Mecha and Knife

Chapter 168 When I Die

Su He habitually turned on the camera, but Ji Xinghe didn't care.

"The experiment has officially started. I didn't choose the mecha fighters in active service. I said it was because the mecha fighters in active service are all capable of fighting. But I think there is still a big risk in the experiment. They are worried that it will affect the mecha fighters in active service. .”

Su He briefly introduced what he knew, then looked at Ji Xinghe worriedly and said, "Old Ji, I know you want to continue driving the mecha, continue to fight, continue to...revenge. So, if you have the chance , you should also apply to participate in this experiment, right?"

Ji Xinghe was noncommittal and kept silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Su He sighed: "Actually, it's not necessary. You are the most professional mechanic among the super mecha fighters, so you should be very clear that the application of this new technology should take several years. Yes, they may The cockpits of all the mechs will be replaced with cockpits using neural link technology. Those who do not participate in this experiment, or those who cannot meet the standards, will no longer be able to drive the mechs. But in this process, you You can continue to play, but as for a few years later...we will see at that time, it is really not possible, we will participate in the experiment at that time, and the technology will definitely be safer at that time."

Ji Xinghe frowned slightly, and asked softly, "Xiao Su, did Tu Yuan tell you to say that?"

"Ah? Old Ji, don't you even add the word general now?" Su He was a little surprised, but said directly without any concealment: "General Tu Yuan asked me to tell you, he said he was looking for a professional Experts have seen your medical examination report, and your nervous system has indeed degenerated. Although it is not the degree of degeneration at the age of sixty-five, but at the level of a mech warrior at the age of forty, the risk of rashly participating in this experiment is still too high. big."

Ji Xinghe asked: "Is there any more?"

"Also." Su He nodded: "Using this technology to drive a mech puts a lot of load on the nervous system. General Tu Yuan said that after the age of forty, the nervous system cannot withstand long-term driving of the mech. Fighting, the damage caused by the forced use of this technology is likely to be irreversible. Then symptoms similar to Parkinson's, crooked eyes, memory loss, and even Alzheimer's will appear in advance. Lao Ji, this is better than driving a plane. The physical damage caused by the armor is more serious, uh... the damage to the nervous system seems to be a physical damage, but is it an internal injury?"

Ji Xinghe nodded: "Yes, they are all considered physical injuries."

"The problem is not this." Su He said anxiously: "The problem is that if you participate in this experiment, whether it is now or in the future when the technology is more mature, it will bring you great damage, irreversible and irreversible damage. .”

Ji Xinghe pondered for a while: "What exactly does Tu Yuan want you to tell me?"

Su He took a deep breath: "He asked me to tell you not to take risks. Your current strength is very strong and fully sufficient. It doesn't matter if you have fewer resources in the future. Before that kind of technology is popularized, you It is still an undisputed super mecha fighter, before all the mechas are replaced in three or two years, you will definitely be able to get a hundred gold stars and retire as an ace mecha fighter."

"He also said that you always have to bring Xinxin back to Azure Star, so there is really no need to take such a big risk, the gain outweighs the loss."

Ji Xinghe was silent for a while after listening, and then asked: "Xiao Su, have you ever thought about a question, why my body age was considered to be forty years old when they tested it, but I can do it?" What about things that people with peak physical fitness can't do at the age of forty, thirty, or twenty?"

Su He was stunned. He thought of Ji Xinghe carrying more than 400 kilograms of protective armor and running all the way in the machine repair area, which caused countless exclamations.

Not to mention the mechanical mechanics with good physical fitness in the machine repair area, but just the mech fighters, there are not many who can do this. Perhaps, a two-meter-tall man like Major Jackson could do it, but Major Han Li definitely couldn't.

In addition to strength, there is also speed. Su He has seen Ji Xinghe's actual combat training in the training area many times. When he fought against three or even ten against one, his explosive speed surpassed those mech fighters and elite soldiers. Their reaction brought down all opponents in a very short time without any injuries.

Instructor Li, who has already died, once said in an interview with Su He: If it is not actual combat training but real actual combat, Ji Xinghe can kill all opponents with one enemy ten.

Is it just speed and power?

No, absolutely not.

Su He has seen a lot and understood a lot. Ji Xinghe's reaction speed and precise judgment in the battle process, which is what Instructor Li calls combat talent, also surpassed almost 99% of mech fighters. Only some super and ace mecha fighters can match it.

And all of this requires the body as support.

"Why?" Su He thought of this question under Ji Xinghe's reminder, but he didn't understand.

"Actually, I knew about this experiment a long time ago." Ji Xinghe did not answer, but said: "The idea of ​​the brain-computer interface was already there before I was born, and there are some finished products in the laboratory. However, because the core technology has not been solved, it has not been able to be truly applied. The virtual reality game Star Glory, as well as the first-generation and second-generation simulation systems, have actually applied this technology.”

Su He was stunned, saying that he didn't understand martial arts and body, and he didn't seem to understand the scientific issues he was talking about now, so he could only listen in a daze.

"Ten years ago, I read a paper published by the Federal Academy of Sciences, and I knew that this technology had made a breakthrough, and it was bound to be related to the driving of mechs. The principle of this technology is actually very simple, that is Let us human beings be able to control the mecha as if we control our own body."

Papers from the Federal Academy of Sciences? Who would read that stuff when it's normal? You weren't an auto mechanic in Xinfengcheng at the time. Is it necessary to read this kind of paper?

Su He wanted to complain but didn't know where to start.

"So, I actually know this technology very well, but I didn't know the progress of their experiments before. But after coming to Alien, I got to know the blind, lame, and left-handed people."

Ji Xinghe finally talked about what Su He knew, and Su He couldn't help asking: "What happened to them?"

"Do you still remember that I helped the cripple transform his mechanical leg?"


"His mechanical leg uses neural link technology, the mechanical eye of the blind man, the left hand of the left hand, all use this technology. When I helped the lame and the left hand to transform their mechanical prosthetics, I knew that this technology was about to be applied to the machine. The armor is on the driver, because in essence, there is no difference between controlling the mechanical prosthesis and controlling the mech. The mech was an exoskeleton armor long ago, and the exoskeleton armor was a mechanical prosthesis long ago.”

Su He was shocked: "Then why didn't you say it before?"

"Say it or not, what does it matter?" Ji Xinghe said softly: "This technology is good, and it is very beneficial to us. When our mech fighters are singled out against the imperial mechs, they can One-for-one is already a victory. In a two-on-one situation, our special class was defeated by an earl mecha... With this technology, this situation will never happen again. "

Su He thought of the previous topic: "You know so much, then you shouldn't participate in this experiment."

After Ji Xinghe finished speaking, he followed Su He's words and returned to the previous topic.

"Xiao Su, do you know why I can do things that you young people can't do?"

"I don't know." Su He said in a daze: "I told you just now, I don't know, Lao Ji, don't be fooled, okay, we are indeed making a documentary, but there is no need to do so much foreshadowing ah."

"I didn't tell you that."

Ji Xinghe glanced at the camera, and Su He understood. Tu Yuan didn't dare to face Ji Xinghe who asked him to challenge him twice, so he chose to let Su He pass the message.

Similarly, Ji Xinghe didn't want to say anything to Tu Yuan, because even if everyone thought that Ji Xinghe was from Tu Yuan, Ji Xinghe knew very well that he was not from Tu Yuan.

A general, a lieutenant, and the biggest point of controversy between the two should be that after Ji Xinghe came to Yixing, he did not follow Tu Yuan's arrangement to become an auto mechanic. He recorded his life through Suhe every day and broadcast it on Azure Star. out.

If Tu Yuan's strategy is followed, Ji Xinghe is definitely not a lieutenant now, he may just be promoted from a private to a corporal.

"That's fine, I'll remember." Although Su He was still very curious, he was no longer in a hurry.

Ji Xinghe pondered for a while and said the answer.

"Because you are all just using your bodies, and I am controlling mine."

Su He froze for a moment: "Use? Control?"

"Well, maybe Jackson and Han Li can understand the difference."

"But..." Su He hesitated for a moment: "General Tu Yuan said that he asked Jackson and Han Li for their opinions, and they both said that they don't recommend you to participate in this experiment. Not now, nor in the future."

"That means they haven't understood the difference." Ji Xinghe sighed: "I said before that I didn't trust Jackson and the others. Now it seems that I was not wrong."

"This..." Su He felt that it was necessary for him to cut this paragraph, because Jackson and Han Li, Yingzhou and Longzhou respectively, were the most hopeful to rely on their own strengths and shoulder more responsibilities and obligations at the same time. , the existence of hope to be promoted to the ace mecha fighter.

It doesn't seem very good for Lao Ji to offend them like this?

And if this passage was recorded and sent back, and ignorant colleagues edited this passage into the documentary of "The Old Man and the Sea of ​​Stars", wouldn't it damage the image of the future ace mecha fighter?

"Old Ji, do you really want to participate?" Su He said, "Even if I believe you, it's useless. If they don't let you participate, you can't participate."

"I want to participate, but I don't have to. As you said, the current technology is not mature enough, and I really want to bring Xinxin back to Azure Star. But... I will never give up the pilot A, please convey this sentence to Tu Yuan, if possible, I hope you can cut it into my documentary."

Su He thought of when Ji Xinghe's story really started. In order to join the army, Ji Xinghe chose to use the live broadcast of a newcomer reporter named Pei Jing to coerce public opinion to put pressure on Tu Yuan and the Federation.

But now, in order to retain his right to pilot the mecha, strictly speaking, the right to pilot the mecha a few years later, Ji Xinghe once again chose to coerce public opinion.

This old man has never changed, he is still the same old man who will do anything to get revenge.

"Okay, I promise to tell General Tu Yuan and let my colleagues cut this passage into it as much as possible."

The former can be guaranteed, while the latter Su He is also powerless. In fact, he still does not want Ji Xinghe to take risks.

Ji Xinghe pondered for a while, then spoke out calmly, one sentence at a time.

"Tu Yuan doesn't believe me. I don't blame him, because he has never really understood me. His perspective on this war is different from mine."

"Jackson and Han Li don't believe me. I don't blame them, because they haven't reached my current level yet."

"Xiao Su, you don't believe me, I don't blame you, because these are not areas you are good at."

"But, I have to believe in myself."

Ji Xinghe's voice paused for a moment, and then became firmer than ever before: "I don't want to regret and be ashamed when I look back on the past when my life is about to end."

"I hope that before I die, I can tell Ji Rong Xinyue that you must live proudly and bravely, because you are my granddaughter Ji Xinghe."

"I hope that after I die, I can tell Ji Chenxing, son, you can rest in peace. I have already avenged your revenge."



ps: Gan, this chapter was written from 6:20 to 8:54, I have to go out, typo, please help catch bugs, thank you.

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