Mecha and Knife

Chapter 850

"Commander, why haven't we supported General Ji yet?"

A staff officer around Tu Yuan asked with a surprised expression. The war zone they were in was far away from the Gods Mountain war zone, and they went all out to support the war in the second war zone, so the battle in the Gods Mountain war zone had little to do with them at this time. .

But they can see a lot of information about the battle situation in the Gods Mountain Theater, so they know that all the troops in the Gods Mountain Theater who have participated in the battle and rushed to the battlefield at this time, there is not even one person who is going to support Ji Xinghe.

Especially Han Li and the others of Xinghe Squad, after brief repairs of their mechs, they all returned to the battle order of each independent regiment.

This made them very puzzled, astonished, angry, and fearful...

From the point of view of conspiracy theory - some people hope that Ji Xinghe can survive, then some people hope that Ji Xinghe will die quickly.

Destroying the empire's last jump base on a different planet means that the federation has won an unprecedented victory?

Not everyone needs such a victory, because they don't need to bear the hail of bullets on the front line. Not only will the war between the empire and the federation and the empire not affect their lives, but it can also bring them unimaginable benefits.

But for people who need to win and are fighting with their lives on the front line, this is really hard to accept.

Judging from Ji Xinghe's physical condition and attitude - how long Ji Xinghe thinks he can't hold on for a long time, then other people have reason to think that Ji Xinghe is no longer worthy of support.

In the eyes of the commanders and staff, the Gods Mountain battlefield has become a mess. In fact, there is a dual method, or in other words, there is one person who has the ability to realize the dual method-Ji Xinghe!

As long as Ji Xinghe can break into the command center of the jump base alone like the previous battle in the second canyon, destroy the enemy command system with weapons such as tactical nuclear grenades, and then destroy the jump area inside the jump base, that is Those devices that open the jump gates to the Imperial Stars.

This battle is equivalent to winning for the Federation. Even after that, the empire still has the ability to launch a large-scale nuclear strike on alien stars, causing huge casualties to the federation. Everyone will be happy to accept it and cheer for it.

But there is a huge difference between the transition base of the Gods Mountain and the transition base of the Second Canyon. One has been built for more than twenty years, and the other may have been built for only about three years. The huge difference between the two can be understood just from the time.

There is also the essential difference between these two jump bases, which belong to the imperial occupation zone and the federal occupation zone, which can make everyone sure that the difficulty of sneaking in and storming is as different as cloud and mud.

Under such a premise, Ji Xinghe's actions and words made people think that he was about to die. The Federation gave up supporting Ji Xinghe, but instead used Ji Xinghe as a bait to contain the main force of the enemy and fought for other forces. The advancement of units across the surface creates opportunities.


However, there are many people who can't accept that this is justifiable, although they also don't believe that Ji Xinghe can create a miracle like before, which makes people feel unbelievable.

Because he is Ji Xinghe.

"One person, one mecha, and his weapons are only two short knives."

Tu Yuan's voice was a little erratic, like a cloud drifting in the wind, and he said softly: "If he can break into the jump base with the strongest defense force in the empire like this, why do we still need millions of brave soldiers? ? Trillions of military equipment?”

The two questions stunned the staff officers beside him.

It is true that soldiers and generals like Ji Xinghe who always violate military orders and put their personal will above the staff are just like special-level and ace mecha fighters. They are all selected from the eight billion people , Staff officers and commanders who have undergone key training and actual combat trials often feel itchy with hatred.

I didn’t talk about it before, but I only talked about today’s battle, from the second war zone’s sudden attack on the Empire’s No. Launch a big attack.

Many staff officers and commanders who were forced to turn on the full power of their brains really wanted to pinch Ji Xinghe's neck and ask angrily: Do you treat war as a child's play, and fight as soon as you say it?

Although the Federation has already formulated relevant plans, today's implementation is only the ones that are most in line with the actual situation among the thousands of plans, but people still lack sufficient psychological construction. The military fans who were training were suddenly thrown into the battlefield like a meat grinder.

People have reasons to hate Ji Xinghe, and they have reasons to refuse to provide strong support to Ji Xinghe.

But when it comes to fighting, all the staff and commanders of the Federation hope to have a mech fighter like Ji Xinghe under their command, and a general like Ji Xinghe on their heads.

Ji Xinghe's inability to die has nothing to do with whether he is currently the only person in the Federation who can grant gifts.

It's just because many people need Ji Xinghe, at least for the people around Tu Yuan.

"General Ji has successfully done it, and now he has entered the Empire No. 1 jump base." A staff officer said in a blunt tone: "As long as he can provide him with a certain amount of support, he has a great chance to be alone like before. Destroy the core area of ​​the No. 1 jump base."

"Then what if Ji Xinghe is dead?" Tu Yuan looked at the staff officer, and asked in the same blunt tone: "What if Ji Xinghe is dead now?"

This may be one of the key reasons why the Federation did not give Ji Xinghe full support. When Ji Xinghe rushed into the third entrance and exit of the leap base he found alone, he did not know how many times he had lost contact.

No one can know what kind of situation Ji Xinghe is now. The best ending may be that Ji Xinghe is completely restrained by the empire with cement and metal, and becomes the highest-ranking general of the Federation captured by the Empire since the war between the Federation and the Empire. .

Li Zhengfan can't compare with Ji Xinghe in this aspect, because when Li Zhengfan got the Azure Medal, which is equivalent to the Xinghe Medal, it was already after he was captured, and the rank of general was also after being captured. The Federation believed that he had died Only posthumously.

And the worst ending, just like Tu Yuan said, just like what people feared, Ji Xinghe is dead.

Judging from the pictures sent back by the reconnaissance units of the Federation that were continuously shot down before being shot down, the entrance and exit of the jump base that Ji Xinghe rushed into was already closed at this time, but a large number of defensive troops were left on the surface.

"Then carry out a nuclear strike." A staff officer said resolutely: "Commander, we can use nuclear strikes to clean up the surface of the Z-03 entrance and exit, and then send troops to advance the investigation."

This is indeed a solution.

The entrance and exit of the transition base marked Z-03 by the Federation does not have a defensive force capable of withstanding a nuclear strike, as long as the Federation is willing to launch a nuclear strike as before.

When the nuclear weapons exploded, whether it was the defensive forces, communication jamming devices, or air defense weapon systems, etc., they would all be wiped out. Regardless of whether a nuclear strike can destroy the entrance and exit of Z-03, it can lay the foundation for the Federation's subsequent offensive.

Tu Yuan asked again: "Then if Ji Xinghe is not dead, but is trapped at the entrance and exit, and our nuclear strike kills him by mistake, or cuts off his retreat, what should we do?"

The staff had a thousand reasons to refute Tu Yuan's hypothesis, but they had already seen that Tu Yuan didn't want to intervene in commanding the war in the Gods Mountain theater, or that he didn't want to intervene in related wars involving Ji Xinghe.

So a staff officer directly asked: "Commander, what do you mean? What do they mean?"

Tu Yuan looked at all kinds of information displayed on the big screen. No one knew what he was really paying attention to. He could only hear his erratic voice again.

"Ji Xinghe can only rely on himself, because all the support for him can have a better effect if placed in other positions. You have not forgotten, how should we fight?"

There are many people on Azure Planet, when discussing the alien war, they said: I can go up to me, after the war, just let the galaxy go.

Of course, this is not the war command of Shangbingmou, but resignation to fate.

"We need Ji Xinghe, but we can't need Ji Xinghe now." Tu Yuan expressed Yang Antai's command thinking, and he said to the people around him: "We can pin our hopes on Ji Xinghe, but we can't only have Ji Xinghe This one hope."

The staff all understood what Tu Yuan meant.

Rather than saying that Ji Xinghe is the only person on the mountain of gods who has become a pot of porridge who can realize the double perfection method, it is better to say that he is a stone, a stone that throws stones to ask for directions.

Now that the road has been asked, whether the thrown stone still has value depends on the stone itself.

What the Federation needs to do most now, and what it should do most, is not to discuss the value of the stone, whether there is a dog's head gold or a rough emerald stone hidden in it, but to follow the road asked by Ji Xinghe, and go through it steadily. big river.

The river has two sides, one is perdition, and the other is perdition.

It's like when playing chess, the federation called out 'general', and the empire responded immediately, but the shogun Xinghe belonging to the federation couldn't move anymore because of the change of chess.

His fate may not even depend on himself, but on the games of other chess pieces on the chessboard.

The staff and commanders of the Federation are playing their due role, just like Ji Xinghe played his due role time and time again when he was a mech warrior. They chose the command method of going up to the army instead of resigning themselves to fate after releasing Ji Xinghe.

Ji Xinghe is not the sky of the Federation, it was not in the past, it is not now, and it should not be in the future.

The fate of the federation should be decided by everyone in the federation. When it is impossible for everyone to express their opinions, it should be decided by the smartest group of people in the federation, the group of people who are best at fighting, with their years of professionalism, The professional level and the will to win will determine the fate of the federation.

This is actually not to blame other people, but Ji Xinghe's own fault.

When he chooses to be a general who charges on the battlefield, he has to accept that his fate will be controlled by others.

Ji Xinghe is just one of the most capable of fighting the general attack that has been increased to 260,000 troops. He alone can't fight 260,000 people, and he can't beat the empire's garrison and reinforcements.

Why, let everyone revolve around him?

"Then what if..." a staff officer asked worriedly: "We have successfully recaptured all the empire-occupied areas, but the empire uses a large-scale nuclear strike?"

Tu Yuan suddenly laughed, but his smile was as erratic as his tone, and he said, "That's why we won."

Of course, the nuclear weapon will not be carried by the imperial mecha into the federal army formation and detonated. It needs to be launched into the air to exert its maximum lethality. During the launch process, the launch bases and devices can be detected. When the empire exposed all the launch bases and devices, the empire-occupied area on the mountain of the gods was wiped out by the empire itself.

It will be much easier for the Federation to attack all the entrances and exits of the empire's transition bases. Although there will be a lot of casualties, as long as it can win, no matter how heavy the casualties are, it is worth it.

Because this is a life-and-death war between two intelligent civilizations.

From this point of view, Tu Yuan's attitude is different from Yang Antai's. Although they are both main fighters, Tu Yuan does not think that after the Federation loses Ji Xinghe, it can only negotiate peace with the Empire.

In other words, this is actually not a difference in attitude, but a star who is about to burn out, and a star who is rising, and they have different views on the same thing.

Without Ji Xinghe, there is still Ji Rong Xinyue. Without Ji Rong Xinyue, there is Li Yuanba. Without Li Yuanba, is there no one in the Federation?

Tu Yuan didn't think so.

"What about General Ji?"

Someone asked in the communication channel. It was Liu Mian, the current interim commander of the second war zone. He didn't start to mourn for the sacrifices of Qin Tong and others. But it shows that he is not rational enough.

He asked repeatedly but not repeatedly: "What about the old man?"

Tu Yuan was silent for three seconds, thinking of the first time he met Ji Xinghe five years ago, when he tried to persuade Ji Xinghe not to do anything, Ji Xinghe responded to him with an allusion from "The Analects of Confucius".

Ji Xinghe said: "Zigong is not as good as I am."

At that time, he didn't react immediately, but Liu Mian reminded him. Today is different from the past, Liu Mian has changed from a major staff officer by his side to a colonel staff officer under Ji Xinghe.

Moreover, Liu Mian was questioning him, questioning some people.

So he answered loudly.

He said.

"Seek benevolence and get benevolence, why complain!"

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