Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 90: Target: Amethyst!

   Mu Fan ran in one direction for a full forty minutes and finally saw the edge of the city. The metal plate on his chest had become slightly hot from the initial scorching heat, seeming to keep indicating the direction of the Shura Mecha.

I touched the branded "Fan" on my chest. Now I don’t have to worry about finding my mecha. You must contact the black as soon as possible. Otherwise, how to take this mecha with you when you leave in the future is really a problem. .

   After a full hour, Mu Fan returned to the door of Fuwen Villa, and then discovered that Fuwen Villa was the most intact building on Jiahe Avenue. Now there are many people wearing military clothing at the door participating in the rescue.

   When Mu Fan got closer, he heard two people whispering while cleaning the ruins.

   "Have you heard? That boy Markas is not dead!"

   "Who? Who is Marcus?"

   "You don't know this, it's the mecha that defeated 14 Reapers. Wasn't it the Thunder Slasher that was smashed by the Star Thief in the end?"

   "I know about this, warrior-class mecha, I haven't seen a real machine yet, can people live after a shot?"

   "Who said no, the major has led the Fourth Guard in salute, and even heard that the government is going to issue him the Federal Flamingo Medal!"

   "Flamingo! That's the highest rank among soldiers! I haven't heard of anyone in Planet Loga yet!"

"Yeah! What's the most awesome thing you know? When the government rescue team was on the move, they found the wreckage of the RX-16 with an escape pod next to it. The top of the escape pod was bombed out! But Maca The Sna kid was so fateful that he was not dead! He was in a coma inside."

   "Tsk tsk!" The companion sighed that Marcus was dead, "Now Marcus is about to develop!"

   "Hey, don't be envious, it was played with life. Anyway, thinking about myself, I don't have the ability to kill 14 Reapers, I guess I can't beat even one."

   "Move the rocks honestly, and be careful not to hit your feet."...

   Hearing the conversation between these two people, Mu Fan suddenly remembered, isn't Markas the original pilot who was thrown into the escape cabin after being knocked out by himself. If it weren't for the conversation between the two people, I'm afraid I would have forgotten it. Fortunately, not dead, Mu Fan, who was deeply sorry in his heart, suddenly scratched his head.

   On the other side of the city, surrounded by a group of high-ranking officers, Markas looked around with a dazed expression. He suddenly sneezed and then continued to be at a loss. What kind of situation is this? How can I feel knocked out and then wake up, the whole world has changed.

   Suddenly someone noticed Mu Fan standing stupidly on the street scratching his head. A soldier came over and pointed a short distance and said, “It’s okay. There is a refugee shelter over there. You can go in and rest temporarily.”

   Mu Fan's current shape of torn clothes is definitely worse than that of refugees, and there is no complete cloth strip all over his body.

   hurriedly thanked him, Mu Fan said, "I'm looking for someone, and my friend is inside." He pointed to Villa No. 4 behind the soldier.

   The soldiers quickly stepped aside. The No. 4 Villa is the most complete place on this street. You can guess the horror of this Fuwen Consortium just by thinking about it. Unexpectedly, everyone had seen it before.

   Mu Fan walked into the villa along the route last night, and heard a faint laughter before he walked far.

   How unhappy Gao Lingsen is, he died after nine deaths, he just walked back in the ghost gate, now it is the most beautiful thing to be able to stand on this land safely and securely.

   Wayne was busy with other things, as if he was contacting someone to find the kid named Mu Fan.

   The busy people all around saw the men laughing unscrupulously on the lawn and they all walked around. It was a distinguished guest from far away. I heard that the owner dare not neglect.

   stood a gentle and quiet girl, now with her back to the door, she looked at her father helplessly.

   "Well, where is Harry?"

   Gao Lingsen said casually, "I don't know, I guess I went with Wayne."

   Then the voice suddenly stopped, and the whole person slowly turned around, and then saw a ragged Mu Fan, looking at him expectantly with his eyes open!

   "Mu Fan!"

   "Mu Fan?" Shirley turned around quickly when she heard the exclamation of her father turning around.

   The person Wayne and his son were looking for is right in front of him! Great, all alive! Although Shirley also saw Mu Fan's torn clothes and various scars on her body, standing in front of her well, there is nothing happier than living well!

   Shirley smiled, her eyes bent into crescents.

   Seeing the girl in front of him suddenly smiled, Mu Fan ignored Gao Lingsen again gorgeously, and said embarrassingly: "It's great that you are fine, by the way, can you tell me where Harry is?"

   Gao Lingsen saw that the kid stared at his precious daughter directly, and was really furious, but when he thought that his identity could not be seen as a teenager, he snorted and stood with his hands unhappy.

   "Cousin Harry went looking for you! He said he couldn't reach you, wait, I call him." Shirley took out Tianxun and quickly connected to Fatty's voice.

   "What's wrong?" The fat man's tone was impatient, and he had no time to talk about anything else now.

   "Mu Fan is here." Shirley handed this exquisite milky white sky news to Mu Fan, ignoring Gao Lingsen's ugly face.

   "It's me, Mu Fan!" A familiar voice made the fat man choke.

   Listening to Fatty's excited voice, Mu Fan felt warmth in his heart. He still has such a real friend on this planet.

   "Mu Fan! Where have you been, why has Tianxun been unable to contact you?" The fat man started to tremble when he spoke, and a series of questions were thrown over directly, causing Shirley to look at him with sparkling eyes.

"I just ran into the star thief detonating the bomb, and after fighting with them, Zhongtianxun didn't know where it was. Later, after the mecha appeared, I was stunned out, and I woke up thinking of coming to you." Mu Fan said. The truth is hard for others to question, he must conceal the fact that he was driving the RX-16 and later the Shura mech.

If there is another person who knows Mu Fan in particular, he is definitely Fatty. Fatty believes half of those words. He guessed that Mu Fan had something to say in the Tianxun, so he immediately said: "Okay, Mu Fan Come into the VIP room, my father wants to thank you, there is good news!"

   "What good news?"

   "Federal Examination!" It's finally here! When the fat man said these four words, Mu Fan's hand instantly squeezed Isn't everything that I worked hard for today?

  Get out of Planet Loga and experience the long-awaited life! Mu Fan's eyes were full of desire.

   "Okay, I'll go to you!"

   Mu Fan returned the Tianxun to Shirley, nodded in thanks, and ran into the hall quickly.

   Shirley looked enviously at Mu Fan's running back, this is true friendship.

   No one noticed that when Mu Fan hung up the Tianxun, the hidden cameras around him flashed suddenly, and then he stubbornly faced the place where Mu Fan had just disappeared.

"It's great that you didn't die, Mu Fan, oh oh oh, didn't you know that this lord almost destroyed it by himself?" Finally found Mu Fan's trace, Hei made a cry of joy for the first time on the Internet .

  Self-digestion ends.

   These just a few hours seem to be half a century to it.


  PS: Thank you book friend "Gu Hezhu" 1888×2+588×4+10 starting point coin reward!

  Thanks to the book friend "Qian Chen Yue Qi" for "Sit and Die" 100 coins reward! Thanks to book friends "Under the Green Tiger Mountain" "Purple Night Thunderstorm" 10 coins reward!

   PS: Today, the final chapter of the first volume is added, and the second volume will be opened tomorrow! The new friends "Gu Hezhu" come to our daily routine, saying don't rush the author so fancy, the daughter-in-law is really going to be born, and I have to leave a few chapters away from the song to ensure that it will continue to be updated during the childbirth...

  Also, I suddenly wanted to write a sorrow for Baihe, what should I do, is there anyone blocking me? The Kirin Arm is really going to Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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