Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1030: the truth

The pilots Jin Buhuan said were Sergei and Ivanovic. Ivanovic cooperated with Fu Yuntian to besiege the Anonymous. Not only did he fail to succeed, but his special plane was beaten. He was seriously injured. He is still under repair in the maintenance area of ​​the hangar. In a short time, he is also not expecting to return to the battlefield.

"I came here today specifically to tell you about the leader of the Creation Organization. In my opinion, he should be the pilot who is second only to the three gods in this world, and according to our investigation, he can basically be confirmed. I am now.” He promised to explain his intentions. Today, he just wanted to talk to Jin Buhuan about the nameless person and put forward some things that should be paid attention to.

Jin Buhuan sat next to Xu Xu with great interest. For such an unknown powerful enemy, getting more information will help the preparation work later: "Oh? Mr. Xu knows who he is? Could you give it to me? Have a good talk."

He promised to point to Chen Feng first, so that Jin Buhuan could see clearly: "This is my apprentice Chen Feng. You may not know his life experience. He was the victim of the Qiantang River landing battle that year. His parents died in a sneak attack. In the hands of the mecha of the Gamma Empire."

"There is still this kind of thing, child, you have suffered." Jin Buhuan nodded slightly towards Chen Feng. He could imagine how difficult it was for a lonely and helpless child to survive at the time. It is not easy for Chen Feng to have the results today.

After expressing his understanding to Chen Feng, Jin Buhuan asked Xu in doubt, "But what does this have to do with the leaders of the Creation Organization?"

Two things were wrong, Jin Buhuan didn't understand why he promised to talk about Chen Feng's past.

"When I say something, just shut up and listen slowly. After you hear it, you will know." Xu promise glared at Jin Buhuan contemptuously, asking him to sit quietly. He is such a big person and is still the commander-in-chief of the Northern Military Region , How to make things frizzy, how proper.

Jin Buhuan is the youngest of the three military commanders in the Ancient Godland Republic. Naturally, he is not as calm as Guan Yuzhen and Pan Bayi, but he accepts the promised teaching very humbly: "Yes! I would like to follow the instructions of the pilot. !"

The promise was to the wrong person. Since Jin Buhuan was willing to cooperate, he continued: "In order to track down the murderer of his parents, my apprentice asked a lot of people, and finally found the'War God' Murong Fan who was also involved in the battle. According to Chen Feng’s description, the'War God' determined that the person who killed his parents was Smith."

Jin Buhuan searched in his mind for the name he promised, but he didn't have a clue at all. What is this sacred Smith: "Smith? This name is so strange, is he a very strong pilot?"

"You younger generation should rarely know him. Smith was the genius pilot who almost killed Griffin the Gun God and was expelled from the Saint Gama Empire." Xu said with a little nostalgia, thinking that Smith was the same. Very famous, before the "Gun God" Griffin was born, he was the target of all pilots in the world.

Jin Buhuan was even more confused. He couldn't figure out why a man who had been swept out of the house for a heinous crime would appear on the battlefield that later triggered the First World War of Mecha: "The'gun god' Griffin was framed not long ago. Has it happened? Since Smith has been removed from the pilots by the Saint Gama Empire, how can he appear in the Qiantang River Landing?"

"Although Smith is not right in his mind, his strength is indeed more than 10,000 people under one person. The Saint Gama Empire will not really abandon him. It is estimated that he will change his status and continue to stay in the army." This is a promise. Chen Feng came to the conclusion after discussion, so after he was seen through by Murong Fan, he disappeared again and finally became the leader of the creation organization.

Jin Buhuan gradually understood the cause and the result of the whole thing, and speculated that it was inseparable from the truth: "Then, since the'War God' has recognized him as Smith, the Saint Gama Empire can no longer risk the world. But let him continue to fight in the mecha. So they gave Smith another secret mission, asking him to establish a terrorist organization that would frighten the world?"

He promised to open the wine gourd, poured a sip of strong wine, and said with confidence: "It is almost like this. After our investigation, the leader of this creation organization has inextricably linked with the Saint Gama Empire, and he is very I hate firearms, and claiming that Anonymous did not want to be named. I think I can basically be sure that he is Smith!"

"Anonymous, demigod pilot, Smith... If the creation organization was founded by the Saint Gama Empire for Smith, we will re-evaluate it!" Jin Buhuan muttered a few key words in silence, suddenly suddenly Jumped up.

Jin Buhuan’s voice is very urgent. The news that Smith is the leader of the Creation Organization is not trivial. It will be related to the attitude of the whole world towards the Saint Gama Empire, so he cannot help being nervous.

Speaking of business matters, the tone of the promise became serious. His main purpose today is to let Jin Buhuan have a clear understanding of Anonymous: "Yes, so I have to come over to discuss this matter with you, since With a relatively definite understanding of the identity of the Anonymous, our country's follow-up approach to the Creation Organization and Saint Gama Empire will begin to try to change.

Jin Buhuan sensed that there was something in the promise, and sat back on his seat and continued to ask Xu: "Is there anything left to be said by Master Xu? What impact will the leader of the creation organization have?"

He promised to put down the wine gourd and asked seriously, "I want to make sure that this time European countries will suddenly form an alliance to attack the ancient Soviet Empire. Is this their own intention? Or is the Creation Organization trying to prevent it?"

As a commander-in-chief, Jin Buhuan has access to all kinds of confidential information. He has discussed the outbreak of the war by the military, and finally came to the conclusion that it was a disaster caused by the Creation Organization.

Now that he had asked about the specific details of the war, Jin Buhuan was ready to tell him: "According to the information we have obtained, the creation of the war is the real initiator of this war because of this unknown person’s leadership everywhere. Only then did the European countries that were originally hostile to each other unite, and then form allies to launch a fierce attack on the ancient Soviet Empire."

"Sure enough, he did it. Using the Creation Organization to provoke national opposition, then my inference should be basically valid." Promise sat upright, and the general situation was already clear, and the guess in his heart gradually approached the truth.

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