Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 153: Why surround us?

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Two hours later, the starship appeared in the sky above Dingchuan Academy and was slowly descending.

A large number of soldiers have already gathered below, and Lin Hao can't help but enjoy the scene below: "How can the military provide such a high-standard reception? Even the Lan Duxing Special Security Team has been dispatched."

"Maybe this special training has received the attention from above."

"I haven't reported it carefully. I can't wait for it."

The hull of the ship shook, and there was no more shock after the body shook.

"Landing. We... are back!"

"Dingchuan, we are back!"

The mood of the teenagers was not completely liberated until this moment.

Half a month of fighting on an alien planet, apart from bugs or bugs, in the end even the base completely fell. This short half month seemed like half a year.

In the interstellar space, the whole person is like duckweed without roots, until this time, I found a sense of belonging at home.

Mu Fan stood among a group of students with a smile on his face, and was finally able to return to normal college life.

Moreover, in the distant sky, a mottled warship flew into the meteorite belt and disappeared.

"Students, please stand and leave the ship in an orderly manner after opening the hatch."

The door of the transport cabin was slowly lowered, and the person in front came out first.

But soon he was taken aback.

Because the soldiers nearby...too many, right?

A colonel stood quietly in front with his hands behind his back, watching the people walking out of the spaceship, without a trace of fluctuation on his face.

When Mu Fan walked out, he noticed that the colonel in the front was not his rank and status, but the kind of look in the high position, without half joy or congratulation, but rather cold.

How do you look at the returning troop members with such a look?

Mu Fan secretly paid attention, and quietly pulled the white hair around him.

"Don't talk, the atmosphere is a bit wrong."

"What's wrong... Why are these soldiers with dead faces?" Bai Mao also found something wrong with Mu Fan's reminder.

And those soldiers are all equipped with guns!

The white hairs who are familiar with firearms will naturally not admit their mistakes. These firearms are all pulse rifles, Binqi K31, which are only equipped for combat personnel.

This is the gun that the soldiers are really equipped with!

The frowning white hair followed Mu Fan down.

More and more people gathered and began to line up on their own. People were full of laughter at first, but soon they also noticed the atmosphere of alienation around them.

Mu Fan had already glanced around, and he found one thing.

That is……

None of them are faces I have ever seen.

Whether it is the teacher team of Dingchuan Academy or the crew of Starship 2 who arrived first.

Where have they all gone?

98 students have been assembled, and 2 of them have been permanently on the asteroid 131.

Then came the military personnel stationed at the Dingchuan special training base.

This time, Lin Hao walked in front, followed by a group of officers on board.

When Lin Hao appeared, there was finally a wave in the eyes of the colonel standing in front of the armed troops.

Then step forward.

As soon as he moved, the two guards next to him followed by side by side.

The movement here was quickly noticed by everyone.

The surrounding soldiers also clenched their guns, and Mu Fan was keenly aware of this movement again.

"Welcome Major Lin to return."

Lin Hao looked up at the oncoming colonel, his expression slightly changed, but he responded with a military salute, "Colonel Lee!"

Suspicious clouds are already in his mind, and Li Shen, the colonel of the combat department of the highest command of Landuxing, his appearance has always been related to some invisible things.

As an administrative planet, Lan Duxing has not yet experienced the flames of war, so some people secretly say that Li Shen's mind has been fully focused on how to deal with his own people.

In this way, the appearance of the Landuxing Special Guard Team has a reasonable explanation.

Li Shen leads the team...Is this going to attack his own side?

"Major Lin, please take a step back to speak, and order the crew of the spacecraft to be reviewed by the security team."

This unceremonious sentence instantly caused an uproar in the crowd who heard it.

Accept the review! ?

What's wrong with them? They just escaped from Planet 131, and encountered some inexplicable robbery by star thief on the way. As a result, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers with live ammunition just after landing on the bumpy road. What they said was accepted for review!

"Why surround us?" Lin Hao didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

However, he suddenly burst into an angry sentence: "Major Lin, what are you asking him for! He is also a fart. The man who escaped from the dead was reviewed by his own as soon as he came back. MD, I will go back and see who dares to stop me!"

A very hot-tempered soldier exploded on the spot. He was the fireman of the Bright Leopard squad. The veteran Pajie, a large young man from the Amethyst examination room with Mu Fan, followed.

After speaking, the veteran was about to walk out angrily.

Colonel Li Shen noticed the situation around him, did not look back, just raised a finger in his left hand casually.

I saw that when the veteran was approaching the encircled soldiers, one of the soldiers suddenly slammed a **** out and hit him directly in the abdomen.

The veteran instantly bent down like Xia Mi and couldn't straighten up. Two strong soldiers appeared and pressed his shoulders, unable to move no matter how hard he struggled.

Li Shen's voice is as calm and calm as his appearance, "I advise you not to act rashly. This review is a normal review approved by the Military Ministry. I personally don't want to see the evil consequences of violating the military order."


The uniform shots made the people on the starship dare not make any movements.

Now that all the guns were aimed at them, the members of these special guards were all leaders in the military, and the sudden burst of killing air finally stopped people's restlessness.

Li Shen looked at Lin Hao in front of him with a smile, "I believe Colonel Qi doesn't want you to violate the military order. Please also Major Lin to order a normal review. After all, this is an order from the military."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Haoqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to the students and the accompanying officers and soldiers: "Accept the review!"

Senior officials in the army crushed people to death.

Without a valid reason, Lin Hao could not refuse Li Shen's order.

"Major Lin really knows the current affairs. I believe Colonel Qi will be very pleased when he sees it." Li Shen said quietly to himself and waved his palm, "Lead the way for Major Lin."

The muscles in the corners of Lin Hao's eyes were beating. From the very beginning, Li Shen expressed great hostility to the dragon elephant, so no matter what the other party said, he knew that this time it was definitely not a good match.

So Mu Fan and others watched the starship officer led by Lin Hao surrounded by a group of heavily armed guards and escorted away.

"You are the seeds of the future of the military, please rest assured that the military will not treat you like anything."

Li Shen ordered to go down again, and the surrounding guard soldiers dispersed a passage, signaling the students to enter one by one.

Standing on the tailgate of the transport ship with his hands in his arms, watching the back of the crowd leaving along the passage There was a sneer on Li Shen's face.

A dozen people including Mu Fan and Bai Mao entered the dark armored vehicle under the sign of a group of soldiers.

With a bang, darkness enveloped the space, and most of the various sounds outside disappeared instantly.

In this confined environment, silent depression struck.

When the engine noise rang, Bai Mao touched Mu Fan, "What will I do later?"

Mu Fan closed his eyes and rested, without raising his eyelids, but the faint voice inexplicably gave the companion in the car a little peace of mind.

"Speak the truth and watch the changes."

(To be continued.)

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