Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 391: V-shaped saber (2

   (4800 words in this chapter, the two chapters are combined into one.)

  The fast-moving extremely special soldiers constantly make micro-variable adjustments on the planned route, and avoid all unnecessary battles that may have been encountered early without departing from the general direction.

   The purpose of Mu Fan's participation in this competition is very simple. One is to make Rocky Heavy Industries' reputation, and the other is to completely defeat the Landu Military Group's goal of entering the top 36.

   The former has been over-completed. With the surging power of the Meteorite No. 3 engine and the stunning debut of Yanyu Shuanglan, the current name of the extremely special soldier has far exceeded its own A-level evaluation criteria. Now the popularity of Rocky Heavy Industries has far exceeded Wang Nuonuo and his expectations.

   The latter goal is now about to be completed, because the opponent still has the last mecha-the Skybird.

   As long as it is smashed, then Mu Fan can proceed with the next step without hesitation.

  Pushing the prey into endless fear a little bit, this is simply the cruelest thing in the world.

   "180 kilometers, 175 kilometers, 160 kilometers away from Throne 19..."

  The distance prompt kept ringing in the cockpit, and Mu Fan had already scanned four fuselages that were very close along the way.

   Fortunately, I did not encounter a strong opponent this time. Everyone seemed to be rushing to the throne.

   Before vying for the throne, try to ensure the integrity of your body as much as possible.

   After all, crazy people are still a minority!

   Mu Fan glanced at the combat light curtain, and three red light spots appeared in the front right.

this is?

   The brows were frowned and then loosened. It is unlikely that the three mechas are in a group.

  The well water does not violate the river water!

   The body adjusted its downward direction slightly, and stretched the distance between the two sides as far as possible.

   The dense forest belt separated by a horizontal distance of 300 meters is enough to completely shield the optical eyepieces.

   Very special soldiers plunged into the dense forest without any slowing down.

   After one or two seconds passed, Mu Fan glanced across the radar dial from time to time, and found that two of the red dots were constantly rushing towards the other red dot, which was clear in his heart.

   This should be two mechas attacking one mecha together.

   Mu Fan's heart was completely let go, his eyes were not paying attention, and he turned to look forward.

   "It's dark, take normal alert."

   The extremely special soldier turned into a ghostly figure and began to walk through the tall dense rain forest.

   When the extremely special soldier appeared, the three mechas here naturally saw it, but the red dot that suddenly approached quickly passed by him and others.

  The two mechas of the Qihuo Military Industry also relieved their minds. As for McCain, he had no intention of worrying about these.

   Escape first and then ascend to heaven, it’s really impossible...

   If it doesn't work, initiate surrender by yourself.

  The heart was dripping blood, and McCain looked at the button in the cockpit that he placed aside, endless humiliation came to his mind.

   At this time, the two sides also had the previous dialogue.

   "Southern Kokuk...I will take charge for you!"

   After hearing the opponent's words, McCain felt resentful but helpless. He still could only support the original crystal force field to block the non-stop attack of the two mechas.

   After the words came out from the light brown mecha sounder, they spread clearly and unmistakably.

   Mu Fan, who did not choose to block the near field communication, naturally heard these words clearly in the cockpit.

   "Nanzhi... Guoye."

   When these four words fell in the ears, the roaring engine behind the extremely special soldier suddenly started to stop. The whole mech was half-bow, and finally stopped after sliding for more than 50 meters.

   The image of the young man with blond curly hair finally appeared in Mu Fan's mind.

  Nan no Kokuye's agreement with his side before the game also came to mind.

  The weird look reveals...

   will not be so coincidental?

   But now that I have heard it, I can't leave anyway.

   The black extremely special soldier turned slowly, and then faced the location of the three mechas. The two engines in the second-order posture produced surging power, and the whole mecha rushed forward without hesitation.


   When I heard the warning from the radar, I saw the red dot on the light curtain that suddenly stopped and changed direction.

   All three of them showed stunned expressions on their faces.

   In this case, there are still organisms who want to come and join in the fun?

  The two mechas of the Qihuo military industry ended their hands at the same time, and they became a horn to seal the way out of the original crystal warrior. Then the two mechas were kept on high alert and prepared to see who this mecha was.

  Maka, among the original crystal warriors, saw the two mechas take their hands off, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and was finally able to breathe under the tremendous pressure.

   The original crystal force field began to slowly recover. Looking at the energy indicator that finally stopped falling, McCain secretly prayed in his heart that those who came would mess up the situation.

   As long as one of the mechas is distracted, he can escape here.

   The eyes of the three of them looked at the dense forest beside them at the same time.

A rustling sound came out, and a black shadow faintly emerged from the dense forest. Then the black shadow became clearer and clearer. When the black shell completely appeared under the stellar light, the mecha with a long gun finally Revealed its face.

   was covered with a large area of ​​brown lava that had cooled down, and the joints and the middle and lower sections of the mecha showed their original features, that dim black.

   At first glance, this mech seems to have just crawled out of the mud, but the most conspicuous thing is the long spear in the hand that is like a living thing, with a breath of ice and fire flowing alternately all over the body.

   The head of this mecha looked straight at their three mechas.

   Mu Fan's eyes narrowed, his eyes locked on the three mechas in front of him, and Hei had already told him the information in time.

"The two parallel-oriented mechas in front of you belong to the Qihuo military industry. The orange-red heavy mechas are rated aa level. They feature extremely hard and artificially regenerated lava armor and ultra-density metal heavy hammers in their hands. Light brown shooting type The mech, rated aaa, is characterized by a controllable electromagnetic storm that can strike across obstacles, and the attack can directly damage the pilot in the cockpit."

   Qihuo Military Industry, the identities of these two mechas are clear, so the third one?

"The silver mecha near the lake is rated aaa and belongs to Nanzhi Guoye, pilot McCarthy. It is characterized by a unique original crystal force field, a beam-shaped ion field that can perform 360° The defense and defensive capabilities of the warrior-class mecha are at the peak level, even stronger than the defensive capabilities of individual S-class mechas."

   Mu Fan's eyes jumped directly over the two mechas, one large and one small, and looked at the silver mecha with his hands open on the innermost side.

   So this is the mecha of the young owner of the South Kingdom?

   Looking at the situation on the field, Mu Fan also had a bottom in his heart, and at the same time, he felt a little secretly feeling the wonder of fate.

   McCain should have encountered an ambush by two mechas, but

But I didn't expect to be touched by myself.

   In that case, the pre-match agreement can be fulfilled...

   "Friends over there, it's best to go away if nothing is wrong. This is the personal grievance of Qihuo military industry. If you stay here and it spreads to you, it won't be easy to say." The Thunderstorm Mech turned to the Extreme Soldier, and issued a warning in his head.

   Very unmoved soldiers, still maintaining an ordinary standing posture, and the spear in his hand did not move at all.

   "It looks like you're going to be nosy, right?"

   Seeing this shape, the pilots of Thunder Fire Storm are already in anger. This mecha has never appeared in the list of aaa-level and above mechas they counted before the game.

   When can a mecha that does not reach 3a level have such a strong confidence?

   If you are looking for death, don't blame him for being rude.

  Mika, among the original crystal warriors, was first taken aback when he saw this shape, and then he was taken aback in his eyes, and then he was incredibly ecstatic.

   Even if it is covered with a thick layer of rock, he has a deep memory of the mediocre shape of this machine and the bright spear in his hand!

   This is the biggest dark horse he accidentally discovered, Rocky Heavy Industries-extremely special soldiers!

   Moreover, this mecha, under his special invitation last time, has promised to form an alliance with Minami Kokuye.

   Regarding the conditions of the alliance, they naturally took effect after the stunning appearance of the Yan Yushuanglan last time.

   Thinking of the previous scenes, and then seeing the silent black mecha in front of me, McCar's probing voice sounded from the sounder: "Rocky Heavy Industries... Mu Fan?"

   "Hmm. Need help?"

   Mu Fan's calm voice came from the extremely special soldier. When he heard these words, the excitement in McCain's heart finally couldn't be restrained.

  As a young man at the helm of a large group, McCain has not experienced the feeling of coming to life from a desperate situation so far, but when he heard Mu Fan’s voice, it must have been the feeling of a long drought and rain.

   The excitement in the language seems to have met a newcomer who has been separated for many years. Mu Fan's original stubborn and proud image was infinitely elevated in his mind, and now he is like a giant!

   "Need, I need! As long as I can hold a mecha for me."

   At this moment, Mu Fan is his relative!

"it is good."

   Mu Fan's voice is filtered by the sound generator without any fluctuations, just an ordinary monosyllable word.

   But when this was finished, the extremely special soldier bowed slowly, with the spear in his hand, his left arm raised, and his palm aimed at the two mechas in front.

   will always do more than actually said!

   Mu Fan has already expressed his attitude with his actions.

Ok? !

   Thunder Fire God of War suddenly turned to the original crystal warrior, then looked at the extremely special soldier again, and made a cold taunt:

   "It turned out to be a group? This is really...interesting. What Rocky Heavy Industries, a company that has never heard of, is probably a low-level force that just got in this year?"

   The mecha raised his hands slightly, and a cold voice came from his head: "Nogo, in this case, you will leave this friend behind. Nosy you must have the consciousness to get yourself in."

   The dull answer came from another lava heavy hitting mecha: "Yeah."

   is also a simple word.

   The heavy orange-red mech dragged the super-heavy warhammer in his hand towards the front slowly.

   The terrifying hammer with a diameter of more than four meters dragged a deep trace on the lakeside land.

   When seeing the aa-class mecha leaving, McCain was relieved!

   The unique ability of his own mecha can perfectly restrain penetrating attacks, but the aa-class mecha has the terrifying destructive ability.

   Every time the hammer goes down, the consumption of the original crystal force field makes his heart beat.

   However, thinking of this, McCain suddenly became worried for Mu Fan. There was no way to communicate between mechas. His voice could only be heard through the sounder:

   "Mu Fan, as long as you hold it, this mecha has a large attack strength and range, so don't resist it. I will help you when I solve it."

   "Hmm." It is still a calm word.

   The content of McCain's words and the faint attitude of the extremely special soldier made the Thunderfire Wars Pilot smile angrily.

   "It's really blatant, do you think you can resist my attack from the Thunder Fire God of War? And there, Nogo, quickly smash this broken mech with a hammer, and then come and solve this turtle shell."

   Raised his hands high, two array cannons suddenly popped out of his shoulders.

   swish swish swish, countless electromagnetic wave bombs combined with two bright plasma cannons suddenly blasted out.

   The original crystal warrior folded his hands together and pushed abruptly, a thick invisible force field erected a wall in front of him.

   Fierce explosions and terrifying cracks instantly floated up on this wall.

   War is on!

   Seeing this signal, the huge engine furnace behind the orange-red mech banged, and the sturdy arms raised the heavy hammer high.

   Both feet bend their knees, their feet sink deeply into the ground, and then jump up suddenly.

   Several fiery red lines appeared on the giant hammer head with a diameter of more than four meters. Behind the hammer head, a long fiery red tail flame was ejected like an engine.

   The heavy hammer was lifted high, and his figure was frozen in this scene.

   Mu Fan's eyes narrowed, the extremely special soldier held Yan Yushuanglan with both hands, the tip of the gun was thrown to one side, and his body was half-bow, waiting for the mecha that was still 100 meters away to attack.

   However, this heavy mech just sprinted into the air and did not move forward. Instead, it crashed down the super heavy hammer in its hand.

   Under fierce pressure, countless white air currents were brought out near the fuselage and hammer body.

   Mu Fan looked at this mecha with surprise, so far away, what is it going to do?

   He will know what this mecha is going to do in the next second.

   The terrifying heavy hammer touched the ground, and the ground cracked and the dirt and rocks splashed tens of meters high.

   A wave of earth waves visible to the naked eye spread from under the hammer, and then suddenly waved forward.

  The ground under the extremely special soldier's feet was instantly twisted and squeezed. The moment Mu Fan in the cockpit saw the opponent's heavy hammer hit the ground, he felt the instantaneous imbalance of the entire mecha!

   The tree beside him fell to the ground instantly as if hit by a hurricane.

   At this time, Mu Fan made an extreme reaction, and the Yan Yushuang Blue Spear Compilation suddenly touched the ground, and the spear stretched diagonally to the rear, finally temporarily supporting the falling Extreme Soldier.

  Fi phase force field activated!

The masterpiece of    frost blue breath began to spread from the gun body to the ground, and the turned land was instantly frozen by the powerful flame rain frost blue.

   The extremely special soldier finally stood firm at this moment, but his figure suddenly turned and bounced.

   A retreat step, the black extremely special soldier fell behind him, raised his head and looked at the overweight rushing with the heavy hammer with both hands in front of him.

Type mecha.

   The power of this mecha is so powerful?

   Extremely special soldiers bounced onto the giant tree again, and then rose into the air with strength.

   The violent lava hit mech smashed the giant hammer to the ground again.


   More than forty meters in diameter appeared like a deep crater impacted by a meteorite.

   "Nogo, can you pay attention to the range! Stay away."

   The Thunder and Fire God of War over there suddenly flanked, and collapsed at his feet, and the pilot inside the angry directly cursed.


   With a dull answer, the lava slammed the extremely special soldier who looked in the air, and suddenly lifted the heavy hammer into a half arc.

   A violent energy flame broke out, and a half-arc flame crashed into the air.

   Mu Fan looked at the spear in the mech's hand, and after thinking about it, he still couldn't judge the resistance of the extreme soldier. Suddenly, Ji Shubing flicked his right hand, and Yan Yu Shuanglan directly pierced into the huge wood 100 meters away.

   The extremely special soldier in the air drew out the Akabot alloy epee from behind in an instant, and the broad blade brushed it close to the body at the smallest angle and stood in front of him.

   The flames collided with the generous sword face.

   Mu Fan felt that he was very special, the whole mecha was actually pushed up by two meters.

   A red trace on the Akabote alloy epee still exudes warmth, silently telling the horror of the attack just now.

  噔, the extremely special soldier tumbling in the air steadily landed on the ground.

"Hahahaha, boy, do you think you are this bastard? Without a force field defense, you can't even bear a hammer directly!" The God of Thunder and Fire, who had already begun to wander and shoot over there, saw this scene and laughed unabashedly. The sound came from the mecha.

   If the shortcomings of mobility are not too obvious, how can the lava blow stay in the aa-class mecha?

  No one of   Tech Star Capital’s works is inferior!

   After speaking, the God of Thunder and Fire stopped paying attention. Seeing this situation, the black mecha was broken or ran away only for no more than ten rounds.

   Mu Fan naturally heard these words, and saw the orange-red heavy mecha rushing toward him again.

Is it?

   Mu Fan let out a cold snort, his hands began to move on the console in an infinitely w-shaped wave trajectory, and in an instant he linked his arms to produce a phantom.

   There was a red blood stain on his left shoulder again, but there was a burning intent in Mu Fan's eyes.

   What a good opponent, I can finally try this trick.

   Sogril advanced advanced technique-V-shaped saber!

   The head of the extremely special soldier who was half kneeling on the ground suddenly put his left hand on his right hand, holding the hilt of the epee with both hands, the whole mecha suddenly raised its head, and the engine behind it skyrocketed at this moment!

   (To be continued.)

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