Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Rival, 17 years of secrets (2


The fire rain fell from the sky one after another, and everyone on the Sky Mothership stared wide.

Looking at this gorgeous scene dumbfounded!

The Federation's huge and terrifying fleet was slaughtered by this black mecha that was so small that it was almost negligible.

"Sir, our fleet..." the adjutant beside the colonel said bitterly.

"This is a real demon, how dare he provoke United Galaxia Federation!? There are several lieutenant colonels next to him who still don't believe this scene, this is enough to cross the star fleet to have such a heavy loss!

"How much did we lose with that blow?" Colonel He Gang ignored these people, but asked in a deep voice.

"Report to the colonel, the loss of 328 third-tier cruisers, the loss of 187 fourth-tier combat cruisers, and the loss of 21 fifth-tier gunboats." The soldier next to him stood up and saluted and reported the data.

When this number appeared, even the colonel from the headquarters lost his voice.

It is really a peaceful environment for too long. Many people have never suffered such a heavy loss in their military careers. His heart is bleeding.

The direct economic loss from the damage of more than 500 warships has reached hundreds of billions of stars. What is even more terrifying is that there are more than 20,000 soldiers and officers on it...

Now, these soldiers and their warships fell at the same time in the Land of the Stars.

This is truly a burial place for life and machinery.

"Major General Wang, please instruct the next move!"

This senior officer of the Federal Headquarters finally showed a fierce look on his face, which is a performance after a thorough decision has been made!

"The seventh, ninth, and tenth fleets are assembled maneuvering, sharing data links, and preparing for a sky strike."

After hearing this command, the officer beside him was shocked at the same time.

You must know that the top 10 fleets are the real main federal fleet, with the lowest rank five battle gunships!


"Hurry up!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

A salute, the officer next to him hurried away.

With this attack alone, the Shura Mecha completely left an extremely unforgettable impression on the Federal Army.

And Ruan Xiongfeng's brows were completely twisted into a knot in the big thunder owl. When he saw the huge hole in the sky dome, he let out a roar.

Da Lei Xiao's attack was like a storm, becoming more terrifying and rushing, but it was always stopped by the crimson body at the moment of its death.

The four floating true red swords always appear in places that ordinary people can't even imagine, and then suddenly stabbed!

Da Leixiao had fought these four swords countless times, but when Ruan Xiongfeng saw the sudden reduction of the energy bar, he finally gave up his plan to confront these four weapons.

While the wings were waving, the Thunder Owl entered into a thunderstorm mode, like a goshawk that had been baptized by lightning, rushing down at a speed that was so fast that it was impossible to respond, and this time it was no longer a straight charge. Kind of similar to the trajectory struck by lightning.

This scene is so similar to the arc light used by Mu Fan to drive the mecha before stepping!

Da Lei Xiao dashed into the extreme thunderstorm, and finally avoided the magical red sword among the sparks.

However, it was the crimson mecha wielding two giant half-moon blades that greeted it.

The flame-wrapped real red armed forces seem to be completely unaffected by Da Lei Xiao's lightning power field, and the violent attacking method is even equal to Da Lei Xiao's for a time.

"If you want to stop the mecha in the sky, then you must defeat me... Although you are strong, I can survive for a while? How many warships can it destroy during this time? Haha Haha!"

After hearing this enthusiastic and wanton laughter, the first feeling that people felt after hearing it was... bold and unrestrained!

It's really the kind of language that can infect people's hearts.

However, the rebels are rebels after all!

There have been no revolutionary armed forces in the Federation for hundreds of years, but today they suddenly appeared. Although countless people did not show any disgust, they could not agree with it.

Behind the mask, Ke Qingshan glanced randomly at the collection screen above, with a smile on his mouth.

What a powerful mecha!

Maybe I can only fight with my own destiny...

However, is it not a very pleasant thing to see the emergence of strong players?

In this universe, what else would be more fascinating than this one?

Infinite opportunities and challenges are the driving force for continuous progress!

Ke Qingshan, who was in a state of full body butt, raised his hands and instantly formed an ancient handprint on his chest.

The Sword of True Red, Scarlet Slash!

At this moment, he finally began to show his powerful trump card so confident——

He turned out to be a motivator.

So it seems that the identity of the true red armed forces is also ready to emerge...

This is also a power mech that can compete with the s-class peak.

The four true red swords suddenly shot into the sky violently, and then almost disappeared, four crimson crescents suddenly appeared in the sky.

The appearance of such a vision in the clear sky makes the people who are watching here nervously unable to speak, this is the real world!

They began to worry about Da Lei Xiao, how to defeat the enemy in this situation.

After all, this red mech... is a revolutionary army!

Xiaolong Strike-Thunderbolt!

In the cockpit, Ruan Xiongfeng's back broke out dozens of blood holes at the same time, and the whole person was bathed in thunder.

Boom boom boom, countless shocking thunders sounded in the sky, gorgeous wings spread out, and countless tiny beams of light began to connect the sky and the earth.

The ultra-wide range attack was finally used by Ruan Xiongfeng. He no longer cared about the consequences of using this taboo trick. He just wanted to smash the mecha in front of him.

This damned revolutionary army!

The four fierce moons vs. the thunder light, the audience was completely shocked by this gorgeous scene at this moment.

And Da Lei Xiao... also completely blocked outside.

The black Shura mecha didn't look at this place at all, even if the red mecha did such a protective action for him, he didn't look at it more.

Because, no matter whether it was a human, a mecha, or a battleship, it was not within Shura's attack range.

It is a mecha that is sensible, cold-blooded and crazy, and its current thinking has been merged with the subconscious mind of a teenager.

In Mu Fan's eyes, since he confirmed that there was no danger from the rear, he stopped paying attention.

The violently beating heart finally calmed down. Just under the urging of Shura, Mu Fan, who used the reciprocating Boundary Slash, only felt a slight weakness, and was filled with the violent energy that was violently infused into his body.

This power was perfectly unified with himself, and Mu Fan's consciousness quickly got rid of collapse and entered a state of abnormal excitement.

The strength is restored and you can continue to attack...

All obstacles are enemies!

There is only blood and death to deal with the enemy.

This is his path, which belongs to Shura's killing path.

The 500-odd battleships just now were not enough to calm the anger of Shura and Mu Fan, so he wanted to continue the slaughter!

This feeling is really exciting, the feeling of being hostile to the whole world, that fearless spirit, turned into an irresistible combustion aid for Mu Fan.

The flames of endless fighting spirit burned fiercely and wanton in Mu Fan's chaotic mental ocean.

Mu Fan didn't know that the energy indicator on the combat light curtain in front of him had dropped to 41%.

To create such a terrifying lethality with such a small size is something that is incompatible with modern technology.

Compared with the huge ss-type mechas, Shura's superb attack and terrifying speed are the roots of its famous epicenter, but it exposes its biggest shortcoming.

That is the lack of a large-scale terrorist cluster attack.

Compared to the big thunder owl who was like a berserker, Shura was more like a superb assassin from which the army took the lead.

After the Shura blade ignited the flame, the sharp blood prison knife cut everything, but it could not withstand the huge energy consumption.


But Mu Fan didn't know the progress of this energy at all, and didn't care, he just wanted to shred everything in front of him.

The anger can only be subdued after tearing up all the enemies.


Bloody energy poured into his eyes, and his consciousness fell into chaos again.

Shura flattened the scabbard again, and his cloak was raised high.

When this action just appeared, panic appeared again in the warship.

They are already scared by this terrifying black mecha...

This mech is truly worthy of the name of the killing machine.

"The countdown to the canopy strike...10, 9, 8..."

This countdown command simultaneously appeared on the light curtains of thousands of warships, and the soldiers swallowed their saliva. This combat command that could only be used in military exercises finally appeared at this moment.

The moment they wait for the countdown to return to zero, the true counterattack belonging to the Federation will be completely launched.

However, at this moment, the sky suddenly went dark.

An extremely abnormal signal fluctuation appeared on the monitoring screens in all battleships.

The sky early warning aircraft issued a harsh alarm at this moment!

"There are violent energy fluctuations in the sky, it is suspected of breaking the door, is it...suspected to be a wormhole?"

The voices of the reporting soldiers showed extremely abnormal changes in the communication channel, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

How could that kind of fluctuating signal break the boundary? This is clearly a wormhole in the universe.

However, it is impossible for a space wormhole to appear inside the atmosphere!

"and many more!"

At this time, Colonel He Gang suddenly rushed to the front of Major General Wang, his eyes fixed on the rippled flat-painted electronic pattern in front of him.

"This kind of fluctuation... how is it so like the family on the border?... Attack, attack!" The brain suddenly and inadvertently recalled the secret report that it had heard before, and Colonel He Gang finally lost his attitude this time.

This is most likely-the fleet of the Kador Empire!

When this thought emerged in my heart, a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared behind him.

"The sky is changing direction, attack!" This slightly curly-haired colonel grabbed the communicator and shouted in the channel with a flushed face, and at the same time pressed the synchronized attack button.

Although the tens of thousands of soldiers in countless battleships were very puzzled and inexplicable, they still faithfully executed orders.

Compared to the battleship that had just detected the energy signal, the Shura mech that rushed upwards below reflected much faster.

A sense of danger that was almost intuitive and instinctive suddenly emerged from the bottom of Mu Fan's heart.

Even the **** chaotic sky in his consciousness began to show a violent wave.

In the double **** vision of Mu Fan and Mecha, in a corner of the sky, the energy fluctuations there even formed a whirlpool.

The vortex is so big that it continues to spread, and a faint sense of danger comes from it.

Moreover, the consciousness of the Shura Mecha started to have a tendency to break away from Mu Fan's thinking.

This also makes a loophole in the combination of the consciousness of the two.

The audience below, they inexplicably looked at the black mecha that suddenly stopped in midair.

"How did it stop?"

"Is there no energy? Or prepare to escape."

"what happened!"


A lot of discussion came from the crowd, that the black demon mech's every move is related to their wealth and life.

Most people in the audience would rather hope that this black mecha has enough vent to leave on its own.

However, their current actions have lifted their hearts.

"Why is that?"

No one answered them, because everyone who really understood heard the signal from the high-altitude early warning aircraft.

This time the alarm is so terrible, which shows that there is definitely something the Federation does not want to see.

In the blink of an eye for a few seconds, the sky is like the area completely blackened by the endless dark night, like the deepest curtain, so conspicuous under the clear sky.

Just as the black curtain suddenly opened, the sky strike from the Federal Warship finally appeared.

The first batch of photon torpedoes was launched, the second batch of magnetic storm torpedoes, the third batch of particle cannons were fired, and the fourth batch of Gauss cannons was charged...

The Federal Fleet’s attack at this moment was like a flood of floods, and the methodical attacks broke out in a very short period of time. At this moment, there was only the beam of light that shocked the eye to the extreme!

This is the real canopy blow!


A silver-white battleship showed its hideous bow, and the figure of the battleship had just appeared on the real-time light curtain, and the countless blows completely tilted onto the black curtain.

As soon as the silver-white hull was exposed, it was swallowed by countless brilliance...

Boom, boom!

"The vortex energy response disappears, the space wormhole is annihilated, the ship energy response disappears... a greater energy response is found!" The soldier who was reporting the battle screamed shouted.

A huge red dot appeared on the combat radar at this moment.

Boom, boom, Guanghua hit for 30 seconds before it dissipated completely.

However, just as people were looking forward to it, both Colonel Hegang and Major General Wang in the flagship command room looked up to the sky at the same time, where a huge black figure floated in the radiant spot!

In front of the giant black figure, an invisible shield like an umbrella was put away at the brakes, turning into a terrifying lance, and put on his side.

The smoke curled away, and at the same time a low but shocking man's voice echoed under the dome:

"I'm sorry to bother you, but this welcome gift is too grand."

Reengano, who was burly like a giant, glanced casually at the battleship in front of him that had been turned into countless pieces, and opened the Huangchuan Iron-Curtain Mode to the seven-level cold wind that led him to sneak into. The battleship did not show the slightest care.

Standing in the cockpit, his field of vision gave him a full view of the scene in front of him, but his eyes still didn't show the slightest attention, even if there were Federal warships in the sky.

Finally, Renganuo narrowed his eyes and stared at a small black spot in the sky.

The shocking and deep voice echoed again This time it made countless people feel terrified.

"Asura, I haven't seen you in seventeen years... How are you doing these days?"

:(Finally I can come out and say that Dangdang has been returning to his hometown every year from his birth to the present.

This year, because of children and novels, Dangdang will not go home for the New Year for the first time. At the end of the last year, if anyone should understand the customs of Jinan, people are indispensable in state-owned enterprises. Renewal is really hard to guarantee, and I don’t want to stop. So the recent plot Some Shui Dangdang also know that they dare not read book reviews and have no time to read book reviews.

However, after giving the last gift tonight, I can rest completely. The following plot outlines have been completed, and I will start to advance the plot quickly! Tomorrow... everything will return to normal, the one owed, the twenty-five unpaid, all the rewards and thanks, I will recover!

During the Spring Festival, I will return to normal update speed and plot advancement! And never change! Thank you for your continuous support! )


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