Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1075: Killer

At the same time, the beam rifle in Chen Feng's hand is not idle. Now a group of people are in a group. The beam from the beam rifle can easily injure himself by mistake. Then it is better to attack the opponent's cockpit. Chen Feng Believe that the opponent will let him hit his weakest place at will.

Nangong Phantom Butterfly activated her invisibility before they attacked the spear together. She hid in stealth in front of Ivanovic, motionless, and even the European Union pilot emperor could not see her through.

The long spear in the hands of the European Union pilot emperor was intercepted by everyone, almost unable to hold on to the angle of piercing Ivanovic again. At this moment, Nangong Phantom suddenly jumped up, holding two beam swords in his hands. Another force was added to the spear, and the hit was even further off track.

Now, the long spear that was supposed to stab Ivanovic’s chest has turned into a stab to the ground. The attack has been declared a failure. The European Union’s King Pilot sighed and retracted the spear. It’s really not good for these people to join forces. To deal with it, he just formed several levels and destroyed his inevitable blow.

Everyone launched an offensive. Only one Nangong Dream Butterfly was missing. Her heavy beam sniper rifle was the most unsuitable to deal with this chaotic scene, so she remained unsettled, accumulating energy silently behind her. The energy was accumulated to the limit of the heavy beam blocking gun, and it was almost time to deliver the strongest blow.

And Ivanovich’s purpose for letting everyone to intercept the European Union’s King Pilots is this. The opponent’s attack may cause serious injuries to him, but his survival is not a big problem. The reason why he did this is to let all The gathering of people, including the pilot pilot on the opposite side, made it impossible for him to easily escape from the encirclement.

"Enclose him! Never let him rush out!" The European Union pilot pilot successfully entered the set. After his spear attack was knocked down, Ivanovic again issued an order to help him defend the attack. The crowd quickly adjusted their state and did not give their opponents a chance to breathe.

Ivanovic rushed forward by himself. Even without the beam sword, he still had a pair of iron fists. As an ancient Soviet empire with sturdy folk style, every pilot had strong unarmed fighting ability, and their machines The body is covered with extremely thick armor, and will there be a particularly fatal danger for a while.

Under his leadership, the five members of Chen Feng divided into five directions to attack again around the European Union Aircraft King Pilots, focusing on sealing off its action space and creating the most suitable attack environment for Nangong Dream Butterfly.

Among them, Chen Feng and Ye Qi performed the best. The reason why Chen Feng was able to give full play to his shooting ability was because of his strong observation and judgment ability. Although Ye Qi could not use the third eye ability, he had In the previous experience of the appearance of the third eye symbol, he has a lot of experience in analyzing opponents' actions, and he can already restrict some opponents slightly.

The European Union’s aircraft emperor pilots are uncomfortable. Although there are only six mechas around him, Ivanovic must pay attention to it. Chen Feng’s weapons will be hit if he is not careful, and Hong Bin’s special plane The attacking power is strong, Ye Qi blocked his course of action several times, and again with the constant harassment of Zheng Zhirong and Nangong Huandie, beads of sweat have begun to emerge on his forehead.

I thought that today’s battle could be won even if it wasn’t easy, but there was another Ivanovic on the opposite side; I thought I could defeat Ivanovic without special planes, but Ivanovic has repeatedly There was an eye-catching operation that was applauded; I originally thought that I would not fall into a too dangerous situation, but it seems that now I am likely to lose the battle. Too many accidents made the new pilot from the European Union a cold sweat. , He couldn't believe the scene after his defeat.

Before setting off, he had ridiculed the pilot pilot who was defeated by Chen Feng six in a row for three consecutive times. Then, if he also lost the battle back, what face would he have to meet the pilot pilot? They are not from the same country, and the relationship between them is not very good. Now that he has the opportunity to fall into trouble, he will definitely be madly ridiculed back.

"I must not lose!" Unable to withstand the consequences of failure, the pilot no longer followed the rules to attack the enemy in front of him. He no longer thought about defeating Ivanovic first, and no longer thought about defeating a fighter. The honor that the emperor pilot can obtain is just to prevent himself from defeating. No matter who appears in front of him, he must be repulsed first.

The European Union’s aircraft king pilots have lost their footing. It is the best opportunity to defeat him in one fell swoop. Ivanovic’s people will not miss it. They immediately contacted Nangong Mengdie, who was quietly accumulating energy in the rear: "Nangong Mengdie Butterfly, prepare to attack! It's up to you whether you succeed or fail!"

"Understood! You better avoid them all!" Nangong Mengdie has been brewing for so long, and has calculated all the conditions needed for the attack. The heavy beam blocking gun is placed on the ground, and the target is directed at the European Union aircraft king pilot. In front of his chest, this blow must hit the opponent firmly, and at the same time remind everyone who besieged him to evacuate quickly, so as not to be affected by the huge power of the beam.

Ivanovic had his back facing Nangong Mengdie’s attacking direction, so he immediately moved to the side without saying a word to make room for Nangong Mengdie to directly attack his opponent.

The European Union aircraft king pilot watched Ivanovic suddenly leave in front of him inexplicably, and the other five people surrounding him were also retreating. What new routine is this?

Thinking about what else these people in front of me could do, then the pilot's eyes widened suddenly: "No! They have one more person!"

After the people in front of him gave up a wide space, the European Union aircraft king pilot thought of Nangong Mengdie, who was rarely involved in the offensive. The mecha, which is said to have extremely powerful weapons, seemed to disappear. He listened to him. The performance mentioned was quite different, and it was only then that he realized that Nangong Mengdie was deliberately confusing him, fortunately to launch a lore at the last moment.

Thinking of this, the European Union Aircraft King pilot wanted to quickly escape from this area. The risk factor of staying here is too high. He must quickly get out and go to a safe area, and then think about how to continue fighting.

Chen Feng saw that his opponent wanted to escape, and he seemed to move quickly, and seemed to be able to escape from Nangong Mengdie’s attack range. He was unwilling to see such a result, and immediately controlled the modified machine to stop. It was too late to re-shoot. , So he pulled out two beam swords and rushed towards the opponent, trying to hinder his escape.

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