Mecha and Knife

Chapter 856 Here I Come!

After passing through the five gates and the six-kilometer passage, it was not unimpeded.

The interior of the Empire No. 1 jump base with a construction area of ​​more than 10,000 square kilometers is enough to accommodate the short-term garrison of millions of imperial troops. For Ji Xinghe who has no detailed drawings, its structure is as complicated as Li Anbang's mind.

But everything is always the same, and even a person like Li Anbang has a firm goal at heart—victory!

Orangutans and humans are very similar. There is generally no essential difference in living habits and technology trees, and the environment of alien planets is relatively constant.

Ji Xinghe has an in-depth and detailed understanding of all the bases built by the Federation on alien planets, so he can use himself to save the apes.

If Li Anbang's firm goal is the Federation's victory, then no matter how complicated the structure of the Empire One Jump Base is, it is the same as the Federation's base, with two main structural routes that cannot be bypassed.

Oxygen transport channel, energy transport channel.

Although judging from the huge building area of ​​this transition base and the constant state of war, there must be more than one or two large-scale oxygen production devices and energy core devices, but no matter which one is the most important.

Moreover, based on the design idea of ​​a normal base, no matter how many oxygen production devices and energy core devices there are, in theory, these devices must be connected to the transmission lines that can urgently supply all locations in the base.

Otherwise, if the oxygen production device and energy core device in a certain area were destroyed, wouldn't the orangutans and monkeys in this area have to wait to die?

Just like the Empire No. 3 jump base that Ji Xinghe broke through, most orangutans and monkeys in the base do not wear oxygen supply devices at all times, and the constant temperature device inside the base also needs energy support.

When the base's oxygen supply system is destroyed and the thermostat fails due to energy interruption, even the average physical fitness of the imperial orangutans far exceeds the average physical fitness of humans, it is difficult to survive in such an environment.

In the Empire No. 3 jump base, the casualties caused by Ji Xinghe's damage to the key facilities inside the base far exceeded what was caused when the troops of the second theater stormed in later. In the process of the Second War Zone's complete capture of the No. 3 Jump Base, the biggest casualties came from the nuclear weapons used by Aida Kang when he chased and killed Ji Rong Xinyue.

Now, Ji Xinghe wants to repeat what he has done before.

After passing through the fifth gate, Ji Xinghe reached an area as wide as a square. The dome was higher than the inside of the passage. As far as the eye could see, the regular troops of the empire were being assembled, and many of them, including mechs, were in the area. weapons within.

It would be nice if there was a nuclear weapon at this time.

It doesn't matter if you don't have one. Regarding the sudden appearance of Ji Xinghe, the imperial forces in an area similar to the "parking zone" of the federal base were obviously totally unexpected. They didn't even find Ji Xinghe rushing in at the first time, because Ji Xinghe's speed was too fast.

Passing through the last one of the fifth gate, his body is like a throwing weapon to Prince A of the Empire manipulated by him. The full performance of the Prince armor, while resisting the attack from the empire, burst out with precise and powerful throwing.

The individual exoskeleton armor forged from tungsten steel gold, under the cover of fire and gunpowder smoke, turned into a tungsten golden light.

When the imperial forces discovered that Ji Xinghe had completed the assault because of the dynamic detection device in this area, Ji Xinghe, which had already landed, exploded at a faster speed than before.

The speed increase of the individual exoskeleton armor to the user is not a proportional constant increase. But one premise remains the same, unless the user's speed exceeds the carrying limit of the individual exoskeleton armor, then the user's speed will definitely be increased.

It can be understood as a device similar to a spring. The greater the force that the user explodes, the stronger the force that the spring will erupt during the backtracking process. Ji Xinghe's strength has already surpassed the limit of human beings. In the state of being able to absorb the energy of the holy crystal, his body is as strong as a national soldier's mech.

But this still does not exceed the load-bearing limit of individual exoskeleton armor, just like the defensive power possessed by Ji Xinghe's body and the power that can be exploded, it is impossible to be as powerful as a real mech, and there is no need to take a national soldier Level, general level, Zhanshan level mechas for comparison.

Mechanical creations have their advantages.

In the battle on the top of the mountain of gods, Ji Xinghe had already exploded at a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour. At that time, he was not wearing individual exoskeleton armor, nor had he obtained energy far beyond his control limit.

At this moment, he is fragile, and his body may be collapsed by the energy of the holy crystal at any time, but he is also powerful, far exceeding the power clearly recorded in human history.

The tungsten-golden light surpassed the capture limit of the naked eye and conventional detection equipment. The wide square gave him enough room for acceleration and movement. The imperial forces and weapons and equipment were not dense enough to hinder his actions.

The visual window presented by the individual exoskeleton armor has been completely ignored by Ji Xinghe. The energies escaping from his body crazily make his sight, or perception ability, gradually move closer to omniscience and omnipotence.

Forty-six passages, nineteen of which have their gates open. One hundred and six fresh air vents are all in normal operation. The number of charging ports is not clear, some are charging related weapons and equipment, and some seem to be waiting for the return of their loved ones...

In Ji Xinghe's perception, there is no image of those imperial troops and weapons and equipment at all. He did not take the initiative to 'see', but gave the ability to 'see' to those who escaped, but in a short time The qi that can be controlled by him can also be said to be the holy crystal energy similar to qi.

The only thought in his mind is the same as the order he gave to the 309 imperial mechs not long ago, only eight words - in my name, invincible.

A long time ago, he thought that such a slogan was too secondary, and it was fine to use it in the Xinghe team, after all, everyone was familiar with it. However, it is somewhat inappropriate to use it in the independent regiment, or even gradually spread from the independent regiment to other federal combat units.

However, people like this slogan and are willing to shout this slogan before, during and after the battle, so Ji Xinghe has never stopped it.

But now he really wants to shout it himself, because those who like this slogan, those who let this slogan be born and spread, can no longer shout this slogan.

Andre, the blind man, Qin Tong, Harris...

Ji Xinghe thought about the people who died because of him, because of this war, because of the belief in victory, and shouted their favorite slogans in his mind. Therefore, those energies controlled by Ji Xinghe are like Andre, the blind man, Qin Tong, Harris...they know what they should do, what they are willing to do for Ji Xinghe, and what they are willing to do for victory. What.

Or, all of this is just Ji Xinghe's imagination, he just left the power of choice to his intuition without enough intelligence support.

If you don't see or hear, you will avoid danger, if you don't see or hear danger, you will fight.

No matter what kind of intuition is at work, when Ji Xinghe wants to win, everything he sees is related to victory.

The tungsten golden light with an unknown speed per hour passed through an open gate before the imperial troops could react at all.

The command center of the Yuejiao base, which was belatedly aware, was shocked to find that the passage chosen by Ji Xinghe was the fastest passage to his location.

"Closed! Closed! All passages closed!"

When the order was shouted out, the orangutan and the monkeys thought that Ji Xinghe's choice was just a fluke. However, those passage gates that have not been closed, and those that are being closed, do not have the ability to stop Ji Xinghe.

Compared with the metal gates of the entrance and exit passages, these gates are far inferior in thickness. The tungsten steel sword in Ji Xinghe's hand can easily penetrate the conventional metals that make them up, and draw them out in a very short time. A gap that allows him to pass easily.

The knife cut tofu was average.

In the real jump base, it is difficult for the empire to form an effective blocking force, and it is difficult to put down weapons that can pose a threat to Ji Xinghe in the relatively spacious passages. In the case of lack of preparation, although the command center of the Yuejiao base has issued an unknown number of orders, it is difficult to get the corresponding blocking force in place in time.

Ji Xinghe's speed was too fast, and his choice made the orangutans and monkeys in the command center of the jump base shocked to find that his initial choice of passage was not a fluke.

One time is a fluke, three times may be a fluke, five times, seven times?

Ji Xinghe is inexplicable, always able to find the passage closest to the command center of the Yuejiao base, and walks through it resolutely, without stopping at all for investigation, or hesitating about the power ahead that can hurt him, so he stops. the behavior of.

He clearly knew that this way of walking would be fast, and that the road ahead would not be in danger for the time being, as if he knew the transition base very well, and he was also like a prophet.

The orangutans and monkeys in the command center of the jump base tend to the former possibility. But Aida Kang, who had already returned to the interior of the jump base and was heading towards the direction of Ji Xinghe, knew very well that it was the latter possibility.

Because it can be sure that neither King Zhennan, King Zhenbei, nor the sons of the two uncle kings can know the detailed drawings of the No. 1 jump base. Including all the orangutans captured by the Federation before, and Li Zhengfan who brought back a lot of information to the Federation, it is impossible to provide the information that made Ji Xinghe make such an incredible move.

The Federation can't even know the exact coordinates of those entrances and exits, because even the imperial soldiers who charged out of those entrances and exits couldn't help the Federation to determine them because of the secrecy mechanism.

So, it can only be the latter.

Aidakang thought of a conversation between Emperor Wu III and King Zhennan before it came to Alien Star, which talked about a miraculous past of Emperor Wu I.

At that time, there were not a few of the empire stars who were overlords, especially those monkeys who had mastered the means of production, completely crushing the fledgling empire in terms of military strength, weapons, and logistics supplies.

In the case of multi-line warfare, the foundational battle of the empire composed of twelve important battlefields made the empire crumbling.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Wu I wore an armor made of tungsten steel and gold, held an epee made of tungsten steel and gold, and rode the most ferocious scaled beast on the Empire Star. In twelve battlefields, the generals were cut and the flags were cut and the generals were captured, until there were no more generals to kill and no flags to capture.

To this day, Aidakang, like Zhennan King who was killed by Ji Xinghe, still cannot imagine how his grandfather, Emperor Wudi I, did it.

Being able to fight is not the most important thing. The most important thing is actually the choice of supporting a certain battlefield successively. How did Emperor Wu I know that when it supports a certain battlefield, the situation in other battlefields will not be completely overturned?

Now, Aidakang understands—just like Ji Xinghe now!

But at the same time as I understood it, it also produced strong puzzlement and anger - I also have the ability of gift, I also have the blood of God, my realm is even higher than your Ji Xinghe, why can you do it , but I can't do it?

Before Adakon got the gift ability, he had the ability to sense the danger of life, so when it faced Ji Rong Xinyue who was holding nuclear weapons, he chose to retreat without looking back, just like running away.

But when Jirong Xinyue threatened it with three missiles, it had the mood and time to talk to Jirong Xinyue.

These are all because of its ability to sense danger.

But now the No. 1 jump base has reached the most dangerous moment. It wants to find a way to block Ji Xinghe as soon as possible like Ji Xinghe, but its intuition didn't give it any hint.

It wanted to know whether it could kill Ji Xinghe, whether it could delay until Ji Xinghe died, but its intuition didn't give it any hints. It is as if it is not in danger now, and it will not encounter danger if it chooses to intercept Ji Xinghe, or it seems that the threat Ji Xinghe brings to it has exceeded the limit that its intuition can suggest.

If there is an orangutan or a human, aim it with a sniper rifle, and it can sense it. But if a meteorite with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers hits the star of the empire where it is located, it will not be able to sense it until it dies.

"The jump communication was successfully established."

When the reminder sounded, Aidakang saw Emperor Wu III and the throne he had longed for.

Since Li Zhengfan returned to the Federation, Emperor Wudi III seldom stayed alone in its training room. It can also be said that since Emperor Wudi III passed on the blood of God inherited from Emperor Wudi I to it, it seemed that he would never be alone again. It's the same as needing to practice.

Or, has it reached the end of the invisible road?

"I am disappointed!"

Emperor Wudi III's tone was a little heavy, but Aidakang didn't have the slightest fear, but only unspeakable anger—is it time to say such things?

"How about you come?"

Adakon's angry rhetorical question shocked all the orangutans and monkeys who could hear the conversation between the two brothers.

When did Aida Kang become so brave?

But after thinking about the gorilla and the monkeys, it was understandable. As the general of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, Aida Kang could hardly absolve himself of the blame for causing the situation to collapse to such an extent.

With the situation of the current prince of the empire as a comparison, it is not difficult to imagine the fate of Aida Kang in the empire, so what is there to be afraid of?

And to be honest, Emperor Wudi III's control of various authorities, as well as its never visiting the alien battlefield in person, or even making remote command decisions, are the culprits that led to the current situation.

But Emperor Wu III was Emperor Wu III after all, and held the highest authority in the empire. Aidakang embarrassing Emperor Wu III in public like this is simply self-inflicted.

However, to the surprise of all the orangutans and monkeys, Emperor Wudi III did not get angry when faced with Aida Kang's questioning, and his tone even became lighter.

it says.

"Okay, I'll come."

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