Mecha and Knife

Chapter 886 Humans, here we come!

Empire Star, King's Landing Continent, King's Landing City.

This is the starting point of Emperor Wudi I's conquest of this continent, and the end point of Ada Kang's battle with the Imperial Rebels.

Before Adacon could repeat the great achievements of its grandfather, Emperor Wudi I, it was once again transferred to the Alien Battlefield to command all the units of the Imperial Expeditionary Force sequence. After it, three orangutans successively took over the position of the Empire's anti-insurgency generals, and the current one is the third one—the Grand Duke of Tao Ucha.

Among them, Aidakang played a vital role, and the main reason why Aidakang did so was that Tao Ucha's family was responsible for mining the Imperial Star and the Holy Crystal Mine on a 'colonial planet'. The environment of that 'colonial planet' is worse than that of alien planets. Even the average physical fitness of the imperial orangutans is far superior to that of humans, and they need complete protective equipment to survive in it.

Therefore, according to the federation's classification of related planets, a total of four planets that the empire can reach, including that planet, should all be called ore stars.

Of course, if the empire is willing to invest a huge amount of resources and time in transforming these four mineral planets, or build survival bases on alien planets like the Federation, these four mineral planets can all be called colonial planets .

But how could an empire that had mastered the leap gate technology be willing to do such a thankless thing? They can completely continue to calculate the planets that can be observed, and constantly try to open random small interstellar transition gates, such as landing on the four mine stars and alien stars belonging to the Federation, landing on more planetary surfaces.

Compared to changing the harsh environment of a planet, even if it only needs to change the environment of a local area, the resources and time required to consume far exceed that of finding a new planet. If you search a lot, you can always find habitable planets like Azure Star.

Using the information obtained from observing the starry sky and the technology of the jump gate to find new planets, the biggest problem is that the universe is still in the stage of expansion, and everything in it is constantly moving. Whether it is the Federation or the Empire, the starry sky that can be seen is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago. Even if the information obtained from this is complicated calculations, most of them will still open the random transition gate. Serious interference and impact.

Take the solar system where the Federation is located, as a whole, it is equivalent to rotating around the huge gravitational source at the center of the Milky Way at a speed of 250 kilometers per second. Every planet in the solar system has its own orbit around the sun. Revolution orbit, and it is a revolution orbit that will change.

Therefore, even if the empire saw the light of the sun and detected the existence of the blue star and the alien star from a place 40 light-years away, it was still in the state at least 40 years ago. How could it be so easy to grasp the blue sky? What about the precise coordinate information of the star?

Moreover, it is not possible to directly open the transition gate without the need for a transition base by mastering the precise coordinates, but also requires a suitable and special environment. For example, the most suitable area where the alien planet can build a jump base is the coordinates where the empire's three jump bases are located.

There may be such coordinates on Azure Planet, but the empire still hasn't been able to grasp it.

"Twenty years ago, those monkeys at the Royal Academy of Sciences said that it only took five years to directly open the random jump gate to reach the blue star. Fifteen years ago, those monkeys still said the same thing. Years, those monkeys are still saying that!"

Tao Wucha said angrily, as a general who 'failed' in the alien planet, he was able to get the position of the general of the empire again, and was responsible for the important task of destroying the imperial rebels. I don't know how many orangutans and monkeys envy him with.

But how many orangutans and monkeys can know how much pressure it has endured?

First, the Imperial Resistance is impossible to destroy.

Second, Emperor Wudi III knew that it had taken refuge in Aida Kang.

Third, Aida Kang asked for more holy crystals, and asked for natural holy crystals.

Just these three points make it feel scalp numb all day long, and the empire has been in a state of defeat in the alien war, especially after the three transition bases on the alien are all occupied by the federation, the empire consumes Without knowing how many resources, he opened the small interstellar jump gate time and time again to forcefully land on the alien planet, constantly accumulating counterattack power.

The result was extinguished by the Federation a day ago. Although it is said that the three major orbital airborne corps of the Federation and the four major ground mech corps have caused serious damage, but what is the significance of the war situation between the Empire and the Federation?

For it, what's the point?

The staff knew where Tao Wucha's anger came from, and comforted him beside him: "Even this time, our empire's defeat in Alien Planet requires someone to take responsibility and divert attention. But there is Prince Adakon His Highness is here, His Majesty will not take us to death."

Before Adakon mastered the gift ability, it might not be able to keep Tao Ucha in this situation, but it is different now. Although Adakon, who has the gift ability, has not become a gift machine like Ji Xinghe, the number of gifts it bestows on imperial nobles, civilians, and even war slaves is really quite a lot.

Especially the civilians and war slaves, who single-handedly created the Anti-Galaxy Corps, and later upgraded to the Anti-Galaxy Corps, Adacon, directly ignored the anger of the imperial nobles, and gave most of the gifts it carried out to the civilians and war slaves , created a new batch of 'nobles' for the empire, and it is more appropriate to describe it as a privileged class, because those civilians and war slaves who have received gifts do not have the status of nobles, but only military ranks.

In the past two years, the empire has completed a restructuring similar to that of the federation. Although the names of military ranks and the privileges they represent are different from those of the federation, they can also be referred to as generals, colonels, and lieutenants according to relevant translation principles. In terms of privileges, it far exceeds that of the Federation.

The federal military rank is basically only valid in the military. In normal life, apart from the priority privileges of the military that are not used except in emergencies, that is, salary and benefits are related. To put it bluntly, it is the privilege related to military courts. But this is not really a privilege, and military courts are stricter than those of the federal executive branch.

The privileges of military rank and the privileges of nobles in the empire are the same in many respects, and there are even terms of fiefs. The biggest difference between the two is only two points: first, military ranks and fiefdoms cannot be inherited. Second, the "fiefdom" only has the power to share taxes, but not administrative power.

It is precisely because of this series of restructuring plans that the new and old nobles of the empire are extremely dissatisfied with the rule of Emperor Wu III, and even some orangutans and monkeys who have obtained military ranks because of their military exploits are also dissatisfied. Before the restructuring, they could all become real nobles.

Therefore, Tao Ucha decided that the empire's rebel army could not be wiped out. It, the counter-rebellion general of the empire, will be held accountable like the previous two, and may even be deprived of the title of grand duke, which will affect the interests of the entire family.

"Ada Kang...haha!"

Tao Wucha sneered, there was already a problem with the deal between it and Aidakang, when both Emperor Wudi III and Aidakang had more desires for Shengjing, it and its family caught in the middle were simply hot. The ants on the pot can't even run away.

If the empire achieves an important victory in the alien war, its crisis can be relieved to a certain extent. But now, there are only one failure after another.


The report sounded suddenly, and the orderly who had just received a message showed an unconcealable shock on his face. He looked at Tao Wucha and said in a panicked voice: "General, we have discovered the Federation mecha."

"Federal mecha?" Tao Wucha's expression changed to that of a messenger in an instant, and he confirmed with the same panicked tone: "On our battlefield? On our planet? In the camp of the rebels?"

"Yes, here, on our battlefield, on our planet, in the camp of the Rebels!"

"Is it the mechas of the Federation supporting the rebels?" Tao Wucha forced himself to be calm: "I want you to confirm immediately whether it is the mechas of the Federation supporting the rebels, or the mechas of the Federation, at all costs!"

"General." The messenger continued to panic while showing the information, "It has been confirmed that it is the Federation's mecha, because we saw...human beings!"

Tao Wucha didn't ask any more questions, it saw a video displayed on the screen in the office.

Four federal-style mechas suddenly appeared from behind the bunker on the battlefield on the Imperial Star Junlin Continent, and charged immediately. Under the gravity environment of the Empire Star, they can still explode at the super high speed that under normal circumstances, the mechs can only explode in the low gravity environment of the alien star. The average speed is more than 300 kilometers per hour, and they have super strong defenses that cannot be damaged by conventional firepower.

The last line of defense of the Imperial Rebels on the battlefield, only the Imperial Artillery Position with a federal distance of 37 kilometers, was forcibly broken through and destroyed by these four mechs within 15 minutes of federal standard time.

Afterwards, the four federal mechas retreated calmly, but when the four federal mechas retreated to the defense line of the rebel army, the cockpit hatch of one of them opened on the battlefield. With his back facing the direction of the imperial army, amidst the roar of artillery fire, gunpowder smoke, and flames, a figure who was not tall compared to the orangutans jumped out and landed on the land of Imperial Star.

It was a figure wearing a small mecha. Tao Wucha knew that this kind of small mecha was called individual exoskeleton armor in the Federation.

It also knows that among the mecha fighters of the Federation, only two people have used this method to drive the mecha-wearing individual exoskeleton armor to drive the mecha.

When the name that made it tremble appeared in his mind, the lens in the video focused and precisely locked on the small mech that suddenly opened the visor. A human face appeared in the orangutans and monkeys at the frontline headquarters of the empire. It appeared in Taowucha's sight, and perhaps it had already appeared in the sight of Aida Kang and Emperor Wudi III.

Tao Wucha suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, because this human face was not the one that frightened him the most, but he remembered something in an instant, and became even more terrified, so that his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Jirong Xinyue? Jirong Xinyue!"

Amidst Tao Wucha's uncontrollable exclamation, the staff and personal guards beside it all knew the identity of the human being who showed his face without any scruples on the battlefield of the Empire star.

"Jirong Xinyue?" Some staff members were ecstatic: "General, this is our chance, this is definitely our best chance."

"Ji Rong Xinyue!" A staff member was as terrified as Tao Wucha: "It's over, Ji Xinghe is here, Ji Xinghe must be coming, we are over."

"Ji Rong Xinyue..."

In the video sent back from the front line, Ji Rong Xinyue has put on her face armor again and completed the armor-piercing, and disappeared into the depths of the Imperial Rebels' defense line with the other three federal mechs guarding her.

Tao Wucha knew that the cockpits of the other three federal mechs must be filled with the same humans as Ji Rong Xinyue. Because these four mechas can break through the speed of 300 kilometers per hour under the gravity and atmospheric environment of the Empire star, and they are almost not damaged in the violent bombing of the empire, which is enough to show that these four federal mechas are all The national soldier-level armor of the Federation, that is, the Prince Armor of the Empire.

No matter how much the Federation supports the Imperial Rebels, it is impossible to give such mechs to the Rebels for use.

Tao Wucha also knew that at this time, the four mechas might have passed through the jump base controlled by the rebels, left the Empire Star and returned to the Battle Scar Canyon of the Alien Star, but this is actually not important, the important thing is—— Humans are really here.

Tao Wucha took a deep breath and ordered: "Immediately apply for a communication with His Majesty, just say...just say...Ji Rong Xinyue is coming, human beings are coming, Ji Xinghe is coming!"

The application for communication was quickly approved, and Tao Wucha, who had returned to normal on the surface, met Emperor Wu III. After a brief briefing on the situation, Tao Wucha was about to apply for more support to deal with the rebels who received direct support from the Federation, when Emperor Wudi III poured cold water on them.

"I see, so be it."

The communication was hung up, and Tao Wucha stood there in a daze.

After a while, it frantically connected to the communication with Adakon again, this time without any application first.

After explaining the same situation again, Tao Wucha was very worried, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Your Majesty, are you going to dismiss me?"

"Withdraw you? Why did you withdraw."

"Human beings have already come, but His Majesty has not given me more troops and weapons and equipment. Isn't this going to withdraw me?"

"Of course not." Aida Kang said with a smile: "It's because His Majesty is very clear, and I am also very clear. You should also be clear that the Federation's support for the rebels will only be limited to On a very small number of mechs."

Tao Wucha froze for a moment, then suddenly regained his senses and figured it out.

Although the jump base occupied by the rebels can be combined with the Empire's No. 2 jump base in Alien, that is, the jump base in Battle Scar Canyon. But Emperor Wu III, who possesses nuclear weapons, has the ability to completely destroy the transition base occupied by the rebels at any time, even if the transition base has a structure that prevents nuclear strikes.

In the final analysis, it is just a matter of the number and equivalent of nuclear weapons.

Under such circumstances, the Federation's support for the rebels cannot be desperate. If it is really a large-scale support, Emperor Wu III is forced to decide to completely abandon this transition base, and at the same time abandon the transition base located in the Alien Battle Scar Canyon. The above is how much is coming.

Therefore, the Federation's support to the Imperial Rebels must be in a see-saw manner, looking for the "bottom line" of Emperor Wu III. And try to use the miniaturized leap gate device, just like the empire did on the alien planet during this time, to prepare for the subsequent large-scale attack.


"Ji Rong Xinyue is here, how could Ji Xinghe not come?" Tao Wucha figured it out, but still asked worriedly: "If Ji Xinghe comes, how can we stop him?"

"Ji Xinghe? Hehe, he's on the Azure Star of the Federation." Aidakang continued to smile, as if he was not worried at all about the unprecedented arrival of human beings on the Empire Star, and said in a relaxed tone: "And, even if he really came So what? This is the Empire Star, and we have absolute air supremacy. He may be able to use some of the resources possessed by the rebels to reach King's Landing City where you are, but how can he find your exact location? Found it, you Can't run? Are your men blind for a target as big as the mecha? Or, do you think he can pretend to be us?"


Tao Wucha was speechless, the possibility of Ji Xinghe assassinating it was extremely slim, and the success rate was negligible.

But it remembered one thing, so it asked: "But what if he comes and applies for a challenge with His Majesty as he agreed with His Majesty before?"

This agreement is no longer a secret to the empire, not to mention Tao Wucha, even ordinary civilians and slaves of the empire know about it under the propaganda of the rebel army.

It has to be said that there are many orangutans and monkeys in the empire, looking forward to the arrival of Ji Xinghe. And this point may be why Ji Rong Xinyue wants to expose her identity unscrupulously today.

She wants to tell the empire that she is coming, and humans are coming.

"He doesn't dare to come." Aida Kang didn't say anything about the spaceship, but said in a firm tone: "As long as he comes, the Federation will lose."

Tao Wucha wanted to ask why, but since Aidakang didn't say it clearly, it meant that it didn't make sense to ask again, so he changed the question.

"Then after that, do I want to fight the same as before? Do I need to target Ji Rong Xinyue?"

"Aiming at Jirong Xinyue? Hahaha..." Aidakang mocked as if he had heard the funniest joke: "You are helpless against Ji Xinghe in Yixing, so, do you think that Ji Rong, the granddaughter of Ji Xinghe, When Xinyue comes to Alien Star, you will have a chance to complete revenge? Think about it, why Jirong Xinyue dares to come to our planet!"

Tao Wucha asked, "Why?"

It knew that Emperor Wu III had a very high status in the rebel army. Judging from Emperor Wudi III and Aida Kang's very flat reaction to the news that humans arrived at the Imperial Star, and that it was led by Ji Rong Xinyue, they must have known the news earlier than themselves.

Aida Kang's smile disappeared, and his expression became serious.

"Because, the rebel army has completely handed over the jump base they controlled to the federation. Moreover, the rebel army and the federation also have an agreement that all the jump bases connected to alien stars they jointly captured must be handed over to the federation. "

Tao Wucha was stunned. It turned out that human beings not only came to the Imperial Planet unprecedentedly, but also came whenever they wanted.

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