Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Was abused again

The magnetic sword in Mulan Mecha's hand turned into a white light and fell.

Mu Fan held up the telescopic shield again and tilted it back 30°, which was the best angle for unloading force.

The entire body of the wild boar shrank behind the telescopic shield and slammed into it.

Since there is only a console, it is difficult to follow up the action, so use force to break the skill.

The white light from top to bottom slashed straight down, but the expected vibration and loud noise did not come, and Mu Fan didn't even see the level of shield wear as indicated.

No, this is a false move on the opposite side.

This move of the Mulan Mecha turned out to be just borrowing force, and the entire mecha stepped up on the wind and jumped directly onto Mu Fan's head.

The mech retreats, the engine gets stronger!

This set of actions is completed like flowing water.

Mu Fan could say that he reacted to the extreme in an instant. Under the pure console operation, the mecha could be said to follow the action without pause, tilt the shield in his hand against the sky, and prepare to intercept the surprise attack from the sky halfway. Under the magnetic sword.

At this time, the Mulan mecha had jumped into the air. When Mu Fan raised the shield a little bit, the mecha suddenly rolled in the air, and the magnetic sword in his hand slid down along the outer shell of the telescopic shield, making a snap. To the ground.

Then the blade was bent and pressed, as if it was about to break in the next second.

At this time, the shield in Mu Fan's hand was already in place, and Mulan seemed to have reached its limit this time by flipping in midair.

The inertia pushed this mecha forward.

The Mulan mech's feet suddenly stepped out, and the engine behind it sprayed at full speed for the first time, like a spring that was compressed to the extreme.


Mu Fan, who supported the shield with his arms, felt a burst of force coming from his body.

Resist the opponent's attack.


The pressure on the shield did not disappear at all.

Because the Mulan Mecha folded its legs and kicked it onto the shield and never left, the soles of the feet seemed to be stuck to the wild boar mecha's left arm telescopic shield.

At this time the magnetic swing sword was also retracted.

With the adjustment of the inertia, Mu Fan exerted force under his feet, and the wild boar mecha that was clinging and pressing down from the tilt again leans back until the whole body is half kneeling on it.

The magnetic swing sword drew a perfect arc, flipped lightly with the mechanical wrist of the Mulan mecha, held it high at the tip of the hand sword, and then lowered its head, and the whole sword suddenly stabbed!

Mu Fan's terrifying battle instinct left him in mind from the moment the opponent stepped on the shield, that is, the sensor on his head worked hard to expose it to expand his vision.

This move allowed him to successfully capture the opponent's head and halberd that had just been lowered.

So insidious!

Bowing means the opponent's strength, which means that the follow-up attack will definitely appear from the top of the head.

Mu Fan was already trying to control the arm of the mecha to move up, but stepping on a Mulan mecha really made it difficult for him to move, not to mention that the opponent was still a fifth-generation mecha, and his own was probably only a low-end product in the fourth generation.

When the white light flashed, Mu Fan, who was breathing in darkness, caught it for the first time.

Then after analyzing the results, his eyes were numb and calmly staring at the exposed half of the other's head.

"I remember you!"

Jet punch!

A white air current emerged from the joint of the right wrist, and then suddenly ejected.

At this moment, the white light flashed with an arc, and after reaching the highest point, the tip of the sword turned and slammed.

The magnetic sword pierced through the cockpit on the back without resistance, and pierced through the front chest.

The seemingly heavy mecha benefited from the rough workmanship, and it was instantly passed through by the Mulan mecha.

After Mu Fan in the cockpit felt the deformation of the cabin behind him, he calmly welcomed the arrival of this moment.

He lost again in his third game.

But the heavy punch before death should be remembered by the other party.

The inertia of the mecha's whole body is already exerting force to control the miraculous anti-stab in the air, and just now his left arm suddenly retracted...


The crimson jet heavy fist had eight blasting air currents on the intercepted surface, and with powerful kinetic energy, it slammed into the head of the Mulan Mecha within such a short distance.

The mech that had been fighting with a shield suddenly showed such a hand, and Lu Qingxue, who had already determined that the victory was in hand, was also caught off guard.

So the consequence is that the head of Mulan Mecha shattered under this punch.

The sensor integrated in the head was instantly destroyed, and the holographic screen in the cockpit was wiped out by more than half.

The fist with armor fragments turned into a red glow and rushed into the sky.

The headless Mulan Mecha finally clasped both hands and pierced the opponent's cockpit with a magnetic sword.

Player [Snow] wins!

Since it is not any official competition, there are no other tips.

I can no longer see the magnetic swing sword in his hand, but after the Mulan Mecha took up a beautiful sword flower, it accurately placed it in the weapon slot on the back.

The foot sank, and the wild boar mech that lost control also crashed to the ground.

Mulan, who was half kneeling on the shield, did not get up because Lu Qingxue had already withdrawn from the battle.

"Killed, he is very strong." Lu Qingxue glanced at Bing Su, who was already waiting next to him, and spoke lightly.

Bing Su's beautiful eyes froze first, and then gradually widened, and the cherry mouth gradually enlarged in slow motion.

"Sister Qingxue, you said you killed that nasty guy?"

Lu Qingxue nodded in the image of Three-no-Girls. This image looked surprisingly harmonious to Bing Su, and she had become coldly accustomed anyway.

Bing Su shouted in excitement and was about to pounce on him, and Lu Qingxue once again held his forehead with one hand.

"I'll get off first if there is nothing wrong."

After speaking, the figure disappeared instantly, and Bing Su, who was leaning forward, fell over. Fortunately, as a member of the Kendo Club, her body was quite flexible, supporting the ground with one hand and standing steady.

"Senior Sister is really decisive... But hahaha, your perverted woman's death has finally gotten retribution." [Bingbing] who laughed happily on his hips also turned into white light and disappeared.

She didn't even notice the six words that Lu Qingxue could say. The point was actually on the last three words. He was very strong.

Able to fight back and smash the head of his mecha with his bare hands in Kendo and Fufeng.

She hadn't encountered this kind of situation. Lu Qingxue had also lost before, but she basically died of large-scale firepower coverage. It was the first time that she won in this tragic way under hand-to-hand conditions.

Lu Qingxue was very interested in the exquisite shield defense displayed by the opponent, and was ready to return to the Kendo Club to have a good understanding.

Behind him followed Bing Su, who was smiling and jogging all the way.

Seeing these two hot and cold goddesses leave again, the waiters in the virtual training hall were not calm at all.

"The secret of snow lotus and rose flower?"

"Senior Sister Lu still has that iceberg face, but why is Bing Su suddenly smiling?"

"I don't know, I feel that this matter must have inside information." A waiter in charge of receiving deductions analyzed solemnly.

"Open me a mecha cabin." A boy walked up carefreely.

"Oh, good! 0.1 credits can be used for 300 minutes of training, and your balance is 213 minutes." The waiter immediately bowed and said enthusiastically.

Several companions around who were going to watch his analysis immediately looked over with After Mu Fan here left the battlefield, he appeared alone again, thinking about it, and simply withdrew from the intranet. The lights in the cockpit went out, and Mu Fan took off his helmet and looked at the top of his head for a while, then slammed his thigh.

what! !

I really want to find a place to shout out.

Why are you being abused again!

PS: Thanks to the book friend "The sunset is gone" 1000 coins reward!

Thanks to the book friend "The Most Cute Island Style Sauce" 500 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Long Pai Huang Restaurant" "Tadashi" for 200 coins, "Uncle Chic 1", "DGcyc", "Voyage Voyage", "Uncle Chic 1", "Side Guest" 100 coins, and "Ping Ping (1 20 coins for rewards !

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