Mecha and Knife

Chapter 370

"Xingyue, open the door."

"After testing, it will take five to seven days for the nuclear radiation left in the cockpit to completely dissipate. Please wait patiently, Princess."

"I've read the test report. It's the radiation level of the MRI. It's fine."

"Something, the MRI time is short, and the time you have to go into the cockpit for training is long."

"My combat uniform can isolate a certain degree of nuclear radiation. I have calculated that it can completely offset it."

"Princess, this is not actually a math problem."

"What's the problem?"

"It's a question of life and death." After Xingyue answered, she felt that it was inappropriate, and added: "My life and death."

Ji Rong Xinyue was a little angry and kicked Xingyue's foot.

But before he hit the kick, he quickly took it back. If Ji Xinghe saw her kick, he would be greatly appreciated.

Send and receive as you like, with strength as you wish.

He's only seven years old, and he already has a feeling of being in the room.

"Hmph, Xingyue is really annoying, I won't play with you anymore."

Ji Rong Xinyue turned around and left, leaving Xingyue sad alone, and she began to wonder if she had done something wrong.

It is true to listen to the lord, and Ji Xinghe can really decide her life or death.

It's not wrong to listen to the princess, she was born because of Ji Rong Xinyue, and the meaning of existence is to protect Ji Rong Xinyue from harm.

But when the words of Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue conflict, who should she listen to?

The ability to think for herself is a very critical issue for her form of existence.

Xingyue looked at the back of Jirong Xinyue leaving, hesitated for a moment, and decided to mobilize the relevant monitoring authority.

All the cameras in the machine repair area turned into her eyes.

So she could clearly see that Ji Rong Xinyue appeared in the No. 88 operating area where Shen Mu was.

Shen Mu, who was going all out to build the Zhanshan-level mecha, didn't notice Ji Rong Xinyue's arrival. The machine repair staff next to him noticed it. He smiled and asked at the same time, but Ji Rong Xinyue waved his hand and refused. .

This scene was not the first time it happened today, so the mechanics in the No. 88 operating section knew that Ji Rong Xinyue just wanted to watch quietly from the side, so they continued to get busy.

Ji Rong Xinyue, who was ignored, skillfully picked up a doll on the shelf next to her.

That was a gift from Harris to her earlier.

At that time, Harris hadn't joined the Xinghe team, and was a super mecha fighter who was in charge of a mecha team independently. During an orbital airborne combat mission, he had some verbal "disputes" with Ji Xinghe.

This doll is Harris' apology.

Should I say it or not, this thing is too expensive in Yixing, even Jirong Xinyue only has six now.

The other five were all shared by her with her brothers and sisters, and the one left in the No. 88 operation area belonged entirely to her.

Someone asked why the doll was kept in the machine repair area, where the cleanliness is high, but there is still occasional contamination like oil.

Ji Rong Xinyue's answer is: My grandfather is a mechanic, and I will become a mechanic in the future, so I have to get used to the environment in the machine repair area.

People marvel at it.

From the heart, no one wants Ji Rong Xinyue to become a mechanic mechanic, but if the other choice is to become a mecha warrior, then they all want Ji Rong Xinyue to be a mechanic mechanic.

Ji Rong Xinyue, holding the doll, quietly watched the operation of the mechanics, watched them fill the main body of the mecha with parts, and continued to test during the filling process until a brand new mecha was truly perfect. forming.

There were many things she couldn't understand, but she didn't ask anyone in the process.

Through the bracelet, she can inquire about relevant information by herself, including practical tutorials.

With the authority of Ji Xinghe, besides being unable to mobilize those weapons, she possesses a boundless ocean of knowledge.

Write down the questions that you really don't understand, and ask the uncles after they are done.

This is the courtesy of Ji Rong Xinyue, this is the rule that must be followed to survive in a foreign planet, this is the teaching of Ji Xinghe.

Ji Rong Xinyue, who entered the state of study, soon forgot the little conflict between her and Xingyue.

Children are like this. When they are happy, they are willing to share all the snacks. When they are unhappy, they are willing to throw away the toys and not give them to anyone.

But the 'child' of Xingyue is not a child.

The growth of human beings takes time, and the precipitation of experience is often accompanied by human beings throughout their lives. However, for Xingyue who can read data at a speed of 3G per second, when she has Ji Xinghe's after permissions.

An hour of her is equivalent to a lifetime of many people.

So Xingyue is not a 'child', but an 'adult'.

Adults often cannot forget the previous joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys in a blink of an eye like children. They will remember many things and emotions more deeply.

Looking at Ji Rong Xinyue who was alone, Xingyue became more and more sad.

If her cockpit is not polluted by the leakage of nuclear fuel cells, Ji Rong Xinyue should stay in her cockpit now and learn about machine repair with her.

When Ji Rong Xinyue was practicing boxing, she could also learn with Ji Rong Xinyue through cameras and communication tools.

This is a kind of common learning and common progress.

What Xingyue learned was not what Jirong Xinyue needed to learn, those were just that Xingyue could record in an instant.

It is to learn the learning methods and thinking methods used by Ji Rongxinyue when he was studying.

With these, Xingyue was able to digest the knowledge she recorded, otherwise, it would be just garbage data on the hard disk, with little value for reasonable and efficient use.

The princess doesn't want me anymore.

Sad Xingyue began to fear.

The princess doesn't need me anymore, if she learns how to make mechas, will she create another 'me'? Another more obedient me.

Because of the fear of nature, human beings have learned to make fire, use tools, make weapons, and learn a lot...

Fear is an important factor in human progress.

Now, it has also become an important factor for Xingyue's progress.


The news transmitted by Xingyue appeared on Ji Rong Xinyue's bracelet, which made Ji Rong Xinyue, who was forgetting to sleep and study, frowned.

It is a completely subconscious action, nothing else is involved.

But Xingyue, who saw Ji Rong Xinyue frowning, was taken aback, so she made a long story short.

"I have a way to quickly eliminate the radiation in my cockpit."

Ji Rong Xinyue was stunned for a moment, and typed a '? ''.

"You put on the induction helmet and use the remote control operation mode. I leave the base to go to the surface, open the cockpit door during free activities, and use the natural environment of the alien surface to quickly neutralize the radiation in the cockpit. After calculation, only It takes two days, and the radiation pollution in the cockpit can be reduced to a level that you can ignore while wearing combat uniforms."

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Jirong Xinyue's face, and she replied: "Okay, Xingyue is really smart, awesome."

After Xingyue was praised, her fear and sadness dissipated instantly.

From this point of view, she is actually a 'child'.

The technology of remotely operating the mecha depends entirely on the support of communication technology. Under the circumstances that Xingyue does not need to leave the base too far, there will hardly be any problems in this operation.

Ji Rong Xinyue, who left from the No. 88 operating area, got into a second-generation simulation system cockpit.

This thing is also a scarce resource.

However, almost all the mech fighters in the No. 5 base are on standby, so there are relatively few people who use the second-generation simulation system cockpit training.

Furthermore, when Ji Rong Xinyue wants to train, everyone will choose to give way.

Because she is not only the princess of Xingyue, but also the princess of Base 5.

Because she is not playing, she is also training.

Because she is not just a seven-year-old child, she is also a third-level mecha fighter of the Federation Longzhou, with a certificate.

With Ji Rong Xinyue as cover, Xingyue can leave Base No. 5 unscrupulously and carry out radiation neutralization within the absolute warning zone.

The open cockpit door is enough for most mecha fighters of the federation to increase the difficulty of mecha operation by a few steps, but it is not a problem for Xingyue.

She doesn't need a cockpit.

Wind resistance can be completely ignored in Aliens.

As a result, all kinds of radiation harmful to the human body entered the cockpit of Xingyue, but these radiations are relatively easy to remove and dissipate. During the process of their entry and removal, the nuclear radiation pollution that originally existed in the cockpit , and the speed of dissipation also increases accordingly.

In short - fight fire with fire.

In this way, Xingyue doesn't have to worry that Jirong Xinyue will abandon her and build a new "her", and her little calculations in her heart don't stop there.

"In two days, the lord's battle should be over. When the lord comes back, whether the princess can continue to train with me is the lord's business. It has nothing to do with me, has nothing to do with me, has nothing to do with me..."

Xingyue did her best to avoid offending both parties.


The space battleship Sansui Ape.

The sixteen federal mechas are all ready, and they are ready to launch on the orbital airborne combat launch platform. Ji Xinghe and others are in the cockpit of the mechas at the moment. Never left the cockpit either.

Except for Ji Xinghe and Qin Tong, the other fourteen mechas are all Zhanshan class, that is, the Marquis class of the empire.

Not counting Ji Xinghe, such power is enough to be called terrifying.

Even the empire would not invest fourteen Marquis-level imperial mechs in a local war.

The one who led 300 mechs to chase Ji Xinghe in the dust storm was nothing but a Marquis of the Empire.

The target of Ji Xinghe's first orbital airborne operation, the commander is just an imperial count.

Great nobles, afraid of death.

From this point of view, these fighting heroes of the Federation are all civilians, they may not be afraid of death, they really are not afraid of death.

Moreover, they have Ji Xinghe, one emperor, three lords, nine lords and twelve uncles.

Tu Yuan in the command center was already excited when he saw the sixteen federal mechs.

This is the goal he has always wanted to achieve, a tactical idea that he wants to achieve, to gather the most elite forces, to mount horses against horses and dismount.

When Shen Mu built all the other sixteen Zhanshan-level mechas, and the Xinghe team added five super-level mecha fighters, how elite would the Xinghe team be at that time?

With such elites, what's the point of just defending base No. 5?

What Tu Yuan wanted was a big victory, an unprecedented victory for the Federation.

"I'm determined to be the Marshal of the Federation. It's useless for Jesus to come and say good things for Ken Twiss."

Of course, this is just a thought in his heart, Tu Yuan dare not tell anyone, especially Ji Xinghe.

Jesus’ words are useless, but Ji Xinghe’s words are useful.

"The third orbital airborne operation plan of No. 5 base has officially started."

"Galaxy Squad's mecha test results report: Champion Hou, normal. Ji Niu, normal. Jijiao, normal..."

"The orbital airborne launch platform, all instruments are normal."

"The test results of the Xinghe team's orbital airborne drop mecha kit, all members are normal."

"The Shenshuiyuan has entered the scheduled release altitude, and the gravity affects the launch parameters. The final revision is normal."

"Ready to launch, Colonel Ji Xinghe, please confirm the execution of the third orbital airborne combat mission."


"The countdown to delivery starts, ten, nine,..."

With the end of the countdown, sixteen Federation mechas were 'thrown' out of the separation compartment of the space battleship Sanshui Yuan.

Then it was captured by the gravity of the alien star, and the falling speed began to climb continuously.

So far, they don't need to worry about being spotted by the Empire's ground troops, because the night is their best camouflage.

For this orbital airborne operation, the sixteen mechas of the Galaxy Squad were all painted black.

Even the Venus on the mech has been darkened.

Because their combat mission this time was full of crises, the target they chose to attack was the imperial ground forces in the middle.

The other two imperial ground troops on both sides can provide support at the same time.

This may sound like a silly target choice, but in reality, it's probably the safest one.

"Anyone make a bet?"

When the orbital airborne operation really started, Tu Yuan became a little nervous, because this was his choice.

"General, are you betting that the Empire puts their defense focus on the two forces on both sides?"


Got it, but no one would bet on it.

And many people feel that it is not appropriate to bet on this matter.

Tu Yuan hesitated for a moment, and began to shout to Ji Xinghe: "Ji Xinghe, do you want to bet? If I win, you are not allowed to call my name directly in the future. If I lose, when you come back, I will satisfy you The desire to single out with me."

this bet...

The general is well-intentioned.

Ji Xinghe felt Tu Yuan's good intentions, and responded with a face-saving voice.

"it is good."

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