Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 41: Conspiracy against Harry?

   Mu Fan's heart tightened, Fatty? Wuguan? There is only one, Harry!

   How does this matter have anything to do with Harry, the top...? Mu Fan heard the footsteps of the two people drifting away, leaning back, half of his head sideways, seeing two figures in the distance, and quickly retracted his eyes.

   leaped lightly, there was still no sound. Mu Fan stood against the wall and returned to the street that he had just walked. Half of his body leaned out, and he saw two backs, one tall and one short, making Mu Fan's heart judge.

   did not continue to follow, the two were very vigilant, and if they waited out of the city, they were more likely to be spotted. No, this matter must be discussed with the fat man.

   After thinking about it, Mu Fan turned around and bought a Miluo from the fruit shop behind him for 3 stars. He walked back and forth leisurely while eating. All his actions now must blend into nature.

   "Hey, this Miluo is delicious!" I bought a white and fat Miluo as a cover, but I didn't expect it to be sweet and juicy after a bite! Mu Fan narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.

   Mu Fan, who was holding Miluo's babble, appeared in the clerk's sight again. This time Mu Fan smiled at the clerk's reluctant face and was taken directly to the luggage counter area by the boss after entering and making a request.

   The best outdoor bag on sale in the city, the outer 1000D nylon, the next to the body is 900D waterproof Oxford cloth, the owner patted his chest and said that this is the bag made of the best material on Planet Loga.

   Mu Fan directly ignored the boss's pile of spitting stars, stroking the excellent-textured satchel, and finally gritted his teeth, and took out his last possession-1,000 star coins in the boss's expression of suffering.

   I bought a bag with 1,000 stars. Mu Fan didn't even think about it before. He looked down and put the bag on his shoulder with love. He checked the time before leaving. It's time to roll his name. Fatty should go back.

   Mu Fan bought another big Miluo on the way back, so when the fat man returned to the training room, he saw Mu Fan holding a Miluo eating with relish.

   Fatty always feels that the style of painting is not right. It always feels weird to see Mu Fan sitting in that serious manner when he wipes out the large Milo in his hand!

   "You're back." Mu Fancan said hello.

   At this time, the fat man walked over in a wicked manner, "Is it delicious? Give me a bite of it."

  , Mu Fan was a little dazed.

   "Khan, it's okay, that, that's used to it." The fat man blushed suddenly, what happened just now!

   Seeing the small shy eyes of the fat man, Mu Fan generously divided him.

   After the two gnawed Miluo, Mu Fan wiped his mouth and asked the fat man seriously: "Harry, have you offended someone recently?"

   The little fat man wiped his mouth, "No!"

So Mu Fan told Fatty what he had just seen. Fatty was surprised when he heard it, thought for a long time, and then said with certainty: "I definitely haven't offended anyone. I don't usually interact with people much. I spend most of the time. PO, you just came to the martial arts gym recently, you should know."

   Mu Fan asked: "Did you leave the east gate of the city this afternoon?"

   The fat man nodded: "Yes."

Mu Fan tapped his fingertips on the wooden seat, and suddenly said, "The two of them went out from the east gate and bought marching sleeping bags. Obviously, they are going to spend the night in the wild, and the time and place mentioned are different from you now. The situation is consistent."

   Fatty was a little anxious: "Fat brother didn't provoke anyone, who dealt with me like this!"

Mu Fan calmed down the fat man, with a calmness that didn't match his age, and looked straight at the past: "Harry, I will be with you tomorrow afternoon, and I noticed the important point, that they just robbed you as a way of doing things. In other words, there are more important things.

   "Mu Fan, it's too dangerous. I'd better call someone." The fat man was a little scared, and he was actually watched. If it weren't for Mu Fan, he would really not be able to come back.

   Mu Fan pressed Fatty's shoulders: "Harry, trust me! Didn't I let you down with Master Wen?"

   "Mu Fan!" Young Master Harry really felt Mu Fan's friendship, his eyes were a little moist.

   Mu Fan patted the fat man on the shoulder and laughed.

   "When I leave tomorrow afternoon, I will follow the car."

   "Good." The fat man didn't talk nonsense.

   Mu Fan quickly entered the responsible sparring mode. In the afternoon, he arranged two for the fat man. The first one was endurance training. After setting the treadmill to 10,000 meters, he threw the fat man who was crying and howling.

   Mu Fan began to enter a state of thinking, which is extremely rare for Mu Fan, who hunts by himself all the year round, because he is not thinking for himself.

   "Well...the situation is like this now. The two of them...have been stalking the fat man. No, they are stalking the rich! Then they noticed the fat man, indicating that they often move around in the city and are familiar with the surrounding area."

   It was the first time to plan something so carefully. Mu Fan felt that his head was big, and it would be nice to do it directly, but the half-hidden and half-hidden information in that sentence made him conclude that the matter was not that simple.

   Alas, headache!

   The fat man cried out, "Mu Fan, my lungs hurt!"

   Mu Fan scratched his face, and his brain automatically blocked all the fat man's voice, forcing himself to continue thinking.

   "Look at the route of the rich...and the mission? That is to say, the content of the mission is to follow the route of the rich. The arrangement above only arranges these two people. What does it mean..."

The fat man was about to be taken by a treadmill to fly, but Mu Fan tied a belt around his waist. If he flew, he would be useless. He ran with his nose and tears: "Mu Fan, you look Look at me, why don't you pay attention to me? Fat brother is really dying, hurry up..."

   Wait, pay attention!

   At this time, Mu Fan suddenly felt something knocked in his mind.

   "It means that the above is not very concerned about this place! But there are still people watching here, but only the two of them can act privately, which is what the shorter one said...fat sheep!"

   Mu Fan suddenly slapped a slap on the fat man's so that the crying fat man stepped away from his calf and started running.

   "Things are connected, that is... the above focuses on rich people in many places, District 22, but one of them... robbing the fat man is an insignificant accident. So..."

   "There is a power or a high-level person who is staring at many rich people and is planning a seemingly big and dangerous thing, which itself includes the fat man who is going to have an accident in advance."

   "Tomorrow all I have to do the fat man, then follow the behind the scenes, and the fat man again."

   That's it! Mu Fan touched his chin, and he felt the thoughts, which made him feel once again that there was a line in his mind helping him connect trivial information together, his mind was clear and curious.

   "I'm not playing anymore!" The fat man's voice was extremely bleak.

   "Oh" Mu Fan clapped the stop button beside him, "You said it earlier."

   The fat man was directly covered on the treadmill like a quilt.

   "Huh, ..huh, I, I... don't want to talk." The fat man pointed weakly at Mu Fan, his hands trembling.

   "Then you blame me." Mu Fan, who had just figured out about it, was very happy, and pulled her face down when she heard the fat man's words.

   The last words of "you...big..."


  PS: Thanks to the book friends for the 588 reward of "dare to teach all the saints to lower their eyebrows"!

  Thank you book friend "Poetry and Pictorial Art, Ren Xiaowei" for your generous rewards!

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