Mecha and Knife

Chapter 211 The sword breaks six, the head hammer breaks one

The battle begins not at the periphery, but at the center.

"If the number of support mechas is less than ten, don't do anything and continue to hide."

Ji Xinghe's voice stopped many mecha fighters who were about to go to war. Many of them doubted it, but at this moment they all chose to obey the order.

In fact, Ji Xinghe is only a major, and in the mecha team responsible for supporting him, there are many special mecha fighters with the rank of major, and mecha fighters with the rank of lieutenant colonel, and there are even ace fighters like Jackson, who has just been promoted to colonel. A warrior.

A lieutenant colonel like Chen Xun also has a lot in the command center, and the rank of the staff officers is generally higher than that of the mech fighters, which is convenient for commanding battles.

But Ji Xinghe, who was supposed to be commanded and said to let others command him, changed the battle plan that had been formulated before.

This is not a violation of military orders, but he knows that many people trust him, and he must be worthy of this trust.


The Mecha Zhanshan turned on the full power mode, and when the earl-level mecha it faced suddenly started to charge, it also started to charge without hesitation.

But the target is not an earl-level mecha, nor can it be an earl-level mecha.

The twenty-one imperial mechs who had received the news of the arrival of the reinforcements chose to act first, and they rushed towards Ji Xinghe at the same time, but their goal was not to kill Ji Xinghe, but to trap Ji Xinghe.

Leave me to the Duke of the Empire?

Ji Xinghe confirmed this in his heart. He had guessed this before, and it was precisely because he saw the sudden change of formation of the twenty-one imperial mechs that his thoughts were confirmed, so he ran without turning around. The battle for reinforcements was not started on the periphery.

Instead, he chose to charge.

In a battle of one against twenty-one, no matter how you look at it, it seems that Ji Xinghe has swelled to the extreme, and it is impossible to win.

but if……

You don't have murderous intentions, I do.

The distance of less than 100 meters was directly crossed after the two sides started charging at the same time.

Ji Xinghe appeared in front of the viscount-level imperial mecha numbered 03, which was the one that Ji Xinghe had just chased. He was more familiar with this imperial mecha than all the other imperial mechas on the scene.

The mecha sword with high-frequency oscillation characteristics was cut in half the moment it was raised, just like Ji Xinghe once used a weapon of the same quality and characteristics, but was easily cut off by the earl of the empire.

The No. 03 Imperial Mecha, which lost its weapon, wanted to escape subconsciously, but its starting speed was too slow compared to Ji Xinghe's slashing speed.

So, beheaded for public display.

This is Ji Xinghe's favorite fighting method when facing the imperial orangutan, whether it is the imperial orangutan driving a mecha, or the imperial orangutan being dragged out of the cockpit of the mecha.

Ji Xinghe, who chose to behead, was delayed for some time, and the two imperial mechas took the opportunity to rush over at the same time.

They really have no intention of killing Ji Xinghe, but that doesn't mean they don't want to break Ji Xinghe's mecha.

Anyway, what the Duke wants to kill is Ji Xinghe, the new ace mecha fighter of the Federation, not Ji Xinghe's mecha.

Mechas are really worthless in comparison.

Two mecha spears stabbed at the same time, and Ji Xinghe's horizontal sword slashed left and right in front of him.

The combat style of the mecha epee is not much different from that of a knife, chopping is the kingly way, and the biggest difference from a knife is that it has two sharp edges that can chop.

At the same time as a sharp edge cut off a stabbing spear, it turned the sword and swung it again. The other stabbing spear that Ji Xinghe avoided sideways just now was cut off by another sharp edge.

The mecha epee made of tungsten steel and gold is really cutting melons and vegetables when facing these regular-level imperial mechas, just like earls, marquises, and dukes, when facing ordinary orangutans driving these imperial mechas Similarly, one sentence can determine their life and death.

In order to stabilize the rule of the aristocratic class, the empire severely limited the performance and weapons of conventional mechs, laying the groundwork for today's battle.

But the pilots of the regular-level imperial mechs didn't want to die. They received orders saying that they could die, but they really didn't want to die.

Turning around and fleeing or retreating directly, they are a dead end without their weapons, so they chose to pounce on Ji Xinghe.

One on the left and the other on the right, regular-level imperial mechs with a height of a little over five meters rushed towards Ji Xinghe at the same time. As long as they were entangled by the two of them, there was no need to say what would happen to Ji Xinghe.

But Ji Xinghe continued to swing his sword regardless, beheading an imperial mecha again.

But his mecha was also hugged by another imperial mecha after this sword strike. The 3.9-ton imperial mecha had two metal arms embracing the waist of the Ji Xinghe mecha. The power explodes the performance of the mecha, trying to make Ji Xinghe lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Replaced by the modified version of the sixteenth-generation standard mecha, the current Ji Xinghe should have been knocked down.

But his mecha weighs five tons, which is still a very heavy weight even on alien planets where the gravity is much lower.

What is more powerful is the core engine of the mech, which brings Ji Xinghe a stronger core power.

With both feet on the ground and a height of nearly five meters, 'Zhan Shan' actually made a movement similar to stooping and riding a horse.

The center of gravity sank, and combined with the power emanating from the mecha, Ji Xinghe, whose body was solid, slashed directly at his own head with a backhand sword.

He will not commit suicide, the imperial mecha is taller than him, he controls the mecha to make a sideways movement.

So hit.

This does not allow the Imperial Mecha to loosen its arms, even if he cut off the head of the Imperial Mecha, based on the previous operation instructions, the Imperial Mecha will still lock its arms to restrict his movement.

But it doesn't matter, just treat it as a shield.

Ji Xinghe, who was watching the six directions, twisted his body, dragged the imperial mecha to rotate by relying on the performance of the mecha, and used the side of the imperial mecha to block a mecha stabbing spear with all his strength.

His mecha was undamaged, and the imperial mecha holding his fuselage was damaged again. Although his ability to move was restricted, his arms were not restricted.

Holding a sword and slashing, the moves are simple and simple, only powerful and heavy.

He wanted to come over to pick up cheap imperial mechs, but before he could retract the spear, he was killed by Ji Xinghe with a sword.

Ji Xinghe, who is dragging an imperial mech, is not much slower than before. This is the twelfth generation core engine of the Federation that Harris has not been able to get before.

third frame.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Xinghe destroyed three of the twenty-one imperial mechs, and one was damaged and became his shield.

But because of this battle, Ji Xinghe, who was confined within ten meters, has already fallen into the encirclement of seventeen other imperial mechas. In theory, he has lost the ability to escape.

But in this battle, he never thought of running away.

Three imperial mechas attacked at the same time. This is the most suitable and efficient joint attack formation in terms of the size of the mechas in local battles, while the other imperial mechas continue to shrink the encirclement.

How do you fight when you still have an imperial mech hanging on your body?

The relevant personnel in the command center, looking at Ji Xinghe's perspective, couldn't help but start calling for support.

But the strength of Ji Xinghe has never been truly shown in front of the world.

Whether it's armor-removal combat or armor-piercing combat, because after disarming he has never really shot with all his strength, because during armor-piercing combat, he has never piloted such a powerful mech before.

Using the imperial mecha as a shield again, Ji Xinghe, who kept drawing his sword, successfully cut off the weapon stabbing spears of three regular-level imperial mechas without being hit.

Ji Xinghe is very experienced in this scene. He was cut off in the same way, but the difference is that he had four knives at that time, while these regular-level imperial mechs only had one spear.

The imperial mecha, which lost its weapon, wanted to turn around and retreat, but it was easy to come, but not so easy to leave.

The murderous Ji Xinghe doesn't let them go, and they won't be able to go.

Destroy one first, and then chase and destroy another. The battle between mechs and mechas, when there is an essential difference in performance, from a certain point of view, it is like the battle of Ji Xinghe when he unloaded his armor. .

His explosive power can crush many young elite fighters.

My son single-handedly destroyed six imperial mechas when he fought to the death, how many imperial mechas can I destroy if I fight to the death?

Ji Xinghe will not choose to fight to the death for the time being, but he wants to give it a try.

Already five.

An imperial mecha with its lance cut off managed to escape. When Ji Xinghe thought he could not catch up, the imperial mecha turned around and rushed back.

It has no weapons, and for reasons that are easy to guess, it directly pounces on Ji Xinghe.

It also wants to be Ji Xinghe's shield?

of course not.

So Ji Xinghe didn't want it, the mecha epee in his hand chopped up an unknown amount of dust in the dust storm, and chopped it on the imperial mecha that had just escaped and was about to die.

Ji Xinghe never minded to go all out to satisfy the imperial orangutan's desire to die.

Sixth frame.

Twenty-one imperial mechs were destroyed and three more were destroyed. With only fifteen remaining, the fourteen outer mechas began to form formations to maintain an encirclement of less than 100 meters.

Don't dare to attack, only dare to defend.

The reasons are many and need not be said.

Ji Xinghe boldly inserted the mecha epee in his hand into the ground, stretched out his hands to hold the arms of the imperial mecha holding him, and then exerted strength.

There was a squeak.

The already damaged mech, facing the power of Ji Xinghe, could only let go of his arms helplessly. The only damage it left to Ji Xinghe was the dent on the protective armor that was not visible to the naked eye.

Ji Xinghe, holding the arms of the imperial mecha, scanned the fourteen imperial mechas around him in a stalemate.

When he was sure that they could all see him clearly, Ji Xinghe suddenly hit him with a head hammer.

It hit the front door of the Imperial Mecha, and the two cameras shattered instantly.

One head hammer was obviously not enough, so Ji Xinghe smashed out a second head hammer. Relying on the excellent performance of his mecha and its hard protective armor, he grabbed the arms of the taller Imperial mecha.

Head hammered one after another, until the head of this regular-level imperial mecha was completely deformed, the central control system collapsed, and both arms were weak.

Let go, step out.

The sound of the imperial mecha falling to the ground was not loud in the dust storm, but it hit the hearts of all the imperial mechas who saw this scene.

There was no damage to the head of Ji Xinghe's mech. He calmly turned around and drew his sword, and then turned around again.

One foot stepped on the chest of the fallen Imperial Mecha, and then swung the sword like playing golf.

What came out was not a ball, but a deflated metal head.

The head didn't fall too far, just on the side of the fuselage, in the cockpit exposed in the dust storm, an imperial orangutan looked out in horror through the mask.

There is very little space at the neck of the mech, and it looks like it is sitting on the sky.

But because of the dust storm, it couldn't see the sky of the alien star, it could only see a Federation mech covered in Venus.

Came over, stood still, and kicked.

What it saw was that its head flew up high and disappeared within its visual range in an instant.

What it couldn't see was that Ji Xinghe kicked its head in front of the earl-level imperial mecha.

What it saw was the invincible federal mech, holding a sword in one hand, and hooking its fingers in one direction.

What it can't see is that the earl-level mecha is facing directly in this direction.

What it saw was that the Federation mech, which didn't get a response, turned and looked at it as if venting its anger, then walked over, squatted down, and punched it in.

What it can't see is how cruel Ji Xinghe looks at this moment in the eyes of everyone and the orangutan.

Just as Huang Shisan expected, Ji Xinghe would not only continue to fight, but he would also continue to be brutal.

Because the softness in his heart belongs to Ji Rong Xinyue.

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