Mecha and Knife

Chapter 280 I want to follow Colonel Ji Xinghe

Located in the federal base No. 9 in Alien.

The five-meter-tall Federation mecha is fighting an Imperial mecha in the testing area.

The empire currently does not know the location of the No. 9 base. This imperial mecha is a trophy captured by the federation. After repairs, it is equipped with an autopilot system developed by the federation. It is simulating the most commonly used fighting methods of the imperial mecha.

Inside the cockpit of the federal mech is Yu Ren, who is in a sleeping state, and he is doing operations that are enough to amaze even the federal special mech fighters.

The imperial mecha in the charging state raised its weapon and launched an attack at a speed that ordinary mecha fighters could hardly evade.

The federal mech that was charging head-on jumped up, swung away the opponent's weapon with the protective armor on its legs, and at the same time controlled its knees to clamp the opponent's head with extremely precise micro-manipulation in the air.

Then make an effort.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant Yu Ren, you have completed Ji's deadly scissor knee for the twelfth time, this unconventional tactical maneuver."

After trying for a while, Yu Ren finally completed the maneuver that he couldn't complete before.

At that time, the maneuver named "Ji Xinghe Scissor Knee" was tentatively named, but now it has the official name "Ji's Death-killing Scissor Knee".

The other maneuvers created by Ji Xinghe before are all named with the prefix "Ji's".

The name is actually not important, what is important is that these maneuvers now have a new level of title - super-conventional tactical maneuvers.

Before that, the Federation's mecha tactical actions could only be divided into standard and non-standard.

From this point of view, Ji Xinghe has ushered in an era, but the real reason for this division has little to do with Ji Xinghe.

"The peak synchronization rate is 91%, Lieutenant Yu Ren, congratulations on setting a record again."

When the sound sounded, Yu Ren's body had already come to his senses. After the nerve link with the mecha was released, his consciousness was no longer limited to manipulating the mecha, but returned to his body.

The specially made liquid, which combines the functions of load buffering and life support, is gradually discharged from the cockpit into the reserve area.

Because of this liquid named amniotic fluid, mechas using new technology are generally tall. The 3.9-meter-high standard mecha that Han Li is best at will definitely be eliminated after the new technology is fully applied.

When the cockpit was empty, Yu Ren jumped out of the mecha.

At the same time, he asked aloud: "Are you sure?"

"It's basically confirmed."

The researcher looked at the holographic screen in his hand and answered while sliding to view various parameters:

"Only when the synchronization rate reaches 90% can you complete unconventional tactical maneuvers. After your synchronization rate exceeds this level, whether it is Ji's life-threatening scissor knee, or Ji's reflexive brake, stop and rush, you will succeed. The rate has reached 100 percent.”

This is the real reason for the emergence of unconventional tactical maneuvers, and the improvement of the synchronization rate is the key.

The maneuvers that only a very few people can complete do not have the significance of popularization, nor the significance of establishing a corresponding database and teaching system.

"Besides me, how many other people have a synchronization rate of over 90%?"

"There are four more, but they are currently only able to reach 90% of their peak state, and you are the only one who has broken through to 91% for the time being."

The synchronization rate of only five people in the entire federation can be increased to 90%, which sounds too rare, even rarer than the number of ace mecha fighters.

But the problem is that the test of synchronization rate has not been fully carried out.

"How many people do you think will reach this level in the future?"

"At present, our test base is only 2,000 people. According to the current ratio, if we can conduct a comprehensive test on 300,000 active mecha fighters in the future, about 75 people will be able to reach this level."

Yu Ren frowned and asked, "Then what if it's a military test?"

"It is impossible to test the whole army. Although we have 10.35 million people in service now, many of them are not suitable for this technology. Their physical fitness is relatively low, and most of them cannot do it." Coming to Alien Star to participate in the war can only be divided into the defensive sequence of Azure Star..."

The Azure Star Federation has more than 10 million soldiers, accounting for 170% of the total population. Logically speaking, there is no shortage of troops.

But with such a huge force, less than half of them can really be put into the alien battlefield.

The three-to-nine-month interstellar voyage is the first hurdle, and most people cannot bear the emptiness of space travel.

Being in a weightless environment for a long time, or a low-gravity environment in an alien planet, is very harmful to the human body.

Before humans landed on alien stars, all astronauts were one in a million, which can already explain the difficulty.

Moreover, the production resources of the Alien Star are limited, and the transportation resources of materials are also limited. The consequence of a large number of troops being thrown into the Alien Star Battlefield is that everyone will starve to death together.

What the Federation needs are elites, so when Ji Xinghe joined the army, the assessment standards were so high.

The researcher continued: "People who can come to alien planets to participate in the war, there are some technical arms that are also not suitable for using new technologies due to physical reasons. The 300,000 active mech fighters are basically all who can use this technology. Well, according to the calculations based on the data model we set up, probably... only five hundred people at most can achieve a 90% synchronization rate."

This figure was much lower than Yu Ren's own calculation. He calculated based on the ratio of five out of 2,000 people. He felt that after the whole army test, there must be 1,000 people who can reach a 90% synchronization rate.

He also thought before that there are many people who are not suitable for new technology, just like not everyone can become a mech warrior.

But considering that his synchronization rate has been improving due to continuous training, others can naturally.

Maybe it is normal for two or three thousand people to meet this standard after the army-wide testing really starts and the new technology is maturely used.

However, the difference between the reality and his prediction was too great.

"Actually, if there are five hundred people, no, if two or three hundred people can achieve a 90% synchronization rate, our new technology will be considered a great success."

The researchers explained: "Ji's unconventional tactical maneuvers, judging from the current situation, only ace mecha fighters, or super mecha fighters who have great hopes of becoming aces, can be successfully applied in actual combat. come out."

"Except for the five of you, there are currently less than 30 mecha fighters who can perform these maneuvers in the entire Federation. This means that if the new technology is applied, you all have ace mecha fighters combat power."

"Lieutenant Yu Ren, think about it, what is the concept of two or three hundred ace mecha fighters? Let's be more intuitive, what is the concept of two or three hundred Colonel Ji Xinghe?"


Yu Ren was silent for a moment and then shook his head.

"It's meaningless, because we don't have actual combat. If we just simulate actual combat in the training ground, even if we can perform operations that Colonel Ji Xinghe can't do, it is impossible to have the combat power of an ace mecha fighter."

The researcher nodded slightly: "That's true, but now we don't have the conditions for actual combat."

"Why not?" Yu Ren suddenly laughed: "Are you afraid that I will die?"

"Um..." The researcher was speechless.

"I apply to participate in actual combat. I want to go to the B72 highland. I want to join the Xinghe team. I want to fight side by side with Colonel Ji Xinghe."

After Yu Ren said his appeal, he thought of some stories he had heard about Ji Xinghe.

That was when Ji Xinghe had just obtained the federal second-level mecha driving qualification certificate. There was a search and rescue mission. Ji Xinghe, who was in the No. 6 base, did not have the authority to participate in it, but he insisted on participating.

When faced with difficulties from his superiors, Colonel Ji Xinghe asked a question, and this question can be said to be known to everyone today, comparable to Ji Xinghe's most famous question.

Instructor, how do you choose?

So when the researchers were about to persuade, Yu Ren added with a serious expression: "If you refuse, I will not cooperate with the next experiment."

"Lieutenant Yu Ren." The researcher said with a serious expression: "You should be very clear about the consequences you will bear if you do this. You are a professional soldier, you..."

"Don't talk so much nonsense to me, and don't give me any big reasons." Yu Ren said firmly: "I can continue to cooperate with you in the experiment, but if it's because I'm in a bad mood and the synchronization rate doesn't increase but decreases, Unfortunately, you have no way to send me to a military court."

There is indeed a direct relationship between the neural link technology and the user's mood. When Yu Ren heard the news about Ji Xinghe, the synchronization rate fluctuated greatly.

It was precisely because of the stimulation he received at that time that his synchronization rate improved significantly afterwards, from 89% to 91%.

It seems that this kind of improvement is not big, but every 1% or even every 0.1% improvement is an obvious improvement after the breakthrough after approaching the limit.

Just like the 100-meter sprint event for human beings, in 2009 the federal calendar, the record of the 100-meter track and field was raised to 9.58 seconds, but until 2022, when Ji Xinghe was born, more than ten years have passed. This record has not been broken.

With the development of technology and the improvement of per capita physical fitness, this record has finally been broken, but Ji Xinghe is now 66 years old, and the human 100-meter track and field record has only increased from 9.58 seconds to 9.39 seconds, more than 60 seconds The annual improvement is less than 0.2 seconds.

Seeing Yu Ren's firm attitude, the researchers at the scene had no choice but to apply to their superiors.

During the application process, Yu Ren's synchronization rate really began to drop, from a peak of 91% to 90%, and most of the time it could only be maintained between 85% and 88%.

At the beginning, this synchronization rate was enough to make everyone ecstatic, but after seeing the limit, everyone thought about how to break through the limit.

On the twelfth day of holding on to the B72 highland, Yu Ren finally received the transfer order.

"Lieutenant Yu Ren, your application has been approved, and you will go to B72 Heights by orbital airborne."

Yu Ren was overjoyed, he really wanted to find Ji Xinghe, but he never thought that the Federation would really let him go to the B72 highland to participate in the battle mission of defending.

"Can I join the Galaxy Squad?"

"No, the Xinghe team does not accept our personnel transfer orders. If you want to join the Xinghe team, you must apply personally from Colonel Ji Xinghe or Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun."

The particularity of the Galaxy Squad can be seen.

"Which mech squad is that?"

"It's Colonel Han Li's team. Colonel Han Li is also an ace mecha fighter. His team..."

Yu Ren finally understood why he was able to go to the B72 highland. With Han Li as his bodyguard, how could something happen to him?

It wasn't that Ji Xinghe didn't want him, but that the Federation was worried that Ji Xinghe wouldn't protect him, so he transferred him to Han Li's side to earn gold stars.

But he didn't argue about anything, he was content to be able to go to the battlefield and it was the B72 highland.

Moreover, Colonel Ji Xinghe is at the B72 highland, waiting for him to go, begging Colonel Ji Xinghe to let him join the Xinghe team...

How dare the Federation rob itself in the hands of Colonel Ji Xinghe?

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