Mecha and Knife

Chapter 225 Hunting VS Hunting

Six imperial mechas were dragged to the side of the transport vehicle one after another, the cockpit door of the Lonely Warrior opened, and Ji Xinghe jumped out of it.

Wearing a protective suit and wearing a helmet, he couldn't see his face clearly, but in the dust storm, he looked very calm and calm, as if he wasn't worried that an imperial mecha would suddenly appear in this area and discover his existence.

This is because of experience.

Ji Xinghe, who had destroyed many imperial mechas in the dust storm, and the information provided by Kazeman, an imperial traitor, already had a deep understanding of the imperial mechas' detection mode.

If there are no accidents, accidents will never come.

Opening the door of the transport vehicle, Ji Xinghe, who got in, pressed a few times on the console, and a gap opened on the top of the transport vehicle's front, and six unmanned surveillance planes flew out of it, and flew to six direction.

At this time, within a radius of one kilometer, the communication signals were still shielded, so even if the six unmanned reconnaissance planes discovered the enemy's situation, it was impossible to pass the news to Ji Xinghe in the first place.

But it doesn't matter, they don't need to send messages, they just need to explode themselves.

The specially made inner core makes them produce a strong flame when they explode, just like a signal flare, which can penetrate the cover of the dust storm and be directly seen by Ji Xinghe.

With these six drones, there are no accidents.

Ji Xinghe began to disassemble the six imperial mechs in front of him with peace of mind, which is one of the reasons why he chose to go alone.

He skillfully jumped onto the mech with the toolbox, and various tools appeared in Ji Xinghe's hands in turn. The core engine of a regular-level imperial mech was quickly dismantled by him intact.

Putting it into the compartment of the transport vehicle, Ji Xinghe began to disassemble another imperial mecha, and he ignored the one that had already removed the core engine.

The valuable parts of the imperial mecha are definitely more than the core engine, but in the case of the limited carrying capacity of the transport vehicle, Ji Xinghe only takes the expensive ones and does not take the right ones.

Whether it is a federal mecha or an imperial mecha, the most expensive part is generally the core engine.

The Guyong that Ji Xinghe is driving at this time is a special case. The most expensive thing is not the core engine, but its body, which is almost made of tungsten steel alloy, and its defense is extremely strong. It causes damage.

If the core engine of the twelfth generation of the Federation can be replaced, the performance of this mecha will be improved. Unfortunately, this Lonely Brave is not well compatible with the 12th generation of the Federation engine, and Ji Xinghe is also There is no twelfth generation core engine.

Originally he could have.

But it doesn't matter, he can buy it himself, provided he has enough imperial mecha engines.

One, two...

It only took an hour for Ji Xinghe to dismantle all the core engines of the six imperial mechas. This was due to the influence of the dust storm. If there was no dust storm, his dismantling time could be faster.

Just like the dismantling speed that shocked the captain of the Xinyuehu during the forced landing battle of the space battleship Xinyuehu.

After fixing the six core engines in the carriage, Ji Xinghe entered the cockpit of the transport vehicle again.

"Nuwa, stop signal blocking."

"It has stopped."

"Retract the drone and prepare to start the follow-up mode."


After two sentences, Ji Xinghe got out of the car, closed the door, and re-entered the cockpit of his Lonely Bravery.

When the hatch was closed, the six reconnaissance drones had been successfully recovered, and the communication signal had been restored, the following mode would no longer be affected, and the transport vehicle, which had stopped driving for more than an hour, followed Ji Xinghe again. Moving forward in the dust storm.

Those who watched them leave were six imperial mechs lying on the ground.

Their coordinates have been marked by Ji Xinghe. If the dust storm disappears after he returns to Base No. 5, and these imperial mechas have not been discovered by the empire, relevant personnel will come to carry out secondary recovery.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

The Imperial mechs have been properly modified, and the mecha fighters of the Federation can still use them. In comparison, the price of the modification is much cheaper than manufacturing a brand new mecha.

But this kind of modification rarely appeared before, because in the battle between mechas and mechas, it is difficult for ordinary federal mecha fighters to destroy the imperial mechas and at the same time preserve the imperial mechas so well.

There was only one damage penetrating the cockpit, which was relatively easy to repair.

The value generated by the secondary recycling is indispensable to Ji Xinghe.

However, the loss of these six imperial mechas is destined to be discovered by the empire. Half an hour after Ji Xinghe left with his transport vehicle, a complete formation of imperial mechas, a total of thirty imperial mechas The mecha appeared next to the 'corpse' of the six imperial mechas.

"A stab wound."

"One shot kills."

"Tungsten steel must be a weapon made of tungsten steel, otherwise it would be impossible to do this."

"The Federation doesn't have tungsten steel. The tungsten steel weapons they stole are almost all mecha epees or mecha knives. There is only one tungsten steel spear."

"It is the weapon of Duke Bell Rossi IV, so it is Ji Xinghe."

"Is it possible that it is the light energy weapon that the Federation has been developing? A lightsaber, or a light gun?"

"Impossible, they haven't successfully researched it yet, at least we have never seen them use that kind of weapon before."

Amidst the discussion, an armored armored vehicle of the Empire rushed over, and several monkeys in protective suits jumped out of the armored vehicle, and appeared next to a fallen Imperial mech with a toolbox, and began to try to repair it.

Ten minutes later, a monkey reported in the communication channel: "The storage core is seriously damaged. We can't fix it here. We have to take it back. Therefore, we can't see who did it for the time being."

As a mechanic, Ji Xinghe, of course, couldn't leave more flaws for himself. The storage cores of the combat recorders of the six imperial mechs were all smashed by him.

"But what we can be sure of is that this is definitely not the damage caused by a light energy weapon. It must be a weapon made of tungsten steel and gold. There is a 99% possibility that it is the spear of the Grand Duke Belrosi IV."

After the monkeys finished speaking, the orangutans made a decision.

"I firmly believe that it must be Ji Xinghe."

"I also believe it."

"Now what?"

"Track immediately, report immediately, seek support immediately."


Under the command of the captain of the imperial mecha formation, an imperial viscount orangutan, all thirty imperial mechas chased in the direction Ji Xinghe left.

But whether it was the footprints of Ji Xinghe or the wheel prints of the transport vehicle, they had all been buried by the dust storm.

They can only rely on the monkeys on the armored vehicle and use related instruments and equipment, such as blowing away the ups and downs on the ground to find deeper marks, tracking the trace radiation leaked from nuclear fuel cells, etc., to accurately determine the direction of Ji Xinghe's departure.

The chase was very slow, but their support came very quickly.

One Marquis-level Imperial Mecha, three Earl-level Imperial Mechas, twelve Viscount-level Imperial Mechas, thirty-six Baron-level Imperial Mechas, and two hundred and forty-eight regular-level Imperial Mechas.

A total of 300, it is no longer a mecha formation, but a complete imperial mecha corps.

Because there are armed armored vehicles, communication vehicles, transport vehicles, maintenance vehicles, missile launch vehicles and other military vehicles, the 300 mechas do not need to worry about logistics supplies in a short period of time.

And the military forces of these empires were originally supposed to be used to attack the No. 6 base, but now they are led away by Ji Xinghe alone.

Ji Xinghe has only one person, one mecha, and one transport vehicle. This has been confirmed by the pursuing imperial mecha corps through analysis of all the information they tracked.

However, they did not withdraw their troops, but continued to pursue the existing troops, and even tried to apply for more support.

"Three hundred mechas are chasing one mecha, and now they need more support? Are you crazy?"

The Imperial Command Center refused, and directly used the mocking technique.

The Marquis of the Empire, who led the chase, responded indifferently to this kind of ridicule, and used his nirvana without hesitation.

"He is Ji Xinghe."

The command center was speechless.

Who is Ji Xinghe?

A few days ago, this name was extremely unknown in the empire, but now many imperial orangutans know this name. In the future, more orangutans will know and remember this name.

Pick up the mountain with your shoulders, and the mountain will overturn.

Climbing to the top, the world knows.

Ji Xinghe once told Bell Rossi IV, the Grand Duke of the Empire, that everyone should know him.

He is wrong, not only many people will know, but many orangutans will know.

Because the empire is also in the world.

"Our battle has already begun. Because of your departure, our strength is seriously insufficient, so we can't give you more support."

The Marquis orangutan persisted: "I apply to use the jump gate."

"This requires the consent of the Marshal."

"Then submit the application to me, expedited."

"it is good."

The Marquis orangutan breathed a sigh of relief. It felt that its attitude of doing its best would definitely allow it to complete this hunting mission.

If Bell Rossi IV can be avenged, then it and its family will receive unprecedented honor and assistance.

But what it didn't know was that Ji Xinghe, which the mech corps it led had been unable to find, had already found them.

The commander of the No. 6 base is really kind to Ji Xinghe. The transport vehicle assigned to him looks empty, but it is actually equipped with many high-tech creations of the Federation.

The reconnaissance mine used by Chen Xun is one of them. It helped Ji Xinghe discover the imperial mech corps that was following him first.

Although this reconnaissance landmine was directly crushed by the imperial mecha after delivering the information, its value has already been brought into play.

Knowing that he was being hunted down, Ji Xinghe did not speed up his escape. He looked in the direction of Base No. 5 and remained silent for a minute.

"Xinxin, grandpa will go back to see you after killing them all."

Then turn around.

The hunt begins.

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