humans is now called an unknown mineral.


Haha, it's mine!

Although most people did not quote, a few curious guests still did.

Not much money, just for fun.

"250,000! Guest 138."

"350,000! Guest 210."

With only two offers, Mu Fan was stunned!

This has exceeded his budget

"Black, what to do, the money is not enough."

"Have you hugged Baimao's thigh? Haven't you seen such a big benefactor?"


"I am what I am, go!"

Mu Fan pulled out Tianxun speechlessly.

I found a contact named "Yin Shuai" on it, shook my finger, and finally pressed:

"I'm Mu Fan, on the 173rd, lend me some money, I want to take this."

After sending it, Mu Fan felt as if he had fought a battle, and his whole body collapsed.

The White Mao who was yawning over there felt a shock in his arms, and took a look.


Primitive Tyrannosaurus! ?

Mu Fan was there!

Hahaha, didn't he see the heroic appearance of this handsome just now!

Number 173?

Putting on the eyepieces, Yin Shuai and Mu Fan looked straight, more than twenty meters apart.

So Baimao dialed Mu Fan's Heavenly News.

Mu Fan over there connected, looking at Yin Shuai's eyes.

"Well, I'll help you in a while. If it's less than 5 million, it doesn't matter. If it's more than 5 million, you promise me a condition afterwards."

"What conditions?"

"Save my life!"

The white-haired voice is The smoothness in the voice is not at all base, but extremely serious.

Mu Fan saw Bai Mao's serious attitude for the first time.

"it is good!"

Although I don't know how great the danger here is, Mu Fan nodded.

Bai Mao saw the boy in front of him nod his head, smiled on his face, and the voice in Tianxun relaxed, "Just kidding! How could this handsome and handsome man be in danger?"

"This commander's journey is the sea of ​​stars! But I am helpless and weak, so I need a companion. This commander will build my own battleship in this life! Hahaha! I will appoint you as deputy captain in the future!"

Mu Fan held Tianxun silently and looked at Baimao.

But at this moment, his heart was suddenly touched by Baimao's mad and bold declaration, and the blueprint for thinking about the future was stretched and expanded at this moment.

"Take it, I have just submitted the buyer's amount and permission." Yin Shuai's voice came 1 second later.

"Well, thank you."

Putting away the sky news, Mu Fan saw that Baimao made an OK sign.

"400,000, buyer 173."

"480,000, buyer No. 302." When Mu Fan made the offer, a flushed girl not far away also excitedly pressed the hand-board for the offer.

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Can Xue Wuhen" for a reward of 2500 coins!

Thank you book friend "Zhang Yanshuo" for a reward of 1,000 coins!

Thank you book friends for "Waiting for Xing Luo" 500 coins reward!

Thanks to the book friend "Poetry and Picturesque, Ren Xiaowei" 200 coins reward! Thanks to the book friends "Tangmen Emperor", "Border City Youth i", "Hourglass of Horizon", ""Xiashan Book Boy", "Zhejiang C??" "Clouds Flying in the Sky", "Ranjiaba", "The Watcher of Heart" "Zhou Zunhao" ""Yesterday's Beauty" 100 coins reward!

Thank you book friend "Ping Ping [Sui Meng Novel Network]

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