Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 125: Run quickly!

When Mu Fan entered this gap, he realized that the space below was so spacious. This is a huge corridor, standing inside wearing exoskeleton armor. The top of his head is still more than one meter high from the rock wall, and the width is sufficient. It is five or six meters long.

Now the two of them are standing side by side in the red-brown corridor. White Mao feels the quiet atmosphere around him, and whispered: "What a ghost place, it looks so gloomy." After speaking, he pulled down his eyepiece and wiped it. A faint orange light lit up.

"We walked in for 15 minutes and returned at the time set by the Luo team."

"You have a conscience."

Mu Fan didn't pull off the tactical helmet mask. His eyes were the best night vision device in the dark. When the grass covered the entrance again, it only became pitch black.

The two were slowly advancing in tandem.

Now Mu Fan didn't dare to be careless, because this was the first time he had entered such a large-scale underground tunnel, not to mention it was related to the Zege tribe.

There were greasy insect moss all around and under their feet, and both of them slowed down intentionally.

Although the tunnel twists and turns, there is no fork in the road after a few minutes.

Finally, Bai Mao couldn't stand the depressed atmosphere, and said to Mu Fan: "Mu Fan, let alone anything else, this is definitely the first time this handsome has played such an advanced adventure in his life."

The sound rang, but there was no echo, as if it had been absorbed by the moss like soft tissue.

"Why do I think you are so sophisticated, have you seen such ugly things as Zeger before?"

Mu Fan looked ahead, walked cautiously, and shook his head: "No, it's the first time for me."

"You didn't turn on the night vision function of the tactical helmet?" Bai Mao finally noticed that Mu Fan did not pull on the mask, and asked in surprise.

"I can see clearly, but I don't need it for now."

"I really want to ask if you are human..."

With a whisper, he saw Mu Fan turning around the corner holding the wall of the pit.

So resisting the nausea, Bai Mao turned around with the slimy wall.

"How long does this have to go?"

"Eight minutes left."

"Our communication signal is gone..."


The two continued walking in tandem.

Now Mu Fan could feel that he was slowly descending, because the **** had been slowly descending when he entered.

"Mu Fan, one good news, one bad news."

Teeth knocked lightly, motioning for Hei to speak directly.

"The good news is that through the battlefield recorder, this lord can tell you clearly that you have found Zeger's lair."

"The bad news is that this is definitely not an abandoned nest, because according to the biodetector of the exoskeleton, the moss attached to the wall of the pit is biologically active. It means...this is a place of the Zege nationality. Lair in use."

Mu Fan stopped moving forward and calmed down his beating heart.

"what happened?"

"We may really have gone deep into the Zeger clan's lair." Mu Fan turned his head and said.

"... Can I say that I am sure after seeing the disgusting moss? How can there be such disgusting things in a normal place!"

"Really be careful this time, you may encounter Zeger at any time."

"In this kind of place? That's just a hard fight!" Bai Mao looked around.

"Be careful."

Mu Fan began to pull out a laser spear, but it didn't activate, just holding the alloy spear body into the alert posture.

"I'm bothering you to be so scary." After swallowing his saliva, Bai Mao calmed himself up, pressing the trigger of the machine gun module with both hands at the same time. He really didn't want to stay in this gloomy environment for a moment.

It's too **** scary, and now he thinks about those extraterritorial races that look like spittoons. They don't feel ugly anymore.

No, this handsome has to quickly return to normal human society.

This is not a place for good people to stay!

Feeling the weird atmosphere, with a spirit all over, hurriedly followed Mu Fan's footsteps.

The corridor is getting wider and wider.

After a few more minutes, the tunnel was enough to stand seven or eight people side by side, and the top of the head was more than two meters above the top of the pit wall.

Mu Fan's figure froze again.

"Why stop again, big brother is so scary, okay?"

"There are two roads ahead."


Peering out his head from the back, Baimao realized that there were two tunnels on the left and right in front of him. Mu Fan should be choosing how to go.

"Are you thinking about how to go?" Baimao smiled and leaned over.

"Yeah." Mu Fan was closing his eyes to perceive, and his mental perception did not detect anything abnormal at this moment.

"Go to the left!" Baimao said affirmatively.

Hearing the affirmative tone of his teammates, Mu Fan did not hesitate, "Okay."

After walking a few meters, Mu Fan suddenly asked: "How are you sure to choose the one on the left?"

"Men left and women right, good men don't go to the right." Bai Mao replied naturally.

Then he saw Mu Fan, who was walking in front of him, suddenly slipped, but he quickly stabilized.

Thirteen minutes have passed, according to the plan, there will be 2 minutes to return.

What's more, the current communication signal has been cut off. If they don't go back, the captain and the others will really be anxious.

"There is airflow and a fishy smell..." Mu Fan muttered suddenly.

"Haha, what did I say, you will definitely find it if you go to the left."

When the two of them circumvented a winding curve again, they felt their vision widened.

What's in front, looks so big.

Through the night vision function of the eyepiece, Baimao sees that the pit wall is three meters in front and no longer spreads. There is a huge space in front of which there is no head!

The two walked out of the tunnel at the same time.

"There is such a large area underground, how do I feel like entering the auditorium." Bai Mao looked at the top of his head and looked ahead, sighing.

Now they are standing on a platform, and there is no way forward. By looking at the empty area in front of them, they can determine that they are halfway through this huge space.


"Hey, hello..."

The white hair's voice echoes and decays continuously.

"No way."

"En." Mu Fan nodded, now it is estimated that he can only go back.

"Wait, let me see what it looks like here, I can only see the outline with the night vision goggles." Baimao stepped forward and raised his hand.


A glare was pulled from the grenade launcher under his hand, hit the top of the pit wall, and then slowly fell.

The entire space is clearly photographed.

The huge and empty walls are covered with red-brown insect moss, and the color is much darker than before seen outside and at the entrance.

"Look below."

This time Baimao walked ahead and Mu Fan followed, and the two stood on the rock platform and looked down.

Like the first night of night, the sky is shining with stars.

A faint yellow-green light lit up from below.

The slowly falling flares finally illuminated the area 30 meters deep under their feet.

Rustle, rustle, rustle...

There is also continuous yellow-green flashing light.

Baimao's face was pale at this moment, sweat was like syrup, and his mouth tremblingly said, "Mu Fan...I'm not mistaken."

Mu Fan's face was also very wonderful, but he performed much better than White Mao, swallowed, "You read that right."

"His grandma's! What are you doing in a daze, run and fuck!"

Baimao wailed, turned around and dragged Mu Fan and ran.

Does Mu Fan, who has always been fearless and fearless, has any hesitation at this moment, even running so much faster than Baimao.

Now Mu Fan doesn't have the slightest fighting because...

In the huge space below, on the ground within the field of view and on the rock wall below, there are countless Zegers!

The cruel eyes that kept opening locked the two of them almost at the moment they looked at each other!


ps: Thank you book friend "tadashi" for a reward of 1100 coins!

Thanks to the book friends for "Book Spirit Constant Flow", "Feng Ning Ye", "Different Tribe Chiefs" and "Tangmen Emperor" 500 coins rewards!

Thanks to book friends "liumin7715", "Remembering Wu Yaotong", "Large Poisonous Mushroom 1986", "Book hai55555", "Leond88", and "Chenguang Sa" 100 coins for rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Pingping (1 for 20 coins and "Lingshan Shi" for 10 coins for rewards!

(To be continued.)

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