Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 441: Suicide counter assault

(The prototype of the Shadow Fleet comes from the battle barge shape in "Gothic Fleet: Amada". Students who can't make up for it can take a look. Dangdang's description is a little lacking, but the shape of the ship inside is really cool! )

As soon as the movement of the black fleet in the sky just appeared on the radar chart, no one knew that inside the Tibetan battleship, Qi Longxiang's brow lightly jumped.


The movement trajectory of the fleet called Shadow was too regular, and the regularity was as precise as seeing the light brain performing tactical simulations to the angle of each battleship.

"I really look forward to the tactics you can come up with."

Qi Longxiang whispered to himself and stopped speaking.

In the eyes of some ordinary officers, the fleets of both sides are beginning to adjust their formations in a dazzling manner.

However, in the eyes of real fleet officers, their thinking has gradually been unable to keep up with the formation of the two sides.


Finally, the first and second combat instructions began to be executed in sequence.

"In the first stage, the light-strike artillery array, the spiral attack followed the squadron sequence, and the starboard flanks were hit in ten batches."

This was the first order issued by the Qi Longxiang at that time, but when the blow had just begun, Qi Longxiang's eyebrows had been completely screwed together!

Because the fleet in the air started to change direction collectively, forming a double vertical array on the right side, and the terrifying light spear rain attack turned on again, which was like the attack mode of the ancient infantry javelin projection square array, directly forming a large attack coverage area. .

And the most weird thing is that there is a certain force field between these light spears, and they have mutually exclusive reactions with the light cannons.

Light-strike artillery array... failed to break through the spear array!

Major General Wang in the flagship command room jumped on his temple and couldn't help but speak, "What kind of weapon is this?"

No one can answer.

The only insider of all this, Hei, will naturally not reveal that this is the core shipboard technology from a superpower in the parallel universe.

A mass-produced ship-based weapon with both physical penetration characteristics and energy attack field characteristics!

"Mu Fan, this is the first battle of the Shadow Fleet. This lord will never allow himself to fail. This lord is the greatest intelligent life in this starry sky! The level of your world's top mecha has surpassed the Ace Empire, but your battleship technology..."

In the virtual space, the metal ball under the background of a dark universe gave out an inexplicable sneer.

The order Mu Fan issued is its highest goal at the moment. Before this goal is completed, all the blockers will be flattened!

Under the command of Qi Longxiang, ten batches of strikes almost covered a space close to 210°. However, people were shocked to find that the fleet on the opposite side seemed to have predicted in advance, and every movement of the fleet was horribly accurate!

Sometimes it spreads and sometimes gathers.

When the firepower of the Federal Fleet formed an excessive blow, it finally exceeded the defensive range of the Light Spear Array.

At this time, everyone's eyelids jumped again.

The outermost battleship with the smallest size suddenly triggered a super large unilateral shield from the hull, and then it was directly blocked within the range of the light striker.

Then the engine stopped its forward thrust, and directly built a barrier for the fleet with a steel body.

Boom, boom!

Twelve frigates lost their shields in the next few strikes and shattered, and their bodies were instantly shattered into honeycombs.

"it is good!"

"Good job."

There was cheers in the command room, but what no one noticed was that the remaining fleet actually floated up a distance quietly.

And on the other side, Qi Longxiang closed his eyes tightly but was not as excited as theirs.

Because this time the opponent's defense is too cold-blooded.

The second instruction continues!

The magnetic energy artillery array opened, and circles of light blue shelling trajectory distortedly emerged in the sky.

This time the angle of attack is even more tricky.

And finally began to speed up the assault warship towards the Shadow Fleet.

Approaching at close range and then launching the school of fish swimming tactics, completely dragging the fleet's mobility.

However, those dark frigates reappeared, and they did not hesitate to open their shields, and this time a larger battleship No. 1 with a cutting-edge red paint suddenly rushed out of the gaps specially left by these frigates.

Ace Empire Navy...Netherfire Assault Cruiser!

However, no one knows these warships. If in another parallel universe, the enemies of Ace Empire see the appearance of the Underfire assault ship, then they will never attack again.

Because it is in that starry sky, the most extreme firepower of all cruisers——

Attack the battleship thoroughly!

As for the attack method...

A strange flame ignited at the tip of the thirty-two warships of the Underfire, and then the fire instantly covered the hull.

When people were wondering what these warships were going to do, an extremely exaggerated scene appeared.

Thirty-two warships of Hellfire are like thirty-two huge bolides, with the energy shield network composed of the entire Wagerui frigate, crashing down!

And the instant acceleration directly breaks through the sound barrier.

The white fog of sonic boom, hundreds of meters high and thousands of meters wide, has never been seen by anyone present, but today.

In the sub-command room of the Tibetan warship, Lin Hao, who was once an officer of the new special training officer in Dingchuan, has his mouth open.

Following Qi Longxiang to fight in the past few years, I have never seen such a way of fighting.

"Are the people on these battleships mad?

The people on these battleships are not because there is no one on them.

In Black's consciousness, these are just consumables. As long as the No. 131 base is not disturbed, these fleets can be refilled in just a few moments.

The purpose of these machines is to serve for sacrifice.

Even Hei didn't know that the value of Ace Empire military super-intelligent brain was manifested in this universe for the first time.

"This is the first battle since Lord Black took over the first authority. Mu Fan, you will definitely see the majesty and prestige of this Lord."

Ace Empire The navy's most terrifying attack method-Hellfire Assault Matrix!

Directly submerging an entire squadron in everyone's eyes, tens of thousands of tons of warships collided! The violent explosion directly covered the sky. Then at the moment of intersecting, the remaining Netherfire assault ship was shot out like a second detonation.

For a time, a huge flame air wound formed directly in the sky.

The flames carried on the Underfire battleship are like tarsal maggots. Once it is contaminated on a federation battleship, it will directly adhere to the corroded shell and ignite the inside.

The officers and soldiers on the nearby fleet collectively lost their voices. Such a brutal attack method that ignored the damage deeply shocked their hearts, and even a trace of fear began to rise.

Because until now, the opponent's formation has not changed a bit.

"Statistics: The opponent's battle damage has exceeded 40%! The opponent has no signs of defeat!"

The battlefield monitor lost his voice in horror.

At this time, people also noticed that the body of the fleet was still evacuating in an orderly manner. It was displayed on the radar map, and it was the perfect formation that was extremely unified from the angle.

"Colonel Qi, please be sure to leave the opponent behind and start the cannon attack in advance."

Major General Wang's eyes were uncertain and he picked up the intercom directly.

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