Mecha and Knife

Chapter 204 The Venus Sent

The two mecha epees in Ji Xinghe's hands were both more than 2.5 meters long. The thickness of the swords was slightly different, and the shapes of the hilts and guards were obviously different.

Such a weapon, even when used while driving a mecha, is not suitable for fighting with a sword in each hand. It is a two-handed sword designed for mechas, and requires two hands to hold the hilt.

But Ji Xinghe didn't seem to know this, or he was reluctant to let go of the precious spoils in his hands, and started charging with a sword in each hand.

The two mecha heavy swords did not swing with Ji Xinghe's charge. The sixteenth-generation mecha of the Federation, running wildly with two feet, stretched out its arms to the sides of the body, with a slight bend in the arms. The arms are straight and then remain stable.

The two mecha epees in both hands extend longer along the direction of the arms, the tip of the sword points obliquely, the blade is thick and long, it looks like this federal mecha suddenly has more A pair of wings.

As it runs, its shoulders will shake to a certain extent, so that its arms and two mech epees seem to be swinging with the wind, and they seem to be flying high.

Then, it really flew.

After being customized and modified, the standard mecha with a height of 4.6 meters has a very powerful maneuverability under the full power of the Federation's eleventh generation core engine. It can run at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour when running on two feet, and even more What's more, it's a full-speed charge?

The speed reached the extreme, and the power exploded suddenly.

The 3.5-ton mecha, holding twin swords like wings, suddenly flew into the sky of an alien star.

From the induction screen of the reconnaissance landmine, Chen Xun panicked when he saw this scene. He is not a mecha fighter, but he has cooperated with very good mecha fighters many times, so he knows that driving a mecha to fight must abide by the rules. One of the laws of life is not to jump.

The gravity of Alien is low, and the specific performance is not only the feeling of the body becoming lighter, being able to lift heavy objects that could not be lifted, etc., but also an important phenomenon that the acceleration of natural falling slows down.

In short, if you jump from the top of a 100-meter-high building on Azure Star, regardless of air resistance, and the concrete floor below, you will only have 4.47 seconds of life left from the start of the jump.

So you can't jump off the building.

In Alien Star, this time will be more than doubled.

As the falling speed slows down, the enemy's reaction time will naturally be longer, just like the Ji Xinghe who suddenly flies up now, it is impossible to control its own parabolic 'flight' trajectory in the air.

An earl-level mecha that originally wanted to retreat, when it saw Ji Xinghe flying high, chose to rush to Ji Xinghe's landing point without hesitation.

It can see the landing point of Ji Xinghe, because its mecha also has an intelligent core, and it has already calculated the result when Ji Xinghe flew up.

Holding the sword in both hands, it is held on the right shoulder, and the tip of the sword points directly to the sky.

Not only this earl-level imperial mecha, but also the three viscount-level imperial mechas that were relatively close to each other all rushed over. They all knew where Ji Xinghe was falling. All other weapons are ready to meet Ji Xinghe.

It's too late, but it's fast.

After all, it is a 3.5-ton mech, and a full jump is only a distance of more than 30 meters. For a charge, the distance that can be crossed in only one second is extended to two or three seconds.

The earl's mecha took a step forward and stood still, and raised the epee of the mecha in his hand, from piercing the sky to piercing the galaxy.

The mecha epee made of tungsten steel and gold is unparalleled in armor-piercing ability. As long as it can be stabbed, Ji Xinghe's mecha will inevitably be seriously damaged.

And after that...

But it failed to stab, Ji Xinghe, who jumped like a parabola, retracted his spread wings before it fell down, and the two mech epees crossed in front of him, cutting them with incomparable precision like scissors The epee of the earl-level mecha.

No need to cut, no need to cut.

Three mecha epees made of tungsten steel and gold collided together, and Ji Xinghe, who was charging towards him, could use more than 3.5 tons of self-weight at this time.

The earl-level mecha that stabbed straight with the sword had already used all its strength, but couldn't control his arms at all. He could only watch helplessly as the 'scissors' held his weapon and slammed into his mecha.

There was a bang, not the sound of three mecha epees colliding, but the sound of two mechas colliding together.

Ji Xinghe's mecha hit the Earl's mecha.

The two mechas fell to the ground at the same time, but Ji Xinghe was on top, gliding on the ground as if riding an earl-level mecha.

The body was pressed against the earl-level mecha, and the scissors in his hands opened again and turned into wings. The epee in the earl-level mecha's hand was turning around. When he wanted to defend, Ji Xinghe's wings had already been retracted again. The blades of the sword interlaced in the shape of scissors, and suddenly penetrated between the necks of this earl-level mecha.

The tips of the two mech epees inserted into the ground along the sides of the metal skulls. When the blades sank into the ground for most of the time without hindrance, the metal heads sandwiched between them rolled down, as if they had been cut off. .

It wasn't until this time that the pilot of the earl-level mecha finally realized that what it just stabbed with its sword was not Ji Xinghe, but the sky it smashed down.

It shouldn't be blocked, because it can't be blocked.

The sudden change made the three viscount-level imperial mechas rushing towards Ji Xinghe slow down, because they were very sure that when they rushed in front of Ji Xinghe, Ji Xinghe would definitely be able to complete the action of getting up.

The fact is indeed the case, Ji Xinghe not only completed the action of getting up, but also stabbed the epee of the mecha into the cockpit of the imperial mecha, and an imperial earl died on the spot.

Captives are very important to Ji Xinghe and the Federation, but if he needs to capture the imperial orangutan this time, then he has only one goal.

Standing up with two swords, Ji Xinghe looked at the duke-level imperial mecha that had just emerged from the dust storm. The distance between the two sides was about a hundred meters.

It came a little late, because it was just looking at the Marquis-level mecha, trying to see why it was instantly killed by Ji Xinghe after a single move.

Due to the visible distance, except for the three viscount-level mechas rushing towards Ji Xinghe, this duke-level imperial mecha, and the other imperial mechas chasing Ji Xinghe, none of them could see with their own eyes that Ji Xinghe just broke through the Ji Xinghe. The process of setting up an earl-level mecha.

But the process is actually not important. The important thing is that Ji Xinghe broke down an imperial mech while being hunted down.

This time, the four strongest imperial mechas in the pursuit have lost two, one is the marquess and the other is the earl. Among the remaining imperial mechas, the only one left that can really pose a threat to Ji Xinghe is the earl. And a duke too.

In fact, the duke-level mech clearly saw the whole process, and most of the time it appeared outside the visible distance of the dust storm, and could share the visual images of all other imperial mechs.

Who can see Ji Xinghe, it will see whose perspective.

At this time, it is looking at Ji Xinghe from four perspectives, one is its own perspective, and the other three are the perspectives of the three Viscount-level mechas.

Standing a hundred meters away from Ji Xinghe, this duke-level mecha is very cautious to see more information and understand Ji Xinghe's fighting style.

Ji Xinghe, who also guessed this point, rushed towards a viscount-level mecha without any hesitation.

The time difference between the three mechas rushing from three directions is too great.

And Ji Xinghe is very sure now that these three imperial mechs will never run away, because they are the cannon fodder of the Duke of the Empire.

Ji Xinghe, who was able to single-handedly defeat the viscount-level imperial mech a long time ago, now has greatly improved the performance of the mecha he is driving, and his weapons have made a qualitative leap.

The three viscount-level mechas that rushed to Ji Xinghe one after another were cut down by his sword one by one without any surprise or danger.

But what Ji Xinghe didn't expect was that after the three viscount-level mechas, five ordinary imperial mechas appeared from the dust storm, and then charged Ji Xinghe from three directions.

This scene is actually very normal. Ji Xinghe has encountered it more than once in the process of being chased this time.

But different from before, these five ordinary imperial mechas did not form a formation that could support quickly as before, and there was a very obvious gap between their positions and the speed of charging.

Compared with the three viscount-level mechas just now, the gap is even bigger, and the threat is more than one level less.


Ji Xinghe suddenly understood, so he didn't choose to escape, but started charging again and started fighting again.

In less than 30 seconds, Ji Xinghe fell down another five imperial mechas. In this battle where he was chased by thirty-one imperial mechas, he had already defeated ten of them.

The number of gold stars increased by ten more.

At this speed, if there is no accident, the number of gold stars he now has should have surpassed Han Li and Jackson.

After becoming the ace mecha fighters, the fighting style of these two guys will inevitably return to the same way as before, mainly helping teammates, and the number of gold stars is not important.

Standing still, Ji Xinghe looked at the Duke-level mech that was still a hundred meters away from him, and suddenly turned on the loudspeaker.

"Is there any more?"

He was speaking Longzhou dialect. He wasn't sure if the Duke of the Empire could understand it, but he hoped that the other party could understand it.

The Duke mech didn't respond, and stood there motionless.

"None of these will work. If you want to test my strength and know how I fight, it's best to let that earl come over. When it is on guard, I can't kill it instantly. At least I have to A few minutes of typing is enough for you to see clearly."

Ji Xinghe continued to persuade, because he still wanted a weapon made of tungsten steel and gold, and the empire only had Earl-level and above mechas, which would have such weapons.

And after the weapons were upgraded, the imperial mechs like Viscount and Baron who were not his opponents were no longer his opponents.

The earl-level mecha, which was able to win in the first place, was also no match for him.

The ones that can really pose a threat to him, in a one-on-one situation, must be at least the Marquis-level mechs of the empire.

But now he has Chen Xun as a sniper.

Ten minutes has passed.

Chen Xun raised his gun to aim again, but because this Duke-level imperial mech was not within the detection range of the reconnaissance mines, Chen Xun fighters could not aim at it.

It seems to know where those reconnaissance mines are buried, or just because of experience and intelligence, it knows that it can't get close to the combat location that Ji Xinghe actively chose.

"Let it come or not? If not, I'm leaving."

Ji Xinghe continued to press to make a sound, but the reaction of the Duke's mech was beyond his expectation again, it turned around and left.

Did you really leave?

Ji Xinghe looked at everything covered by the dust storm in his sight, quietly waiting for the reappearance of the imperial mecha.

But he didn't wait, only the Xinghe team was waiting.

"Old Ji, here we come."

"Where's the duke-level mech?"

"Really ran away?"

"Wow hahahaha, it must be because I knew that my general Niu Ma was coming, so I ran away with my tail between my legs."

Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun's voice suddenly sounded in the communication channel, interrupting the others.

"Speak less, do more, listen to my command...Old Ji, I'm still in charge now?"

Ji Xinghe confirmed: "Yes, you are still in charge, now and in the future."

The communication channel of Xinghe Squad fell silent, only Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun's voice could be heard.

"Ox and horse (Su Chuanyun), heavy artillery (Andre), go dig out the reconnaissance mines, the coordinates have been shared."


"Be careful not to damage it. It's very expensive. Come and meet me after you get it."


"Blind, crippled, deaf, crippled, left-handed, assault formation, go to area 163 for support."


"Old Ji, follow the blind man and the others."


"Old Ji, how many swords do you need?"

"One handle."

"Okay, blind and lame, can you two use a sword?"


"Okay, you two take one each."


Regarding this point, no one has any objections, because besides Ji Xinghe, only the blind man and the cripple are super mech fighters in the Xinghe team. They have cooperated with each other many times in the past battles. Cripples have real strength.

Moreover, their captain, Ji Xinghe, said that each of them has one, and one is indispensable.

After the blind man and the lame man each took a mecha epee made of tungsten steel, Chen Xun raised his volume.

"Galaxy Squad."




Eight mechs and one off-road vehicle charged in the dust storm.

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