Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1158: hard

You Jia is not worried about herself, but she is worried about whether Chen Feng's lack of rest will cause any problems.

"Don't worry, I have no problem at all. As pilots, we have received training on how to survive in harsh environments. These things are not enough to make me feel tired." Chen Feng squeezed Youjia's face affectionately and rushed. She hid in a deep place to rest, and then returned to the place near the warehouse door: "You are usually spoiled, take care of yourself first. I can help you guard when I am awake. This distribution is the best."

How could You Jia beat Chen Feng, and what Chen Feng said was indeed correct. Under the current situation, she must work hard not to drag others down. Doing what she should do is the greatest help to Chen Feng.

So You Jia took a rest in the depths of the warehouse. Chen Fengshou continued to observe the changes in the base of the Creation Organization near the warehouse gate. Everything was the same as he thought. After digging through this area carefully, the people of the Creation Organization were right. The warehouse had no interest, and no one came here to check it, allowing Chen Feng to wait comfortably for dark.

Most of the energy of the creation organization was placed near the entrances and exits of the base, either to find the scientific researchers who might be hiding, or to find out the reason why the scientific researchers escaped. This is Yunyang's requirement of them. No matter which one, it is near the entrance and exit. It is the easiest place to find a breakthrough.

The people of the Creation Organization are doing all kinds of useless work in the base, but the more so, the deeper their grievances will be. Once the culprit is found, everyone's anger will be spread on him. If Chen Feng falls into their hands , The end is simply unimaginable.

As time went by, Yun Yang's temper became more and more irritable. Every time a person reported that he had not found it, he would provoke a venomous curse. As a result, the people of the Creation Organization dare not go back to see him. They are all in the base. Looking around aimlessly.

All the people in Yongqi Research Institute should have been sent back to the Ancient Shenlan Republic by this time, and Chen Feng and You Jia hid in the warehouse where no one cares. Only when the people of the Creation Organization can find the target will they see you. Ghost.

Finally, the sun set, and night fell on the whole land. After a hard day of searching, the people of the Creation Organization went back to their rooms one by one to rest. They are not robots and always feel tired, and they have not been there for so long. Any discovery, they have basically given up hope of finding useful information in the base.

Therefore, the number of people still searching in the base has been greatly reduced, and the possibility of Chen Feng and the others getting out has increased a lot. As long as they don’t meet people from the Creation Organization on the way to the hangar, they will almost never get on the modified plane. People can catch up.

On time at 11 o'clock, Ji Ling came out of his room and walked around the room quietly, making sure that there were no people still patrolling nearby, before coming to the warehouse quietly.

Ji Ling didn't enter the warehouse because he never came out after putting down the packing box. He didn't know if Chen Feng received his note, or if there was any accident in Chen Feng hiding in the warehouse. He rashly Going in may cause bad consequences, so Ji Ling stood at the door of the warehouse, holding a list and pretending to want to take stock of the mecha parts.

Chen Feng kept guarding near the warehouse door. He saw Ji Ling's series of actions and knew that Ji Ling was here to pick them up. He quickly grabbed the hand of You Jia next to him: "Follow me, don't let go!"

"Yeah!" You Jia nodded heavily, and held Chen Feng's palm with her backhand. After a day's training, she believed that she would not be dragged down.

Opening the door, Chen Feng brought You Jia to Ji Ling: "It's time to leave, I beg you for everything!"

Ji Ling didn't speak, and turned to take the lead and walked towards the hangar. However, Chen Feng saw his firm eyes through the black robe that Ji Ling wore. Ji Ling was also willing to go out. If he didn't succeed, he would become benevolent tonight!

Ji Ling walked on the main road and attracted the attention of the patrol officers who occasionally encountered, while Chen Feng and You Jia sneaked in the shadows, progressing fairly smoothly without accidents.

Since Ji Ling chose to be late, there were no people in the hangar. Most of the maintenance crew had already left. Only a few people in twos and threes were left to gather together to discuss how to crack the Genesis Organization’s mecha parts. Difficult problem.

Ji Ling put his hand behind his back and waved to Chen Feng, then first entered the hangar and said to the people who were still discussing: "I'm still working here so late, don't you go back to rest? The mecha parts I bought have not So soon, you don’t need to stay in the hangar and wait."

Seeing that Ji Ling actually came to the hangar to condolences himself, these maintenance team members got up excitedly and repeatedly said that they were not tired. They had the lowest status in the creation organization. No one had ever cared about their life and death before. Ji Ling was The first person to show concern for them.

Although Ji Ling's purpose is to draw people away and take Chen Feng and You Jia away, he also sincerely wants to let the people left in the hangar leave. Once he flees in the modified plane, all will stop him. People on the road will become enemies of life and death. For these people who are only responsible for repairing mechas, there are no heinous crimes on them. Ji Ling has no intention of killing, thinking about breaking them away.

Interrupting their thanks impatiently, Ji Ling continued to urge them to leave: "I just wander around in my idle time. You can go back quickly, and you will be busy when the mecha parts arrive."

Under Ji Ling’s repeated urging, all the maintenance crew finally left the hangar. Chen Feng and You Jia hid behind a pillar outside the gate and waited until they were sure that there were no outsiders in the hangar. Walked in.

Ji Ling was already waiting for them in front of his modified machine. The elevator dropped to the ground and only waited for the three to board. He waved vigorously at the two who came in: "Come here! Once we start to move, we have no turning back." , Must leave here as soon as possible!"

Chen Feng is very aware of the seriousness of the matter. How far they can escape in a safe environment depends on how much time they can buy now. He leaned over and put You Jia on his back and rushed to the elevator platform at his fastest speed.

When Chen Feng stepped onto the elevator platform, Ji Ling pressed the up button, and now I don't know when outsiders will enter the hangar. They must pay close attention to every minute.

Fortunately, after the maintenance crew was sent away, no one else came to the hangar. Chen Feng and the three were able to safely enter the cockpit of the Ji Ling modified machine. Chen Feng put You Jia down and helped her to wear and fix it. After that, he quickly fixed himself to You Jia.

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