Mecha and Knife

Chapter 827 I Don't Regret

Aidakang's viciousness and decisiveness really exceeded Ji Xinghe's expectations this time.

Prince A's team was only less than 500 meters away from Xinghe's team, and the only barriers between them were Overlord A and Xingyue A.

But even if these two mechas are made of tungsten steel and gold, how can they help Prince A team block the explosive power of nuclear weapons? Moreover, the formation of Prince A's team is fan-shaped.

The nuclear bomb was launched and hit immediately. The world where fifty-five mechas were located was covered by a huge hemispherical fireball. The light radiation and super high temperature expanded outward at the same time, and all the mechas were swept away in an instant. When the outer surface expanded at a high speed, the temperature that had already dropped still exceeded 3000 Kelvin, and formed a super strong shock wave that spread around, with a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

The smoke cloud and the dust column are connected together and climb upwards. During the rapid formation of the mushroom cloud, a large amount of sand, stones and crystals are ejected outward, like a black hole that can swallow everything.

Up to this point, it had escaped from the shock wave of the fireball, and the high temperature still exceeded 2,000 Kelvin, and continued to spread farther away when the fireball dissipated.

If someone can see through the smoke cloud and dust column, they will be able to see the matter ejected with the shock wave, not only the original matter of the alien planet, but also the man-made matter from the Federation, and the ape-made matter from the Empire. substance.

That is the Mecha of the Federation and the Mecha of the Empire.

In the alien environment, the general-level mechas, national-level mechas, and prince-level mechas with an average weight of more than three tons cannot resist the power at the center of the nuclear explosion, like a small boat floating on the sea in a storm , You can't follow the trend, you can only drift.

This is a mighty power that can only be born in nature. Humans and orangutans who can reproduce this kind of mighty power more than once cannot control this kind of energy that can destroy civilization in a true sense.

Of the fifty-five mechas, only one was not blown up, and it seemed that there was no damage.

Ji Xinghe's Overlord Armor.

As one of the most expensive mechas among the most powerful individual weapons of the Federation and the Empire, the Overlord Armor demonstrated its powerful defense against the cost when it endured the nuclear explosion at close range. .

The energy shield generating device that was activated at the first time consumed 30% of the energy of the nuclear fusion reactor in the Bawangjia body. This is the majestic energy that can make a car on the Azure Planet travel more than 300,000 kilometers. , but it can only withstand the most lethal wave of nuclear explosions.

The ground under his feet was gasified and crushed, and a huge crater appeared, and the Overlord Armor fell into it and stepped on the bottom of the crystallized crater.

The energy shield generating device was disarmed, and Ji Xinghe with red eyes looked at the position where the Xinghe team was before.

The interference caused by the nuclear explosion has not yet dissipated, and being surrounded by smoke clouds and dust pillars, they can't see anything within the line of sight of the Overlord Armor. The communication has been completely lost. Before the Empire used nuclear weapons to bombard the Galaxy team, it was the impact of the twelve tactical-level nuclear weapons dropped by the Federation.

Can't see, can't hear, there is no response to the shout.

Following Ji Xinghe in the occupied area of ​​the empire, the Xinghe team, which was hundreds of kilometers away, came and went freely, as if the entire army had been wiped out.

All gone?

Because I insist on fighting!

Ji Xinghe, who had already envisioned the current situation before making a decision, had many opportunities to change his decision, but he thought he would not regret it, and he thought he was right, so his decision has always been towards this moment. The situation changed, and completely made everyone have no chance to turn back.

Regret welled up in his heart, and Ji Xinghe seemed to have seen the unbearable damage that the Xinghe team suffered when the nuclear bomb exploded.

The general-level mecha of the Xinghe team, which was really located in the center of the nuclear explosion, was lucky to avoid being gasified and melted by ultra-high temperature because of its body made of tungsten steel and super alloy. But unfortunately, these mechas can't guarantee their own integrity and protect the mecha fighters in their cockpits at such a distance.

When the machine body was blown away, the federal ace mecha fighters who were in it had already died due to the impact, ultra-high temperature, and various radiations that were too much to penetrate the machine body.

There are no chances.

Ji Xinghe, who used to drive a mech of the same level (General A), suffered irreversible damage judged by everyone to be irreversible damage in an area one kilometer away from the center of a nuclear weapon explosion with a lower yield, let alone at the center What about those ace fighters who endured the nuclear explosion?

Those young people, those children, all died because of their cruel orders. They were heroic sacrifices, and they were also killed by themselves.

Do you regret it?

Obviously they can retreat, they can obviously have a lot of time to digest those seized, they can obviously make these pillars in the eyes of others, and the children in their own eyes, have more powerful mechs, all equipped with nuclear fusion reactors and energy shield generators .

Fist retracted, wearing iron armor and steel fist, even holding a knife, is there any reason to be weaker?

But I didn't give them that kind of opportunity. They obviously could have a better opportunity. If they want to fight, they fight with themselves, and then they are overwhelmed by the nuclear explosion.

Ji Xinghe, do you regret it?

"I do not regret!"

Ji Xinghe, who roared in Bawangjia, cut off all the distracting thoughts in his heart with this sound, just like he has done more than once in the past five years or so.

The heart-chopping knife, known throughout the federation and even the empire, cut his own heart from the very beginning.

Overlord A turned around and began to charge.

In the process of advancing along the slope of the crater, a huge chessboard has emerged in Ji Xinghe's mind. The mechas of the Xinghe team and the mechas of the Prince A team are all in the grid on this chessboard. .

Afterwards, all the mechas of the Xinghe team disappeared in the nuclear explosion, leaving only the Prince A who was blown away by the nuclear explosion in the charge state.

Ji Xinghe didn't really see this scene. Everything that appeared in his mind at this time was all his imagination, based on his comprehensive understanding of Prince A and his comprehensive understanding of the power of nuclear explosions.

In two aspects, no one and no orangutan in the world can match him, especially the latter, because this is the fifth time he has endured the baptism of nuclear explosion, and the fourth time he has endured the baptism of nuclear explosion head-on.

On the chessboard in my mind, 30 princes with blurred shapes drew clear and incomparable trajectories in the process of being bombarded by the nuclear explosion, and then fell back into the grid on the chessboard.

It's not the connection point between the lines, so it's not precise enough, but it's enough.

Ji Xinghe in the cockpit of Bawangjia has closed his red eyes, and some water stains have been evaporated after appearing, as if he never existed.

Manipulating the Bawangjia to charge has become an instinct for Ji Xinghe. The distance and height of his feet are enough for him to avoid or smash all obstacles. His heart, which had just been cut by the heart-chopping knife, was as pure as the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Those potholes are invisible because of the distance, as if they don't exist at all. When viewed from a distance, only silvery white can be seen.


Experience, calculation, intuition, qi, etc. all merged into one, and when God's perspective appeared, Ji Xinghe 'saw' an Imperial Prince A that had just stabilized its body.

The smoke cloud produced by the nuclear explosion and the dust that surged with the change of air pressure prevented the Imperial Prince Armor from seeing the charging Overlord Armor in the first place. And when it saw Ji Xinghe, Ji Xinghe had already launched an attack.

The Overlord Armor seen in advance has entered a state of full speed, and when it appears behind Prince Armor in a flash, it has already jumped up and started to fall.

Because of the energy shield generating device, the undamaged propulsion engine released a light blue arc.

Overlord A charges very fast, jumps very fast, falls very fast, and swings the double hammers very fast. These very fast speeds give the double hammers unprecedented kinetic energy.

Speed ​​does not equal power, but speed can equal power.

When the double hammers approached the body, the body made of tungsten steel and gold had obvious dents. The super-strong material that could withstand the impact of a nuclear explosion could not withstand the anger of Ji Xinghe.

A loud noise filled the cockpit of Prince A, and the driver of Prince A, who was already dizzy from the nuclear explosion, spewed blood that was the same color as human blood but had an extremely foul smell from his seven orifices.


The Overlord A, which collided with the Prince A and rolled to the ground, got up without any hesitation and then charged again, without any intention of making up the knife.

Ji Xinghe was able to be sure that he had completed the breakthrough, and he didn't even use the power of Qi, because of the nuclear explosion.

He had thought that Idacon would use nuclear weapons on him, and possibly on the Galaxy team, but he didn't think the latter was very likely.

Just like the comments of those ace mecha fighters in the communication channel of the Galaxy Squad before. If the distance is too far, the use of nuclear weapons is meaningless, if the distance is too close, nuclear weapons can also cause fatal damage to Prince A.

The nuclear explosion itself is not fatal to Prince Armor, which is one of the reasons why tungsten steel can become the strongest mecha material, but after undergoing the nuclear explosion, encountering Ji Xinghe is very fatal.

The Empire's upgrade of the mechas to "Defense Xinghe", that is, the barrier that can prevent Ji Xinghe from using Qi to control the armor and use Qi to remove the armor, cannot survive the nuclear explosion intact, because the two materials are not compatible. Possibly fully compatible.

This was Ji Xinghe's judgment based on the mechanic, and his judgment was not wrong. When he defeated the Prince Armor, he had already determined that he had the ability to disarm the armor with Qi again.

But he was wrong, really wrong.

Aida Kang didn't care about these princes at all.

Then, revenge!

Based on the chessboard in his mind, Ji Xinghe rushed towards the second Prince A, when a voice came from a distance.

"Ji Xinghe! Do you regret it? Hahaha..."

Aida Kang laughed hysterically.

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