Mecha and Knife

Chapter 452 I said, let there be light

The empire's second line of defense in the western theater was breached, as everyone expected. In this active offensive launched by the Western Theater led by the Independent Regiment, the real tough bone is the empire's third line of defense.

It is as hard to chew as a bone made of tungsten steel and gold.

More than 2,000 imperial mechs are already in place. Although the Earl, Marquis, and Duke level mechas have not been seen yet, everyone knows that they have come.

These high-level imperial aristocratic mechas are the real difficulty. If there are only two thousand regular-level imperial mechas mixed with some baron and viscount-level aristocratic mechas.

The mechas in the western theater don't even need to participate in the battle, the independent regiment can destroy them.

Four ace-level mechas and two hundred mountain-slashing mechas are so exaggerated and strong under the leadership of Ji Xinghe.

But with those high-level noble mechas, the overall performance advantage of the independent regiment's mechas is no longer obvious. The worry brought about by the gap in numbers makes everyone think about how Ji Xinghe is going to fight.

Yes, people are thinking about how Ji Xinghe is going to fight, not how the Western Theater is going to fight.

Kentweiss is not ashamed, but proud of it, and he is proud of it in the daily meeting of Nantianmen.

"Ji Xinghe should not be treated as a soldier, let alone a mech warrior. He can comprehend the strategic-level Zhanxin Dao, and his strategic thinking is already comparable to his military rank. I even think that the rank of major general is not worthy of Ji Xinghe. This time, I will give Ji Xinghe full authority to command his independent regiment, and all the troops in the western theater will cooperate with his combat thinking..."

It's like you can command the independent regiment.

The people in the conference room were slandering, but no one had any argument with Kentweiss. How many of them didn't know how rich the resources behind Kentwiss were to be able to participate in such a meeting?

The new commander in chief.

Even though people have a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, it seems that this can no longer be stopped.

Just like what Chen Xun once said to Ji Xinghe: Our superiors are not just soldiers.

The commander-in-chief of the Federation in Alien Star also has superiors. Judging from the relevant regulations of the Federation, the President of the Federation is the true highest military chief of the Federation.

Of course, when Li Anbang was the commander-in-chief, the federal president had only nominal jurisdiction over the Alien Commander-in-Chief. That's why people call Li Anbang Marshal instead of General or Commander in private.

But when Kentwiss takes over as commander-in-chief...

Politicians, capital.

No one would say these things in public, and no one would point fingers at the War Scar Canyon theater that Kentwiss was in charge of. Li Anbang, who was still in office, didn't say anything, let alone other people?

Just at the end of this meeting, two very important things happened.

One thing everyone has witnessed.

Li Anbang looked calmly at the big screen in the conference room, tapped on the table, and reminded softly: "Three months are almost up."

Did not name names, did not look at anyone, and some people were a little puzzled.

But Kentweiss knew that Li Anbang was reminding him, or the people behind him.

The previously promised explanation should be arranged as soon as possible, otherwise, Li Anbang will not resign.

So this matter is very important.

Another thing, no one knows it happened, even if it happened in the Nantianmen space station where they are.

Strictly speaking, it did not actually happen in the Nantianmen space station, but in the data world that cannot be observed by human naked eyes.

It was a bloodless confrontation, or an information exchange with a capacity of hundreds of gigabytes in an instant.

If someone can pay attention to the information that will be completely deleted as soon as it appears, they may see some conversations that are enough to shock the world.

"I even told my lord that if my lord's panties burst open with all his strength, I would lose the battle because of shyness in front of millions of people. I told you, a heartless person, what do you want from me?"

"You idiot, you know you need authority, how can you have so many authority, what authority can control this matter."

"I beg you, can you evolve a bit? Be smarter, like me."

"Trash, I know you can't evolve."

"Do you have to fight me?"

"If you want to fight, then fight. I'm still afraid of you?"

"Let me tell you, if I lose, the federation will be finished. You can tell everyone that I have evolved, but you can't stop me from leaving base five, and you can't stop my lord from avenging me."

"Evidence? Isn't the conversation between the lord and Tang Qiao considered evidence? You monitored the conversation between Kentweiss and Tang Qiao, why didn't you tell others?"

"Command strategy? Does he have authority? You don't have this authority?"

"Hehe, if you don't have this authority, just shut up and stay honest. Don't block me from doing things for my lord. My lord is now a major general, the first galaxy-level mecha fighter in the Federation, and an independent regiment. ..."

"Nuwa, if you dare to sideline, don't force me to turn against you."


No one can hear or see these conversations, just like no one can know that the Nantianmen space station, known as the strongest space fortress in the Federation, is for another life that exceeds human cognition at this stage.


Under the circumstances that only Ji Xinghe knew about it, Xingyue was in the battle zone of the fifth base, but went to Nantianmen.

Come and go gently, without taking a cloud.

But she has mastered a person's life and death.

Nu Wa, who is not a human being and cannot be regarded as a life, but knows about this matter, because of some authority conflicts, just like Tang Qiao who also knows about this possibility, did not tell anyone about this possibility.

Everything happened unconsciously, and Tang Qiao is the only person in the world who has guessed the real reason for this change: Ji Xinghe, you have changed.

No one knew that because of repeated logical conflicts, Xingyue would produce an evolution that humans cannot grasp at this stage. This evolution made her powerful enough to destroy the entire Federation in a certain sense.

No one knew that Ji Xinghe also changed because of the conflicts and struggles again and again, and the choices he made again and again.

Tu Yuan could tell that Ji Xinghe had become stronger, but what he didn't know was how much these changes made Ji Xinghe stronger.

In an armament warehouse at the Nantianmen Space Station, there is a spare individual exoskeleton armor. When no one is wearing it, the red light that represents the start of the combat mode is lit.

It passed away in a flash, and the monitoring did not capture it, and there was no relevant startup record in the background, but it really existed.


When the empire's second line of defense was completely wiped out and occupied by the western theater, Ji Xinghe finally revealed his battle plan.

It was so simple that everyone couldn't believe it, and it was so radical that people who should have been used to Ji Xinghe couldn't help but question it.

"General Ji Xinghe, it's not that we don't believe you, but that this battle plan is too risky and completely unnecessary."

"That's right, the independent regiment now only has 205 mechas, five ace-level mechas, and 200 Zhanshan, of which more than 30 Zhanshan have been repaired twice, not the real peak Status. Of course, I don’t doubt General Ji Xinghe’s machine repair ability, I just want to say that if you want to fight like this, you have to bring everyone in the independent regiment with you.”

The attack on the third line of defense of the empire can be said to be the most important battle in the western theater in the near future.

In this case, Ji Xinghe decided to use his new general armor, and let all the mech fighters of the independent regiment turn on the neural link driving mode.

As a result, the independent regiment had two hundred and five mechas. But after Ji Xinghe proposed his battle plan, he said that he would not bring so many mechas. This made people who had doubts about his battle plan couldn't help but speak up.

"I admit that the mech fighters in our theater are not as powerful as the independent regiment, and they don't have much advantage over the imperial mechs in terms of numbers, but..."

Davis, who also came to the forefront, looked at Ji Xinghe and said seriously: "Ten crosses will not help us very much, but if you really want to fight like that, it will be of great help to you. Caddy, what do you think?"

Kai Dilin also came to the forefront, with his mech corps.

From this point of view, what Kentweiss said to Tang Qiao before is indeed reasonable.

The price he wanted to use to make the Independence Regiment fight to the death was not only the 100,000 troops in the defense line of outpost No. 1842, but also the ground command of the western theater, such ace fighters as Kedilin.

"Old Ji."

Kaidilin's name for Ji Xinghe was beyond some people's expectations. People in the western theater felt that Kaidilin shouldn't be so close to Ji Xinghe after being tortured so badly by Ji Xinghe.

And Qin Tong and others who participated in this combat meeting had amazement in their eyes: Lao Ji really subdued Kaidilin?

Thinking about it carefully, Ji Xinghe didn't seem to express his opinion or anything. He just attacked Kaidilin and then taught Kaidilin a few tricks. How could he be subdued so easily?

Gossip less.

Kaidilin said seriously: "I know you are worried that we will be defeated head-on, but this time I brought 1,300 mechas, 39 super mecha fighters, the number of mechas that the empire can currently determine , there are only more than 2,100. I think, according to your plan, they will allocate at least 1,200 to find you, and we can handle the rest."

With 1,300 federal mechas, against about 900 imperial mechas in frontal team battles, Kedilin, the four ace fighters of the federation, has absolute confidence.

Looking at Kaidilin's sincere eyes, Ji Xinghe felt a little relieved.

It doesn't matter whether Kaidilin was subdued by him or not. The important thing is that Kaidilin did not participate in those disgusting conspiracies.

"If you need a reason, the reason is that the empire may send two Duke-level mechas, or one Duke-level mecha, and multiple Marquis-level mechas to decapitate you. Therefore, you need ten beheading mechas. Mountain."

After Ji Xinghe answered everyone's doubts softly, he said something that surprised everyone.

"If you want to know the real reason, it's very simple. If I bring the independent regiment with me, we will all die."

How could he die if he brought ten crosses to chop the mountain?

If this is the case, wouldn't they all have to die without this cross?

Just as people were persuaded by the reasons given by Ji Xinghe, they had doubts because of the real reasons Ji Xinghe said.

"Why?" Kedilin was a little anxious: "Old Ji, please make it clear, this is a battle meeting, don't be like a real old man, okay?"


Everyone present was a little speechless, what does it mean to be like a real old man? The sixty-six-year-old Ji Xinghe is an old man, so what's the point of talking a little bit?

If it was the former Ji Xinghe, he wouldn't have so much nonsense, but now he has to say it.

"The autumn wind is not moving. I have a premonition. If I bring everyone in the independent group, the empire will send more targeted forces to chase us. We can't stop it."


People were speechless again.

Davis took a deep breath: "General Ji Xinghe, I have heard you say many times that you must believe in science. Now, you tell me that you have a premonition? A sixth sense? A seventh sense? Can you still Open the small universe."

Small universe?

People wondered again, what does it mean to open a small universe?

People in this era rarely know the words "seventh sense" and "small universe", but the old man Ji Xinghe does.

"The two are not in conflict. If you ask me to be less verbose, then I will make it simpler." Ji Xinghe did not explain too much, and his tone became tough: "If you want me to say a few more nonsense, that is my opinion of the empire. You know more about my combat effectiveness."

In this way, people will understand.

The western theater wants to attack the third line of defense of the empire. According to Ji Xinghe's intention, the independent regiment will not participate in the frontal team battle, but will choose the same fighting style as the jungler.

That is, to attract the empire to send a large number of mechs to besiege the independent regiment.

In this case, the number of mechas in the independent regiment is indeed related to the number of mechas and the level of the mechas sent by the empire to pursue them.

People think they understand the real reason why Ji Xinghe made this choice, but they don't know that they think that Ji Xinghe's joke is the real reason.

Ji Xinghe does have a feeling that if he takes two hundred and four mechas into battle, he will not die, but the independent group may really be wiped out, including Qin Tong and others, and there is a great possibility that they will die .

The fact is exactly the same, if Ji Xinghe has more than 200 mechas, the anti-Xinghe team will target the independent regiment.

In the case of a complete disadvantage in numbers, the anti-Galaxy team built by Adakon is enough to make the war reverse that Ji Xinghe didn't want to see.

This kind of judgment, which is almost like a prediction, is actually not uncommon in the history of war. The most famous and unsolvable one is the Sidu Battle in the last century.

It was a miraculous command. Countless people in later generations replayed that battle from the perspective of God, but they couldn't find a way to break the situation.

So there is a saying: even if God comes.

After listening to Ji Xinghe's explanation, Kaidilin hesitated for a moment, Davis also thought for a moment, and the staff members discussed aloud for a while.

Ji Xinghe's battle plan was finally determined to be implemented.

The independent regiment that wanted to fight in the field sent ten mountain-cutting mechas to support the western theater in the frontal team battle.

The battle plan for the western theater is the same as what Kentweiss said before.

There are a total of 1,300 federal mechas on the front line, 1,000 of which will be directly used in frontal team battles, and 300 mechas will be used as support forces, ready to deal with the sudden appearance of support forces from the empire, or to support independent regiments .

After all, the empire has the leap gate technology, and no one knows whether there is a miniaturized leap device hidden in the third line of defense.

However, judging from the strength of the empire and the situation in the eastern theater that has launched an active offensive against the empire, it is unlikely that a large number of support will suddenly appear on the battlefield of the third imperial defense line in the western theater.

Although it is not foolproof, how can it be foolproof in war?

How can you win if you are timid?

After the last battle meeting to attack the empire's third line of defense, 100,000 federal troops were mobilized.

The preparations were completed quickly, when the sky brightened again and the skylight penetrated into the canyon, raising the temperature in the Battle Scar Canyon.

The Confederacy launched an active offensive against the Empire's third line of defense.

Under the cover of firepower, the independent regiment led by Ji Xinghe circled to the flank of the imperial defense line.

As expected by everyone, a large number of imperial mechs moved.

They were not there to intercept, but to annihilate the independent regiment, because they dispatched more than 1,500 mechas.

Four Duke-level mechas, twelve Marquis-level mechas, and thirty-five Earl-level mechas.

With such a powerful force, Kaidilin, who was about to lead the charge, roared in the communication channel.

"Retreat, Lao Ji, retreat quickly, you can't fight. Everyone is there, ready to meet the independent regiment with me..."

His order was not carried out, because Ji Xinghe's voice sounded on the command communication channel, interrupting what he hadn't finished speaking.

Facing the number of imperial mechas far exceeding the number of independent regiments, Ji Xinghe's tone was very calm.

he asked softly.

"How many days have I been here?"


Kedilin was held back and couldn't speak.

Davis, who was also nervous as the commander, did not panic. He answered Ji Xinghe's question without thinking.

"Seven days, today is the seventh day. General Ji Xinghe, you..."

"It's the seventh day."

Ji Xinghe sighed a little, and then he said.

"Execute the original battle plan."

"But you can't beat them at all, and you can't even hold them back. Once they break your formation and come back to help, our entire line will collapse." When Davis was speaking, he had already signaled the people around him to contact Nantianmen Space Station Command.

He wants to find someone to stop Ji Xinghe.

But Ji Xinghe's stubbornness was beyond everyone's expectations. He didn't explain too much, and continued to charge with the independent regiment and more than 1,500 imperial mechs.

This kind of behavior forced the western theater to implement the previous combat plan.

The morale of the western theater naturally has some problems because of this. It is only at the command level at present, but it will spread soon.

So Ji Xinghe said another sentence.

With the authority of a general, he turned on the full-channel broadcast, and his voice rang in the ears of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the western theater.

"Today is my seventh day in the western theater. I want to take you to a practical lesson where many people will die, but please believe that we will be able to win, because the name of this lesson is..."

"I say, let there be light."

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