Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 34: What is the strong

  The foot is replaced with a special composite floor. The same light enveloped Mu Fan's radius of ten meters, and it was still black all around. Mu Fan's eyes flashed red. Through the ability of neuron docking to synchronize night vision, it was so dark that he couldn't see the side!

   With awe, this world is always so awe-inspiring.

   "Come early." A low tone came from behind.

   Mu Fan was shocked, he had been on guard in advance, and he still couldn't feel his presence.

   The fighter in the shadow seemed to know what Mu Fan was thinking, and then said: "Don't be nervous, it was a meeting ceremony yesterday, and training will officially start today."

   Mu Fan then turned around, staring at the darkness in front of him vigorously.

   There was only a black shadow there, and it did not go under the central light source.

   "Funny little guy, do you want to see me clearly?" The man seemed to be amused by the boy's behavior in front of him, with a hint of amusement in his tone.

   "I can't see clearly." Mu Fan answered honestly.

   Two gloomy greens suddenly appeared in the darkness. Those were eyes! ! At this moment, she quietly looked at Mu Fan's direction.

  The figure of the fighter gradually appeared and stared. Although in the same black fog, Mu Fan was able to use his ability to clearly see the whole body...the outline of the fighter, except for the face! The face hidden under the cloak was still only two faint greens.

The large and shabby cloak covers the whole body, which is incompatible with the characters Mu Fan saw in the PO battle net. At this distance, you can notice that the rough fabric is a bit thick, with faint traces of sword cuts on it, which is not uneven. Small cracks.

With his hands hanging on both sides, covered with metal hand armor, and a metal short club in his right hand, it seems that the fighter instructor intentionally appeared at this moment. Mu Fan can clearly see that the two ends of the short club are extremely thick, and the complex metal texture is wrapped in light green. Light, no, there are also on the backs of the hands on both sides, but the color is more bleak, and the rest of the rest is hidden under the ruined cloak.

  The fighter just stood there naturally, and a sense of vicissitudes mixed with history and iron and blood came oncoming, Mu Fan looked at the person in front of him as if facing a martial arts master who had come across time and space.

   shock! The first person to put such great pressure on Mu Fan was a virtual character in PO!

   Very real, is this really arranged for him by the black? No matter the tone or the dialogue, I was led away by him.

   "Fighter instructor is good." Mu Fan didn't think about other things, bowed his head and greeted respectfully.

   "Very good." The person in front of him spoke, his voice low and hoarse, but the penetrating power was like a knife cut, straight into the heart.

   "You are weak," the person in front of you opened the tone and established the tone, ignoring Mu Fan's dissatisfied eyes, "I can kill you a thousand times with the same stick, do you believe it?"

   Mu Fan, who was about to refute, was speechless, Thaksin! But he still refused.

   Seeing the expression on Mu Fan's face, the two faint greens flickered, and he spoke in a low tone again, "It is a good thing to be self-motivated."

The figure was pacing around with his hands, but the voice was accurately delivered to his ears, "The gap between you and me, starting today, you will gradually understand. But," the tone was slightly emphasized, "From today on , As long as you can persist, I will make you stronger and stronger until you surpass me..."

   "Are there any questions?" The figure turned again, and the green eyes looked at Mu Fan.

   "No." Mu Fan is not a person who likes nonsense.

"Very good, then I will start the first training today. I will teach you 2 hours a day from now on. This is the virtual world. I can only teach you skills, all kinds of skills... But you can't keep up in reality. As for the intensity of muscle training, everything about you is empty talk.” The short stick in the right hand of the fighter suddenly spins upright in the palm of his palm. The speed is not fast, but it is extremely stable. Mu Fan noticed that his fingers under the metal wrap are almost Didn't move much.

"However, you are in the wrong state at the moment." Suddenly, the fighter shot out with lightning with his right hand, which was at least ten times faster than the rubber bullet in the gravity chamber. Even the afterimage was not seen, and the heavy short stick was in the field of vision. Instead, the metal short stick reached into the eyebrows, just a little bit forward.

  Forcibly resisted the fleshy beating and discomfort in his eyebrows, Mu Fan did not treat the person in front of him as a virtual character at all, and lowered his eyes respectfully, "I have been confused since yesterday."

   "Say." A simple word.

   "I'm thinking about something, ask the instructor for advice."

   "En." The fighter is noncommittal.

   "I am a sparring partner. I can only get beaten and cannot fight back." Mu Fan looked at the instructor in front of him with bright eyes, "But I want to stand out for my friends."

   "Hehe" as if hearing something funny, the fighter's low voice passed through the black curtain, "Do it, that's it. Before you have the corresponding power, everything is empty talk."

   "So you are anxious, what should you do after you are anxious?" Like a wise elder, the fighter has seen the truth through.

   "Kill out?" The fighter asked and answered, "Funny!"

   "I ask you, what is a strong one?"

   Mu Fan is only a 17-year-old boy after all, and at this time he didn't understand the meaning of the fighters' words.

   "You must know Hei, I know what your relationship is, so Hei asks me to teach you."

   Mu Fan is holding back the words in his heart at this time, someone can finally talk, "I want to become stronger. There is no day so motivated than now. Please ask the instructor for guidance!"

   "Can you fight it?" The fighter suddenly raised a question lightly.

   "Yes!" Mu Fan said decisively! He had a general judgment of the opponent's strength in his mind.

"Then go, but you have to bear it! You are a sparring! Then let him fight, but until he takes it! Move your brain more." The left hand points to his forehead, and at the same time he is laughing Mu Fan's weakness.

   "Before you can live without the strength, everything is empty talk! The strong not only use muscles to crush, but also the embodiment of the will on the spiritual level!!"

"Of course, if you really can't hold it up, just hit back. If you can't hit back, then you really disappoint Mu Fan flushed and stared." I can hold it! "

   "Then go!!"

   Mu Fan's heart is instantly accessible! Then go! ! Abandon all the irritability before.

   Suddenly Mu Fan's wrist ring ticked, prompting someone to call in reality.

   Mu Fan must be here! Looking up at the fighter instructor, "I have to go offline first, instructor."

   Green eyes looked at Mu Fan for a while, and the fighter turned his back and disappeared into the black mist.

   "Go ahead, don't let me down."


   As soon as Mu Fan took off his helmet, he heard the contact device in the house ring non-stop, and kept repeating the voice reminder, "Student Mu Fan, please answer quickly."

   "I am Mu Fan, please tell me."

   "Come to the fourth floor."

"it is good!"


  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Poetry and Picturesque, Ren Xiaowei" for his generous rewards!

   Due to the need to prepare for next week’s recommendation, we temporarily adjust to one shift today, two shifts tomorrow, and three shifts the next day. Please be safe and restless, and there will be an interesting activity today as follows.

   (Small question in this chapter, who is the prototype of the fighter instructor?

  Hahahaha, I'm too bad, the answer is hard to find, but I just did it, because I know you can't beat me, that...put down our fists and we are still friends.

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