Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 451: Kill all

When Mu Fan's delicate face was clearly seen, a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared behind the beard and beard.

How could this kid appear here?

Time did not allow him to think too much, and the palm of his hand instantly touched his waist. There was his most beloved magnetic pistol, the sixth anniversary limited edition of Condor Arms Company.

But when his movement appeared, Mu Fan lightly stepped on the ground with one foot, and the two snake blades returned to their sheaths.

The figure bullied in like a ghost and punched out.

Positive ion strike!

Quan Feng brought up afterimages on his retina, and his left hand subconsciously protected in front of him.

Hua Snake and her companions only heard the sound of broken bones, and then they saw a figure slammed into the air, sliding down the back wall like a broken sack.

Hua Snake and the others grew their mouths and watched their boss sticking to the wall, their beards were real underground fighters, and they had a level 18 physique...

Was abandoned?

The right shoulder of the beard was directly dented, as if being hit hard by a punching hammer, showing an extremely abnormal distortion.

Mu Fan slowly retracted his fists and walked slowly to the front of his cheeks, looking at the man inserted into the wall.

This scene must be fake, the boss may be a dummy...

The two looked at each other, turned their necks stiffly, and the smile on their faces was uglier than crying.

Luo Hu's brain is still down.

How could this kid have such a strong fighting level!

Recalling the boy who stood calmly in the warehouse and fired three shots at his shoulder, and the boy who was killed in the mech martial arts competition afterwards, he was the same person as the expressionless demon in front of him.

Doesn't it mean that you are in deep treatment for severe injuries?

It turns out that everyone was deceived by him, and why did this kid mention Roderick again? How did he learn about this...

This series of questions directly dazzled his brain, and now he actually began to doubt that he was in a dream.

However, the sharp pain in his shoulder made him wake up directly.

"You, you..." I said a series of four or five times, but I can't talk about it below.

"Why am I here? What about your people?" Mu Fan tilted his head for a moment and said for him, but the indifference to life in his eyes made his cheeks feel cold.

At this moment, the corner of his beard's eyes suddenly saw the actions of the two Huashes. Both of them quietly picked up a pistol from their cuffs, and the muzzle was about to be aimed at Mu Fan the next moment.

Ka, an extremely faint mechanical sound rang, and Hu made sure that he saw the joke in the eyes of this young man.

That's right, just joking.

Put his left hand lightly on the palm of his right hand, and then pulled out like lightning and swept back.

Two cold lights flashed, and the S-shaped snake blades staggered and threw them into the throats of the two accurately. After all, the muzzle in the hand could not be raised again.

Only the extremely weird blue-purple face was left, and his eyes looked straight at Mu Fan... the beard in front of him.

He gulped and swallowed, and his beard only felt the coolness from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

He was actually scared from the bottom of his heart, and he, with dozens of lives contaminated on his hands, was actually scared at this moment.

He was extremely afraid of death, and he didn't want to die like this before enjoying anything.

"Brother, we have no grudges and no grudges, how much do you want me to give you and let me have a way out?"

Mu Fan tilted his head in surprise, seeing the burly man in front of him crying bitterly at this moment, and his eyes begging to please him turned out to be like a pug.

After thinking about it, Mu Fan shook his head and said, "Not good."

Looking at his beard with indifferent eyes, he continued: "If you see me today, you will die."

His body couldn’t restrain himself from swinging. The severe pain in his shoulder made his body start twitching, but his beard shouted in horror and anger: “I’m the senior manager of the Tang family. You killed me today. Family will not spare you."

"The Tang family? Donnaxiu will die within the next 48 hours. I am here to be trusted by a loyal man. When things are over here, I will settle the previous accounts little by little." Mu Fan said calmly.

The beard's body is still swinging uncontrollably, but at this moment it is suddenly more outrageous.

"MD, then go to **** with me!"

Mu Fan was about one meter away from him now, and he didn't control himself. The regained left hand suddenly patted his chest, where there was a trigger grenade.

"Want to commit suicide?"

The palm of the beard didn't reach his chest as he wanted, but rather a cast of iron on his arm.

Then there was a strong feeling of pressure in his throat. Mu Fan's palm hit his throat in an instant, and the violent suffocation between the three fingers made it impossible for Luhu to lift any strength.

"You said that the Tang family, I will destroy it little by little. By the way, I am driving the extremely special soldier, and that demon **** Shura...also me."

This shocking news blasted directly into the heart of the beard, but there was no time for fear.

The muscles on Mu Fan's arm rose, and his backhand slammed downward while his body twisted.

Hu's burly body drew an arc in the sky, and his whole person was heavily hit to the ground.


The bones of the whole body were broken, and the whole person was directly thrown into a pool of flesh.

The murderer who brought Roderick directly into death was killed by Mu Fan without waiting for the other side to ask him.

The palm was slowly removed, and Mu Fan tilted his head to listen.

The nine sleeping people below finally woke up.

In this case, then all die.

Without looking at the corpse at her feet, Mu Fan walked to the corpse of Hua She and pulled out the two snake blades.



A beautiful young woman with a gloomy look in the room was holding her five-year-old son to the corner of the room and shivering.

Celia has been married to Roderick for eight years. With Roderick's ability and Rocky's high salary, this is definitely a happy family. But since a month ago, a group of demons broke into his family, and everything changed.

The unscrupulous words of the group of people outside could not be filtered out by the thin door, and she heard them all.

The loud noise that just came from outside even shook the floor, and then there was no more talk of beards and others outside.

Not long after, this knock on the door sounded, but Celia's heart began to be infinitely terrified.

Is today the day when their mother and son are going to die?

Tuk tu tu.

The knock on the door still sounded steadily, and then a calm voice sounded from the outside: "Is it Mr. Roderick's family member? I was entrusted by someone, and now you are safe."

This is not their voice bearding them, Celia can be sure.

"Mom, is this here to save us?"

Celia looked at the sapphire eyes of the little boy in her arms, and tears couldn't help streaming down.

Whether it is or not, at least at the last moment, you must leave hope for your children.

"Yes, little Mankel is obedient, you are here waiting for mom, don't make a sound."

Celia turned her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, and whispered firmly.

After little Mankel nodded obediently, Celia got up and walked to the door, and before leaving, she covered little Mankel with a torn sheet.

This was the first time Celia took the initiative to open the door in nearly a month.

A handsome teenager appeared in front of her and spoke softly:

"Hello madam, please clean up, and come with me."

Through the gap around the boy, Celia clearly saw the three corpses lying on the ground, covering her mouth in amazement.

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