Mecha and Knife

Chapter 216 Four Weapons

This is an extremely rare scene on the battlefield.

A duke-level imperial mecha sat on the ground in a split position, holding a spear in its hand, and the tip of the spear sank into a federal mecha covered in gold stars.

The Federal Mecha looks a bit miserable.

The back part of the metal skull has very obvious damage. The two cameras have been shattered into slag, and the surrounding armor is also shattered, exposing the inner metal color.

Its waist was submerged by a stabbing gun, and its hands were tightly gripping the body of the gun under the head of the gun. No veins were exposed, but it must be in a state of stalemate with the opponent with all its strength.

Once the force is released, with the length of the spear in Bell Rossi's hand and the tip of the spear that can directly break through its outer protective armor, the cockpit will definitely be penetrated immediately.

But if he stays in a stalemate with the opponent, or takes a step back to avoid the shot, Ji Xinghe will not be able to seize the opportunity he created by himself. How can he stop Bell who has just thrown away his own weapon? How about Rossi driving the mech to get up?

Among the Xinghe team watching the battle from behind, several mechas were eager to try, and they had already activated their full power before the battle started.

In terms of the distance between the two sides at this time, it only takes three or four seconds for them to rush directly to beat Bell Rossi.

The blind man and the lame man, the weapons in the hands of the two of them are the mecha epee that Ji Xinghe snatched before, made of tungsten steel and gold.

Except for Jackson, among all the current mech fighters in the sixth base, only two of them can really cause fatal damage to Bell Rossi's mecha.

"Don't move, don't move."

Chen Xun's voice came from the communication channel. He was not watching the battle, but he was able to see the stalemate from the perspective of the blind man's mecha, and he could also see the Xinghe team preparing to move.

"Everyone, don't move." When Chen Xun gave the order, his hands trembled a little, so that the sniper rifle he had raised since the battle hadn't started was a little unstable at this moment.

"Old Ji didn't say anything, everyone, don't move."

Whether this order is correct or not, no one can know the answer for the time being.

If Chen Xun hadn't questioned Xinghe team repeatedly before the start of this battle, the mecha fighters of Xinghe team would never have obeyed his order.

Even if the imperial mecha moved, so what?

Even if all the imperial mechas rushed out, and a group battle of more than two thousand mechas suddenly broke out, so what?

They had the opportunity to help Ji Xinghe, successfully killed Bell Rossi, the grand duke of the empire, and completed the plan to kill the mountain.

But now, they recalled what Chen Xun said before.

Ji Xinghe, the captain of the Xinghe team, handed over his command to Chen Xun, who just joined the Xinghe team and is not a mech warrior.

So they have to obey orders.

"Everyone, don't move."

The blind man shouted angrily in the communication channel of the mech fighters, and his body was also shaking, because this order violated his original heart.

So everyone restrained themselves, the Xinghe team did not move, neither did the Harris team and Qin Tong's team.

Everyone watched nervously.

Ji Xinghe, who was in the focus of countless sights, did not panic at this time. The camera behind his head was smashed, but he could still see it.

Because he also has six cameras, four on the front and one on each side.

It doesn't matter if the angle of view from behind disappears. At this moment, there is only the Federation mecha behind him, and only his team members and comrades-in-arms.

No imperial mecha can attack Ji Xinghe from behind without alarming them.

The place where the stabbing gun penetrated on the side of the waist seemed to be full of dangers, but in fact the cockpit was not directly penetrated, only the outer protective armor was penetrated.

The refitted Federation's thirty-third generation standard mecha is not as good as Bell Rossi's mecha in terms of performance and defense, but it can definitely be called the Federation's top mecha.

How could it be broken by a single shot?

Even if the spear was stabbed by the Grand Duke of the Empire, it won't work.

Ji Xinghe already had a plan to deal with it, but he chose to confront Bell Rossi.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

I have the advantage, why panic?

However, Bell Rossi's patience and caution were stronger than Ji Xinghe had expected. It did not choose to break the stalemate, just like Ji Xinghe chose the same coping strategy.

That has been stalemate?

No, Ji Xinghe knew very well that his mecha had suffered some damage before, and the battle of cutting more than 30 gold stars seemed to be swift and fierce, but it also consumed a lot of energy.

Bell Rossi didn't let him repair the mecha or replace the nuclear fuel cell, but only let him repair and increase the Venus, just to gain an advantage in this regard.

Then let's fight.

Ji Xinghe, who had not moved for nearly thirty seconds, suddenly became active in the cockpit. His range of motion was not large, but when he appeared on the mecha through the operating system, his range of motion was much larger.

Clenched hands, retreated, and grabbed the gun.

This is not an optimal choice, because it will allow Bell Rossi to use his strength to complete the movement.

The fact is exactly the same, Bell Rossi, who also clenched his hands, stood up again with Ji Xinghe's power to grab the gun.

And the gun didn't let go, but the tip of the gun left Ji Xinghe's waist because of Ji Xinghe's retreat.

Before Bell Rossi stood still, Ji Xinghe, who had been retreating continuously, let go of his hand again, and with the damaged armor on his waist against the body of the gun, he slammed into Bell Rossi again.

The old trick did not achieve the previous effect. Bell Rossi, who was prepared, raised his knee and slammed into Ji Xinghe. There were spikes made of tungsten steel and gold on its knee joints. There was no cold glow, but it was It must be extremely sharp.

Marquis Kazeman had told Ji Xinghe about this information before, and Ji Xinghe could also see the spike, which he avoided when he hugged this leg before.

But now, Bell Rossi is not in a state of stabilizing the center of gravity with his feet one in front of the other. Although he has not yet stood still, he deliberately leans forward to increase the power of the knee collision.


Ji Xinghe, who rushed to Bell Rossi's body, hit the top of Bell Rossi's knee with a fist, narrowly avoiding the spike.

When the knee he had just lifted fell back to the ground, Ji Xinghe's other fist had already hit the lower end of Belrose's right elbow.

That was Bellossi's second attack when he charged forward, and it also had a spike on its elbow.

Two metal iron fists blocked two attacks, starting with an attack-to-attack defense.

Ji Xinghe, who had successfully entered, punched out his fists continuously, blocking his elbows up and his knees down, and gradually controlled Bell Rossi's center of gravity with a bang.

Just when he was about to knock down the opponent with an iron fist, Ji Xinghe suddenly retreated.

Because Belrose let go, and with guns in both hands, he couldn't exert all his abilities when facing Ji Xinghe who was in close combat.

Abandon the gun, free your hands, and beat Ji Xinghe violently.

The anger in Bell Rossi's heart didn't pour out, it was even a little stunned so that its attacking movements stagnated.

Ji Xinghe, who retreated suddenly, only took a few steps before charging suddenly, with an obvious sideways maneuver, which allowed him to successfully avoid Bell Rossi and charge behind it.

What is he going to do?

behind me is...

Without looking back, Belrose saw what Ji Xinghe, who was charging suddenly, was going to do.

He actually went to pick up the spear he had lost?

Bell Rossi, who chose to abandon the gun, of course couldn't throw the gun aside for Ji Xinghe to pick it up and stab it, so he threw the stabbing gun behind him, where the imperial mech was.

Just because it wanted to seize the opportunity, it didn't flick it too hard, nor did it have too much range, so that the spear only flew about 30 meters before falling to the ground.

That is, the second after the spear landed, Ji Xinghe had already appeared next to the spear. His charging speed was so fast that he couldn't stop instantly, and his feet slid on the ground It stopped after seven or eight meters.

And the place where he stopped was less than ten meters away. It was an earl-level imperial mecha with a weapon in hand, and it had already turned on the full power mode. There were other imperial mechas beside it.

How dare he?

Bell Rossi, the Earl of the Empire, and the other Imperial mechs were all a little stunned by Ji Xinghe's move.

They couldn't figure out why Ji Xinghe dared to do this.

If they don't abide by the rules of the pre-battle challenge, Ji Xinghe will be beaten to death now, and all the Federation mechs can't save him.

Don't say they are confused, the Federation is also confused.

When they saw Ji Xinghe who had finally stopped and quickly turned around to pick up the spear, they all had the urge to yell.

Lao Ji, you want money but don't want your life?

Of course Ji Xinghe is terrified, he is more afraid of death than anyone else, but the reason why he still wants to do this is not just based on the value of tungsten steel and gold weapons, nor is it just because he promised everyone in the Xinghe team one .

What's more, when he held the gun, the earl-level mecha couldn't kill him.

And, through the relevant information obtained by Kazeman, a traitor to the empire, he knew what would happen if he broke the rules of the front challenge in the empire.

Not much to say, no chance to say much.

Ji Xinghe, who was holding a gun, couldn't see it, and there was no need to look at the imperial mecha behind him at this time, and charged again in the face of Bell Rossi.

I don't know if it's because tungsten steel gold is really too precious, Bell Rossi actually chose to pick up the sword Ji Xinghe threw just now.

How can this work?

Ji Xinghe's speed was not as fast as Bell Rossi's, but this time, his weapon was longer than Bell Rossi's.

In fact, Bell Rossi didn't have a weapon in his hand at this time, so he had to give up picking up the mech epee, and avoided the stabbing from behind at a faster speed.

The continuous stabbing as imagined did not appear, and the spear that was supposed to continue attacking it stabbed at the mecha epee on the ground.

Then fly.

The mecha epee flew up together with the dust, over a distance of more than 50 meters, and landed in front of a mecha soldier from Xinghe team.

Almost everyone was dumbfounded.

Su Chuanyun's voice suddenly sounded, and when he laughed wildly, he took three steps forward and picked up the sword.

"Hahaha... Lao Ji threw it to me, you all saw it, it was Lao Ji who threw it to me, hahaha..."

He was the closest, and it really seemed to be thrown at him, but no one cared about that at this point.

Ji Xinghe, who once again missed the opportunity to attack, had to face Bell Rossi, who had already drawn his sword.

The saber is also made of tungsten steel and gold. According to Kazeman's information, it is a melee weapon that Bell Rossi is best at both when removing armor and piercing armor.

"Stupid, greedy..."

In the prison cell in No. 6 base, Kazeman uttered angrily. It was obvious that Ji Xinghe had missed the opportunity and gave up the advantage he had finally obtained. He faced Bello, whose mecha was still intact at this time, with his broken mecha. West.

But as the marquis of the empire, it was extremely angry.

Because it once again has a judgment: Ji Xinghe is dead.

But how could it possibly know that the weapon Ji Xinghe is best at is not the mecha epee, but only to the extent that he knows how to use it, so the mecha epee is of little significance to Ji Xinghe.

There are only four weapons that Ji Xinghe is really good at.

The knife is the second, and the eight chopping knife is the best.

The stick is third, and the stick at half past six is ​​the best.

The gun is in the fourth place, and the imperial spear is also available.

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