Mecha and Knife

Chapter 708 Please advise

When the news spread that Ji Rong Xinyue was going to start the "Su Chuanyun Challenge", everyone believed that Ji Rong Xinyue would definitely succeed.

Even if people don't know how talented and strong Ji Rong Xinyue is. People only need to know that she is Ji Xinghe's granddaughter, and the independent group is Ji Xinghe's independent group, to get this answer.

The people waiting in line at Base No. 6 to accept the gifts were not even interested in taking a look at it. What's so interesting about an eleven-year-old girl messing around because of her grandpa's prestige and power?

But before the start of this "Su Chuanyun Challenge", Ji Xinghe told the soldiers who came to accept the assessment and wanted to join the independent regiment, as well as the mecha fighters sent by the independent regiment to meet this challenge After the request, everyone flocked to the training area of ​​the No. 6 base before the assessment began.

The venue space is limited and people can't squeeze in. People who can't go also connect to the monitoring of the training area, or establish video communication with people who are already in the training area and have a good viewing angle. Moreover, it's not just people from base six.

As Ji Rong Xinyue said, she is the granddaughter of Legend. When the legend is being watched by the whole world, the peripheral vision of countless pairs of eyes looking at the legend will make her also be watched by the world.

Ji Xinghe said in public: "I don't want her to join the independent regiment, and I don't want her to drive a mecha to participate in the battle. She has some skills in repairing mechas. I want her to stay in the machine repair area and be a mech mechanic. You can say yes I am selfish, but as long as you recognize me as the regiment commander, follow my orders and defeat her."

That being said, those recruits and veterans who originally wanted to take the opportunity to release the water after receiving the order will naturally not release the water again.

They can all understand Ji Xinghe, and even more support Ji Xinghe's idea.

"Mecha soldiers are very important, I think they are more important than us mecha fighters."

"Yeah, yeah, without them repairing mechas and making mechas, we'd be farting. Speaking of which, Ji Rong Xinyue is the granddaughter of the old man, and she has studied with the old man for five years, so she must be very good at mechatronics. .”

"She's still a child, only eleven years old."

"What happened to eleven years old? When the old man was eleven years old, he had already started to build Transformers."

"Isn't that unmade?"

"Now it can be made. Isn't it just a switch between the mecha and the car? It must be easy for the old man, but it's not necessary."

"It can be made now, but it doesn't mean it can be made when it is eleven years old. Ji Rong Xinyue is only eleven years old... Wait a minute, that female soldier?"

Amidst the discussions in the training area, Ji Rong Xinyue, who was wearing a special combat uniform for mecha fighters, followed Su Chuanyun, walked out from a metal gate in a passage, and went straight to the central arena in the training area.

Exquisite facial features and fair skin, like ice and snow carved from jade, are natural and beautiful covered in silver. While walking with a correct gait, the neat short hair swayed slightly, and it looked like a thousand piles of snow piled up by white waves.

Even if she wasn't standing beside Su Chuanyun, people didn't expect that she was Ji Rong Xinyue. When she appeared in front of people, she would be able to attract all eyes.

And when people confirmed her identity, the eyes gathered on her turned into admiration and pure shock.

"Fuck, is this fucking eleven years old?"

Some people were shocked and subconsciously uttered obscenities, but when they thought of Ji Rong Xinyue's identity, they raised their hands and slapped themselves.

Very ruthless.

"How tall?"

This is the first question that people pay attention to. Ji Rong Xinyue, who is next to Su Chuanyun, looks even taller than Su Chuanyun. Because of the angle, some people even think that Ji Rongxinyue is taller than Su Chuanyun. higher.

"There are 1.83 meters. I remember that Colonel Su Chuanyun is 1.83 meters. The two of them look about the same height."

"Eleven years old, 1.83 meters? Damn... bang!"

People who subconsciously uttered swear words subconsciously slapped themselves. Adults who are a bit conscientious about right and wrong will subconsciously avoid swearing in front of children, no matter what their oral habits are.

Although Ji Rong Xinyue couldn't hear it, they felt it was related.

Nurse Wang has not seen Ji Rong Xinyue for several years, not only her, but few people in the Federation have been able to see Ji Rong Xinyue in the past few years. Her appearance can be said to be highly confidential in the Federation. Even if someone saw Ji Rong Xinyue, they would not openly disclose it to the public.

Thinking back to the little girl who was thinner than her peers back then, with some thinning hair that was draped over her shoulders with great difficulty, wearing a dress she made by herself, holding a doll and standing at the porthole of Base No. 6, looking at the barren world outside , with a resolute but pitiful look on his face.

At this moment, when Ji Rong Xinyue walked neatly and generously to the ring, stood in a standard to impeccable military posture, and looked around the audience, there was a feeling that the audience was under control, like Ji Xinghe face to face.

Nurse Wang really couldn't believe it.

"Is this Xinxin?"

If you really want to talk about height, at the age of eleven, you have grown to 1.83 meters. In this era, it is actually not an exaggeration. It is rare to see, but it is easy to see. The key lies in the temperament displayed by Ji Rong Xinyue, which made many people, including Nurse Wang, feel like they were looking at Ji Xinghe.

Moreover, it wasn't Ji Xinghe when he first came to Alien Star, but Ji Xinghe who came to Alien Star for the second time like the return of a king.


People are puzzled.


Su Chuanyun's resonant voice sounded, and without using a microphone, his voice could be clearly heard in every corner of the training area.

He has become more and more proficient in using the power of qi.

After only two words, Su Chuanyun took a step back and gave up the ring to Ji Rong Xinyue. This is not the same as the process that was agreed at the beginning, but Su Chuanyun doesn't care about the process, he can clearly feel that no one is looking at him at this time.

In the past, even if I was with the old man, I could get a lot of attention, but now... I, the great general Niu Ma, has today?

Ji Rong Xinyue did not have stage fright. Standing on the spot with her hands behind her back, she spoke calmly, but her voice spread throughout the audience like Su Chuanyun.

"I, Ji Rong Xinyue, initiate Su Chuanyun's challenge in the name of the independent group."

"I, Ji Rong Xinyue, in the name of Ji Xinghe, promise not to use the power of Qi in this challenge."

"I, Ji Rong Xinyue, in my own name, ask all uncles and uncles to go all out in this challenge."

The voice is gentle, but there is a majesty that should not appear on children, which makes people even more puzzled. Is it really just because Ji Rong Xinyue has the power of Qi? Is it really just because she is Ji Xinghe's granddaughter?

Ji Rong Xinyue, who was standing in the middle of the ring, suddenly laughed. At this moment, the frozen mountains and rivers were awakened by the warm spring sun.

Her voice became a little playful.

"In the eyes of eight billion people, it's a bit embarrassing to lose to an eleven-year-old child like me."

People laughed with her unconsciously, but before the laughter spread, Ji Xinghe's voice rang out from the speakers in the training area.

"The challenge begins, the first one, Su Chuanyun."


Su Chuanyun is a little confused, this is different from the process that was agreed before. He who just broke the process now hates the person who broke the process, even if this person is Ji Xinghe.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Ji Xinghe's voice continued: "Su Chuanyun, if you lose, you are not allowed to touch the God's Punishment Armor for one month."


The air pressure in the training area suddenly dropped by a few points, and the temperature increased by a few points.

At this moment, everyone firmly believed that Ji Xinghe really didn't want Ji Rong Xinyue to join the independent group through Su Chuanyun's challenge.

Su Chuanyun's eyes turned red instantly, and he looked at the surveillance camera in the training area, his eyes full of pleading.

But Ji Xinghe, who didn't come to the scene, didn't seem to watch the surveillance screen anymore.

"Uncle Su." Ji Rong Xinyue's brisk voice sounded behind Su Chuanyun: "Sorry, you can only rest for a month."

Su Chuanyun turned around in surprise, his red eyes seemed to have stayed up ten nights to finish the manuscript, but when the manuscript was handed in, the boss said it was unnecessary.


Su Chuanyun turned around, looked straight at Ji Rong Xinyue, and said in a helpless tone: "If I knew that the old man would arrange this way, I would never come today. But it doesn't matter, the admission assessment of our independent group is not good. It's not victory or defeat, but the spiritual will that is still unwilling to give up in the face of adversity and desperation. So, just because you lost to me, doesn't mean you have failed."

Ji Rong Xinyue blinked, and smiled slightly: "Really? Uncle Su, you have to go all out."

Su Chuanyun shook his head: "Xinxin, you must go all out, otherwise..."

The smile on Ji Rong Xinyue's face became a little more obvious, but quickly subsided again, and the sense of majesty once again appeared on an eleven-year-old girl.

Even though she is 1.83 meters tall, she still gives people a great sense of disobedience.


Ji Rong Xinyue took a step back, separated his feet one after the other, and raised his hands to perform the starting gesture of Jijia boxing.

"let's start."


Su Chuanyun didn't hesitate, and rushed directly to Ji Rong Xinyue at the same time, but at a distance of five meters, there was a feeling of charging at full speed.

After two strides, there was a jump, and Su Chuanyun turned around in the air and kicked Ji Rong Xinyue sideways.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Su Chuanyun's movement speed was so fast that few people in the field could see clearly. Even if he didn't use the power of Qi, the blessing brought by Qi would not disappear because of this.

He has already kicked towards Ji Rong Xinyue, and in many people's eyes, he has just begun to charge.

But Ji Rong Xinyue could see clearly, and she felt...

So slow.

The moment he raised his hands, he had already grabbed Su Chuanyun's right leg, his feet remained motionless as if they had taken root on the ground, his waist sank slightly and then suddenly stood up.

Power explodes.

The power of Su Chuanyun's foot was instantly removed, and he was about to break free when he sensed something was wrong, but he felt an irresistible strange force coming from him.


When the feeling of strong wind blowing to the face appeared, everything in the line of sight flew by quickly, as if sitting in an individual starship and looking out the porthole.

The left foot is empty, and the right foot is loose.

Just as Su Chuanyun felt the centrifugal force, he saw the amazed expressions of the mecha fighters of the independent regiment under the arena constantly enlarged in his sight.




"team leader?"

Exclamations kept ringing out, but the training area gradually fell silent.

Everyone was trying to recall what happened just now. Su Chuanyun, who was obviously rushing towards Ji Rong Xinyue, suddenly flew under the ring and knocked down several mech fighters?

It seemed to be a very handsome flying kick, and then Ji Rong Xinyue grabbed his right foot, swung it around twice like a big pendulum, and threw it directly under the ring.

So simple?

How could it be possible, Su Chuanyun's movements could not be clearly seen from the perspective of the spectators.

Ji Rong Xinyue stood on the ring, as if he had never done anything just now, standing there gave off a calm and breezy feeling.

Su Chuanyun, who was kicked out of the ring, naturally had no chance to go on stage again, and when he stood up, his expression was extremely astonished.

"You just came yesterday, don't you have to adapt to the alien environment?"

This question made people even more astonished.

That's right, from the blue star to the alien star, don't you need to adapt to the change of gravity?

Gravity is not as small as possible. After getting used to the gravity of the blue star, when you suddenly come to a different star, even if you have the feeling of being stronger because of the release of the restraint, but you will have a strong sense of disobedience when you actually move. .

Especially when fighting, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will win every battle. If you are not used to the changes in gravity, it will be difficult to know how far you can do it. How can you win when you can't even fully control your own body?

So, it wasn't that Su Chuanyun took the enemy too lightly.

Ji Rong Xinyue laughed, and she said softly: "Uncle Su, have you forgotten? I was born here."

This is Alien Star, and it is also Base No. 6.

Didn't Ji Rong Xinyue come to Alien Star, she returned to Alien Star, and returned to Base No. 6.

How can it take time to adapt to the environment here?

Su Chuanyun's astonished expression returned to calm, and he laughed.


When the next one came to the stage, Ji Rong Xinyue once again performed the starting gesture of Ji Jiaquan, with a serious expression.

"Ji Family Boxing, Ji Rong Xinyue, please advise."

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