Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1226: New building ideas

In addition, the Yongqi Research Institute staff led by Montalelli modified the energy system for the Chen Feng modified machine, and even the floating guns have been greatly improved.

Originally, when Chen Feng came back, all his modified machines should have been repaired. However, because You Jia gained new insights in Bula, she specially sent back a message asking Teacher He not to repair all the key parts. Waiting for her to come back to make plans, which caused the restoration work to be postponed.

For Chen Feng’s return, Mr. He expressed his great welcome. How can repairing a mecha without the participation of pilots? Without Chen Feng’s assistance in the test, Mr. He is always a little unstable and the repair work is not simple. Restore the original appearance, and the various procedures in it are likely to cause different effects. Chen Feng must come back and test it again to be at ease.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the research building, he was caught by Mr. He in the testing room. All the lines of the modified machine were connected here, and he only waited for the pilot Chen Feng to come over and start the system to verify that all the previous repair works were intact.

Chen Feng put on the nerve connection helmet and controlled the modified machine through the simulation program in the test room to conduct various tests. All the data of the modified machine is transmitted to the system of the test room through the connection line, and the simulation program can be carried out authentically. Various tests have avoided the need to drive the mecha for a large range of toss.

Except for a few parts on the modified fuselage that have not been repaired, there are no problems in other places. Chen Feng is very satisfied with the test results.

What made Chen Feng even more pleased was that he specially tested the use of floating cannons and found that the floating cannons after upgrading the energy system can emit more powerful beams. Although the more powerful beams consume more energy, the floating cannons actually It's amazing to be able to fly twice as long, or be able to launch half as many attacks as before.

Chen Feng loves to use every floating cannon, and the test results of each floating cannon are the same. While greatly improving the ability of the floating cannon, it also has a very high yield rate, and none of the floating cannons have defects. .

After walking out of the testing room, Chen Fenggang wanted to find Montarelli. Montarelli took the initiative and said with a proud face: "How about? The floating gun I modified for you is great, right? Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied! Very satisfied! Very satisfied!" Chen Feng has no opinion at all, and only nodded constantly. He likes the current floating cannon too much. On the battlefield, it can solve the problem of frequently retracting the floating cannon for charging. .

"Hahaha, we have used all the best technology on your modified machine." Montalelli was very satisfied with Chen Feng's reaction. She raised her finger at the modified machine connected to the test room and said: "It's not just a floating gun. , We have even modified the energy of your modified machine. In the future, your modified machine can fight for a longer period of time than other mechas and have more explosive power!"

"Is that awesome?!" Chen Feng did have a faint feeling when he tested it just now, as if the instant power and speed of his mecha had been strengthened. It turned out that it was caused by the technology of Yongqi Research Institute.

Teacher He looked at Montalelli respectfully. This female scholar who devoted himself to scientific research brought him a lot of surprises: "This time you repaired your modified machine thanks to the help of Yongqi Research Institute. Thanks to our a lot of support, your modified machine has been upgraded again. I guess that all the modified machines in China now can’t compare to yours.”

The good news is that Chen Feng never thought that his modified machine could receive such a high evaluation, making him even more grateful to the people in front of him who repaired the modified machine: "All of these have to thank everyone. Without you, there would be no Thanks for the progress of this modified machine!"

Teacher He and Montalelli helped Chen Feng from the left to the right. They all liked Chen Feng, so they did their best to help him strengthen the modified machine. If they were replaced by another person, there would be no such effect.

At this time, You Jia stepped up and interrupted everyone's beaming: "But these improvements alone are not enough. Chen Feng's modified machine has defects. We have to overcome these defects."

Chen Feng didn't expect You Jia to question it, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold You Jia, and whispered, "You Jia, this is all seniors, don't talk nonsense."

Teacher He said that he doesn't care. What you need in the field of scientific research is to speak out. Only the collision of various ideas can further improve the research and development: "It's okay, You Jia, continue to say, do you have any other ideas?"

You Jia pushed Chen Feng to let him retreat first, and then confidently said to Teacher He and Montalelli: "This time I went to Luoluo to gain a lot. The most important thing is that I found that in the past when we were developing, I pay too much attention to the accumulation of various technologies and put all the good and related technologies together in one brain. Is this really good? I think sometimes it is not necessary."

"You mean that we pay too much attention to the accumulation technology, but it affects the performance?" Teacher He touched his chin thoughtfully. Indeed, they used multiple advanced technologies to polish a mecha several times. Components, the results were not satisfactory. Later, it took more time to adjust the integration of various technologies, and it took a lot of manpower, material and financial resources.

Montalelli was the first to hear of You Jia’s theory. The Yongqi Institute she led has always put all the technology into it, and never thought of reducing it: "I haven’t thought about reducing The investment in technology!"

"We can give it a try. The ancients can build amazing miracles with such simple tools. There is no reason why we can't do it now. Let's change our mindset and then think about how to match the various technologies to be the most reasonable." You Jia talked about it among the experts in the two-man mecha field, and obviously came prepared.

Chen Feng stood by and watched silently. This is the area You Jia is good at. He doesn't need to intervene in the past. As long as You Jia can handle it properly, he is very happy to see his wife can convince others.

Several people discussed enthusiastically. You Jia had already thought about some of the transformation directions of Chen Feng's modified machine when he was traveling in Luoyang. After speaking, he got the unanimous agreement of Teacher He and Montalelli. In the end, Chen Feng was left behind and went directly to the research room to operate on the computer, completely ignoring Chen Feng.

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