Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1005: Energy weirdness

Sergey called up some new things on the map. This time it was a blue line, which stretched from the back of the ancient Soviet Empire to the battlefield of St. Petersburg. This was a reinforcement mecha unit sent by the Republic of the Ancient Gods.

Pointing to these blue lines, Sergey said with a little gratitude: "Originally we were about to be unable to support it, but thanks to your country’s reinforcements. As soon as they arrived, they immediately helped us stabilize the front. Now the defense of St. Petersburg is still temporarily If it is stable, it depends on whether there is an opportunity to change it."

I promised that the Anonymous had appeared on the battlefield, so he would definitely be involved in the battle. The reinforcement mecha units of the Ancient Godlan Republic were likely to be in danger, which made Xu couldn’t sit still immediately and repeatedly said to go. St. Petersburg battlefield: "The opportunity is the Anonymous. Since he has already appeared, he will not stand by. No, I must hurry over!"

Seeing that he insisted on leaving immediately, Sergey expressed his sincerity and divided the nervous mecha unit into another group: "Jiji Xu is fighting for our country. I cannot let you go empty-handed. Let me divide some mechas to Master Xu. It looks a little bit like this when you take them over.

"Okay, then I will go to the hangar and wait." He promised to accept Sergey's kindness. The stronger the combat effectiveness of the troops at hand, the better, and he would naturally not refuse the benefits he received.

When promised to return to the room and wanted to inform everyone that they were ready to leave, Chen Feng and his colleagues had already taken some preparatory measures. All the luggage had been packed, including the food to be eaten on the road in the carry-on luggage. This is what Joey taught them before. The longer you fight, the more you have to prepare the food. Of course, the better the food is delicious.

"Since you are all ready, let's go to the hangar." Xu promised to take the lead and walked toward the hangar. Before boarding the special plane "Dark Night", Xu promised to take a look at Chen Feng's modified plane and found out Some differences.

Originally, Chen Feng’s modified aircraft was equipped with a total of eight floating cannons, four on each side of the back, like wings, but now he promised to discover that there were two more floating cannons behind the modified aircraft. The number of wings becomes more and more tense.

Promise pointed to Chen Feng's modified machine, and asked Chen Feng to explain what happened: "What's going on? Chen Fengtuer, you modified the modified machine again?"

Chen Feng turned around and promised his back light, and pointed to the two newly installed floating guns and said, "No, it turns out that You Jia left extra slots for floating cannons. This is not the case in previous battles. The number is not large enough. Will the power be consumed quickly in the fierce battle, so now the remaining slots are also equipped with floating cannons, which can effectively alleviate the energy distress."

Xu promised to look at it. It turned out that I hadn't noticed that not all the floating gun slots on the Chen Feng modified machine were installed. This is the first time that the modified machine is fully equipped with weapons: "This is a solution, but it is not a symptom. To solve the problem, if you want to make the floating gun more powerful, you still need to work on the energy of the floating gun itself."

As the actual user of the floating artillery, Chen Feng doesn’t know where his fate is, but now he can’t change too much. The first thing to do is to deal with it as an expedient measure: "I know, You Jia is already there. Improved, maybe it will be effective when we return to China."

"It's fine if you know it." He promised to observe other people's mechas, seeing that all their mechas were refurbished and would not affect the next battle, so he checked his special plane "Dark Night".

Although the maintenance squad clearly stated that all mechas are okay, as a qualified pilot, you must carefully verify the state of the mechas before driving the mechas to start operations, otherwise it will be unlucky if there is a fork in the battle. Up.

This inspection actually caused a problem with the promise inspection. He said to the maintenance squad officer under the special plane: "I said, why don't my weapons have full energy? Is this how you maintain the standby armor?"

Hearing this promise, the officer was shocked, and was anxious to check the status of "Dark Night", whether the promise was true: "What? "Dark Night" weapon energy is not fully replenished? How could this be possible, let me come. check!"

He promised to be checked by the officer. Fortunately, he discovered such a big omission early. If he took out his weapon and fought for a long time during the battle, suddenly there was not enough energy to continue to use it. Half-life must also be removed.

After a detailed inspection by the officer, the beam rifle used by the special plane "Dark Night" did not fully replenish the energy and only retained about two-thirds of the power. This was a very fatal negligence.

The officer was furious, and went back to his maintenance squad and roared, "Who is responsible for the supply of energy for the ‘Dark Night’ weapons? Stand up for me!"

Under the officer’s angry gaze, a man walked out tremblingly and stood in front of the officer to defend himself: “I am responsible for replenishing energy for the weapons of the Dark Night, but I remember very clearly that I use energy for all weapons. It's full, I don't know what's going on?"

The officer was even more angry. What he wanted was to find out why this happened, instead of hearing people say he didn’t know: "You don’t know what’s going on? Could it be that our Xu Jishi secretly fired a few shots to save energy? Do you frame you after consumption?"

"I really don't know! At that time, the energy records of all weapons in the Dark Night showed that they were 100% charged. I have a file on my side." The person was still mentioning his own explanation, and took out as " Record of supplementing energy in the dark night.

The officer snatched it and took a closer look and found that it was exactly the same as the man said. All records showed that the energy of the "Dark Night" weapon was fully charged to the best condition, and there were even photos that proved that the man did not lie.

So why is there only two-thirds of the power of the beam rifle in the "dark night"? Was the beam rifle used after the energy supply was completed? Or is there something wrong with the energy system of the beam rifle? Without conclusive evidence, the officer could not make a judgment.

Holding the record high on his hand, the officer promised that he could not solve the mystery: "Xu Jishi, I can't find out the truth in a short time. Or let's replenish the energy of the beam rifle and wait until later. What happened to the investigation?"

Promise did not specifically look at the records in the officer's hands, and it did not matter to him which link went wrong.

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