Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1047: mean

Although the mechas sent in the past will always be hit by unknown sources on the way, they have no choice but to dispatch them one after another.

Nangong Huadie quietly lurked around her sister in stealth, quietly approaching the enemy planes that desperately broke through the line of defense, and then killed them without knowing it, and then went to find a remote place. Be invisible again, not giving the other party any chance to find her.

The mecha teams sent by the genesis organization destroyed one after another. They were unable to prevent the attack of Nangong Mengdie, making Nangong Mengdie the pilot who killed the most mecha in this battle.

Chen Feng continued to give full play to his advantages in shooting. Six weapons were fully fired. After a short rest, all the floating guns on his modified aircraft were fully charged. Without considering the energy consumption, he just wanted to fully fire up the firepower in the shortest time. Just tilt it out.

The energy of the four floating cannons was exhausted and four were replaced. It was not until the last two floating cannons also consumed all the energy that Chen Feng’s offensive firepower dropped to a normal level, but during this time the effect he caused was enough to explode. , Nearly 20 enemy planes were blown out in his non-stop offensive, and a single person bluntly cleared an area.

Relying on the advantage of the special plane, Hong Hung Bin's detonated mecha was not lost to Chen Feng. He changed various forms and used different attacks, making the enemy completely unprepared and the way forward was unimpeded.

Zheng Zhirong is slightly inferior, but he is also fully using his strengths, using his weapons back and forth several times, at least blasting seven or eight mechas of the Creation Organization.

Chen Feng alone wiped out dozens of enemy planes, greatly weakening the power of the Mecha Troops of the Creation Organization, so that the reinforcements of Ice City can quickly expand their advantages. In the case of uneven numbers, they cannot miss it. This kind of opportunity has continuously expanded the lead and defeated the defense line of the Genesis Mecha in one fell swoop.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the creation organization’s line of defense was initially defeated, and the European Union could no longer support it. Even if the genesis organization’s continuous organic armor started to explode, it was only a drop in the bucket and could not be stopped. The march of the army.

Most of the pilots in the European Union have lost their intent to fight. Their top pilots either have no time to take care of the situation on the main battlefield, or they have been repelled and appeared in front of them. In the case that they clearly cannot win, everyone is Selfish, no one wants to die on the defeated battlefield, and the pace of retreat speeds up again.

The main battlefield had already decided the victory and defeat, and Fu Yuntian reminded the Gusu Empire's machine emperor pilots around him, telling them not to relax their hold on the opposing machine emperor pilots. They must wait until all the dust settles.

On the promise side, this time he fought the Anonymous for half a catty. Without the influence of the undermined, the combat effectiveness of the promise made the Wuming stunned. It was unexpected that there is actually a demigod pilot in this world who could fight against him. Knowing that he had only the three war pilots in his eyes, all the other pilots were nothing but ants in his eyes.

The fiasco of the Genesis Mecha Anonymous got the news through communication, but the promise in front of him is a strong enemy. If he pulls back, the promise will definitely follow, whether it will have a good effect or a bad effect. Knowable.

Now the situation in the European Union is very bad. If it is because he took the promise to turn defeat into defeat, then the European Union will not even have the ability to counterattack. This is something Anonymous never wants to see.

After working so hard for so long, the Anonymous finally assembled the European countries into an alliance to invade the ancient Soviet empire. Before completing his real goal, the Anonymous could not bear the risk of the failure or dissolution of the European Union.

So even if it is possible to help the European Union comeback after returning, Anonymous cannot take this risk. Now he is not absolutely sure to defeat the promise, and it is safest to drag the promise away from the main battlefield.

Seeing Anonymous's thoughts about not leaving, Xu Xu's mind began to liven up. He knew the true identity of Anonymous, and after a little thought, he understood what the Anonymous's concerns were.

As long as the Saint Gama Empire is not ready to start, the European Union cannot fail. Otherwise, there will be no forces to contain the ancient Soviet Empire and the Ancient God Lan Republic, and there will be many accidents in the war between the Saint Gama Empire and the Ju Timor Federation. The Saint Gama Empire is certainly not willing to take such risks.

Then the pressure is all on the Anonymous. He must help European countries maintain the alliance and help them make up for the vacancy in mecha combat power. This creation organization leader is really thankless.

I sighed that the opposite was not easy, but he promised that he did not have the idea of ​​being soft on the nameless. The creation organization has been domineering in the world for many years, and it has caused incalculable damage to the ancient gods and blue republic. Especially after figuring out the connection between the Creation Organization and the Saint Gama Empire, he hoped that this terrorist organization had better disappear from the world as soon as possible.

Since the Anonymous was facing a dilemma, Xu promised to add another fire to him, making the Anonymous more uncomfortable.

He promised to control the "Dark Night" to open the distance from the "Undead", as if he wanted to fly towards the main battlefield, as if to rush to harvest.

Seeing that Xu Nuo wanted to leave himself, the Anonymous couldn't help but hurriedly shouted to Xu Xu: "If you don't contain me, aren't you afraid that I will go back and slaughter your mecha units?"

"Don't be afraid!" He promised to stop the special plane and turned to look at the Anonymous: "Now we have the advantage. The number of mechas on my side far exceeds that on your side. Even if you go back, face it. How many mechas can you kill? Now that the overall situation is set, what should I worry about?"

The Anonymous can't make a plan and make a living. He doesn't believe that the promise will disregard his country's mecha: "Then I will specifically go and kill the mechas of the Ancient Godlan Republic. You come to reinforce the ancient Soviet Empire. My mecha has been damaged too much, right? If I were determined to find your mecha and kill it, you would also be greatly injured!"

"It's really despicable! You are so shameless as a demigod pilot, I really look at you with admiration!" This promise really can't move anymore, no matter if the Anonymous is true or not, he can't let it go. The Anonymous attacked his country's mechs wantonly, which was not in his own interests.

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