Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1322: Time is running out

Controlling "Candle Light Youying" to increase the output to stabilize the fuselage, Hong Bin began to drive away the sharks around him. He also used his body to hit the sharks approaching, knocking them to the side and flew back, watching in horror at this sudden change A terrible alien species.

Feeling that they couldn't compete with this alien species, several sharks called for their companions, and wanted to gather a huge number to submerge the "Candle Light Youying". This is their sea area, and other enemies are not allowed to invade!

Hong Hung Bin has no novelty about sharks anymore. He shook his body and knocked all the sharks back. However, he carefully controlled his strength and did not cause too much damage to these sharks. He just knocked them out with appropriate force. This sea area is only.

Being repeatedly knocked back by Flood Bin made these sharks feel frustrated. For the first time in so many years, they have encountered an unmatched second-generation opponent. The power of all their races is helpless, which is simply speechless.

After being knocked away by Hongbin successively, and then pushed to a place far away from the original sea area, the shark group originally wanted to break back, but each time they were intercepted and knocked out by Hongbin, they never succeeded.

Once, twice, three times...the sharks’ constant impact was all ineffective. Gradually, they discovered the mystery: it seems that this powerful alien species is only interested in the place where they originally lived, and has no intention of killing them. , The two sides only suffered minor injuries after colliding for so long, but a shark did not die.

After realizing this, the group of sharks slowly stopped swimming back. Since they are not rivals of the alien species, they have no intention of killing them. It is better for them to stay in the new waters to live, and the two sides are in peace. Wouldn't things be better.

With such thoughts, the sharks gradually stabilized, staying in the sea where the flood bin hit them, and started to forage and play again, ignoring the nearby "Candle Light Youying".

This is the law of survival in the ocean: the weak and the strong eat the strong, as long as your strength is far better than the opponent, you can do whatever you want, including driving the opponent out of the original nest and taking it for yourself.

Having obtained the sea area to hide the mecha, Hung Hsung Bin did not turn "Candle Light Youying" back into a human form, but called his teammates through the communication channel: "I drove the sharks away, you can come down!"

"Nice work!" Chen Feng watched the whole process of Hongshuibin driving away the sharks, and praised Hongshuibin's excellent performance.

Pan Yuguo and Ye Qi dived into the water together. Ye Qi carefully inspected the distance between the sea and the island and the safety of the sea, and finally determined that it is indeed suitable for mecha hiding, and it only takes three minutes to go forward at full speed to reach the island, which is very convenient to expand. attack.

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin continued to talk about the sharks who were unwilling to swim back and drove them away. Chen Feng also tried to see who did better with Hongshuibin. There is no doubt that the winner is Hongshuibin, Chen Feng’s modified machine. Poor performance in the water, both strength and speed are greatly reduced, the shark can easily ask him.

However, fortunately, Hongbin was guarding nearby, and all the fish that slipped through the net were dealt with, and the calm of the sea where he was hiding was maintained.

After confirming the safety and practicability of the sea area, Ye Qi expressed his satisfaction: "The place you are looking for in Yu Country is wonderful. As long as we hide quietly, the Saint Gama Empire will not think of us here, the most important thing is. The first step is stable!"

"You'd better confirm the time when your mecha can reach the island. Except for Shui Bin, we can't use our full strength in the deep sea. It may bring some bad effects." Pan Yuguo asked everyone to do more tests. He wants to make sure that everything is foolproof now, and then it is too late to do what he wants to do that day.

Leaving Hong Bin to continue to frighten the sharks not far away, Chen Feng, Ye Qi, and Pan Yuguo drove their mechas towards the island with all their strength. Among them, Pan Yuguo’s "fanatics" had even higher output and reached the island in only five minutes. By the shore, Chen Feng and Ye Qi spent nearly seven minutes.

"If you count Mengdie and the others, it is estimated that it will take us eight to nine minutes to land on the island, and there will only be twenty minutes left to break through the line of defense. This time is still a bit tight." Chen Feng estimated the time, although he was ambushing It can save a lot of time close to the island, but it seems not enough for combat.

Ye Qi reminded Chen Feng that there is no need to wait until all the staff arrive on the island to calculate the time: “You don’t need to calculate the time of our arrival. Don’t count us. Shui Bin can definitely reach the island within two minutes. After he appears, he can guard the island. The mecha of the Plasma Gravity Compression Gun launched an attack, and then we were the second wave, and Mengdie and the others were the last wave. The actual battle time will be longer."

"Then Shuibin will be under great pressure. He has to face the firepower of all garrison mechas when he goes to the island alone. Even a special plane is too dangerous?" Chen Feng was worried about the safety of Shuibin. There is no character who can ignore the number of enemy planes.

Chen Feng’s worries are quite reasonable. When he thinks of facing so many enemies at the same time, Hongshui Bin himself is not too sure and cannot give a definite answer: "I haven’t tried this. The machine is choking, right? After I go back, I will go to the simulation machine room and try a few more times, hoping to succeed."

Ye Qi said that of course he would not let Hong Bin take all the pressure alone, and others have to do their best: "Well, you don't need to last too long. The rest of us will speed up and provide you with help as soon as possible. "

In terms of task allocation, Pan Yuguo reminded everyone to prevent emergencies: "The known defense force of the Saint Gama Empire is about forty-five mechas, but I don’t know if they have hidden them. We’d better prepare for this in advance.”

Both Chen Feng and Ye Qi felt a deep sense of powerlessness. They are already devastated just by dealing with known enemies, and there is basically no way to spare. If there are any accidents, they can only be resigned: "This is nothing There is a way to make more preparations, try to do the battle to land on the island first, and then see you later.

"Well, I just remind you, you have to be careful." Pan Yuguo didn't say any more. He also knew that Chen Feng and others had done their best to destroy the plasma gravity compression gun. With limited manpower and time, , They want to do everything is impossible, they can't force more.

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