Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Show up, streamer Aquila!

(Congratulations to the new leader "Xiaoyao Jianxian 123"! Dangdang Xiaogen almost vomits blood and can't get up...)

As the voice of the young man with a declaration of warfare sounded, the ground under the feet of Extreme Soldier shattered.

The whole machine body is a little bit... floating!

20cm, 50cm, 1m, 2m...

People's chins were pulled to the maximum, but before they had time to see the movements of extremely special soldiers, their eyes were attracted by another more exaggerated picture.

The light spear kept shaking and shaking.

The spear body that had been submerged in a third began to be pulled out a little bit.

However, no one was holding the spear, and the twenty light spears forming a square array began to shake violently at this moment, and the deep pit they created began to shatter.

How shocking is the scene where twenty light spears are pulled out at the same time!

The black mecha and the surrounding circle of light spear force field flickering with ionizing sparks left the ground at the same time, floating in the air.

"Countdown 17, 16..."

The extremely special soldier now has both arms hanging down on both sides, without any weapons in his hands, and still looks bald.

However, no one dared to laugh at the ugliness of this mecha anymore.

Jishubing's right arm was raised high, his palms spread out gently, and then gently pressed forward.

In the dull eyes of the audience, twenty light spears tilted at the same time.

The array of light spears directly aimed at the nineteen Comet Hyakutake mechas that had entered the alert posture.

Seeing this scene, the audience and some company observers collectively fell into a petrochemical state.

They just want to ask, this Hundred Wuguang Spear is not a weapon of the Mecha Association...

"What kind of mech is this TM? Who gave the grade A? Is my brain flooded or my eyes lost? If this is A grade, I would run home naked."

An audience watcher displayed the battle information [A-Class Mecha-Extreme Soldier] on the Sky News, and then looked up at the terrifying mecha suspended ten meters from the ground and evaporating purple flames.

"If it weren't for the S-level, I would live broadcast and eat Xiang..."

At the feet of Extreme Soldier, the silver-white body covered with dirt and gravel wanted to get up again.

The face of Mocheng in the cockpit has turned purple.

Mech damage is minimal!

But this kind of continuous incidents of being shot into the mud inexplicably hit his self-esteem too hard.

What a shame!

I am the leader of the Hyakutake Comet Troop of the Dignified Mecha Association!

With bloodshot eyes, Mocheng controlled the mecha and directly activated the comet jet mode.

The engine behind the mech is unscrewed again, and the guards around the engine are lowered at the same time this time, and the mech in the comet mode will perform 150% power output.


A circle of white tail flames has just blown up.

The extremely special soldier floating in the air over there didn't even look at it with his head, but his left hand was slightly raised, and then he pressed hard.


Mocheng's mecha was once again pressed into the mud by an inexplicable invisible attack.


In Mocheng's combat career, this was the most embarrassing time for him, and this time, Lord Ran's family was watching him from high above.

Nineteen Hyakutake Comet mechas did not attack. They have a unique combat data link system. In the data link, the mecha of their captain can be said to have been unharmed.

So they naturally know that their opponents did not make a dead move.

So it is impossible for them to kill first, after all, this is on the land of the Federation.

How to do?

This question echoed in more than a dozen mechas at the same time.

Mocheng has been yelling frantically, so it has been collectively blocked by them, and now they need to make up their minds to deal with the matter in front of them.

The Hyakutake Spear aimed at the Comet Hyakutake Mecha, this thing is really going to be stabbed out, it's a lot of fun...

On the Sky Mothership, the silver-haired Naiden coldly looked at Ran's family over there, but the latter did not even pay any attention to Nayden's gaze, still holding his chin with both hands.

What came from the combat headset was a report from the deputy captain, and they were anxiously asking for instructions.

If this situation goes further, it will be a major event.

The decision-making power is placed in the hands of the Ran family again.

"Countdown to 10, 9, 8..."

The black voice didn't fluctuate at all, and Mu Fan's face didn't fluctuate at all. His eyes flowed over the light shields of those mechas.

His limit is another five seconds, extremely special R, can only belong to Rocky Heavy Industries!

Finally, Ran's lips opened slightly, "Light Shield Impact."

Do not use sharp weapons, use the quantity and quality of the body, while forming a force suppression.

In the end, the Ran family refused to give up the fat that was already close at hand.

"Light Shield Impact!"

The deputy captain heard Ran's order, and this order also circulated in the data link.

The shields in the hands of the nineteen remaining Comet Hyakutake mechas expanded again to become half-length shields, the wings were raised high at the same time, and the engine tail flame color began to change.

From light white to light blue.

Seeing this scene, Mu Fan's eyes flashed coldly.

The extreme soldier's right arm slowly pulled back, and the twenty light spears floated back slightly, and then began to shake slightly.

"Countdown 6, 5..."

Mu Fan's eyes were awe-inspiring.

However, suddenly a silver suit circulated, and a giant mecha shining with gems appeared under the sky mothership.

The huge wings spread out, and in the sun, the glittering bright colors on the wings are completely different from ordinary metals.

On the forehead, there are three straight silver thorns rising high in a symmetrical state.

The visual height of the entire mecha is already close to 30 meters!

At first glance, it looks like a huge Comet Kayakutake mecha magnified three or four times.

The wings shook slightly, and the mecha flashed directly above this space in the next second, and a golden light gleamed from the mecha's head and projected downward.

When the nineteen Hyakutake Comet mechas saw this huge mecha, they unexpectedly retracted their shields into the air, and at the same time withdrew from the combat posture.

And the heads of the nineteen mechas were lowered at the same time, as if to show respect for this huge and gorgeous mecha.

"I am the chief referee of this game, Gregory." The deep voice not only resounded through the audience, but also reached every audience's ears via the Internet.

The standing mecha casts its gaze on the black mecha with the raised arm below, looking at the twenty Hundred Take Light Spears whose vibration frequency has increased and seemed to be about to fire.

The wings of this mecha suddenly shook slightly, and then a silver shadow floated from behind.

When I looked closely, I discovered that every shadow turned out to be a mechanical silver eagle over a meter long!

The right arm of the giant mecha shining with gems lightly lifted up and pointed towards Mu Fan.

The silver shadow flashed out suddenly.

Mu Fan's eyes in the cockpit shrank, and the palm of Extreme Soldier finally waved down heavily.

Twenty rays of light suddenly shot out!

The array of rays and a silver eagle collided suddenly. UU reading

There was no sound, the light spear suddenly stopped halfway, and then it spread out at the same time.

The audience was in a collective uproar, especially when they saw each silver eagle's claws clasped a light spear in the camera.

In less than a second, twenty silver eagles floated behind the giant mecha at the same time, and twenty light spears were arranged vertically in the air.

This gorgeous and shocking posture made everyone shout with excitement:

"The chief referee took the shot himself."

"This mecha is... Streaming Aquila!"

"S-class peak mecha!"

"The Skyhawk Valkyrie of the Interstellar Mecha Association-Gregory!"


"Master Gregory!?"

The mecha in the mud just got up, and Mocheng screamed when he saw the mecha in the light curtain.

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Xiaoyao Jianxian 123" for the 100,000 coin reward! (Congratulations to the newly promoted lord, I owe 14 more, tears are running, I will continue to pay tomorrow.)

Thanks to book friends "gavin508", "jhffu", "watching you fall asleep", "Fengye Yixi", "Standby" and "Dawn Wind Shadow" for 500 coins rewards!

Thanks to the book friends "Book Friends 160802135157286", "Love in Autumn", "Book Friends 160802135157286", "Too Easy", "Baby Jing's Husband", "Leading the Piglet for a Walk", "Soft Wind and Floating Leaves", "Dreams to Be the Resource Emperor", "cdokw" ""Dad said 1", "Sound of the wind", "Stop shooting", "Deep in the night thinking about the past", "The other shore, tears fall", "Yunmu Tianyu", "fbiVSsai", "Uncle handsome 1", "s_bdchen", "Old stupid 1905" " Pingping (1 "Shan Dian Bei" "Tian Sha Wuhen" 100 coins, "Cangshan has a well named empty ~" 10 coins reward!

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