Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1280: Guan Yuzhen's mind

"Yes, when we were attacked by the Anonymous, we didn't have any fighting power left. Forcibly staying is meaningless. It's better to go back to the school and regroup." Chen Feng and Hongshuibin have no objection, and now they even rush to the Southeast Military Region. Over there, they can only go to fight with ordinary standard mechas, which have very limited impact on the war. It is better to go back and prepare everything and play a greater role.

Now that both Chen Feng and Hongshuibin agreed, they promised to leave: "Then it's settled. Commander Guan will protect you until you leave. I have a task to leave first."

Chen Feng has not forgotten that their mission is to support the Southeast Military Region, saying that when he has handled it properly, he will start operations again: "Master, please go slowly, we will rush over as soon as possible."

"Well, Laoguan, I'm leaving." Xu promise waved his hand to Chen Feng, then greeted Guan Yuzhen, turned around and left the infirmary. The Saint Gama Empire threatened the coastal defense line very much. He didn't have much time. You can wander elsewhere.

Guan Yuzhen walked to the medical staff who took care of Chen Fengqi and asked about the results of the examination: "Is there anything wrong with the examination?"

"Report to Commander Guan! Just now the seven of our team had a full-body examination, and the conclusion was that their bodies received a certain impact, causing some collision injuries to the head and body, but these injuries are not serious, and they have cultivated for ten days. Half a month will be fine." The medical staff saluted Guan Yuzhen and handed him the inspection report, so that he could understand more intuitively.

Guan Yuzhen took the inspection report and read it carefully. The description above is exactly the same as what the medical staff said. Chen Fengqi's body was not seriously injured, and the five people who fell into a coma were only caused by the violent impact. He lost consciousness for a short time, and it didn't take long to wake up.

It seems that the Chen Fengqi can be sent back inland within today. Guan Yuzhen immediately arranged and said to the officer who was following him: "Arrange for a transport plane and send them to Langya Mecha Academy."

Where to send Chen Feng and the others inland, Xu promised to discuss with Guan Yuzhen on the way there, and finally decided to choose Langya Mecha Academy. This is where Chen Feng and the others learn mecha knowledge and skills. They are familiar with life and easy to arrange. , And the technical strength of the mecha research and development is strong, which can help repair and rebuild the mecha.

"Yes! Commander Guan, do you have any more orders?" The officer kept the order in mind, waiting for Guan Yuzhen's next order.

Having arranged the people and the wreckage of the mecha, Guan Yuzhen continued to say to the officer: "After receiving the wreckage of the mecha, he will also be sent to Langya Mecha Academy. During this time, no unrelated people will be allowed to contact, understand?"

"Understand, these mecha wrecks are very important, and we will ensure its safety!" The officer understood that these mechas are treasures of the Ancient Shenlan Republic and must be transported with the highest level of confidentiality measures.

Guan Yuzhen waved his hand to the officer to make arrangements, while he stayed in the infirmary and waited for Ye Qi and others to wake up: "Go."

After all, after raising Ye Qi for so many years, Guan Yuzhen forged a very deep relationship with him and designated him as his future successor. So even if Ye Qi was unharmed in the inspection report, he still wanted to see Ye Qi with his own eyes. Only when you wake up can you feel at ease.

After the officer left, he immediately implemented Guan Yuzhen's orders 100%. The people in the base moved quickly. The transport plane was quickly ready and parked on the tarmac waiting for passengers to arrive.

The doctor performed simple cleaning and bandaging on Ye Qi and others. All they suffered were traumatic and no additional surgery was required. They gave them another shot of tetanus and let them rest. When will they wake up? There is no set time.

Seeing Guan Yuzhen always standing in the infirmary, Chen Feng got up and moved a chair behind him: "Commander Guan, please take a rest. Just rush over to us. You should be tired."

"Okay!" Guan Yuzhen thanked Chen Feng for his kindness. He sat in a chair and continued to wait. Even if he was resting, his body was still straight, which made Chen Feng admire more and more in his heart. Only such a man of iron and blood is the support. The Qur'an Republic stands on the spine on top of the world.

Guan Yuzhen didn't wait too long. The five Ye Qi people who were in a coma woke up one after another. The first one of them was Ye Qi. When he opened his eyes and saw Guan Yuzhen sitting next to him, he suddenly sat up: "Commander Guan, why are you here?!"

Ye Qi was the first to be defeated by Anonymous, so he didn't know what happened afterwards. Now that he found himself alive and Guan Yuzhen was still beside him, there were a bunch of questions in his mind that he wanted someone to answer.

"Senior Ye Qi, after the Anonymous defeated all of us, Commander Guan and my master rushed to rescue us, and now we are receiving treatment in a nearby base." Chen Feng, lying not far away, immediately began to explain. Help Ye Qi understand the current situation they are facing.

Ye Qi quickly understood what was going on, and bowed his head to express his gratitude to Guan Yuzhen: "It turns out that it is, thank you Commander Guan, you have to come and rescue us personally because of your busy schedule."

"It was my mistake to let the Anonymous sneak in and launch a sneak attack. I have to come over." Guan Yuzhen didn't feel that he should be grateful, because the Anonymous could reenter the territory of the Qur'an God Republic to carry out an ambush, which in itself was the dereliction of defense of the Southwest Military Region. He has an obligation to make up for this fault.

Ye Qi knew that this shouldn’t be blamed on Guan Yuzhen. I would like to ask all the mecha units stationed on the border, who can intercept the Anonymous who wants to break in: "What an Anonymous pilot wants to do is impossible to prevent. , It’s not your fault. It’s not easy for us to survive."

"Yes, Commander Guan, our Nangong family will remember your kindness in our hearts. Without your help, we might not see the sun tomorrow." On the other side, Nangong Mengdie also woke up, she was very sincere. Thanks to Guan Yuzhen, if she and her sister died here, it would be very fatal to the Nangong family. Without this pair of genius sisters, the Nangong family, who had just improved somewhat, would fall into the bottom again.

The gratitude of Nangong Mengdie made Guan Yuzhen's heart moved. The idea of ​​using the power of the Nangong family to pull out the Murong family in the Southwest Military Region became more and more intense. Not as good as before, but still able to provide some help, letting them help contain Murong Nanbo's ambitions will have some effect.

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