Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1065: new task

As a result, everyone is very satisfied. The various responses of the European Union pilots can be regarded as impeccable. It can be said that it is not easy for them to win these three victories.

Among them, the most thankful is Ye Qi. Thanks to his strong predictive ability, he commanded everyone to work together and cooperate with each other to successfully defeat each other.

Hongshuibin looked at Ye Qi enviously: "Senior Ye Qi's awakening ability is so strong. If you can fully master it in the future, wouldn't it be invincible?"

"It's not as easy as you said. I haven't been able to grasp the ability to analyze and predict the opponent's movements until now, and every time I use this ability, I feel dizzy for a while. Two consecutive hard games today. Zhan, I guess I won't be able to get up tomorrow." Ye Qi smiled bitterly. He was not as relaxed as he looked. At this time, his body seemed to be falling apart, he was holding on to communicate with them.

"I think everyone should be very tired. Hurry up and send Senior Ye Qi back to rest." Chen Feng intimately called a vehicle that was responsible for transporting personnel in the hangar, so that everyone could save some energy.

When everyone got in the car and sat down, Chen Feng added solemnly: "As for what inspiration can be brought to us by today's battle, let's wait until tomorrow. It can be seen that the strength of the European Union pilots is very strong. Strong, we actually won by a fluke. He will definitely take action against us after consecutive failures. Don't be careless."

The opponent's strength is not that he is not strong, but he was defeated by his own extraordinary cooperation. The so-called matter is nothing but three. Chen Feng has no idea whether he will be lucky to win the next time.

As soon as Chen Feng's voice fell, the promised voice came over: "Yes, I guess the next time the European Union will be replaced by a pilot pilot to fight you."

"Master, why are you here?" Chen Feng stood up to greet him. In the past, he promised not to go to the area where ordinary mechas were parked, but it was strange that he suddenly came over today.

Promise to wave his hand, let Chen Feng not be restrained, and said in a relaxed tone: "Come here and see if you are proud, but it seems that you are quite clear about how many pounds you are. Forget it, I won't say anything, hahahaha~ "

"That's necessary, even if we win three times in a row, we still understand that we are far from the pilot emperor." Hong Bin jokingly stuck out his tongue to promise, saying that he had never underestimated his opponent.

During the time he was studying with Murong Fan, the "War God", Hong Bin saw the strength of the world's strongest pilot, and also had an understanding of the combat effectiveness of the top pilots, and had a clear understanding of the gap between himself and the opponent.

"Teacher Xu, please put one thousand and two hundred hearts. People like them have never been proud." Ye Qi said cheerfully. He had never seen Chen Feng and others proud and complacent. , Make yourself stronger.

He promised not to speak any more, raised his foot into the car and sat next to Chen Feng, sipping alcohol. It was so uncomfortable that Chen Feng stopped asking him if he was ill, judging from the smoothness of the promise now. , He should have no problems.

Standing outside the car door, Jin Buhuan looked at the harmonious atmosphere of the people inside, and interjected: "Congratulations, you have repelled the pilot pilot of the emperor, how do you feel? I can fight the pilot of the European Union again next time. Huh?"

Chen Fenggang wanted to speak, but he was robbed of the conversation by promise: "I said Commander Jin, isn’t there another pilot pilot at the St. Petersburg base who is not involved in the battle of the top pilots? Let him go, let us be young. Are you embarrassed to participate in such a difficult battle?"

Jin Buhuan has no temper at all. Who makes him want to ask others: "Xu Jishi said Ivanovich? His special plane hasn't been repaired yet, if he can participate in your battle. , Why should I run over and ask."

"It's really weird, a Sergey and an Ivanovich. Is their special plane destroyed so badly by Anonymous? Isn't the mecha of the ancient Soviet Empire known for its defensive ability?" Xu promised some doubts. , Is the Gusu Empire deliberately hiding the combat power of these two top pilots?

Jin Buhuan opened his hands. He believed that the ancient Soviet Empire did not need to deceive them, because the people of the ancient Soviet Empire wished to retire the European Union early and return their country to a clean state: "We have always had the repair of their special planes. Follow-up, it is indeed more difficult to repair. Besides, if they are not allowed to participate in the battle, isn't it the Gusu Empire that will suffer from the prolonged war."

The ancient Soviet Empire had no reason not to let Sergei and Ivanovich participate in the war. The promise was only to vent the dissatisfaction of letting its young people participate in dangerous battles.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the friends in the car. They all responded to him with firm eyes, and then answered Jin Buhuan for them: "Commander Jin, as long as there is a European Union pilot, no one can deal with it. Leave it to us to solve it, we still want to learn more combat experience from them!"

"Okay! Then you will have to work hard!" After receiving a satisfactory answer, Jin Buhuan left contentedly.

Although Chen Feng and the others showed great determination, the promise is still not at ease. He feels that the European Union will definitely change its strategy. If the countermeasures are not arranged in advance, these young people may be ruined in the next battle.

Putting down the wine gourd in his hand, he promised to help them: "Hehe, the kids are very confident, but next time you are likely to face the most difficult situation in history, I will still call Chevanov to send Ivan Norwich will cooperate with you."

"That's the best. I'm also worried about what will happen if we can't mobilize our analytical capabilities. If we have a pilot pilot to help us, then we will be much safer." Ye Qi leaned on the seat, expressing his agreement with the promise. According to the proposal, they need a top pilot to hold their feet down to avoid accidents. After all, they can't perform perfectly at all times.

So everyone agreed and promised to get out of the car halfway to the command room, looking for Chevanov to discuss the arrangements. The battle will only become more difficult, and they must be fully prepared.

Returning to the room, Ye Qi went directly to bed and fell asleep. Chen Feng and Zheng Zhirong bid farewell and wandered in the base with Hongshuibin.

The two of them are in good spirits. After repeated battles, they have already gained a certain degree of immunity to difficulties. Especially after fighting a strong opponent, the nerves are tense and difficult to calm. It is better to take a walk to relieve your mood.

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