Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Please name your fleet

(Congratulations to the new hall host "Human-shaped Monster"! It's November, please guarantee the monthly pass~~Dangdang continue to work hard~)

"Mu Fan, what are you doing here? Why do you dress so formal!"

"Yes, Boss, you can easily be mistaken for sales promotion when you come here this night. Tianlai Novel⒉"

Mu Fan looked at the two live treasures dumbfoundedly, and said, "I went out to find a friend for medicine. The wound yesterday needs to be treated."

Even Baimao believed it half-truth.

"Ah, by the way, I didn't ask you yesterday, which silly-force had a fight with you so blindly!" An expression of admiration appeared on Bai Mao's face.

"The senior of the fighting club is very good."


Li Xiaoxi showed admiration on her face, but of course he didn't know that he was the same senior, and there was a huge difference between senior and senior.

For example, the five heavenly kings of the fighting club are almost the pinnacle of force among the students of Dingchuan.

Naturally, Mu Fan didn't tell them so much, but asked interestedly: "What were you discussing just now?"

"Oh, yes, tomorrow is the day when the Dingchuan club recruits new members. We are discussing which club to go to, and how should we go together?"

"Okay, do you think about which club?" Mu Fan nodded, and now his wounds are still tingling. What is needed most now is rest and sleep. Judging from this progress, I have slept for a while. It should be almost recovered after I feel it.

"Student Union! How about we fill out the registration form tomorrow?" Li Xiaoxi looked at Mu Fan hopefully.

Student Union...

Hearing these three words again, Mu Fan fell silent and did not agree with one word. Instead, he thought about it and shook his head: "I have joined the Kendo Club. I also want to join the Mecha Club. As for other societies, I am not ready for the time being. consider."

"Hahahaha~~ Xiaoxi is not the handsome guy who is hitting you, but this handsome is also optimistic about a club——Dingchuan Academy Flower Arrangement Club! How about?" After enjoying another photo of a beautiful woman's profile, Bai Mao looked up to the sky Long laugh.

"Yin Shuai, you are enough! You guys really have no love... What about you, Young Master Gu, you won't abandon me, will you?"

"I'm casual, in fact, I don't really want to join any club." Gu Yunyou finished the cup of blueberry coffee, and then lifted the coffee pot to refill a cup of ground coffee. At the same time, he took out a bottle of creamy yellow from the small refrigerator next to him. liquid.

Unscrew the lid, pour it in, and stir gently.

It was a normal movement, but when the bottle of liquid was unscrewed, a terrible smell instantly filled the room.

"Oh, this strong smell! My dear... Lao Gu, you won't be the king of Surrey, right?" Bai Mao collapsed on the seat with a poisoned expression.

"You drank durian coffee, Gu Dashao...Oh, let's not say, I can't go to the student union." Li Xiaoxiqiang ran away back to her bedroom with her mouth grabbing the way.

After taking a sip, Gu Yunyou looked at Li Xiaoxi's running back and shook his head: "I really don't know how to enjoy~~ And brother, you are also in the passage." After that, he looked at Baimao again.

The corners of Baimao's mouth have begun to flash, which means that Gu Yunyou naturally doesn't know, but the unmoving figure of Mu Fan quietly backed away a few steps.

This guy is going to foam again...

Bai Mao swallowed the inexplicable liquid in his mouth, and then said with difficulty: "There is a buddy in my hometown who has eaten the King Durian of Surrey Mountain in front of me. This is the strong smell of this, and this handsome is better than life. The first time he was stunned by the smell, and then he successfully lost his friendship with the handsome."

"Don't tell me, this handsome needs to heal, eh." A little white foam suddenly poured out from the corner of his mouth, and Bai Mao covered his mouth and rushed back to his bedroom.

Seeing the unworthy attitude of these two people, Young Master Gu looked at Mu Fan faintly: "Brother, how about you, have a drink?"

Unexpectedly, Mu Fan licked the corner of his mouth, grinning and said, "Okay."

Gu Yunyou also smiled and poured a cup for Mu Fan and handed it over.


Mu Fan, who was already very thirsty, found the coffee unexpectedly sweet.


"Haha, I will drink with my partner in the future, and have another drink?"

"Okay, hiccup~~"

Suddenly, a long hiccup came out of his stomach, and the re-emerged strong smell made Mu Fan's eyes turn white.

A vocabulary suddenly appeared in his mind: close range gas bomb.

"That, forget it. I'm a little tired, I'll go back to sleep first."

So Mu Fan walked into the bedroom with heavy and powerful steps.

There was only one Gu Yunyou sitting at the table leisurely tasting tea in the living room. He narrowed his eyes slightly while watching Mu Fan's steps.

The steps are very powerful, so it doesn't look like someone has been injured.

But the faint smell of blood and medicine proved that what Mu Fan said was correct.

Shaking his head, Gu Yunyou rushed to another cup of durian coffee to taste the beauty.


Walking into the bedroom and closing the door, Mu Fanru let out a long breath of relief.

Only after returning here did I feel a warmth like home.

In the apartment of Dingchuan Academy, in his bedroom, Mu Fancai was finally able to relax completely.

Take off the clothes that Nuonuo sent me carefully and check it. It's fine and there is no blood stain.

Then, after putting the flexible training suit weighing 11o kilograms on the bed, Mu Fan took a hot bath first.

After a while, Mu Fan walked out of the bathroom with steaming heat, and the wounds all over his upper body were now dense and scary without being covered by blood.

Putting on the flexible training suit again, Mu Fan lay heavily on the bed and closed his eyes.

The practice of the strong is all the time.

"Hei, report to the shadow base." In the quiet night, Mu Fan suddenly said such a sentence.

The more you come into contact with this splendid and wonderful world, the more Mu Fan can feel the surging of the dark tide under the calm. The greater your personal ability, the larger the world you will come into contact with as a circle in that big world.

In the galaxy universe, Mu Fan needed an opportunity to enter a broader stage.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Mu Fan heard a black voice: "Mu Fan, you turn on your Tianxun, the next amount of information may be relatively large, so I need you to have an intuitive impression."


Mu Fan took out the Tianxun activation screen from the pillow, "Then what?"

"I need to say one by one. This incident is actually a week old."

Seeing Hei's so unreasonable appearance, Mu Fan was a little confused, but he still waited quietly for Hei to speak.

"First, I have mastered the way to enter and exit Planet After there is no human breath and your phantom energy breath, those Zeger tribes retreat deeper again. The energy blocked by the space jump point I have passed the simulation The pheromone of the Zeger tribe can open a passage for a short time."

"So, after the icebreaker battleship went through twists and turns, I directly controlled it and drove into Planet 131."

"Secondly, the size of the shadow base has not been harassed by the Zegers. After the accumulation period, the number of space engineering vehicles scV has expanded by 23 times."

A little bit of black outlines the scene of the shadow base, and what Mu Fan has in mind is a scene where space engineering vehicles pile up the entire base...

What are so many black robots doing? Desperately mining?

"With these scVs, the initial plan was finally barely completed yesterday."

Hei still carried out the language description methodically, and Mu Fan's heart was also adjusted.

Initial planning?

Hiding his initial plan?

What the **** is doing.

"Then, please name your fleet."

As a result, the next sentence he said was shocking!

Mu Fan's eyes suddenly rounded.

ps: This is the real new force on the stage! The new fleet name, do you want to name it, then leave a comment in the book review area.

ps: Thanks to book friends for "following the wind" 1oooo+12oo coins for rewards!

Thanks to the book friend "humanoid monster" 1oooo+5oo coins for rewards! (Congratulations to the new hall master, one more chapter is missing.)

Thanks to book friends "jhffu" and "Flying Cloud Eagle" for 5oo coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "1iam", "Dou Dou", "Book Friends 161o3122o2313o6", "zmoo11", "Epilogue Little Fish", "Old Stupid 19o5", "King Enlightenment", "Book Mountain Isn't Cool" 1oo coin, "Pingping(1 2o Coin rewards! (To be continued.)

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