Mecha and Knife

Chapter 442 Big Appetite

When Ji Xinghe rushed to outpost 1840 with the independent regiment, a large number of imperial mechs rushed to their artillery positions with great experience.

According to the empire's understanding of Ji Xinghe, Ji Xinghe will inevitably choose to destroy the anti-missile weapon system on their artillery positions first, and then the federal artillery will carry out a covering fire strike.

This is also the best fighting method that both the Federation and the Empire will choose in a normalized war.

In an era when firepower is king, there is really no need for regular troops to fight each other.

But this time, they miscalculated.

The independent regiment, which seemed to be aiming at the imperial artillery position, turned without hesitation when it was about to encounter the imperial mech formation that came to intercept it.

It looks like it wants to avoid the imperial mechs that come to intercept it, and continues to detour to the imperial artillery positions.

This is a very bad choice. Once entangled by the imperial mechas responsible for intercepting, those imperial mechas that have supported the imperial artillery positions will be able to form a pincer attack on the independent regiment.

Unlike the previous 600 imperial mechs attacking the independent regiment, Outpost 1840 has thousands of mechas, more ferocious fire support, and a large number of conventional troops using various weapons to support them.

Being pinched under such circumstances, the independent regiment may really become a cancerous regiment.

The people in the Western Theater Command became tense again. They were as powerless as before to stop the actions of the independent regiment. They could only watch helplessly and try their best to provide fire cover as support.

Seeing the Independence Regiment rushing left and right on the Empire's position, the power is astonishing, but the tension of the Western Theater Command is getting more and more intense, because the distance between the Imperial Mecha formation responsible for intercepting the Independence Regiment and the Independence Regiment is increasing. near.

From the perspective brought by the high-altitude reconnaissance satellite, a large number of imperial mechs in the imperial artillery position also showed signs of coming to attack.

Are you still not retreating?

How can we withdraw before the ceremony is completed?

A huge chessboard once again appeared in Ji Xinghe's mind. This is the largest chessboard he has seen so far.

With the help of God's perspective provided by the Federation, as well as his experience, and his mysterious ability of "the cicada perceives before the autumn wind moves".

Among the countless grids criss-crossing on the chessboard, he found a route that would allow him to return the salute successfully.

"All of them, follow me."

Ji Xinghe rushed to the forefront of the independent group, followed by the independent group. Qin Tong, Harris, the blind man, and the lame four driving the ace mechs did not appear behind him, but were in the independent group. side charge.

The formation of one hundred and four mechas was so tight that one couldn't help worrying that if someone accidentally slowed down suddenly, they would be hit by teammates' mechas.

But they didn't collide, and they were able to follow Ji Xinghe closely.

At this time, Ji Xinghe didn't need to slow down to match the formation of the independent regiment, because the mechas of the independent regiment were all of the same mountain-cutting type as him, and there was no difference in performance.

Although the operation levels of different mecha fighters are different, it will lead to a gap in the top speed of the mecha, but the independent regiment in the enemy's line can't charge at full speed, and they don't need to charge at full speed.

Those imperial forces standing in front of them will be crushed by them without any hesitation.

There are enemies everywhere, no need to worry.

On the contrary, the imperial mechs that intercept them will be blocked by the regular forces of those empires from pursuing them.

The distance between the two sides is very close, but it seems that there is a natural moat that can never be crossed.

"It's materials, Ji Xinghe's goal is our materials."

Panicked voices suddenly sounded from the Imperial Command at the 1840 outpost, and they finally determined the combat objective of the Independence Regiment.

"Quickly let the mechs on the artillery position stop Ji Xinghe, hurry up."

When the order was issued, the imperial mechs on the artillery position, who had been ready to charge for a long time, finally began to charge.

The imperial mechs chasing behind the independent regiment also started to speed up. They no longer cared about the conventional troops standing in front of them, as well as those platform-style, bunker-style defensive weapon systems.

Under the condition of full-speed collision, the killing efficiency they caused to their own orangutans was not much worse than that of the independent regiment.

But when they finally caught up with the Independence Regiment, the Independence Regiment had already begun to destructively destroy the logistics warehouses on the imperial positions.

A hundred mountain-cutting mechas with a standard weight of more than five tons, the posture of a group charge is already extremely lethal, not to mention that they all have special-level melee weapons.

"Fire, go all out, fire."

The voices of Qin Tong and other team leaders sounded in the independent communication channels of each team of the independent regiment.

Including Jiang Yun and others who had previously asked the members of the independent regiment to save mecha ammunition, they all shouted at this time, as if they had completely forgotten their previous scolding.

At this time, there is no need to save ammo.

All the ammunition consumed can bring value-for-money reports to the federation, not to mention saving more ammunition, but also reducing a large number of casualties.

The speed of the frantically destroying independent regiment did not slow down much, because their destruction target was very clear.

Ammunition is the worst, food and drinking water are slightly heavier, and the main target of destruction is the oxygen supply facilities in the logistics storage.

They can still fight without ammunition, and it is not a big problem to have no food. Whether it is the Empire or the Federation, all soldiers will carry emergency dry food with them, that is, food such as various high-energy compressed biscuits.

Even if the drinking water is destroyed, you can't die without drinking water for a day or two, especially the orangutans whose physical fitness exceeds that of humans.

But oxygen is different. Without oxygen, the imperial orangutans, whose average oxygen consumption is higher than that of humans, will die very quickly and die in despair.

Nearly 150,000 orangutans, not to mention a day, what is the level of oxygen needed for an hour?

This problem does not need to be calculated, and all humans and orangutans do not need to understand.

When the Independence Regiment passed through the location of the logistics warehouse from the imperial position of the 1840 outpost, the entire defense line of the 1840 outpost, the firepower pouring madly at the Independence Regiment, unexpectedly had an obvious stagnation.

The regular troops who were charging suddenly stopped, and their eyes shifted from the back of the independent regiment to their storage positions, and their eyes gradually became desperate.

Including those imperial mechas, they don't actually need to despair, because the mechas can carry a lot of oxygen. If they are not in combat mode, they don't need to worry about dying from lack of oxygen even for a week.

Such a long time is enough for them to wait for new logistical supplies, or to retreat directly to the second line of defense behind them.

However, the problem is that the independent regiment that rushed to their positions and destroyed their important logistics supplies has already passed through their positions without leaving a single mecha.


Can't catch up.


Can't keep it.

They will come again, they will definitely come again, as long as the logistics supplies are in place, they will definitely come again.

They paid a lot of sacrifices in the whole night of harassment last night, and successfully disrupted the deployment of the federal troops at the 1838 outpost, which can be regarded as meritorious.

But only in the third hour after dawn, Ji Xinghe took his independent group and gave them a big gift.

It was so large that nearly 150,000 imperial troops could not bear the weight of life.

"Chasing, chasing to Ji Xinghe and retreating."

The new combat order came from the Empire General Headquarters in Battle Scar Canyon. More than a thousand Imperial Mechs on the defense line of Outpost No. 1840 began to chase after their morale fell to the bottom.

They really couldn't catch up with the Independence Regiment, and those noble mechs that could catch up with the Independence Regiment didn't dare to leave the main force to pursue them.

Chasing farther and farther, they could only watch the dust and smoke brought up by the independent regiment, rolling northward.


Not to the west?

The imperial mechas who were chasing finally understood the order of the headquarters until this time.

Ji Xinghe, who led the independent regiment to destroy their logistics warehouse, had no intention of returning in victory like this at all. Instead, he wanted to continue to lead the independent regiment to wait for an opportunity on the edge of the 1840 outpost's defense line.

Their target may be the artillery position at outpost 1840. After the logistics warehouse was destroyed, the oxygen carried by each orangutan was only enough for them to use for three hours on average.

After three hours, all orangutans will be dead?

No, in less than three hours, when I saw my oxygen supply device with my own eyes and a warning line appeared, some orangutans would definitely go crazy on the spot and want to get more oxygen at all costs.

And this kind of chaos, under the premise that oxygen cannot be guaranteed, will only intensify.

Two and a half hours later, the imperial forces at the 1840 outpost are likely to be out of ten.

Knowing this well, how could Ji Xinghe not want to destroy the imperial artillery position on the 1840 outpost defense line?

More than that, Ji Xinghe, who was unwilling to lead the independent regiment to leave, was obviously planning to intercept the reinforcements from the empire, especially the oxygen and other supplies delivered by the reinforcements.

"Keep chasing, if you can't catch up, you still have to chase, entangle Ji Xinghe, and you must not let him turn back."

Yinan's command voice was a little angry.

Although Aidakang confessed that he would give some credit to Ji Xinghe, so that Ji Xinghe could rise to the top and lead the Federation to create more independent groups.

But it didn't think of giving such credit to Ji Xinghe.

The heavy troops set up a few lines of defense, retreat after a fight, give Ji Xinghe ten lines of defense, a hundred lines of defense, and give most of the occupied areas to Ji Xinghe, isn't it all right?

Can't satisfy Ji Xinghe?

150,000 soldiers, you actually want to directly eat up my 150,000 troops, not only that, this way of fighting, the first line of defense can't stop it, and the second and third lines of defense can't stop it either.

Nearly half a million troops, do you want to eat them all?

Ji Xinghe, you have a big appetite!

Yinan's anger is justifiable, although it doesn't care about the lives of these civilian soldiers, and it has the ability to recruit more troops in its own fief to supplement the source of troops.

But what about its fief?

How could it be willing to use its orangutans to supplement the emperor's soldiers?

And it needs to face not only the western theater, but also the eastern theater. When the western theater loses a large number of troops, the eastern theater is likely to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack.


As if guessing what Yinan was thinking, a very bad report sounded for it.

"The Federation launched an active attack on us from the east side of the canyon..."

This was the first real active attack in the eastern theater, but no one in the Imperial Command in Battle Scar Canyon dared to mention this.

There is no need to mention it, because the Western Theater has already launched the first active attack launched by the Federation in the Battle Scar Canyon theater against them.

And it has already won big.

"Let them continue chasing Ji Xinghe. No matter what kind of casualties they pay, they can't make Ji Xinghe turn back. The supplies must be sent to the front line. Tell them, if they fail to stop Ji Xinghe, then they don't have to come back."

When Yinan added the order it had just issued, a strong feeling of incomprehension rose again in his heart.

Why, Ji Xinghe, why did you come to my war zone?

Yinan was very angry, it really couldn't figure out why.

But if it can know the real reason, it will definitely regret occupying the Federation's 1840 outpost more than half a month ago.

It will definitely regret that its soldiers killed an ordinary federal soldier who couldn't be more ordinary on the battlefield.

His name is Chen Xuan, he is Ji Xinghe's apprentice, and he came to Yixing to help Ji Xinghe take revenge.

Today, his mutilated body lies on the defense line of outpost 1840, in a corner where no chimpanzee pays attention, staring directly at the sky with empty eyes.

The sky seems to have become a mirror, reflecting the war in the name of revenge in the world.

That was his master, Ji Xinghe, avenging him.

That was his master, Ji Xinghe, who said to him with practical actions: Don't worry, master will avenge you first, and then take you home.

As a result, those empty eyes seemed to have light flowing.

seems to be laughing.

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