Mecha and Knife

Chapter 418 Tears can't kill an orangutan

"General, is it appropriate for Colonel Ji Xinghe to hear this last word at this time?"

Before Liu Mian came to see Ji Xinghe, he had some doubts about the task Tu Yuan gave him.

Tu Yuan asked back.

"Why is it inappropriate?"

"Because Colonel Ji Xinghe must remember Chen Xuan. He can remember the names of many, many soldiers he has only met once, let alone Chen Xuan, who has been working together for five years and is equivalent to his apprentice?"

"Are you worried that Ji Xinghe will go mad because of Chen Xuan's sacrifice?"

"..." Liu Mian hesitated for a moment, and replied: "It shouldn't be necessary to get mad, but his emotions should be affected. I don't think it's appropriate when you are about to award him the title."

"You underestimate Ji Xinghe too much." Tu Yuan asked, "Do you know how many last words he has received?"

Liu Mian guessed, "More than three hundred pieces?"

This is what he knows, the number of people Ji Xinghe knew and died on the battlefield.

Tu Yuan shook his head slightly: "Before today, he received 4,795 last words."

Liu Mian was shocked, and then thought of a tradition.

When those who are still alive are involved in the last words left by the sacrificed person, the relevant part of the last words will be intercepted and sent to the relevant people.

It's a form of respect for those who have already sacrificed.

For those who are still alive, this is a kind of inheritance.

In many cases, it has nothing to do with the spirit, and what is passed on is only the names and voices of those people. They should not be forgotten by those who are still alive.

"Ji Xinghe has heard many, many last words."

Tu Yuan's tone was calm, his eyes seemed to be caught in memories.

"From Instructor Li at the very beginning, to those of the Galaxy Mecha Independent Corps recently. From those he knows and has met, to those he has never met, and he has never even heard the name before, and they do not belong to the same theater of those people."

"Some of these people know Ji Xinghe and have seen Ji Xinghe. Some have only heard of Ji Xinghe. They are encouraged by Ji Xinghe's deeds and spirit. They regard Ji Xinghe as one of the spiritual symbols, so they mentioned in their last words Arrived at Ji Xinghe."

"So the part about Ji Xinghe will be intercepted and sent to Ji Xinghe, sometimes it's just a sentence without any meaning, sometimes it's long-winded like a teacher in class, and sometimes it's ignorant like a growing child .”

"No matter what they said, no matter who they are, their last words will be sent to Ji Xinghe. Four thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, Ji Xinghe has chosen to receive them all. According to the records, Ji Xinghe has heard all of them."

Tu Yuan paused, looked at Liu Mian and asked, "Do you know when he listens?"

Liu Mian shook his head, feeling shocked and weird at the same time.

As a lieutenant general, Tu Yuan, the supreme commander of a war zone, would actually use his authority to 'spy' Ji Xinghe's behavior of listening to his last words. Isn't this an abuse of power?

"He listens during training, when repairing mechs, and during battle. As far as I know, he can listen to these last words except when he is studying by himself."

"He still listens to it in bed at night."

Tu Yuan's words paused again, as if he had finally realized that his behavior was too obscenely voyeuristic and inappropriate.

But he still wanted to say it.

"He asked Nuwa to play those last words when he was about to go to bed, and monitor and record his sleep state. If he fell asleep, Nuwa would stop playing and record a playback node, and he would restart it the next day. When he started to listen to those last words, he continued to play from the recorded playback node, and sometimes played back from the playback node recorded by Nüwa for a while, and he did not miss a single word in the last words."

"Liu Mian, why do you think he can fall asleep in such a sound? Why does he fall asleep listening to these sounds?"

Liu Mian shook his head, he didn't know.

"Some people think it's because he doesn't care, but I think if he doesn't care, he can refuse to download it, or download it for a show and delete it directly."

Tu Yuan's eyes moved away from Liu Mian's eyes, and looked at the No. 5 base, which was getting closer and closer because the space battleship was about to land, as if he was looking at Ji Xinghe in it.

"Nu Wa recorded the time he fell asleep while listening to these last words, and it was getting faster and faster, as if these last words could no longer move him, but in fact, he had been listening. So, although he didn't want to hear He has regrets, but he is willing to listen to these last words, because these last words can strengthen his belief and make him stronger."

Liu Mian understood. Standing beside Tu Yuan, he also looked at Base No. 5.

"Colonel Ji Xinghe looks for emotion in their sacrifices, finds faith in emotion, and strengthens himself in faith. Therefore, Colonel Ji Xinghe is getting stronger and stronger."

"Yes, he's getting stronger. But he's still not strong enough."

After Tu Yuan approved it, he denied it again, saying, "This time, he can become stronger."

Liu Mian still asked worriedly: "But this time is different from before. What if Colonel Ji Xinghe is angry because of this? Today is his awarding ceremony, if..."

"What if he suddenly loses his temper and beats me up? Hahaha."

Tu Yuan laughed, his eyes firm: "That would be even better."

Liu Mian thought of something, and suddenly felt that even if Ji Xinghe didn't get mad because of that ordinary and special last words, Tu Yuan would probably find a way to make Ji Xinghe mad.

That's fine, it's just a little painful.


Ji Xinghe didn't know that someone would study all his actions, but Tu Yuan was right, he was really willing to listen to those last words.

Acquainted, unfamiliar.

He gave strength to those people, and those people gave him strength.

Therefore, when Liu Mian appeared in front of him with a last word, or a 12-point last word, he was not because of fear of the unknown, nor because of the sadness of sacrifice.

"I'll listen."

Ji Xinghe is going to listen to it when he sleeps tonight. Those sounds will not affect his sleep quality, because when he falls asleep, the last words will stop playing.

Wait until the next day to continue playing from the last sentence he remembered.

Liu Mian hesitated and said, "Colonel Ji Xinghe, I suggest that you listen now."

Ji Xinghe frowned, looking at Liu Mian's eyes that didn't dare to look directly at him, he guessed something, then turned his head and looked down at Xinxin beside him.

The time is 6:05 in the morning, and Ji Rong Xinyue, who got up on time at 6 o'clock, and several other children who live with him, finished washing in five minutes, and were going to go to bed with Ji Rong Xinyue and Ji Xinghe together. The other children meet and go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Grandpa, let's listen together."

Ji Rong Xinyue's eyes and tone were very firm. From Liu Mian's persistence, she felt that this last words might bring harm to Ji Xinghe.

It was very rare for her to hold Ji Xinghe's hand and hold it tightly in front of other children.

This scene is indeed very rare, because the children all want to hold Ji Xinghe's hand, but Ji Xinghe only has two hands.

Ji Xinghe looked at Liu Mian with some displeasure, but Liu Mian looked straight at Ji Xinghe without shame from the gaze he had avoided just now.

The colonel's staff who was handed over to Ji Xinghe by Tu Yuan had already started to do some things before going through the personnel transfer procedures, and even without Ji Xinghe's knowledge.

In this regard, he is very similar to Chen Xun.

The last words sent by Liu Mian just now finally sounded from Ji Xinghe's bracelet.

"Are all these dogs and orangutans fucking crazy?"


"If you are not afraid of death, then we will... take the initiative to attack."


It sounds like this doesn't look like a last word, but like a record of a combat meeting. There are a lot of swear words, but these don't need to avoid the children present.

In fact, the spirit contained in these words is very important to these children, and very important to the future of the Federation and mankind.

But when a person's voice came out, Ji Xinghe's calm face suddenly changed.

He was stunned and shocked.

This made Liu Mian, who was standing in front of him and staring at him, sigh in his heart.

This made Ji Rong Xinyue, who was holding Ji Xinghe's hand, look at Ji Xinghe even more worried.

The voice was: "Fuck what they say."


"Some people will know that I, an auto mechanic who walked out of the village, gave up the city life I envy and came to a different star. Some people will know that I, an ordinary soldier with no merits, died like Like a hero, launching a proactive attack on the Empire. Someone will know that I did what I said to him. He...will care."

It was the voice, it was him.

Ji Xinghe, who launched the Ji Xinghe challenge in the face of the empire, is so powerful that it exceeds everyone's imagination.

But at this moment, his body trembled, and his figure was a little rickety, like an ordinary sixty-six-year-old old man.

"Who is he? Your father? Your mother?"

"He is my master, you have all heard of him, because his name is Ji Xinghe."


Chen Xuan, it's Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan said, we told the master that we will avenge the younger brother's revenge.

Chen Xuan said that all sixty-two people in the factory have signed up to join the army, Master Zhao's son has also signed up, he was a lawyer before, and Master Qin's daughter has also signed up, she was a doctor before...

Chen Xuan said, of the seventy-five of us, only three passed all the assessments.

Chen Xuan said, we are here to avenge Master, not to take advantage of Master's military achievements.

Chen Xuan said that someone has to sacrifice, everyone can sacrifice, and no one's life is more noble than anyone else's.

Chen Xuan said...

Chen Xuan asked: You guys really have nothing to ask? About, my master... Ji Xinghe.

they asked.

They asked, when Colonel Ji Xinghe was repairing the sheet metal of the car, could he smash it with his fist directly with his fist?

They asked, when Colonel Ji Xinghe repaired the car, did he lift the car with one hand without a jack?

They asked, did Colonel Ji Xinghe teach you Jijia Boxing at Xinfengcheng Auto Repair Factory?

They asked, Chen Xuan, do you regret it?

Chen Xuan replied: I really regret it. I regret that I didn't realize that Master is a peerless master. A Mech Warrior. become a real hero like Master.

They said: Chen Xuan, you are a hero, we are all heroes, when we launched an active attack on the empire, we were all real heroes. Your master, our master, Colonel Ji Xinghe, he will hear, he will say to us - you are all true heroes.

Chen Xuan asked: Do you have anything else to say? I'm recording my last words.

They said: We have nothing to say, we will let Colonel Ji Xinghe see our actual actions, just like you really joined the army and came to the front line of the alien star. Chen Xuan, please say a few words, tell your master, tell our master.

Chen Xuan said: Master, I...I have a lot to say to you, but I can't say it now, because I'm homesick and I want to cry. But I can't cry, we are about to launch an active attack on the empire, tears can't kill the orangutan, I miss home, but I want to kill the orangutan more.

They asked: gone?

Chen Xuan said: There is one more thing, let's talk about it together?

They asked: can it?

Chen Xuan said: Yes, I know my master, he is really nice.

So they said together:

"Master, we didn't surrender because we didn't want to lose face for you and all mankind."

The hallway didn't quiet down after the last words were played, the children tried hard to suppress their cries.

They didn't know Chen Xuan, nor did they know the other eleven people who were with Chen Xuan.

But they all understood.

Twelve federal soldiers, who were out of ammunition and food, used their lives to launch an active attack on the empire.

This is the sound they left behind.

Leave it to their common master Ji Xinghe, leave it to them, leave it to this world.

The suppressed cries of the children made Ji Xinghe's stooped body straight again. Liu Mian, who noticed this, was relieved in his heart.

Coax the kids.

Coax the children, and coax yourself.

Ji Xinghe didn't coax the child, he patted Ji Rong Xinyue's shoulder lightly, and Ji Rong Xinyue let go of his hand.

stand at attention.

The voice is loud.

"Galaxy Team, Youth Training Team, all of them are there, assemble!"


The children stood upright and lined up neatly.

Ji Rong Xinyue looked at the children like her with red eyes, and said in the loudest voice as indifferent as possible: "Tears can't kill an orangutan."

The children held back their tears because, like Chen Xuan, they all wanted to kill the orangutan.

They don't need adults to coax them.

The adult standing beside them, Liu Mian, was not moved when he heard those last words, but at this moment, he actually wanted to cry.

Children, it shouldn't be like this.

Ji Xinghe glanced at the children, and he also felt that the children should not be like this.

Then he looked at Liu Mian, this adult was also a child to him, just like Chen Xuan and the others.

"Colonel Liu Mian."

"Colonel Ji Xinghe."

"Are their remains still there?"

"Reconnaissance satellites show that three are still there."


"Battle Scar Canyon, enemy-occupied area."

"There, how many are there?"


Ji Xinghe's question was not clear, but Liu Mian understood, and he took a deep breath.

"Colonel Ji Xinghe, your idea is indeed very meaningful, but unfortunately, our resources are not enough to support us to do such a meaningful thing. It is not so easy to take down enemy-occupied areas, and it is not easy to fight, And... you should be well aware that we have never transported the remains of our heroes back."

"But they are homesick."

"Loyal bones are buried everywhere in the green hills, so there is no need to return them wrapped in horse leather."

"There are no green hills here."

"Colonel Ji Xinghe, he can't come up with the transport resources that can send them back. Living people need transport resources. In this war, those resources that need to be transported back are exchanged for resources to maintain. Moreover, we really can't get back much."

As Liu Mian spoke, his emotions gradually became agitated. He took another deep breath, looked straight into Ji Xinghe's eyes, and spoke in a questioning tone.

"If you insist, I can arrange a special operation mission to take back Chen Xuan's remains. But do you really think that this is what Chen Xuan and the others want to see? Use the lives of your comrades in exchange for their remains to come back." Home?"

"I can get it back, I still have a boat, and I want to go home." Ji Xinghe looked at Liu Mian, and asked softly, "Where is Tu Yuan?"

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