Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1168: play off

Had it not been for the synchronization rate of Pan Yuguo to break through 95 at the same time and once again attracted the attention of the world, it is estimated that Chen Feng and the others would be even more famous.

Xu Xin was very disapproving of this. In his opinion, Chen Feng was lucky. From the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to admit that Chen Feng was better than himself: "Huh! It's just a few people who besiege each other and win by chance. What's so good about it? You can be successful if you change to a few of us!"

Xu Xin cursed and left, Chen Feng turned a blind eye to things outside the window and focused on sleeping. This rescue operation was very thrilling. After returning to the base, he was already exhausted, especially in the infirmary to check his body and take care of him. Jia and Ji Ling were even more tired after coming back, and soon fell asleep, leaving behind the matter of Murong Xuan sending Xu Xin over to find him.

On the other side, Hongbin came near the base of the Creation Organization. From a distance, he saw several waves of mechas facing each other. On the contrary, no one was in charge of the underground base, and some people crawled out of the base to escape.

It seems that after realizing that the creation organization could not resist their attacks, the various forces in old Myanmar had internal differences. Each force wanted to occupy this vain base, and gaining it can consolidate its control in this area. Right, so no one wants to let go.

Those mechas are on guard against each other. Since the strengths of all parties are similar, no one dares to take the lead, for fear that they will become the target of public targets. Once they are besieged, they will lose the right to fight for the base.

The confrontation of those mechas allowed Hong Hung Bin to break through better separately. Although his "Candle Light Youying" combat effectiveness is extremely strong, he has lost a lot of energy in the battle to protect Chen Feng just now. Now he can make as little trouble as possible. some.

The "Candle Light Youying" piloted by Hongshui Bin was in an eagle-shaped form, and the mecha couldn't find him under the far high-altitude flight. Seeing that they didn't do anything at all, Hongbin decided to add fire to them.

Opened the eagle beak and aimed the beam cannon at the least number of mechas. Hung Hung Bin pulled the trigger without hesitation, and cut off the output immediately after the beam rushed out for two seconds, spreading his wings and raising the distance, not letting down. The mecha sees his own opportunity again.

In the dark night, a dazzling beam suddenly appeared from the sky, which made the mechas around the base of the creation organization more nervous, especially the beam was directed at the side with fewer people, which makes it hard not to doubt Become the target of attacks by other forces.

In particular, this beam of light seems very difficult to deal with. The three mechas of this force opened their shields together to barely resist the power of the attack. Even so, they were pushed back ten meters by the beam. Looks really embarrassed.

This is the result of Hong Bin deliberately controlling the power of the beam cannon. In order to trigger their mutual suspicion, he also took great pains to control the energy output just right, so that the other party can suffer a certain amount of damage without being fatal. It is most suitable for conflict. .

Sure enough, the pilots of the force that were attacked were filled with outrage. We haven't argued about the ownership of the base yet. You actually launched the attack directly. It's just bullying!

The pilots took advantage first and suffered later. These pilots didn't wait to see the direction of the beam attack. They took out the beam rifle and fired at the mecha next to them. They could no longer let the subsequent attacks hit themselves.

Although the pilots of other forces could not figure out why someone would launch an attack, the mechas in front of them had already attacked. It was impossible for them not to counterattack, and they all took out their weapons to launch a counterattack, and suddenly a group of mecha battles In a group, ping-pong-pong is so lively.

The strengths of these pilots are all the same, and the mechas they drive are not formally developed. They are all made by the research institutes of Lao Burmese. There are many small problems, and they often appear in wars. The problem is not which mech’s weapon is malfunctioning, or which mech’s arms and legs suddenly fail. In short, the battle is extremely chaotic.

Watching their various weird battles, Hong Bin hid above the clouds and laughed. Knowing that the quality of these mechas was so low, he didn't need to hide in particular, and used beam cannons to cause them to fight.

But if you can save some energy, you can save more energy. Who can guarantee that there will be no accidents in a foreign country. Hongbin is still lurking in the air, waiting for the mecha below to fight more intensely, and it is best to have relatively large casualties.

Although it is a bit strange why no new attacks have appeared after the beam attack, but now the mechas of all forces have been fighting together, who has time to consider other things, it is too late to defeat the enemy in front of him. .

The mecha conditions continued, and finally the mechas began to receive a fatal blow. It was still a force with a small number of mechas. After their mechas were attacked by the flood bin, their shields had been damaged a lot, and then they were unable to resist. The other mechas swarming attacked them, and all the defensive weapons of one mecha were destroyed, and it was too late to be pierced by a sword in the chest.

The parts of the mecha's body were destroyed by the beam saber, and there were problems with the energy system and the command transmission system. Its pilots could no longer control the actions of the mecha, and watched the attacks of other mechas hit his head. Shattered, the cockpit was split in half without any suspense.

Bright red blood dripped from the mecha, but no one paid attention to the tragic situation of his death. Under the sorrow of the rabbit and fox, his companions turned their heads and wanted to run, but the other pilots wanted to chase them and kept them from leaving. Armor A chased them and bombarded them wildly, destroying all the mechas of this force in less than a minute.

After annihilating this force, there are only three old Burmese forces left, and they look at each other again, looking for a new round of attacks.

And Hong Bin in the sky is tired of seeing it. After looking at it for so long, he is sure that these mechas have no hidden strength, he alone is enough to solve them all, and they consume a lot of money after a fierce battle, and their combat effectiveness has dropped again. Minute.

At this time, it’s more time to wait if you don’t take action, not to mention how long it will take to wait for them to fight again. Even if they fight to join in and win, it is meaningless to win. Now is the best time, even the enemy in this state. If you can't win, how can you challenge a stronger enemy? Hung Hsung Bin no longer hid, his wings flew out of the clouds, and the old Burmese mechas of various forces rushed straight down.

The appearance of "Candle Light Youying" attracted the attention of all mechas, and they realized that there was only one mecha that caused their confusion.

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