Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1460: wake

Chen Feng’s face was full of annoyance. If it weren’t for her strength to be far inferior to the Anonymous, and all the methods were ineffective and she fell to the end of death, how could this weird girl explode her mecha, strictly speaking she owed it There are too many people.

The closer to Nangong Magic Butterfly's bed, the slower Chen Feng's speed became. While suffering from deep inward torture, while eager to help Nangong Magic Butterfly wake up, Chen Feng finally stood by the bed.

Nangong Mengdie didn't urge Chen Feng to do anything. She understood what kind of mental journey Chen Feng had gone through. She might not have made it better if she changed it. It was a pity that the two of them had no chance.

Leaning down gently, Chen Feng called out affectionately in Nangong Huadie’s ear: "Sister Huadie, I’m back safely, and you should wake up quickly. The team hasn’t started any action for so long. Let’s go on the mission together. That's it."

It seems that after hearing Chen Feng's voice, Nangong Huadie's hand shook suddenly, and Nangong Mengdie was very excited and said in a low voice, "It works! It is more intense than my previous two times, Chen Feng continues to say don't stop!"

"Okay!" Chen Feng would definitely not stop when he saw the effect of what he said. He followed the topic and said, "After taking such a long break, the big guys say it is boring. You have to get up and lead us quickly. "

This time even Nangong Huadie’s arms began to tremble, and it seemed that it was only a step away from her awakening. Chen Feng hit the iron while it was hot, and increased the volume: "Sister Huadie, wake up! We are all here, but you One!"

Nangong Mengdie also helped Chen Feng to call her sister together. Nangong Huadie has been asleep for a long time, and finally showed signs of awakening. She must not miss the opportunity to try to awaken her sister's consciousness in one fell swoop.

The other people next to him also joined in. No one wanted to watch Nangong Magic Butterfly lying on the hospital bed. Their battle had just begun. How could they easily quit?

Amid everyone's attention, Nangong Huadie's reaction became greater and greater, her slender eyelashes flickered a few times, and finally opened her eyes.

"Sister, Brother Chen Feng, I seem to have a very long dream. You have been taking care of me when I dreamt that I can't get up. Then Brother Chen Feng was tricked to cause memory loss. It's terrible..." As soon as Nangong Huandie woke up, she covered her chest with her hands, with a lingering fear.

"Sister, you are not dreaming. These are all real things. You have not woken up since you blew up the mecha. During the period, Chen Feng was conspired to be calculated. My sister slowly told you." Nangong Mengdie hugged heartily. I live with my sister, ready to tell her slowly what happened during this time.

After hugging her sister, Nangong Mengdie found that the place where she started was almost all bones. The treatment these days could not help her maintain her physical functions and became very thin: "Sister, your body is too weak. Let's eat something first. ."

As soon as Nangong Mengdie's voice fell, a doctor rushed in from the door, and when he saw Nangong Mengdie who was sitting, his eyes almost fell: "I really woke up! What a miracle!"

When everyone was paying attention to Nangong Magic Butterfly's awakening, it was Ye Qi who contacted the doctors in the hospital. After all, they are not professionals, and they still need someone to help with Nangong Magic Butterfly's awakening.

The doctor was amazed at Nangong Huadie’s awakening and examined her in detail. During the process, several doctors and nurses came in to help, and they warned Chen Feng that they were not allowed to give it until Nangong Huadie was innocent. She anything.

The doctor was worried that Nangong Phantom Butterfly's sleep for too long would damage the gastric function, and it would be more troublesome to eat and digest rashly. Everyone expressed their understanding and stepped aside and watched them operate nervously.

After some tossing down, Nangong Huandie's spirit became more and more sluggish, but the good news is that the doctor confirmed that there is no problem with her body, but the weakness caused by the lack of exercise for too long can be solved by resting for a while.

"Congratulations, she's all right! Give her some liquid food these days, adjust her stomach function, and then you can eat what you want." The doctor warned Nangong Mengdie about the main points of care and congratulated everyone. A worry.

"I'm going to the cafeteria now." Chen Feng turned around and ran towards the cafeteria. This is a hospital. It is very easy to get liquid food.

Nangong Mengdie continued to sit next to her sister to support her body, and asked her in a low voice whether she should take a break first. Anyway, there is time, and she can tell her things slowly later.

But Nangong Huandie stubbornly shook her head. She desperately wanted to know what happened in the world during her sleep, and more importantly, what happened to Chen Feng, why there was an attack, and why did she lose her memory again?

Nangong Mengdie knows her sister’s feelings for Chen Feng. If she doesn’t tell her clearly, I’m afraid it will be difficult to rest at ease, so I have to ask Hongshuibin to tell Nangong Huadie about the whole thing, and specifically name the culprit. The Murong family received a huge punishment, and Chen Feng expressed his satisfaction.

Nangong Huandie originally had a prejudice against the Murong family because of her engagement with Murongxuan, and now she hates it even more: "These bad guys, all day long thinking about cheating others, one day the Murong family will be completely destroyed."

"Haha, that's for sure, but now you have to eat your stomach first, or else how can you beat the bad guys?" Chen Feng just came in and heard these words, smiled and put the dinner plate on her hand in front of Nangong Huandie and told her Don't rush to get angry and eat the food first.

Nangong Phantom Butterfly devoured the liquid food that Chen Feng had brought. Although the taste was not very good, it was the most effective way to restore the body. In order to be able to fight with everyone as soon as possible, these problems were nothing.

In the next few days, Nangong Phantom Butterfly first recovered various functions of the body with the cooperation of the doctor, and then carried out gradual rehabilitation training. She had been sleeping for too long, and many muscles had atrophy and needed exercise to recover.

Chen Feng and others are naturally with her. Since the meteorite was brought back from the North Pole, things have happened one after another, so that Chen Feng and the others are rarely able to conduct systematic training, and everyone's physical fitness has declined to varying degrees. , This is not ideal for them who want to drive mechs for high-intensity combat, just take this opportunity to exercise.

In addition to the special machine "Candle Light Youying", other people's modified machines are still being restored. Under the powerful destructive power of Anonymous, these modified machines are repaired very slowly, and it will take some time before they can be used by driving.

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