Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 427: Desperate, Shura is in danger

(Two chapters in one)

"Sura...fight with me."


The one-person, one-machine dialogue came to an abrupt end.

Consciousness started to dock again.

After Mu Fan closed his tearful eyes, when they opened them again, they were as indifferent and cold as before.

Shura slowly put the long knife in his hand to his side, and the mutilated left arm appeared empty under the open cloak.

Mu Fan did not speak, and Shura did not make any sound.

Only the gleaming blood-red light in the eyes indicates its answer——

If you want to fight, then come to fight!

Ren Jia Nuo frowned and looked at Shura's movements.

This temperament is exactly the same as it was back then. It almost never speaks. Its actions are often the most powerful answer.

"It's true that you haven't changed much in the past seventeen years, but do you still have the strength of the year after losing an arm?" The Longinus gun in his hand ignores the many warships in the sky, but points to Shura far away. .

Ren Gano is ready to fight.

It has nothing to do with time, region, or national borders. Since they met, then he just wanted to be here and have another fight against his fateful enemy.

This time, he wants to wash away the stains that belonged to Rengarno's fighting career!

Destroy the opponent, everything is quiet.

Hell blaster!

A surging and turbulent black energy suddenly paid attention to Longinus's gun at this moment, and the huge black riding lance turned into a dark black light again.

The horrible energy column with a diameter of two meters instantly blasted down from the sky.

"Get out of the way!"

When seeing the light from the tip of the lance, countless officers in the warship began to rush and call, and the terrifying giant mech went to war again.

But this time the Black Knight's target was not them, but the seemingly small Mecha Shura below!

So the beam of light blasted straight down.

A huge sense of crisis in his heart floated, and this was also a warning from Shura to Mu Fan.

"Don't...hardly resist."

Suddenly, a light red air wave pulled directly behind him, and the engine behind Shura turned on at full power at this moment, and the entire mecha disappeared in place like a teleport and appeared 100 meters ahead.

At this time, the people on the Sky Mothership saw an extremely exaggerated scene. The black giant energy beam turned into a giant energy lightsaber and cut nearly a hundred meters away.

The light beam of the black **** shock wave that quietly moved in the air was only less than ten meters away from the back of the Shura Mecha, and then crashed into the ground.

At this moment, the horror of the black knight's blow was finally revealed.

What is a shock wave!

The ground is as if hit by a small nuclear bomb, a cloud of mushrooms directly rises from the place, and then a dark and ink wave of terrifying air suddenly spread.

The shock wave this time was ten times stronger than when Shura hit the earth.

When the smoke dissipated, the No. 21 Canyon below was completely wiped out with just one blow, leaving only a huge deep pit in place, with a light smoke floating in the center.

The aerospace-type super-large mech developed for space warfare-Black Knight!

All of its attacks are several points more powerful than the mecha of the same generation.

In the space below Shura, the two figures that were colliding into countless afterimages suddenly separated.

One side is a huge purple figure, and the blue-purple scarf is flying high.

On one side was a huge red figure, and the blazing flames all over his body were burning steadily.

Ruan Xiongfeng's pupils condensed a little at this moment, and the entire cockpit was full of the bald man's heartbeat.

As the ace God of War who fought on the border for many years, how could he not know the black mech in the sky.

That huge figure even shook the border for twenty years!

Countless people once looked desperately at the black mecha slaughtering their teammates unscrupulously.

His Great Thunder Owl can smash the Night Demon Bird, but Ruan Xiongfeng is not sure to smash the Black Knight!

Because Da Lei Xiao and Black Knight belong to the same mecha!

What's more terrifying is that the Black Knight has almost formed a complete crush in defense and attack. Except that speed is the strong point of Da Lei Xiao, Ruan Xiongfeng is not sure of winning at all.

Moreover, the opposing pilot, the legendary horror man, is not his own super warrior.

Ruan Xiongfeng's heart began to sink indefinitely.

"His grandma, this special mother's wife is going to explain here today."

Ruan Xiongfeng looked at the scary figure and said to himself.

But even so, Ruan Xiongfeng's sturdy face didn't show the slightest fear, and he didn't even have any unnecessary reactions when he just said the language he might have spoken. It was as simple as drinking water.

"Military, do you have a plan!" Ruan Xiongfeng suddenly shouted at the combat light curtain.

"Di, there is a new communication request from the Secret Service Fleet."

At this time, a system beep brought Ruan Xiongfeng's attention back.


Secret Service Fleet, not the Federal Fleet?

Wait... Qi Longxiang!

The bald man's eyes suddenly rounded.


A gentle-faced young colonel appeared in the light curtain. His calm gaze did not seem to have been affected at all, and his tone was as smooth as ever.

"Commander Ruan, the Black Knight combat mission will be undertaken by the special service fleet. Please also Commander Ruan not to be distracted and protect the Sky Mothership."

"Colonel Qi, you pushed it back last time. This time I need to say what Lao Ruan did!" Hearing what the other party said, Ruan Xiongfeng didn't show the same scorn this time, but rather convinced. .

There is no way, this young boy is actually higher than him.

Ruan Xiongfeng, who has always been the third place in the world, doesn't have the slightest temper. In the army, big fists are the last word.

"The mecha of the revolutionary army needs to be contained by Captain Ruan. The plan for the black knight is a fleet operation. Currently there is no mecha to cooperate with the combat content. Captain Ruan need not worry too much."

Qi Longxiang nodded, and then, after a soldier ran to his ears to speak, his eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Then a military salute was raised to Ruan Xiongfeng: "Qi's plan here has already begun, please ask Da Leixiao to pull the battle range out of the field, as far as possible from the center area... This battle will be very dangerous."

"Okay, the black knight will leave it to you. Remember, even if the blue star is gone, you can't die! I don't want to see the future star of the Federal Army fall here." Ruan Xiongfeng knows the urgency of the battle. , There is no extra time for extra nonsense.

And it's not the first time he and Qi Longxiang have dealt with each other. They both know each other's temperaments.


With a single word, Qi Longxiang's calm face and salute with one hand are fixed on the light curtain.

Da Lei Xiao's wings spread out behind him, and his fists slammed forward and several punches.

Balls of ball lightning were shot out by the volley, blasting towards the huge scarlet mecha on the opposite side-True Red Armor.

Flash Fist!

When those lightning **** were shot, the real red arms on the opposite side seemed to be stunned, and their hands suddenly merged the two separated half-moon giant blades into one, and then the two revolved into one, turning into that huge flame wheel again.

While the fire dragon was spinning, the lightning ball was swallowed by the light wheel, and the real red armed forces defended the attack.

However, when Ke Qingshan looked forward again, he found that his opponent, Da Lei Xiao, broke away from the battle circle in a shake and galloped farther away.

This is...out of the battlefield?

Ke Qingshan's calm eyes looked at the galloping back of Da Lei Xiao, his thoughts turned.

Once again, his eyes looked at the stalwart black figure projected on the overhead light curtain, and excitement sounded from the cabin.

"It turned out to be the second magic machine, and this time it's the old opponent of the Federation, the Black Knight! The ultimate mechas are really crazy. I'm afraid that they can only be played with destiny when they are armed. Right!"

The fists creaked and no one knew what Ke Qingshan was thinking at the moment.

But in the end he looked at the big Leixiao in the distance.

"The rise of the myth needs to start with the collapse of another myth. Let's solve you first, Da Lei Xiao." A cold smile hung behind the mask.

The true red armed forces suddenly turned into a red streamer and rushed into the distance.

The black knight is too extravagant as a whetstone, and the level is too high.

Da Lei Xiao, this whetstone, can't be easily given up.

As for that extraterritorial demon god's killing machine, I wish I could make wine with you, but all battles are resigned.

"The killing machine, Da Lei Xiao, I will help you block it. As for this black knight, I personally hope that you can win. I will have the fate in the future...bye!"

After Ke Qingshan's voice sounded in the air, the red mecha flew to the edge of the battlefield.

"Huh, noisy!"

Regarding those who dared to intervene in the battle, Rengarno had no intention of tolerance at all.

The horror lance in the black knight's hand suddenly lifted, and then a phantom was shot at an angle below.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless gun shadows burning with black flames suddenly flew downwards at this moment.

Hellfire·Chaotic Spear!

A disagreement made the killer painful, and Renganuo's domineering style turned out to be terrifying.

Countless gun shadows had already attacked the front of the red light band below before people reacted.

The shooting location of the gun shadow was exactly the same as the forward path of the true red armed forces.

No one could see when the real red armed forces that were rushing forward raised the scorching sun wheel above their heads, and they spun quickly.

The huge flame vortex appeared in the air almost instantly, like a jade plate that completely caught the black gun shadow falling from the sky at this moment.

Boom boom boom boom!

The ball of light exploded countless, and when the dense smoke in the sky dissipated, the red figure still turned into a light spot in the distance.

Only a cold voice echoing in the sky remained:

"Reengano, I accept this gift. I will return it in the future!"

"Hmm, caught it?"

Raising his eyebrows, Ren Jia Nuo only became interested in the unexpected defensive method, but was noncommittal about what Ke Qingshan left.

The Black Knight has made too many enemies, and Rengarno has no interest in paying attention to those irrelevant things.

His eyes were still on the small black mecha, with a trace of perplexity and doubt in his eyes, and these questions finally came out with the casual and powerful voice:

"What have you experienced over the years and why has it slowed down?"

Mu Fan naturally heard these words in the Shura mech that had just escaped the devastating blow.

He looked up at the black mecha in the sky, his eyes cold.


What did you experience in that battle?

Who was the person who drove Shura back then! ?

Why did he appear in Planet Loga of United Galaxia Federation, and why did Shura arrive when he was about to die?

And how strong was Shura back then?

All these questions finally turned into a soaring war intent and ignited in the young man's heart.

"Sura...Since you chose me, then I will not humiliate you... prestige!"

The words that were cold like a polar cold wind came out of his mouth. Mu Fan closed his eyes and calmly said to the empty front: "The worst result is nothing more than death, Shura... Let me see you back then. , How strong is it."

When the voice fell, all the light curtains in front of Mu Fan's eyes dimmed at the same time, and then lit up again.

But at this moment, the light in the entire cockpit turned into blood!

When I looked at Mu Fan again, he was no longer calm just now. The whites of his eyes were completely stained with blood, and there was blood oozing out of his ears, mouth and nose.

咚咚, 咚咚.

The surging heart beats like a drum beat.

"Sura Domain, open it!"

Under the huge external pressure, Mu Fan seemed to have entered an extremely slow space.


A roar like a beast resounded in the cockpit.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, that tiny black mecha suddenly disappeared!

People didn't even have time to catch up this time, they only saw white sound waves suddenly appearing in the sky.

Each sound wave even spans a kilometer.

Rengano among the black knights' eyes shone brightly, and even his breathing became rapid.

"This is you!"

This is the invincible you back then, and this is my opponent of Rengarno!

The huge engine tail flame behind the Black Knight even directly distorted the space at this moment.


I just felt that the entire sky was torn The giant black figure disappeared.

Then people were shocked to see that a large group of clouds disappeared in the sky where the Black Knight stopped.

The blast of the engine created such a huge vision in the sky.

However, all this has just begun.


A huge black lance burning black flames appeared in the sky in an instant, and at the other end, a blood-colored sword light with a length of nearly 100 meters suddenly slashed out.

The two colors of black and red intersect, and a terrifying shock wave suddenly blew up in the air, and even the shock wave spreading diagonally cut a battleship several kilometers away in half.

Boom, boom, boom!

A few kilometers away from the place where the battle was just now, countless blood-red figures suddenly appeared, even if they were extremely small, they were like hundreds of mechas charging at the same time.

The blood-colored light blade, about thirty meters long, covered the sky at this moment.

Mu Fan in the cockpit began to tremble uncontrollably, and the blood oozing from his facial features had stained his upper body, but the violent muscles and amazing will still made his teeth clenched, like a wounded lone wolf.

This is the first time Shura actively used the move, named after the profound meaning-Asura Three Thousand World!

The terrifying thrust made Mu Fan feel that his body seemed to be torn apart.


"Your speed, strength, and peak are all too different. What's more, you don't know my progress over the years. If there are only these, then you can only say... sorry."

A pity seemed to come from a distant space, and it seemed to be close at hand.

The sky seemed to darken at this moment, above the countless **** light blades...

A giant spear point as magnificent as a planet pierced the sky and crashed down.

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