Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 210: It's your turn (Hey Tadashi, the leader)

(Slowly pay off the debt, and add more to the first chapter of the leader "Tadashi"!)

The fat man was beaten up without a word for nearly 10 minutes, and the blood on his face had dragged a long mark on the floor.

The fat man, who had never suffered any harm since childhood, showed amazing endurance at this moment.

He was just thinking, wondering if William could contact Mu Fan.

If you don’t come in half an hour, I’m afraid I really can’t handle it...

Maybe twenty minutes?

The fat man's consciousness has been somewhat blurred.

The man named Fengxin may have been impatient after waiting, and said in a low voice, "Get out of the way."

The tyrannical eyes stared at the fat man whose breath had begun to be disordered on the ground, squatted down, raised his palms high, and slammed it down.


The fat man was turned over with a slap and fan.

Now Harry's face was completely invisible, it was as swollen as a steamed bun.

The fat man lying on the floor tried to open a small gap and looked at the man looking down at him, the opening of the thin hairspring.

Seeing that the group of people hurriedly leaned over.

"You... Mom... exploded."


Fengxin's right hand was raised again, and he was about to pull it down in the next second.


Suddenly there was a huge tremor outside the cafe.

When these five people looked out, a pot of huge green plants weighing hundreds of kilograms of soil directly broke through the glass with a whistling momentum, and slammed it hard at the flat-headed youth named Fengxin.


Fengxin quickly retracted the hand that was about to slap the fat man's face, and kicked the whole person in the air.

The huge flowerpot and the soil burst instantly, and the hundreds of kilograms of green plants were kicked onto the wooden table aside, making a heavy and dull sound.

Who! !

Together with the man with sunglasses in front of the bar, the five looked out at the same time.

Mu Fan retracted the kicked right leg, looked at the people in the room with indifferent eyes, and faintly ordered: "Block all communications here."

"My lord likes doing this kind of thing the most." Hei Yinyin laughed.

After speaking, Mu Fan stepped forward again, kicking his left leg straight forward with violent power.


There was a loud noise, and the tightly closed wooden door was like being stomped by an ancient mammoth. The heavy door was kicked directly into the air. Against the light outside, a figure in a blue-gray training suit stepped into it.

These cold and indifferent eyes looked at the ground, and word by word was squeezed out of the teeth like a bitter wind.

"I... look at you... who dare... move him."

The shoulders rose and fell slowly, the young man's head drooped slightly, and the broken hair blocked his raised eyes.

With his left hand hanging on his side, while his right hand was raised, he slowly extended an index finger to the fat man... the flat-headed man beside him.

The people over there were taken aback.

"Hahahaha, is this a helper whose hair hasn't grown up yet?"

"You dare to mess with us!"

"Do you know who we are?"

The five people seemed to have heard the big joke, looked at each other, their eyebrows inadvertently moved.

Mu Fan caught Mu Fan's eyes with this subtle movement that could not be more subtle, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Are you a friend of this little fat man? That's fine. With this green hat off, our boss is still not mixed up? Pay 500,000 stars for a price, break his legs, and you take it back to pick it up. Okay. Of course, this is just the previous condition, but we count yours separately..." Fengxin looked at Mu Fan with fierce gaze, an inexplicable dangerous light flashed in his eyes.


A chuckle without any extra emotional color came from Mu Fan's nose.

Then Mu Fan stepped forward step by step as he spit out a few words that were not strong but surprisingly imposing.

"First, I don't talk about terms."

"Second, I will take away the people."

"Third, you stay."

The man with sunglasses next to him had long seen Mu Fan upset, directly relying on the burst of level 15 strength, the instant burst of over 2350KG in his hand, the baseball bat almost pressed the air together.

"Ah!" The two female shop assistants who looked up couldn't help screaming.

The corners of the four people's mouths, including Feng Xin, simultaneously outlined an arc.

When the stick went down, the arm was rotten. Waiting to soak in the biological cabin, but whether the bones can be restored to the previous way is not a matter for them to worry about.

Ha ha……

Mu Fan didn't even look back at his head.

He lifted his left hand, and then suddenly appeared on the trajectory of the baseball bat.

The smiles of several people froze on their faces.

With a muffled bang, the baseball bat fell heavily on the mouth of Mu Fan's left hand.

But there was no miserable cry, no sound of broken bones, nothing.

There was only the motionless arm and the head that was gradually turning.

Mu Fan glanced at the man in sunglasses who couldn't see his eyes, and suddenly clasped his left hand.

At this time, the man with sunglasses, who was waking up from a dream, quickly tried to pull out the baseball bat, but found that the left hand of the boy opposite seemed to be the arm of a mecha.

The muscles under the long sleeves of the training suit were already violent, and Mu Fan suddenly pulled back.

Unprepared, the man in sunglasses holding the baseball bat with all his strength was pulled directly to Mu Fan's side.

The distance of 75 centimeters passed in a flash, and Mu Fan's five fingers clasped the opponent's right wrist like a mechanical claw.

Senran smiled, suddenly his left arm suddenly lifted, crossed an exaggerated arc, and slammed to the right.

The man with sunglasses was directly swept into the air by Mu Fan under this unbreakable force, and then crashed down.

With a bang, the man in sunglasses fainted without even screaming. At least five bone fractures could be heard just now.


Fengxin didn't move, and the remaining three young people took out their swing sticks from their waists and rushed directly from three angles.

The members of their Dingchuan Academy fighting club were beaten.

The third-year old student of the dignified Dingchuan Academy fighting department was beaten by a young man who didn't even grow his hair.

The smash just now seemed to signal the beginning of a war for these people.

But for Mu Fan...

He was still walking forward step by step.

Twisting his neck gently, looking at the first person who rushed over, his left hand held the swinging stick in mid-air at a speed faster than the opponent, and then gently twitched it, carrying it incomparably when the opponent did not react. The tyrannical breath was drawn directly on his back.

With a burst of cloth and silk, the three layers of clothing on the opposite side were directly a huge oblique opening, and a terrifying bloodstained flesh rolled up behind him.

The man flew out miserably and hit the glass wall.

The second person, Mu Fan only kicked out a fierce kick.

The baton hit his calf and bends directly under the violent leg wind. Mu Fan's right leg swept the opponent's abdomen. This person flew backwards faster than before and hit On the inner wall, it fell to the ground.

At this time, the third person had already rushed in front of him, Mu Fan only glanced at him with a non-emotional look, then stretched out his left hand and pressed it on the opponent's face like lightning.


Before the swinging stick reached his shoulders, the man was slammed directly to the ground by Mu Fan.

His face was pressed tightly against the floor under Mu Fan's ghostly power, a few teeth fell out with bloodshot eyes, and his eyes became pale and fainted.

After finishing all this in three seconds, Mu Fan looked at the straight-headed young man in his spare time.

Only him, Fengxin, and the obscure fat man on the ground were left in the venue.

"Next, it's your turn." Mu Fan seemed to be just stating a fact.

"Heh." Fengxin sneered at the corner of his mouth, a cold light flashed in his arms, and a rapidly spinning dagger appeared in his hand.


The fat man was beaten up without a word for nearly 10 minutes, and the blood on his face had dragged a long mark on the floor.

The fat man, who had never suffered any harm since childhood, showed amazing endurance at this moment.

He was just thinking, wondering if William could contact Mu Fan.

If you don’t come in half an hour, I’m afraid I really can’t handle it...

Maybe twenty minutes?

The fat man's consciousness has been somewhat blurred.

The man named Fengxin may have been impatient after waiting, and said in a low voice, "Get out of the way."

The tyrannical eyes stared at the fat man whose breath had begun to be disordered on the ground, squatted down, raised his palms high, and slammed it down.


The fat man was turned over with a slap and fan.

Now Harry's face was completely invisible, it was as swollen as a steamed bun.

The fat man lying on the floor tried to open a small gap and looked at the man looking down at him, the opening of the thin hairspring.

Seeing that the group of people hurriedly leaned over.

"You... Mom... exploded."


Fengxin's right hand was raised again, and he was about to pull it down in the next second.


Suddenly there was a huge tremor outside the cafe.

When these five people looked out, a pot of huge green plants weighing hundreds of kilograms of soil directly broke through the glass with a whistling momentum, and slammed it hard at the flat-headed youth named Fengxin.


Fengxin quickly retracted the hand that was about to slap the fat man's face, and kicked the whole person in the air.

The huge flowerpot and the soil burst instantly, and the hundreds of kilograms of green plants were kicked onto the wooden table aside, making a heavy and dull sound.

Who! !

Together with the man with sunglasses in front of the bar, the five looked out at the same time.

Mu Fan retracted the kicked right leg, looked at the people in the room with indifferent eyes, and faintly ordered: "Block all communications here."

"My lord likes doing this kind of thing the most." Hei Yinyin laughed.

After speaking, Mu Fan stepped forward again, kicking his left leg straight forward with violent power.


There was a loud noise, and the tightly closed wooden door was like being stomped by an ancient mammoth. The heavy door was kicked directly into the air. Against the light outside, a figure in a blue-gray training suit stepped into it.

These cold and indifferent eyes looked at the ground, and word by word was squeezed out of the teeth like a bitter wind.

"I... look at you... who dare... move him."

The shoulders rose and fell slowly, the young man's head drooped slightly, and the broken hair blocked his raised eyes.

With his left hand hanging on his side, while his right hand was raised, he slowly extended an index finger to the fat man... the flat-headed man beside him.

The people over there were taken aback.

"Hahahaha, is this a helper whose hair hasn't grown up yet?"

"You dare to mess with us!"

"Do you know who we are?"

The five people seemed to have heard the big joke, looked at each other, their eyebrows inadvertently moved.

Mu Fan caught Mu Fan's eyes with this subtle movement that could not be more subtle, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Are you a friend of this little fat man? That's fine. With this green hat off, our boss is still not mixed up? Pay 500,000 stars for a price, break his legs, and you take it back to pick it up. Okay. Of course, this is just the previous condition, but we count yours separately..." Fengxin looked at Mu Fan with fierce gaze, an inexplicable dangerous light flashed in his eyes.


A chuckle without any extra emotional color came from Mu Fan's nose.

Then Mu Fan stepped forward step by step as he spit out a few words that were not strong but surprisingly imposing.

"First, I don't talk about terms."

"Second, I will take away the people."

"Third, you stay."

The man with sunglasses next to him had long seen Mu Fan upset, directly relying on the burst of level 15 strength, the instant burst of over 2350KG in his hand, the baseball bat almost pressed the air together.

"Ah!" The two female shop assistants who looked up couldn't help screaming.

The corners of the four people's mouths, including Feng Xin, simultaneously outlined an arc.

When the stick went down, the arm was rotten. Waiting to soak in the biological cabin, but whether the bones can be restored to the previous way is not a matter for them to worry about.

Ha ha……

Mu Fan didn't even look back at his head.

He lifted his left hand, and then suddenly appeared on the trajectory of the baseball bat.

The smiles of several people froze on their faces.

With a muffled bang, the baseball bat fell heavily on the mouth of Mu Fan's left hand.

But there was no miserable cry, no sound of broken bones, nothing.

There was only the motionless arm and the head that was gradually turning.

Mu Fan glanced at the man in sunglasses who couldn't see his eyes, and suddenly clasped his left hand.

At this time, the man with sunglasses, who was waking up from a dream, quickly tried to pull out the baseball bat, but found that the left hand of the boy opposite seemed to be the arm of a mecha.

The muscles under the long sleeves of the training suit were already violent, and Mu Fan suddenly pulled back.

Unprepared, the man in sunglasses holding the baseball bat with all his strength was pulled directly to Mu Fan's side.

The distance of 75 centimeters passed in a flash, and Mu Fan's five fingers clasped the opponent's right wrist like a mechanical claw.

Senran smiled, suddenly his left arm suddenly lifted, crossed an exaggerated arc, and slammed to the right.

The man with sunglasses was directly swept into the air by Mu Fan under this unbreakable force, and then crashed down.

With a bang, the man in sunglasses fainted without even screaming. At least five bone fractures could be heard just now.


Fengxin didn't move, and the remaining three young people took out their swing sticks from their waists and rushed directly from three angles.

The members of their Dingchuan Academy fighting club were beaten.

The third-year old student of the dignified Dingchuan Academy fighting department was beaten by a young man who didn't even grow his hair.

The smash just now seemed to signal the beginning of a war for these people.

But for Mu Fan...

He was still walking forward step by step.

Twisting his neck gently, looking at the first person who rushed over, his left hand held the swinging stick in mid-air at a speed faster than the opponent, and then gently twitched it, carrying it incomparably when the opponent did not react. The tyrannical breath was drawn directly on his back.

With a burst of cloth and silk, the three layers of clothing on the opposite side were directly a huge oblique opening, and a terrifying bloodstained flesh rolled up behind him.

The man flew out miserably and hit the glass wall.

The second person, Mu Fan only kicked out a fierce kick.

The baton hit his calf and bends directly under the violent leg wind. Mu Fan's right leg swept the opponent's abdomen. This person flew backwards faster than before and hit On the inner wall, it fell to the ground.

At this time, the third person had already rushed in front of him, Mu Fan only glanced at him with a non-emotional look, then stretched out his left hand and pressed it on the opponent's face like lightning.


Before the swinging stick reached his shoulders, the man was slammed directly to the ground by Mu Fan.

His face was pressed tightly against the floor under Mu Fan's ghostly power, a few teeth fell out with bloodshot eyes, and his eyes became pale and fainted.

Doing all this in three Mu Fan looked at the straight-headed young man in his spare time.

Only him, Fengxin, and the obscure fat man on the ground were left in the venue.

"Next, it's your turn." Mu Fan seemed to be just stating a fact.

"Heh." Fengxin sneered at the corner of his mouth, a cold light flashed in his arms, and a rapidly spinning dagger appeared in his hand.


PS: Thanks to the book friends for "YJS" 2000 coins reward!

Thank you book friend "DM2356" for a reward of 1,000 coins!

Thanks to the book friend "jhffu" for a reward of 500 coins for "what is not a device"!

Thanks to book friends for "What is not a device" for 200 coins, "Zhao Tangtang", "Hare Muyue", "Booming Feather", "Yongyong Falling Feather", "Amphibious Tank Repairing", "Transforming Star 20051128", "One Leaf Small Boat" Rare ヅ"100 coins, "Pingping (1 20 coins reward!

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