Mecha and Knife

Chapter 725 You guys do it yourself, or should I do it?

"do not fight."

Ji Rong Xinyue was very angry, stopped after yelling, and stood there looking at the two imperial princes.

At this moment, the Champion Hou she was driving actually gave people a feeling of puffiness, as if Ji Rong Xinyue had achieved a higher level of human-machine integration, and even the emotions could be displayed by the Champion Hou .

Ji Xinghe laughed, his guess is correct, these two princely orangutans of the empire are indeed very sensible, even if there is a threat from Ji Rong Xinyue, the two of them also understand that the person who can decide their life and death at this time is Who, and what does this person care about.

"You are worthy of being the champion of the Federation, and your combat power is far superior to mine." The Eleventh King took the lead in complimenting him, without any intention of being a prisoner at all. The battle between piloting the mech and Ji Rong Xinyue just now did not seem to be under threat, but a practical training based on friendly exchanges to promote the peaceful coexistence between the empire and the federation.

Wu Chen was not behind the monkeys, and praised: "You have such combat power at the age of a weak crown. If the champion grows up for a few more years, even my father will not be your opponent."

The flattering of the two Wangjue orangutans was so blunt that Ji Rong Xinyue didn't even bother to pay attention to them.

Ji Xinghe was also noncommittal, but the interrogation was still to begin.

"Who is the father you speak of?"

"King of Zhendong." Wu Chen confessed without hesitation.

The eleventh king also did not fall behind the monkeys, and shouted out like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube.

"Our father is King Zhendong, one of the four kings of the empire. The King Zhenbei you killed before is the brother of our father. I am the eleventh king of the empire, because I am the eleventh son of King Zhendong , is also the eleventh member of the royal family of our generation to receive the title, and I was awarded the title earlier than Emperor Wudi III. He..."

"My name is Wu Chen." Wu Chen interrupted the eleventh king, and confessed urgently: "The order we received was to capture at least one federal mecha with intact communication functions. The order issued. I think, no, you should be able to hear that the order issued by our father is to do something. "


The Eleventh King cursed angrily in his heart, and spoke again: "Now the general of the Gods Mountain theater, that is, the commander-in-chief of your federation, is held by King Zhennan. He only brought three sons with Prince A, Thirty-six Dukes, of course, it can also mobilize at least one Prince and ten Dukes at any time.

The Anti-Galactic Legion has been reorganized because you killed too many. After the reorganization, it was composed of 1,200 Marquis Armors, divided into four mecha corps. There are two on the side of the Gods Mountain, and two on our side. "

Wu Chen rushed to answer again, even though Ji Xinghe didn't ask anything.

"The Earl Armor of the Anti-Galactic Legion has been broken up and merged into the regular mecha corps of our empire. The purpose is to help our regular mechs when we have a large-scale mecha team battle with you. The mecha has gained an absolute advantage. At the same time, it will also force you to disperse the forces of the independent regiments.

Our father, King Zhendong, is now the general of the second canyon, and the second canyon is your Sanliu Grand Canyon, which is here. We call it the second canyon because there is a second jump base built by our empire in the canyon. Regarding the precise coordinates of the jump base, we both... know. "

The same confession without asking and answering, stop here.

The two imperial princes said something, and concealed the key point, undoubtedly wanting to fight for the chance of survival.

This is now, and before it was changed, they would not even say a word of information, but the energy they both possessed was enough to make them, in a sense, the "guests" of the Federation, the ones in prison. .

But the appearance of Ji Xinghe made the qi they possess almost meaningless. And with a little brainstorming, they can know that Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue appeared here at the same time, and they ambushed the two of them in this cave-like federal outpost very specifically.

Must be aware of them.

Although I don't know how Ji Xinghe knew, but it is the most correct way for them to say that Ji Xinghe may know the information to seek a certain degree of trust, and then conceal the information that Ji Xinghe must need as a condition.


Ji Xinghe was a little surprised, he really didn't expect that the two imperial princes cooperated so well.

Not to mention seeing death as home, at least you should give it a try, right?

Kazeman is stronger than the two of you, and Bell Rossi IV is the benchmark among them. If Ji Xinghe hadn't gained the power of Qi later, and Dong Guo Cilian had betrayed the empire, that would have only allowed Ji Xinghe to complete the empire that cut mountains The Duke orangutan was even able to treat death like home.

"Grandpa, your reputation in the empire is really..."

Ji Rong Xinyue's voice sounded in Ji Xinghe's ear through the short wave channel, with an envious tone.

"Prestige is great. No, the word prestige cannot describe the pressure you have brought to these two imperial princes. Please teach me, what word is more appropriate to use at this time?"

Ji Xinghe was embarrassed to teach, so he changed the subject and said: "Although your grades in cultural subjects are good, they are not comprehensive enough, and you only have good grades in age-appropriate cultural subjects. After you go back, don't always think about driving mecha training, or Learn how to repair mechas, and improve your culture level a lot... I will take the exam."


Ji Rong Xinyue didn't want to talk to Ji Xinghe, so she rolled her eyes at Ji Xinghe, and then asked excitedly: "Grandpa, what should we do now? Should we let the two of them inform King Zhendong and say They captured the mecha with perfect communication function, maybe King Zhendong sent him to the door and was captured by us?"

This is indeed a good idea. If any of Su Chuanyun, Lame, and Qin Tong are with Ji Xinghe, then Ji Xinghe will definitely try it. Even if the two Wangjue orangutans told King Zhendong the real situation, and King Zhendong came to the rescue with a large army, Ji Xinghe was easy to advance and retreat.

But the one who came today was Ji Rong Xinyue.

From Ji Xinghe's silence, Ji Rong Xinyue understood Ji Xinghe's concerns, and regretted coming with Ji Xinghe today. She is very sensible and knows that now is not the time for her to show off her abilities. Even if she is very confident in her own strength, she also believes that Ji Xinghe is very confident in her strength.

It has nothing to do with strength, it has to do with relationship.

Just like surgeons seldom perform surgery on their relatives, and policemen and judges have to avoid relatives who break the law when investigating, arresting, and judging. Human emotions are the most important thing for human beings to maintain the social system. The greatest bond between human beings.

"Grandpa, I'm going back to call for support now. You are here alone to watch the two of them. If there is any problem, remember to send a signal to Xingyue as soon as possible."

Ji Rong Xinyue made the most correct choice.

Just like a few years ago, she would always stay inside the base obediently and give the greatest support to Ji Xinghe who went out to perform combat missions.

"The king of Zhendong will not come."

Ji Xinghe had already cut off the delusion in his heart, and said softly: "Its sons are so afraid of death, and it must be even more afraid of death. Without absolute safety, it is impossible for it to be persuaded by its two sons, even if it is dear son."

When Ji Rong Xinyue thought about it, it seemed to be the truth.

Many imperial orangutans are not afraid of death, but the vast majority of noble orangutans are afraid of death, the higher the title, the more afraid of death. The education they were born with was that they were different from other orangutans, and they were superior to orangutans in every aspect. A royal family like King Zhendong was even more superior, so they would naturally be more afraid of death.

"Then we only catch two of them?"

"Well, but we have to tell King Zhendong that we captured its two sons, and we will give it a gift in return."

"I understand, then let Xingyue prepare when we go back and send a mecha over. No, just send a communication device over. The mecha's return gift is too big."

"well said."

The grandfather and grandson finally finished their discussion, and the two orangutans who had been waiting in fear for a long time breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Ji Xinghe's explanation.

At the same time, a certain hope arose.

If you want to pass the news to King Zhendong, you must leave this communication interference area, and because of the influence of the dust storm, it is difficult to maintain good communication even in areas where communication can be maintained before.

Besides, how does Ji Xinghe know if he has passed the news back?

Just use the excuse of passing the news to take Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue deep into the canyon closer to the transition base.

There is a chance.

However, before the ambitions of the two orangutans were fully born, they heard Ji Xinghe's order.

"Removal of armor."


"Removal of armor?"

For a moment, the two orangutans thought that they had auditory hallucinations, or that the wind from the dust storm distorted Ji Xinghe's voice from the mecha speaker.

"General Ji, if we take off our armor, how can we go back and deliver the news?"

"Yes, don't worry, we will cooperate. General Yiji, if your strength changes, you can kill both of us in an instant."

Facing the same begging voices of the two Wangjue orangutans, Ji Xinghe didn't bother to talk.

The solemn Xingyue Armor suddenly rushed to the side of a Prince Armor, and its six regular arms instantly controlled the Prince Armor completely.



The cockpit hatch of Prince A opened, and the thirteenth king who was inside was ashamed.

It knew that Ji Xinghe was very strong, and it could not be Ji Xinghe's opponent, but it never thought that Ji Xinghe's strength was beyond its expectation.

What it just wanted to fight back, Xingyue Jia's regular form, it knows, is not as good as the Prince Jia it is driving at this time. However, when controlling the mecha to move, it was found that the mecha was motionless as if it was down, which meant that it was controlled without the power to fight back, and the mecha even opened the hatch automatically uncontrollably.

How to fight this human?

Wu Chen was very smart and didn't choose to take the opportunity to escape. Ji Rong Xinyue, who was eyeing him like a tiger, didn't take it easy just now. What's more, even though it had let go of the battle just now, it could still be seen that Ji Rong Xinyue's real strength was very strong. Even if it went all out, it would not be able to solve it for a while.

As for using air to penetrate the armor? it won't!

And the ghost knows how strong Ji Rong Xinyue's Qi is, what if it is stronger than it?


With another sound, Wu Chen took the initiative to open the hatch of the cockpit, and jumped out of the cockpit faster than the Eleventh King, looking like he was going to catch him without a fight.

After the two orangutans had removed their armor, Ji Xinghe also removed his armor.

Seeing Ji Xinghe jumping out of Xingyue Jia, the two Wangjue orangutans once again had ambitions.

Although they definitely can't beat Ji Xinghe, but in a two-on-one situation...

"Grandpa, why don't you break their two legs first? I think they are a little dishonest, so I might as well break all four of them."

Ji Rong Xinyue's voice sounded, which made the hearts of the two Wangjue orangutans a little broken, and a little rejoiced.

Fortunately, this human child is still young, otherwise, Ji Xinghe would definitely not only break our four legs.


When Ji Xinghe responded, he didn't make any movements, as if to give the two orangutans more time to prepare. It's like... He asked: "Do you do it yourself, or do you want me to do it?"


The two Wangjue orangutans are going crazy.

They had heard many rumors about Ji Xinghe before, and watched many videos of Ji Xinghe. But no matter how he heard or looked at it, he didn't feel the viciousness, cruelty and tyranny when facing Ji Xinghe at this moment.

Emperor Wudi III didn't do that either.

Doesn't the federation emphasize equality for all, obey the law, and emphasize peace and friendship?

"I, do it myself." Wu Chen took the lead to make a decision, but he still asked a little unwillingly: "But, our mechs always need us to drive to your base, right? Besides, you have to The news is passed to our father, who always wants us to go."

The Eleventh King was angry: "You are stupid, this is General Ji Xinghe, the first galaxy-level mecha warrior in the Federation, the first awakened person who bestowed the gift of ability, and created the armor clone technique of using Qi to control the armor, There are only two Prince A, why do you need an idiot like you to drive them?"

Its anger is a bit unreasonable, but if the target of anger is replaced by Ji Xinghe, then it is justifiable.

Not to mention how desperate the two orangutans were, after all, they each broke their own legs and lay on the ground as if they were dead.

Ji Xinghe did not get into the cockpit of one of the Prince A, as the two of them expected, and then drove the Prince A to negotiate with their father in the occupied area of ​​the empire.

Instead, after inspecting the four broken legs of the two of them, they were returned to Prince A's cockpit.

Have the opportunity?

The two Wangjue orangutans gave birth to hope again. When Ji Xinghe controlled their mechas with the method of Qi Yujia, they had the opportunity to use the power of Qi to recover from their injuries, and then regain control of the mechas. opportunity to flee.

The sky is high and the land is wide outside, even Ji Xinghe may not be able to catch up with the two of them.

Seeing that Ji Xinghe was about to return to Xingyue Jia, the eyes of the two Wangjue orangutans who were already in the cockpit burst into intense brilliance.

But in the next second, they were all stunned.

When Ji Xinghe walked to the side of Xingyuejia, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned around to come to the side of the two princes, as if he was not worried at all that the two princes would take the opportunity to attack.

Then, before the cockpit door was closed, he put his hand on Eleven King in the cockpit of one of the princes.

The Eleventh King's eyes were instantly terrified, and he began to struggle crazily and in vain.

What happened?

Wu Chen suddenly thought of a rumor, and his expression was terrified like the Eleven King at this moment, like the Zhenbei King before his death.

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