Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1324: War is coming

If there are 20 or 30 mechas, he may be able to persist with his efforts, but forty-five mechas are too much, and the change in quantity causes qualitative changes. Unless the three war gods, no one else can ignore this huge gap in quantity. .

Pan Yuguo did his part to propose that he would be responsible for liaising with the Ju Timor Federation. In order to make the operation go smoothly, he is willing to negotiate with the proud Ju Timor Federation: "I will communicate with the Zhu Timor Federation again. , And strive to confirm the details of the cooperation, so that the action is in a controllable range, so that you can be more confident.

"Then I will work hard for you. The fighting power of the Zhu Timor Federation will be very important. Whether they have a great influence on the operation, I hope the negotiation can be successful." Ye Qi can't help Pan Yuguo much, as shown by the Zhu Timwen Federation. Attitude, it is better to let Pan Yuguo take charge of the negotiations, and only his identity can suppress the other party's arrogance a little, and no one else can do it.

Seeing everyone frowning, Zheng Zhirong decided to say something happily: "Time is tight, there are many enemies, and we have to land from the sea. I feel that if we succeed this time, it will be an action that will be recorded in history. Ah~"

"Haha, then we will work hard to make it successful, and strive for everyone to stay in history." Chen Feng laughed and echoed Zheng Zhirong's words.

The Saint Gama Empire possesses such a big killer as the plasma gravity compression gun, which occupies an absolute advantage on the battlefield. The Ancient Godlan Republic and the Zhu Timwen Federation sent a small number of elite soldiers to carry out raids on it, and strive for the opportunity to reverse overnight. This will definitely leave a fortune in history, depending on whether Chen Feng and the others will be respected or laughed at.

These words made Hung Hung Bin more motivated. He didn’t want people in the future to mention him that this pilot with a special machine was just a foreigner and a middle-man. I’m sorry that the Ancient Godlan Republic was looking forward to his cultivation, so he immediately jumped from his seat. Get up: "Then what, you continue to talk, I will go to the simulation room to test, if there is any new resolution Chen Feng, you can tell me."

"Well, go, come on!" Chen Feng waved to send Hongshuibin away. Hongshuibin was the most critical part of their actions. Whether they could land successfully depends on whether Hongshuibin could gain a foothold in front, so he We strongly support Hongbin to do more tests and strive to gain greater assurance.

Hongbin went to do the test, and no one else was idle. During the time of preparation for the action, everyone began to simulate underwater actions, trying to shorten the time to land on the island so that the next action could be facilitated.

The busiest among them is Pan Yuguo. He not only has to train with everyone, but also communicates with the people of the Zhu Timwen Federation, telling them that there is an action here, and hope they can cooperate.

Because the ambush operation cannot be publicized, otherwise it is easy to leak the news, so Pan Yuguo did not tell the Ju Timor Federation that there were too many people, which also led to insufficient persuasiveness, and the Ju Timor Federation was unwilling to participate in confusion.

Even Pan Yuguo’s reputation was unable to impress the other party. In the end, Commander Pan came forward to ensure that the operation was carefully designed and that the ancient Shenlan Republic would take a logarithmic risk. The Zhu Timwen Federation reluctantly agreed. They are willing to arrange a mecha team to come to assist, but theirs still insists on a bottom line, that is, they will not obey Pan Yuguo's command, they need to adapt to their own circumstances.

On this, no one can change the mind of the Ju Timor Federation. Considering that more combat power can make the operation smoother, and the people who implement the plan will be safer, Commander Poon decided to agree after several thoughts. In the end, the Zhu Timor Federation was given full autonomy, only requiring them to obey the arrangement in the initial stage of the operation, and to complete the necessary preconditions before talking about other things.

There have been many discussions within the Zhu Timor Federation. Since they are not clear about what the Ancient Godland Republic wants to do, they are divided into two factions. One faction is firmly opposed to obeying any command. Their mecha teams must remain completely independent; The other faction feels that it can cooperate with some necessary commands and act bye bye in the most critical actions.

The two factions argued for several days. After a sudden attack by the Saint Gama Empire, they finally reached an agreement. If they don’t quickly change the situation, they will not be able to protect themselves. They will also mention what command is not commanded. The faction willing to cooperate has the upper hand and has limited willingness Part of the command.

This is enough for Pan Yuguo. As long as he can control the mecha of the Zhu Timwen Federation and safely reach the ambush area, when there is a chance to destroy the plasma gravity compression gun later, these people will certainly not let it go, and will provide it on offense. Not a small help.

The simulation training of everyone is progressing smoothly. Before, almost everyone has no experience in underwater combat, and no one in the world has nothing to do with the mechs in the water to fight. This time, it is considered to be a serious supplement. , It’s the easiest to improve from scratch. Almost everyone can reduce the time spent by nearly one tenth, and almost one minute can be saved here.

Chen Feng is the one who has improved the most among all people. Don’t forget that all the floating guns equipped with his modified aircraft can be used as propellers. Adjusting the angle and opening at the back can provide strong propulsion, which is very suitable for those with huge underwater resistance. surroundings.

It saves nearly two minutes compared to the time spent in the field test. Chen Feng is very satisfied with his simulation training. If he can reach this level, he can basically land on the island together with Pan Yuguo to provide assistance to his best friend.

Ye Qi's modified machine is powerful but relatively heavy, and Zheng Zhirong's modified machine is equipped with too many weapons to increase the weight. The increase of the two of them is the smallest of all, only about half a minute.

But the overall progress has been very good. Ye Qi is very satisfied with everyone's performance. Thirty minutes is precious. It is precisely when you need to race against time, saving any second is important.

When Chen Feng and the others were conducting targeted training, the battlefield situation changed drastically. After the Saint Gama Empire suppressed the Ju Timor Federation, it began to attract the attention of the Ancient God Lan Republic and put it on hand. The troops of Chen Feng gradually turned towards the battle against the Ancient Godlan Republic, which is why Chen Feng and the others encountered so many patrol mechas.

After receiving an early warning from the news brought back by Chen Feng, Commander Pan properly responded to the changing focus of the Saint Gama Empire, extinguished several attacks by the enemy, and firmly guarded the last coastline defense line of the Southeast Military Region.

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