Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1337: Successful destruction

Raising the beam sword to stab the inner wall of the barrel, Chen Feng felt a soft feeling in his hand, which was quite a bit of a thousand catties. If the beam hits it, it is likely to be offset, which will cause a great drop in power.

However, Chen Feng used a beam sword in his hand, which was controlled by his wrist to prevent it from being deflected. He smoothly broke the inner wall and stabbed it in, drawing a long gap on it, destroying the integrity of the inner wall.

The smooth inner wall that was pierced, the streamer liquid contained in it flowed out uncontrollably, rushing to the depths of the barrel.

Chen Feng also felt that the liquid was not flowing fast enough, so he pierced all the two beam swords in his hand, activated the thruster to fly deep into the barrel, and expanded the scope of damage again, almost torn apart by two-thirds. The inner wall.

The inner wall was destroyed like this, and Chen Feng thought to himself that it would be impossible for the plasma gravity compression gun to fire again. Without the help of these streamer liquids, it would have destroyed itself first.

After damaging the inner wall of the barrel, Chen Feng did not stop, and retracted the beam saber to his waist and took out the beam rifle again. This time he aimed at the center of the barrel, where the black beam was shot.

"You can't have the same defense as the gun body here. It ruined your core, I see how you can go!" Chen Feng shouted and pressed the trigger continuously. If you want to destroy it, you must destroy it completely. Completely destroy the plasma gravity compression gun!

A rumbling explosion sounded from the inside of the plasma gravity compression gun. Chen Feng’s attack was very effective. The attack device of the plasma gravity compression gun did not have any defensive capabilities. It was instantly destroyed under the continuous beam attack and burst inside. Come.

The damage spread from the inside to the outside, and the power of the explosion extended upwards along the barrel. Chen Feng quickly pulled up the modified aircraft and flew out of the barrel, watching the end of the giant gun with cold eyes.

Thousands of miles collapsed in the ant's nest, and the plasma gravity compression gun is no exception. As long as a small internal problem can cause it to collapse, let alone Chen Feng's swift attack.

After a series of explosions, the giant cannon on which the Saint Gama Empire relied did not seem to have changed on the outside, but the inside has become a mass of paste, and has fallen silent since then. I am afraid that it will not be possible for a long time. Used again.

The operation was a complete success, and even the body of the plasma gravity compression gun was destroyed on the basis of the originally intended to destroy the charged convoy or pipeline, which far exceeded Chen Feng and their expectations, and the results were not unsatisfactory.

The target has been destroyed, so the next thing to do is to retreat. Ye Qi blocked the enemy's retaliatory attack for Nangong Mengdie and reminded the companions in front to leave quickly: "Don't fall in love with the battle, the action has been successful, we will retreat immediately. "

Not to mention that the defense mecha on the island still has the power of a battle, and the outer mecha is also about to reach the island, and if it is dragged down, it is likely to face the situation of being attacked by inside and outside. This is very bad.

"Chen Feng, come back soon, I will cover you!" Hongshui Bin continued to clean the nearby mechas for Chen Feng. He wanted to create a good evacuation environment for his friends.

Chen Feng glanced at the plasma gravity compression gun destroyed by himself for the last time. This was an extremely rare victory. He wanted to keep the way it was destroyed in his mind, and he would not vain the difficulties and obstacles that he had withstood.

Turning on the propellers and floating guns again, Chen Feng's modified aircraft flew to his companions at extremely fast speeds, and reminded everyone that the energy of the floating guns he lifted into the air was insufficient: "The energy of my floating guns is almost exhausted, and I can no longer maintain the previous ones. It’s not good to be surrounded!"

Pan Yuguo slashed the enemy plane in front of him, and stepped forward to meet Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin: "You two should withdraw first, let's go together!"

The three men joined forces and were extremely powerful. The two special planes were enough to deter all the surrounding mechas. The garrison mecha hesitated to step forward and gave Chen Feng the opportunity to evacuate. After a wave of pretended attacks to scare away the enemy, they leapt back to their companions. By your side.

Nangong Huadie stayed alone around the defense mecha. Her modified machine has a stealth function, so I am not too worried about being discovered: "You go first, I stay here to create opportunities for you, and I will leave as soon as the time is right. of."

"Then, sister Huadie, be careful, we are meeting on the coast." Chen Feng is not a mother-in-law, he also believes that Nangong Huadie can retreat safely, and immediately launch the retreat after an order, and will want to catch up. The garrison mech is far behind.

As the garrison mecha was anxious to pursue it, Nangong Phantom was given more phone calls. She got close behind these mechas in stealth, and the double swords continuously attacked their deadly parts, adding two more dead souls.

Being harassed by Nangong Phantom Butterfly, the defensive mech's pursuit operation failed. Angrily, they turned their heads and wanted to find the Nangong Phantom Butterfly who was always obstructing them to express their evil anger, but Nangong Phantom Butterfly realized that it was not good earlier. Withdrawing in one step, they turned around for a long time without gaining anything.

Different from hiding and hiding when they came, Chen Feng and their retreat seemed very simple and rude. The seven mechas lined up and flew in the direction where the mecha units of the Southeast Military Region were located. Whenever they encountered obstacles on the road, they attacked together. When it was shot down, there were mechas pursuing them behind them, and they couldn't delay a minute and a second.

The driver of the special plane "Boxing King" was already going crazy. He was arranged on the island of the plasma gravity compression gun to guard the safety of the giant gun. As a result, the target he was guarding was destroyed and the enemy was still swaggering. He withdrew, where did this put his face? After returning home, how to face his father, how to face the task to his commander in chief.

In order to win the culprit and preserve his face, the special plane "Boxing King" rushed to the forefront of the chasing mecha all the way. He said he would not give up anything, and he would not give up unless he achieved his goal!

"This guy is really fast chasing." Hong Hung Bin looked back and saw that this special machine was chasing them like crazy. He couldn't help but roll his eyes. The plasma gravity compression gun was destroyed, why bother So desperately?

Chen Feng immediately wanted to understand the other party’s thoughts. If he were to be his own, it would be difficult to calm down when encountering this kind of thing: "Maybe I feel ashamed that I failed the first time I played, and I desperately want to get back. Right."

"Are you still a special plane driver? There is a kind of fight with me. Let's face off to see who is better!" The special plane "Boxing King" struggled to get closer, but it was not too small to be able to launch an attack. The gap, anxious, he repeatedly invited to fight.

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