Mecha and Knife

Chapter 653: Really Created the Avatar Clone Technique

Five years ago, when a policeman in Xinfeng City checked Ji Xinghe's information, he exclaimed twice in his heart: Big brother, high play.

But at that time, he didn't think that Ji Xinghe, who was very good at playing games, could play any role in the alien war, and he didn't even think that Ji Xinghe had a chance to reach the alien star.

Today, the "interrogation" of Ji Xinghe has become the most important topic of conversation in his life, and it can even be described as an honor.

But he still doesn't think that the fact that Ji Xinghe is good at playing games can bring any meaningful help to Ji Xinghe in this war between the Federation and aliens.

Just like some Interstellar Glory professional players on Azure Star, after learning about Ji Xinghe's "game career", they said that they can also shine in this war like Ji Xinghe.

The well-recognized comment made by Su He: General Ji Xinghe was not able to become the Federation's first Galaxy-level mecha fighter because he was good at playing games. It's because he has the talent to become the Federation's first galaxy-level mecha fighter that he is more powerful when playing games.

It sounds similar, but it's actually quite different.

Su He also made two additions:

Just like a firefly in the dark night, no matter it is in the city or in the field, the light it emits is true and true. Just because the light of the city is shining, it cannot be seen clearly, but it cannot be said that it does not exist and cannot shine.

Just like the sea of ​​stars in the universe, no matter whether human beings are willing to stand on the blue star and look up, no matter whether human beings are willing to take the first small step on the journey of exploring the sea of ​​stars, the sea of ​​stars will last forever.

Controversy has always existed about whether there is such a big difference between game talent and mech warrior talent.

Because of the characteristics of the game's talent requirements, there are several points that are the same as the talent requirements of Mech Warrior, at least on the surface.

consciousness! operate! Hand speed! reaction!

Among these traits, hand speed is gradually replaced by the manual operation mode due to the popularization of neural link technology, and it is no longer a required trait of mech warriors, but the required traits in other aspects still exist.

When Ji Xinghe discovered that manipulating the mecha suddenly became like playing a game, it was also difficult to determine in a short time whether these qualities in the game talent were the same as those in the mecha driving talent.

But this is actually unimportant, what is important is that no matter how he can create a real armor clone technique.

Consciousness appeared to be dissociated, the world was no longer real but still existed, and the perspective was stripped from the visible window of Xingyuejia's cockpit to the outside of Xingyuejia's body.

It feels like he is not in the cockpit of the Xingyuejia, but is similar to using a real remote operation mode to drive the Xingyuejia, and this kind of operation technology is very easy because the mecha warrior does not need to take risks. Like playing a game.

But it is somewhat different from the remote operation mode.

The Federation's remote operation technology actually uses communication to connect two cockpits. One of the two cockpits is inside the mecha, and the other is usually in a safe area and has only one cockpit.

All the perspectives that the driver can see, based on the connected state of communication, are basically the same as inside the mecha, and all operations done will also be converted into signals and transmitted to the mecha, and then the mecha will naturally Various maneuvers can be performed.

But this technology has a big drawback, which is very dependent on communication technology. Not only do you need to guard against communication interference, but you also need to consider communication delays.

The delay time of a few tenths of a second does not have any effect on normal calls, but for mecha battles, especially for mechas with excellent performance, it is likely to be the gap between being defeated and being defeated.

However, in the state Ji Xinghe was in at this time, there was no problem of communication delay, because he was inside the mecha.

All the operations, when he finished, had already been executed by the mecha.

It sounds like there is no difference from driving a mecha before, but for Ji Xinghe now, the difference is very big.

The point is - the feel of the game.

It's not the sense of a game that has nothing to do with life and death in the remote operation mode, but the operation of driving the mech itself. At this moment, I feel like I'm playing a game.

"Mountains are mountains, water is water. Mountains are not mountains, water is not water. Mountains are mountains, water is water."

This sentence flashed through Ji Xinghe's mind.

Ever since he first piloted mechas, he has been pursuing the path of man-machine integration, using mechas to practice boxing, using mechas to make waists and horses into one, etc...

These are all for the realization of true human-machine integration.

And the benefits brought to him by this state are huge, making his armor-piercing combat invincible.

But this state is also disadvantageous. When he and the mecha he is driving reach the state of man-machine integration, he is confined to one mecha.

Not to mention the armor clone technique, even Xingyue Jia's overclocked form cannot be perfectly manipulated, because the key to the integration of man and machine lies in the human being, and Xingyue's overclocked form is not his physical form.

Driving Xingyuejia's overclocked form to integrate man and machine is like he has suddenly grown six 'arms', no matter how much you practice, it is difficult to get used to it. Qi Yujia's ability to use it, or spend a lot of time practicing it.

He doesn't have that much time, and he can't just drive Xingyuejia.

"Give up the state of man-machine integration!"

Ji Xinghe resolutely gave up the realm he had reached, which almost all mecha fighters can't dream of.

However, his ability to manipulate Xingyuejia did not decrease, on the contrary, there was a significant improvement.

Because he is actually not giving up, but surpassing!

What is a mech?

Weapons of war!

How does the mech work?

Manual operation, brain wave induction.

What is the essence of driving a mech to fight?

Use combat awareness and experience to drive the mecha to make the required maneuvers when needed.

It's like playing a game.

In short: when it’s time to level A, level A, when it’s time to use skills, use skills, when it’s time to move, move, when it’s time to fill up, it’s time to fill up, when it’s time to ward, it’s time to ward , when it's time to fight dragons, fight dragons, when it's time to fight in a team fight, fight in a team fight...

The difference between a master and an entertainer is that a master clearly knows the heroes they use, what skills they have, when to use these skills to get the best results, and other things that should be done in the right place. time to do those things.

For Ji Xinghe.

When he surpassed the state of human-machine integration, the six extra arms of Xingyuejia's regular form are no longer a tasteless rib that cannot be integrated with him, but Xingyuejia, a "game hero", possesses A special skill, a special way to level A.

The difference is that this skill is too complicated and difficult to operate, and compared to the skills of normal game heroes, it is a bit too much.

For example, the God's Punishment Armor has ten skills, and the normal form of the Xingyue Armor has twenty skills because of its six arms. If the overclocking mode is turned on, there are thirty skills.

Different skills can be combined with each other. Thirty skills can be combined into one hundred sets of combo operations.

So, here, even if Ji Xinghe told other people his feelings, such as Han Li and Jackson, they could only understand and understand, but they couldn't do well.

It's not just a question of the upper limit of operational ability, but also as mecha fighters, it is difficult for them to understand such complex skills and combos in essence.

The one who can really understand these complicated skills and combos is not only the designer of the mecha, but also the maker of the mecha.

The mechanic is undoubtedly one of the designers and manufacturers.

But these people who can understand can't complete the operation like a mech warrior.

Similarly, although game designers have the right to set the game and game characters, it is difficult to beat those professional players when playing games.

Therefore, in order to realize the true armor clone technique, both must be considered.

Coincidentally, Ji Xinghe is the top mechanic in the Federation, one of the designers of the Xingyue Armor, and the most powerful mech warrior in the Federation.

Maintaining the state of epiphany, when Ji Xinghe did not use the operation of controlling the armor with qi, he used manual and brain wave induction to manipulate the regular form of the Xingyue armor more and more perfectly, just like Xingyue.

Speaking of which, Xingyue is the Federation that can also take care of both and the three.

Xingyue, who was chatting with many people, found this out and felt happy, but she knew that this was not enough, even if Ji Xinghe could be as 'perfect' as her when operating Xingyuejia's overclocking form, it was not enough.

If the operation difficulty coefficient of God's Punishment Armor is 1, the difficulty coefficient of Xingyue Armor's normal form operation is 2, and the operation difficulty coefficient of Xingyue Armor's overclocking form is 3.

If you operate the Xingyue Armor's overclocking form and the God's Punishment Armor at the same time, the difficulty factor of the operation will increase to 6, or even higher.

My lord, where are we now?

Xingyue can see that Ji Xinghe's operational ability is stronger than before, but he can't tell how much stronger.

Because the normal form of Xingyuejia has a limit, it is like a university student and a high school student who both take the college entrance examination, and if they are exhausted, they will only get full marks. The difficulty of the college entrance examination papers does not show the gap in knowledge level and thinking ability between the two at all.

Resisting Xingyue not to ask Ji Xinghe, she suddenly heard Ji Xinghe's voice.


"My lord, I am here."

"Armor of God's Punishment."


Xingyue exclaimed excitedly.

She originally thought that Ji Xinghe would try to use the overclocking form of Xingyuejia to further control the operation ability developed. Although doing so will waste Xingyuejia's overclocking form, after all, the current battle does not need Xingyuejia's overclocking at all, but as long as Ji Xinghe wants to practice, what does it matter if it is wasted?

The left and right are just a few resources, compared to what Ji Xinghe brought to the Federation in the chessboard battle, it is really not worth mentioning.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xinghe's confidence was as strong as ever, and he was about to ascend to the sky in one step.


Su Chuanyun, who was driving the God's Punishment Armor to restore his strength, suddenly found that he had lost control of the God's Punishment Armor.

I thought that Xingyue didn't like him, or that he couldn't bear the low level of performance, so she took back the right to operate the Armor of God's Punishment.

But he suddenly discovered that the Armor of God's Punishment was not moving.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of the artillery fire was transmitted to the cockpit with the vibration of the God's Punishment Armor. There were no imperial mechs around the suddenly immobile God's Punishment Armor. The Imperial Mechas on this battlefield had been killed by him and Ji Xinghe. up.

The rest are the imperial conventional forces that are difficult to complete the retreat in a short time.

It stands to reason that the weapons possessed by these regular troops can actually bring very limited lethality to the God's Punishment Armor, and can even be completely ignored.

But the premise is that the Armor of God's Punishment cannot stand still in place.

Water droplets can penetrate stone, not to mention the continuous fire attacks of the empire? The body made of tungsten steel alloy can't bear it either.

"Xingyue, even though I've changed now, it's not like you want to kill me. Believe me, I can become as strong as before, no, stronger than before."

Su Chuanyun expressed his position in bewilderment.

"Shut up!"

Xingyue is not polite, because she is a little nervous now.

Her consciousness is now in the armor of divine punishment. If the armor of divine punishment is broken, it may not be Su Chuanyun who dies first, but herself.

Although she can leave in a very short time, the problem is that she can't give up helping Ji Xinghe contact the avatar at this time, nor can she give up such a good cover as Su Chuanyun.

Just because her real body was exposed doesn't mean she doesn't need to cover up. The Federation knows about her, and there should be only a handful of them.

Seeing that the Armor of God's Punishment suddenly stopped moving, some of the imperial troops who were already determined to die chose to take the opportunity to retreat, while others suddenly had the ambition to defeat the Armor of God's Punishment.

The sudden downtime of the mecha, although it is almost impossible for a mecha of the level of the God's Punishment Armor, it is not completely impossible in theory.

What if the cannon just now blasted the God's Punishment Armor out of order?

The concentrated firepower became more and more ferocious, and the standing still God's Punishment Armor had already started to sway left and right, if it wasn't for the spontaneous operation of the intelligent assistance system to help the God's Punishment Armor maintain its balance.

The God's Armor of Punishment has now fallen.

Su Chuanyun was really scared, but because Xingyue shut up just now, he still resisted not trying to start the operation again, and he didn't even dare to ask about the situation.

Are you going to die again?

Just when Su Chuanyun had this thought, the God's Armor of Punishment suddenly moved.

And it started the charge directly, aiming at an artillery position of the empire.

No need to die, hahaha...

When Su Chuanyun laughed in his heart, he finally couldn't hold back his voice: "Xingyue, don't scare me like this, I will really die."

"What am I scaring you?" Judging from Xingyue's tone, she seems a little happy now.

"Didn't you scare me?" Su Chuanyun asked strangely: "Then why did you let the God's Punishment Armor remain motionless just now, and you were about to be knocked down by the firepower of the empire before you started operating it?"

"Who said I used the Armor of God's Punishment? I didn't."

"Ah? You didn't operate it, and I didn't operate it, so why did the God's Punishment Armor move by itself?"

Xingyue didn't answer.

Su Chuanyun suddenly noticed the perspective of Xingyuejia. Just now, Xingyuejia seemed to be operating smoothly and almost perfectly, but now it looks like... he is driving.

But the problem is, the mech warrior in Xingyuejia is Ji Xinghe.


"Fuck, did the old man really come up with the technique of Armor Clone?"

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