Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1042: Ice city join

Chen Feng’s face was already blooming with joy, and he could actually repel a pilot pilot. This was something he had never thought of before: "I wanted to do this as a last resort. Fortunately, the result was not bad. I was able to cheat. And it worked very well."

Why can Chen Feng's floating artillery launch an attack so quickly? It turned out that when Chen Feng controlled the four floating guns to fly back, he did not really retract them behind the modified aircraft, but gave up control of them halfway through and dropped them to a safer place first.

Then Chen Feng fired up the beam rifle again, and re-lifted the six floating guns that had just been replenished with some energy behind him, quickly flew towards the enemy and immediately launched an attack.

This operation saved Chen Feng a lot of time, and thus caught the enemy by surprise. Using the enemy's brief negligence, he finally succeeded in destroying the right foot of his special plane, thus laying the foundation for victory.

In the command room of the St. Petersburg base, Chevanov saw that Chen and Feng once again defeated the pilots of the European Union, and he couldn't help but sigh: "The younger generation of the Ancient Godland Republic has a good seed again. I don’t know our Gusu Empire. When can I catch up with them."

Chen Feng was the first to check his modified aircraft. He mainly assisted in the outer battle, and did not cause much loss to the modified aircraft. As long as he confirmed the operation status of various parts of the fuselage and the data on energy reserves.

After repelling the enemy, Chen Feng quickly recovered all the floating cannons. He dropped four floating cannons where no one noticed, so he was not hit, except for some scratches caused by falling. problem.

Hongshuibin's inspection speed is also relatively fast. After all, it is a special machine built by Huangmetal, which is much stronger than other mechas. After a fierce battle, it is as good as nothing, and everything is in the best condition.

Only Ye Qi is more miserable. He has endured the most attacks. If the third eye symbol hadn’t appeared in time, I’m afraid he would have been defeated now, but even so, he still had scars on his modified fuselage and broken armor in many places. Unbearable.

The handle of the cross spear that was picked up by Ye Qi was broken in two, and the tip of the spear was also broken on one side. It seemed that it could not be used again.

Chen Feng couldn't bear to let Ye Qi in this state continue to participate in the battle, and proposed to let him return to the base first: "Or else, Senior Ye Qi, you should go back and repair the mecha first. I will fight with Shui Bin again."

"Alright, my modified machine looks like this, even if I barely get up, it won't work. When I return to the base to change to a mecha, I will come back again." Ye Qi took the broken cross spear in his hand and flew to the base without looking back. He didn't feel the condition of the modified machine, but thought about replacing the mecha as soon as possible and rejoining the battle group.

After Ye Qi was far away, Hong Bin secretly said to Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, let's finish this battle before Senior Ye Qi comes back!"

Chen Feng had to admire the whimsical nature of Hongshui Bin, how could such a large-scale battle be ended in a short time.

There was no way for Hongshuibin to see his despised expression in the modified machine. Chen Feng stretched out his thumb and pointed to the ground: "What are you doing daydreaming? We are not a demigod pilot. How can we be so strong? Influence."

"Don't be presumptuous. Even if we are not strong enough now, we must have this heart and keep working hard according to our goals. We may change the situation when we can change the situation." Hong Hung Bin is very optimistic. He firmly believes that he still has it. A lot of potential can surely grow to the extent that Murong Fan and herself are satisfied.

Hongshuibin was right. How can you become a strong without the mentality of becoming a strong one? Chen Feng adjusted his mentality and decided to make progress together with Hongshuibin: "You can't say this before, right? Did your master teach you?"

"Hey, I was discovered by you again." Hongshui Bin touched his head and smiled embarrassedly: "My master often teaches me some truths, although I feel annoying when listening, but it's useful to think carefully."

"We all have a good master. The European Union has shifted the focus of the attack back, let's go!" Chen Feng saw that the attack on their side has decreased a lot, and it is almost time to leave the protection of the heavy mech and attack again. Up.

In order to vent their anger for the defeated pilots, the European Union tilted too much firepower on Chen Feng's side. Although many heavy armors were defeated, the defense lines in other areas continued to retreat. Compared with what they gained, they lost. But more.

Therefore, the command of the European Union hurriedly ordered them to return to their original attack mode. The outcome of the entire war was not determined by a certain area, and he could not ignore it for the sake of venting and winning.

In order to avoid the European Union still paying attention to themselves, Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin deliberately moved their locations and prepared to attack from another direction. Just as they were about to jump out of the back line of defense, the battlefield changed dramatically.

In the direction of the confrontation between the two armies, there appeared a mecha unit coming from a long distance. They quickly approached the battlefield without any intention of stopping.

Seeing this mecha unit, the mechas on both sides paid some attention to them. They didn't know whether the mechas that appeared suddenly were enemies or friends, for fear of any unexpected behavior.

The command of the European Union is now very disturbed. He has not received any information that third-party mechas have joined the war, which proves that these mechas are definitely not on their side. Then there are only two possibilities. One is that another country has appeared to join their war, and the other is that these mechas belong to the ancient Soviet Empire.

No matter which possibility it is, it is very unfavorable for the European Union. After the Ancient Godlan Republic sent troops to reinforce the ancient Soviet empire, the European Union was already in an embarrassing position. If it joins a new country, it will be war. It will become more complicated and unpredictable.

And if it were reinforcements from the ancient Soviet empire, the war that was already shaky at the moment would probably fall into defeat because of this, and the advantage that the European Union had finally regained would have to give up.

A smile appeared on Chevanov's face. Unlike the command of the European Union, who was anxious like ants on a hot pot, he knew very well the identity of this newly emerged mecha unit. They were reinforcements from the ice city.

Under the command of Jin Buhuan who remained in the St. Petersburg base, the reinforcements of Bingcheng came to the battlefield unconsciously. They did not join the battle for the first time, but waited until the European Union's high-end combat power failed and the defense line became fatigued. Just suddenly entered.

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